import datetime import logging import pyramid.httpexceptions import sqlalchemy as sa import sqlalchemy.sql.functions as func from calendar import timegm from collections import namedtuple from webhelpers.paginate import Page from xonstat.models import * from xonstat.util import page_url, to_json, pretty_date, datetime_seconds from xonstat.views.helpers import RecentGame, recent_games_q log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def player_index_data(request): if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 try: player_q = DBSession.query(Player).\ filter(Player.player_id > 2).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).\ filter(sa.not_('Anonymous Player%'))).\ order_by(Player.player_id.desc()) players = Page(player_q, current_page, items_per_page=25, url=page_url) except Exception as e: players = None raise e return {'players':players } def player_index(request): """ Provides a list of all the current players. """ return player_index_data(request) def player_index_json(request): """ Provides a list of all the current players. JSON. """ return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def get_games_played(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown by gametype of the games played by player_id. Returns a list of namedtuples with the following members: - game_type_cd - games - wins - losses - win_pct The list itself is ordered by the number of games played """ GamesPlayed = namedtuple('GamesPlayed', ['game_type_cd', 'games', 'wins', 'losses', 'win_pct']) raw_games_played = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'wins', 'losses').\ from_statement( "SELECT game_type_cd, " "SUM(win) wins, " "SUM(loss) losses " "FROM (SELECT g.game_id, " "g.game_type_cd, " "CASE " "WHEN g.winner = THEN 1 " "WHEN pgs.scoreboardpos = 1 THEN 1 " "ELSE 0 " "END win, " "CASE " "WHEN g.winner = THEN 0 " "WHEN pgs.scoreboardpos = 1 THEN 0 " "ELSE 1 " "END loss " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id) win_loss " "GROUP BY game_type_cd " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() games_played = [] overall_games = 0 overall_wins = 0 overall_losses = 0 for row in raw_games_played: games = row.wins + row.losses overall_games += games overall_wins += row.wins overall_losses += row.losses win_pct = float(row.wins)/games * 100 games_played.append(GamesPlayed(row.game_type_cd, games, row.wins, row.losses, win_pct)) try: overall_win_pct = float(overall_wins)/overall_games * 100 except: overall_win_pct = 0.0 games_played.append(GamesPlayed('overall', overall_games, overall_wins, overall_losses, overall_win_pct)) # sort the resulting list by # of games played games_played = sorted(games_played, key=lambda games_played.reverse() return games_played def get_overall_stats(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of stats by gametype played by player_id. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - total_kills - total_deaths - k_d_ratio - last_played (last time the player played the game type) - last_played_epoch (same as above, but in seconds since epoch) - last_played_fuzzy (same as above, but in relative date) - total_playing_time (total amount of time played the game type) - total_playing_time_secs (same as the above, but in seconds) - total_pickups (ctf only) - total_captures (ctf only) - cap_ratio (ctf only) - total_carrier_frags (ctf only) - game_type_cd The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which sums the totals and computes the total ratios. """ OverallStats = namedtuple('OverallStats', ['total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'k_d_ratio', 'last_played', 'last_played_epoch', 'last_played_fuzzy', 'total_playing_time', 'total_playing_time_secs', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'cap_ratio', 'total_carrier_frags', 'game_type_cd']) raw_stats = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'last_played', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'total_carrier_frags').\ from_statement( "SELECT g.game_type_cd, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " "GROUP BY g.game_type_cd " "UNION " "SELECT 'overall' game_type_cd, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() # to be indexed by game_type_cd overall_stats = {} for row in raw_stats: # individual gametype ratio calculations try: k_d_ratio = float(row.total_kills)/row.total_deaths except: k_d_ratio = None try: cap_ratio = float(row.total_captures)/row.total_pickups except: cap_ratio = None # everything else is untouched or "raw" os = OverallStats(total_kills=row.total_kills, total_deaths=row.total_deaths, k_d_ratio=k_d_ratio, last_played=row.last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm(row.last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.last_played), total_playing_time=row.total_playing_time, total_playing_time_secs=int(datetime_seconds(row.total_playing_time)), total_pickups=row.total_pickups, total_captures=row.total_captures, cap_ratio=cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags=row.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd) overall_stats[row.game_type_cd] = os # We have to edit "overall" stats to exclude deaths in CTS. # Although we still want to record deaths, they shouldn't # count towards the overall K:D ratio. if 'cts' in overall_stats: os = overall_stats['overall'] try: k_d_ratio = float(os.total_kills)/(os.total_deaths - overall_stats['cts'].total_deaths) except: k_d_ratio = None non_cts_deaths = os.total_deaths - overall_stats['cts'].total_deaths overall_stats['overall'] = OverallStats( total_kills = os.total_kills, total_deaths = non_cts_deaths, k_d_ratio = k_d_ratio, last_played = os.last_played, last_played_epoch = os.last_played_epoch, last_played_fuzzy = os.last_played_fuzzy, total_playing_time = os.total_playing_time, total_playing_time_secs = os.total_playing_time_secs, total_pickups = os.total_pickups, total_captures = os.total_captures, cap_ratio = os.cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags = os.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd = os.game_type_cd) return overall_stats def get_fav_maps(player_id, game_type_cd=None): """ Provides a breakdown of favorite maps by gametype. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - game_type_cd - map_name (map name) - map_id - times_played The favorite map is defined as the map you've played the most for the given game_type_cd. The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which is the overall favorite map. This is defined as the favorite map of the game type you've played the most. The input parameter game_type_cd is for this. """ FavMap = namedtuple('FavMap', ['map_name', 'map_id', 'times_played', 'game_type_cd']) raw_favs = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'map_name', 'map_id', 'times_played').\ from_statement( "SELECT game_type_cd, " "name map_name, " "map_id, " "times_played " "FROM (SELECT g.game_type_cd, " ", " "m.map_id, " "Count(*) times_played, " "Row_number() " "OVER ( " "partition BY g.game_type_cd " "ORDER BY Count(*) DESC, m.map_id ASC) rank " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs, " "maps m " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND g.map_id = m.map_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " "GROUP BY g.game_type_cd, " "m.map_id, " " most_played " "WHERE rank = 1 " "ORDER BY times_played desc " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() fav_maps = {} overall_fav = None for row in raw_favs: fv = FavMap(map_name=row.map_name, map_id=row.map_id, times_played=row.times_played, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd) # if we aren't given a favorite game_type_cd # then the overall favorite is the one we've # played the most if overall_fav is None: fav_maps['overall'] = fv overall_fav = fv.game_type_cd # otherwise it is the favorite map from the # favorite game_type_cd (provided as a param) # and we'll overwrite the first dict entry if game_type_cd == fv.game_type_cd: fav_maps['overall'] = fv fav_maps[row.game_type_cd] = fv return fav_maps def get_ranks(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of the player's ranks by game type. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - game_type_cd - rank - max_rank The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which is the overall best rank. """ Rank = namedtuple('Rank', ['rank', 'max_rank', 'percentile', 'game_type_cd']) raw_ranks = DBSession.query("game_type_cd", "rank", "max_rank").\ from_statement( "select pr.game_type_cd, pr.rank, overall.max_rank " "from player_ranks pr, " "(select game_type_cd, max(rank) max_rank " "from player_ranks " "group by game_type_cd) overall " "where pr.game_type_cd = overall.game_type_cd " "and player_id = :player_id " "order by rank").\ params(player_id=player_id).all() ranks = {} found_top_rank = False for row in raw_ranks: rank = Rank(rank=row.rank, max_rank=row.max_rank, percentile=100 - 100*float(row.rank-1)/(row.max_rank-1), game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd) if not found_top_rank: ranks['overall'] = rank found_top_rank = True elif rank.percentile > ranks['overall'].percentile: ranks['overall'] = rank ranks[row.game_type_cd] = rank return ranks; def get_elos(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of the player's elos by game type. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - player_id - game_type_cd - games - elo The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which is the overall best rank. """ raw_elos = DBSession.query(PlayerElo).filter_by(player_id=player_id).\ order_by(PlayerElo.elo.desc()).all() elos = {} found_max_elo = False for row in raw_elos: if not found_max_elo: elos['overall'] = row found_max_elo = True elos[row.game_type_cd] = row return elos def get_recent_games(player_id): """ Provides a list of recent games for a player. Uses the recent_games_q helper. """ # recent games played in descending order rgs = recent_games_q(player_id=player_id).limit(10).all() recent_games = [RecentGame(row) for row in rgs] return recent_games def get_recent_weapons(player_id): """ Returns the weapons that have been used in the past 90 days and also used in 5 games or more. """ cutoff = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=90) recent_weapons = [] for weapon in DBSession.query(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd, func.count()).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.create_dt > cutoff).\ group_by(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd).\ having(func.count() > 4).\ all(): recent_weapons.append(weapon[0]) return recent_weapons def get_accuracy_stats(player_id, weapon_cd, games): """ Provides accuracy for weapon_cd by player_id for the past N games. """ # Reaching back 90 days should give us an accurate enough average # We then multiply this out for the number of data points (games) to # create parameters for a flot graph try: raw_avg = DBSession.query(func.sum(PlayerWeaponStat.hit), func.sum(PlayerWeaponStat.fired)).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == weapon_cd).\ one() avg = round(float(raw_avg[0])/raw_avg[1]*100, 2) # Determine the raw accuracy (hit, fired) numbers for $games games # This is then enumerated to create parameters for a flot graph raw_accs = DBSession.query(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id, PlayerWeaponStat.hit, PlayerWeaponStat.fired).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == weapon_cd).\ order_by(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id.desc()).\ limit(games).\ all() # they come out in opposite order, so flip them in the right direction raw_accs.reverse() accs = [] for i in range(len(raw_accs)): accs.append((raw_accs[i][0], round(float(raw_accs[i][1])/raw_accs[i][2]*100, 2))) except: accs = [] avg = 0.0 return (avg, accs) def get_damage_stats(player_id, weapon_cd, games): """ Provides damage info for weapon_cd by player_id for the past N games. """ try: raw_avg = DBSession.query(func.sum(PlayerWeaponStat.actual), func.sum(PlayerWeaponStat.hit)).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == weapon_cd).\ one() avg = round(float(raw_avg[0])/raw_avg[1], 2) # Determine the damage efficiency (hit, fired) numbers for $games games # This is then enumerated to create parameters for a flot graph raw_dmgs = DBSession.query(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id, PlayerWeaponStat.actual, PlayerWeaponStat.hit).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == weapon_cd).\ order_by(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id.desc()).\ limit(games).\ all() # they come out in opposite order, so flip them in the right direction raw_dmgs.reverse() dmgs = [] for i in range(len(raw_dmgs)): # try to derive, unless we've hit nothing then set to 0! try: dmg = round(float(raw_dmgs[i][1])/raw_dmgs[i][2], 2) except: dmg = 0.0 dmgs.append((raw_dmgs[i][0], dmg)) except Exception as e: dmgs = [] avg = 0.0 return (avg, dmgs) def player_info_data(request): player_id = int(request.matchdict['id']) if player_id <= 2: player_id = -1; try: player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).one() games_played = get_games_played(player_id) overall_stats = get_overall_stats(player_id) fav_maps = get_fav_maps(player_id) elos = get_elos(player_id) ranks = get_ranks(player_id) recent_games = get_recent_games(player_id) recent_weapons = get_recent_weapons(player_id) except Exception as e: player = None games_played = None overall_stats = None fav_maps = None elos = None ranks = None recent_games = None recent_weapons = [] return {'player':player, 'games_played':games_played, 'overall_stats':overall_stats, 'fav_maps':fav_maps, 'elos':elos, 'ranks':ranks, 'recent_games':recent_games, 'recent_weapons':recent_weapons } def player_info(request): """ Provides detailed information on a specific player """ return player_info_data(request) def player_info_json(request): """ Provides detailed information on a specific player. JSON. """ # All player_info fields are converted into JSON-formattable dictionaries player_info = player_info_data(request) player = player_info['player'].to_dict() games_played = {} for game in player_info['games_played']: games_played[game.game_type_cd] = to_json(game) overall_stats = {} for gt,stats in player_info['overall_stats'].items(): overall_stats[gt] = to_json(stats) elos = {} for gt,elo in player_info['elos'].items(): elos[gt] = to_json(elo.to_dict()) ranks = {} for gt,rank in player_info['ranks'].items(): ranks[gt] = to_json(rank) fav_maps = {} for gt,mapinfo in player_info['fav_maps'].items(): fav_maps[gt] = to_json(mapinfo) recent_games = [] for game in player_info['recent_games']: recent_games.append(to_json(game)) #recent_weapons = player_info['recent_weapons'] return [{ 'player': player, 'games_played': games_played, 'overall_stats': overall_stats, 'fav_maps': fav_maps, 'elos': elos, 'ranks': ranks, 'recent_games': recent_games, # 'recent_weapons': recent_weapons, 'recent_weapons': ['not implemented'], }] #return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def player_game_index_data(request): player_id = request.matchdict['player_id'] if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 try: player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).one() rgs_q = recent_games_q(player_id=player.player_id) games = Page(rgs_q, current_page, items_per_page=10, url=page_url) # replace the items in the canned pagination class with more rich ones games.items = [RecentGame(row) for row in games.items] except Exception as e: player = None games = None return { 'player_id':player.player_id, 'player':player, 'games':games, } def player_game_index(request): """ Provides an index of the games in which a particular player was involved. This is ordered by game_id, with the most recent game_ids first. Paginated. """ return player_game_index_data(request) def player_game_index_json(request): """ Provides an index of the games in which a particular player was involved. This is ordered by game_id, with the most recent game_ids first. Paginated. JSON. """ return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def player_accuracy_data(request): player_id = request.matchdict['id'] allowed_weapons = ['nex', 'rifle', 'shotgun', 'uzi', 'minstanex'] weapon_cd = 'nex' games = 20 if request.params.has_key('weapon'): if request.params['weapon'] in allowed_weapons: weapon_cd = request.params['weapon'] if request.params.has_key('games'): try: games = request.params['games'] if games < 0: games = 20 if games > 50: games = 50 except: games = 20 (avg, accs) = get_accuracy_stats(player_id, weapon_cd, games) # if we don't have enough data for the given weapon if len(accs) < games: games = len(accs) return { 'player_id':player_id, 'player_url':request.route_url('player_info', id=player_id), 'weapon':weapon_cd, 'games':games, 'avg':avg, 'accs':accs } def player_accuracy(request): """ Provides the accuracy for the given weapon. (JSON only) """ return player_accuracy_data(request) def player_accuracy_json(request): """ Provides a JSON response representing the accuracy for the given weapon. Parameters: weapon = which weapon to display accuracy for. Valid values are 'nex', 'shotgun', 'uzi', and 'minstanex'. games = over how many games to display accuracy. Can be up to 50. """ return player_accuracy_data(request) def player_damage_data(request): player_id = request.matchdict['id'] allowed_weapons = ['grenadelauncher', 'electro', 'crylink', 'hagar', 'rocketlauncher', 'laser'] weapon_cd = 'rocketlauncher' games = 20 if request.params.has_key('weapon'): if request.params['weapon'] in allowed_weapons: weapon_cd = request.params['weapon'] if request.params.has_key('games'): try: games = request.params['games'] if games < 0: games = 20 if games > 50: games = 50 except: games = 20 (avg, dmgs) = get_damage_stats(player_id, weapon_cd, games) # if we don't have enough data for the given weapon if len(dmgs) < games: games = len(dmgs) return { 'player_id':player_id, 'player_url':request.route_url('player_info', id=player_id), 'weapon':weapon_cd, 'games':games, 'avg':avg, 'dmgs':dmgs } def player_damage_json(request): """ Provides a JSON response representing the damage for the given weapon. Parameters: weapon = which weapon to display damage for. Valid values are 'grenadelauncher', 'electro', 'crylink', 'hagar', 'rocketlauncher', 'laser'. games = over how many games to display damage. Can be up to 50. """ return player_damage_data(request) def player_hashkey_info_data(request): hashkey = request.matchdict['hashkey'] try: player = DBSession.query(Player).\ filter(Player.player_id == Hashkey.player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).\ filter(Hashkey.hashkey == hashkey).one() games_played = get_games_played(player.player_id) overall_stats = get_overall_stats(player.player_id) fav_maps = get_fav_maps(player.player_id) elos = get_elos(player.player_id) ranks = get_ranks(player.player_id) except Exception as e: raise pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound return {'player':player, 'hashkey':hashkey, 'games_played':games_played, 'overall_stats':overall_stats, 'fav_maps':fav_maps, 'elos':elos, 'ranks':ranks, } def player_hashkey_info_json(request): """ Provides detailed information on a specific player. JSON. """ # All player_info fields are converted into JSON-formattable dictionaries player_info = player_hashkey_info_data(request) player = player_info['player'].to_dict() games_played = {} for game in player_info['games_played']: games_played[game.game_type_cd] = to_json(game) overall_stats = {} for gt,stats in player_info['overall_stats'].items(): overall_stats[gt] = to_json(stats) elos = {} for gt,elo in player_info['elos'].items(): elos[gt] = to_json(elo.to_dict()) ranks = {} for gt,rank in player_info['ranks'].items(): ranks[gt] = to_json(rank) fav_maps = {} for gt,mapinfo in player_info['fav_maps'].items(): fav_maps[gt] = to_json(mapinfo) return [{ 'version': 1, 'player': player, 'games_played': games_played, 'overall_stats': overall_stats, 'fav_maps': fav_maps, 'elos': elos, 'ranks': ranks, }] def player_hashkey_info_text(request): """ Provides detailed information on a specific player. Plain text. """ # UTC epoch now = timegm(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timetuple()) # All player_info fields are converted into JSON-formattable dictionaries player_info = player_hashkey_info_data(request) # gather all of the data up into aggregate structures player = player_info['player'] games_played = player_info['games_played'] overall_stats = player_info['overall_stats'] elos = player_info['elos'] ranks = player_info['ranks'] fav_maps = player_info['fav_maps'] # one-offs for things needing conversion for text/plain player_joined = timegm(player.create_dt.timetuple()) alivetime = int(datetime_seconds(overall_stats['overall'].total_playing_time)) # this is a plain text response, if we don't do this here then # Pyramid will assume html request.response.content_type = 'text/plain' return { 'version': 1, 'now': now, 'player': player, 'hashkey': player_info['hashkey'], 'player_joined': player_joined, 'games_played': games_played, 'overall_stats': overall_stats, 'alivetime': alivetime, 'fav_maps': fav_maps, 'elos': elos, 'ranks': ranks, } def player_elo_info_data(request): """ Provides elo information on a specific player. Raw data is returned. """ hashkey = request.matchdict['hashkey'] try: player = DBSession.query(Player).\ filter(Player.player_id == Hashkey.player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).\ filter(Hashkey.hashkey == hashkey).one() elos = get_elos(player.player_id) except Exception as e: log.debug(e) raise pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound return {'elos':elos} def player_elo_info_json(request): """ Provides elo information on a specific player. JSON. """ elo_info = player_elo_info_data(request) elos = {} for gt, elo in elo_info['elos'].items(): elos[gt] = to_json(elo.to_dict()) return [{ 'version': 1, 'elos': elos, }] def player_captimes_data(request): player_id = int(request.matchdict['id']) if player_id <= 2: player_id = -1; #player_captimes = DBSession.query(PlayerCaptime).\ # filter(PlayerCaptime.player_id==player_id).\ # order_by(PlayerCaptime.fastest_cap).\ # all() PlayerCaptimes = namedtuple('PlayerCaptimes', ['fastest_cap', 'create_dt', 'create_dt_epoch', 'create_dt_fuzzy', 'player_id', 'game_id', 'map_id', 'map_name', 'server_id', 'server_name']) dbquery = DBSession.query('fastest_cap', 'create_dt', 'player_id', 'game_id', 'map_id', 'map_name', 'server_id', 'server_name').\ from_statement( "SELECT ct.fastest_cap, " "ct.create_dt, " "ct.player_id, " "ct.game_id, " "ct.map_id, " " map_name, " "g.server_id, " " server_name " "FROM player_map_captimes ct, " "games g, " "maps m, " "servers s " "WHERE ct.player_id = :player_id " "AND g.game_id = ct.game_id " "AND g.server_id = s.server_id " "AND m.map_id = ct.map_id " #"ORDER BY ct.fastest_cap " "ORDER BY ct.create_dt desc" ).params(player_id=player_id).all() player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).one() player_captimes = [] for row in dbquery: player_captimes.append(PlayerCaptimes( fastest_cap=row.fastest_cap, create_dt=row.create_dt, create_dt_epoch=timegm(row.create_dt.timetuple()), create_dt_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.create_dt), player_id=row.player_id, game_id=row.game_id, map_id=row.map_id, map_name=row.map_name, server_id=row.server_id, server_name=row.server_name, )) return { 'captimes':player_captimes, 'player_id':player_id, 'player_url':request.route_url('player_info', id=player_id), 'player':player, } def player_captimes(request): return player_captimes_data(request) def player_captimes_json(request): return player_captimes_data(request)