]> de.git.xonotic.org Git - xonotic/xonstat.git/commitdiff
Add player badge batch job (via zykure).
authorAnt Zucaro <azucaro@gmail.com>
Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:17:04 +0000 (08:17 -0400)
committerAnt Zucaro <azucaro@gmail.com>
Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:17:04 +0000 (08:17 -0400)
The player badge batch job uses cairo to generate a summary
image of the given player's statistics. It can be run
periodically to maintain the "freshness" of the data. The
tricky thing with this batch job is getting cairo working
within the virtualenv - one has to install it in the machine
and then symbolically link to the ENV. This is obviously not
ideal, but it does work.

Many thanks to zykure for this well-designed image!

xonstat/batch/badges/css/style.css [deleted file]
xonstat/batch/badges/templates/badge.html [deleted file]
xonstat/batch/badges/templates/badge.mako [deleted file]

diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/css/style.css b/xonstat/batch/badges/css/style.css
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1d7627e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-body {
-  color: #ccc;
-  font-family: monospace;
-  font-size: 12px;
-#badge {
-  background: url('../img/dark_wall.png');
-  height: 60px;
-  padding: 5px;
-  position: fixed;
-  width: 550px;
-#nick {
-  font-size: 22px;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  height: 28px;
-  left: 10px;
-  overflow: hidden;
-  position: absolute;
-  width: 285px;
-#games_played {
-  left: 10px;
-  position: absolute;
-  top: 45px;
-#win_percentage, #kill_ratio, #elo {
-  left: 300px;
-  position: absolute;
-#win_percentage {
-  top: 5px;
-#kill_ratio {
-  top: 25px;
-#elo {
-  top: 45px;
index 4985562501dde33073cf5c576ededf76b90dd3e6..f631eacc1519268522a5fe4085b482107abd8213 100644 (file)
-from mako.template import Template
+#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import cairo as C
+from datetime import datetime
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+import sqlalchemy.sql.functions as func
+from colorsys import rgb_to_hls, hls_to_rgb
 from os import system
 from pyramid.paster import bootstrap
 from xonstat.models import *
 from os import system
 from pyramid.paster import bootstrap
 from xonstat.models import *
-from xonstat.views.player import player_info_data
+from xonstat.util import qfont_decode
+# similar to html_colors() from util.py
+_contrast_threshold = 0.5
+_dec_colors = [ (0.5,0.5,0.5),
+                (1.0,0.0,0.0),
+                (0.2,1.0,0.0),
+                (1.0,1.0,0.0),
+                (0.2,0.4,1.0),
+                (0.2,1.0,1.0),
+                (1.0,0.2,102),
+                (1.0,1.0,1.0),
+                (0.6,0.6,0.6),
+                (0.5,0.5,0.5)
+            ]
+# parameters to affect the output, could be changed via URL
+params = {
+    'width':        560,
+    'height':        70,
+    'bg':           1,                      # 0 - black, 1 - dark_wall
+    'font':         0,                      # 0 - xolonium, 1 - dejavu sans
+# maximal number of query results (for testing, set to 0 to get all)
+def get_data(player):
+    """Return player data as dict.
+    This function is similar to the function in player.py but more optimized
+    for this purpose.
+    """
+    # total games
+    # wins/losses
+    # kills/deaths
+    # duel/dm/tdm/ctf elo + rank
+    player_id = player.player_id
+    total_stats = {}
+    games_played = DBSession.query(
+            Game.game_type_cd, func.count(), func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime)).\
+            filter(Game.game_id == PlayerGameStat.game_id).\
+            filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\
+            group_by(Game.game_type_cd).\
+            order_by(func.count().desc()).\
+            limit(3).all()  # limit to 3 gametypes!
+    total_stats['games'] = 0
+    total_stats['games_breakdown'] = {}  # this is a dictionary inside a dictionary .. dictception?
+    total_stats['games_alivetime'] = {}
+    total_stats['gametypes'] = []
+    for (game_type_cd, games, alivetime) in games_played:
+        total_stats['games'] += games
+        total_stats['gametypes'].append(game_type_cd)
+        total_stats['games_breakdown'][game_type_cd] = games
+        total_stats['games_alivetime'][game_type_cd] = alivetime
+    (total_stats['kills'], total_stats['deaths'], total_stats['suicides'],
+     total_stats['alivetime'],) = DBSession.query(
+            func.sum(PlayerGameStat.kills),
+            func.sum(PlayerGameStat.deaths),
+            func.sum(PlayerGameStat.suicides),
+            func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime)).\
+            filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\
+            one()
+    (total_stats['wins'],) = DBSession.query(
+            func.count("*")).\
+            filter(Game.game_id == PlayerGameStat.game_id).\
+            filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\
+            filter(Game.winner == PlayerGameStat.team or PlayerGameStat.rank == 1).\
+            one()
+    ranks = DBSession.query("game_type_cd", "rank", "max_rank").\
+            from_statement(
+                "select pr.game_type_cd, pr.rank, overall.max_rank "
+                "from player_ranks pr,  "
+                   "(select game_type_cd, max(rank) max_rank "
+                    "from player_ranks  "
+                    "group by game_type_cd) overall "
+                "where pr.game_type_cd = overall.game_type_cd  "
+                "and player_id = :player_id "
+                "order by rank").\
+            params(player_id=player_id).all()
+    ranks_dict = {}
+    for gtc,rank,max_rank in ranks:
+        ranks_dict[gtc] = (rank, max_rank)
+    elos = DBSession.query(PlayerElo).\
+            filter_by(player_id=player_id).\
+            order_by(PlayerElo.elo.desc()).\
+            all()
+    elos_dict = {}
+    for elo in elos:
+        if elo.games > 32:
+            elos_dict[elo.game_type_cd] = elo.elo
+    data = {
+            'player':player,
+            'total_stats':total_stats,
+            'ranks':ranks_dict,
+            'elos':elos_dict,
+        }
+    #print data
+    return data
+def render_image(data):
+    """Render an image from the given data fields."""
+    width, height = params['width'], params['height']
+    output = "output/%s.png" % data['player'].player_id
+    font = "Xolonium"
+    if params['font'] == 1:
+        font = "DejaVu Sans"
+    total_stats = data['total_stats']
+    total_games = total_stats['games']
+    elos = data["elos"]
+    ranks = data["ranks"]
+    ## create background
+    surf = C.ImageSurface(C.FORMAT_RGB24, width, height)
+    ctx = C.Context(surf)
+    ctx.set_antialias(C.ANTIALIAS_GRAY)
+    # draw background (just plain fillcolor)
+    if params['bg'] == 0:
+        ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
+        ctx.set_source_rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
+        ctx.fill()
+    # draw background image (try to get correct tiling, too)
+    if params['bg'] > 0:
+        bg = None
+        if params['bg'] == 1:
+            bg = C.ImageSurface.create_from_png("img/dark_wall.png")
+        if bg:
+            bg_w, bg_h = bg.get_width(), bg.get_height()
+            bg_xoff = 0
+            while bg_xoff < width:
+                bg_yoff = 0
+                while bg_yoff < height:
+                    ctx.set_source_surface(bg, bg_xoff, bg_yoff)
+                    ctx.paint()
+                    bg_yoff += bg_h
+                bg_xoff += bg_w
+    ## draw player's nickname with fancy colors
+    # fontsize is reduced if width gets too large
+    nick_xmax = 335
+    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+    ctx.set_font_size(20)
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(player.stripped_nick)[:4]
+    if tw > nick_xmax:
+        ctx.set_font_size(18)
+        xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(player.stripped_nick)[:4]
+        if tw > nick_xmax:
+            ctx.set_font_size(16)
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(player.stripped_nick)[:4]
+            if tw > nick_xmax:
+                ctx.set_font_size(14)
+                xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(player.stripped_nick)[:4]
+                if tw > nick_xmax:
+                    ctx.set_font_size(12)
+    # split up nick into colored segments and draw each of them
+    qstr = qfont_decode(player.nick).replace('^^', '^').replace('\x00', ' ')
+    txt_xoff = 0
+    txt_xpos, txt_ypos = 5,18
+    # split nick into colored segments
+    parts = []
+    pos = 1
+    while True:
+        npos = qstr.find('^', pos)
+        if npos < 0:
+            parts.append(qstr[pos-1:])
+            break;
+        parts.append(qstr[pos-1:npos])
+        pos = npos+1
+    for txt in parts:
+        r,g,b = _dec_colors[7]
+        try:
+            if txt.startswith('^'):
+                txt = txt[1:]
+                if txt.startswith('x'):
+                    r = int(txt[1] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+                    g = int(txt[2] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+                    b = int(txt[3] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+                    hue, light, satur = rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
+                    if light < _contrast_threshold:
+                        light = _contrast_threshold
+                        r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(hue, light, satur)
+                    txt = txt[4:]
+                else:
+                    r,g,b = _dec_colors[int(txt[0])]
+                    txt = txt[1:]
+        except:
+            r,g,b = _dec_colors[7]
+        if len(txt) < 1:
+            # only colorcode and no real text, skip this
+            continue
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(r, g, b)
+        ctx.move_to(txt_xpos + txt_xoff, txt_ypos)
+        ctx.show_text(txt)
+        xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+        if tw == 0:
+            # only whitespaces, use some extra space
+            tw += 5*len(txt)
+        txt_xoff += tw + 1
+    ## print elos and ranks
+    games_x, games_y = 60,35
+    games_w = 110       # width of each gametype field
+    # show up to three gametypes the player has participated in
+    for gt in total_stats['gametypes'][:3]:
+        ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+        ctx.set_font_size(10)
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+        txt = "[ %s ]" % gt.upper()
+        xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+        ctx.move_to(games_x-xoff-tw/2,games_y-yoff-4)
+        ctx.show_text(txt)
+        old_aa = ctx.get_antialias()
+        ctx.set_antialias(C.ANTIALIAS_NONE)
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+        ctx.set_line_width(1)
+        ctx.move_to(games_x-games_w/2+5, games_y+8)
+        ctx.line_to(games_x+games_w/2-5, games_y+8)
+        ctx.stroke()
+        ctx.move_to(games_x-games_w/2+5, games_y+32)
+        ctx.line_to(games_x+games_w/2-5, games_y+32)
+        ctx.stroke()
+        ctx.set_antialias(old_aa)
+        if not elos.has_key(gt) or not ranks.has_key(gt):
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+            ctx.set_font_size(12)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.2, 0.2)
+            txt = "no stats yet!"
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(games_x-xoff-tw/2,games_y+28-yoff-4)
+            ctx.save()
+            ctx.rotate(math.radians(-10))
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+            ctx.restore()
+        else:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+            ctx.set_font_size(10)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
+            txt = "Elo: %.0f" % round(elos[gt], 0)
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(games_x-xoff-tw/2,games_y+15-yoff-4)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+            ctx.set_font_size(8)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+            txt = "Rank %d of %d" % ranks[gt]
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(games_x-xoff-tw/2,games_y+25-yoff-3)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        games_x += games_w
+    # print win percentage
+    win_x, win_y = 505,11
+    win_w, win_h = 100,14
+    ctx.rectangle(win_x-win_w/2,win_y-win_h/2,win_w,win_h)
+    ctx.set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.1)
+    ctx.fill();
+    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+    ctx.set_font_size(10)
+    ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+    txt = "Win Percentage"
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(win_x-xoff-tw/2,win_y-yoff-3)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    txt = "???"
+    if total_games > 0 and total_stats['wins'] is not None:
+        ratio = float(total_stats['wins'])/total_games
+        txt = "%.2f%%" % round(ratio * 100, 2)
+    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+    ctx.set_font_size(12)
+    if ratio >= 0.90:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(0.2, 1.0, 1.0)
+    elif ratio >= 0.75:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
+    elif ratio >= 0.5:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(0.5, 1.0, 0.8)
+    elif ratio >= 0.25:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 1.0, 0.5)
+    else:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(win_x-xoff-tw/2,win_y+16-yoff-4)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+    ctx.set_font_size(8)
+    ctx.set_source_rgb(0.6, 0.8, 0.6)
+    txt = "%d wins" % total_stats["wins"]
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(win_x-xoff-tw/2,win_y+28-yoff-3)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.6, 0.6)
+    txt = "%d losses" % (total_games-total_stats['wins'])
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(win_x-xoff-tw/2,win_y+38-yoff-3)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    # print kill/death ratio
+    kill_x, kill_y = 395,11
+    kill_w, kill_h = 100,14
+    ctx.rectangle(kill_x-kill_w/2,kill_y-kill_h/2,kill_w,kill_h)
+    ctx.set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.1)
+    ctx.fill()
+    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+    ctx.set_font_size(10)
+    ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+    txt = "Kill Ratio"
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(kill_x-xoff-tw/2,kill_y-yoff-3)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    txt = "???"
+    if total_stats['deaths'] > 0 and total_stats['kills'] is not None:
+        ratio = float(total_stats['kills'])/total_stats['deaths']
+        txt = "%.3f" % round(ratio, 3)
+    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+    ctx.set_font_size(12)
+    if ratio >= 3:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+    elif ratio >= 2:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(0.2, 1.0, 0.2)
+    elif ratio >= 1:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(0.5, 1.0, 0.5)
+    elif ratio >= 0.5:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 0.5, 0.5)
+    else:
+        ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 0.2, 0.2)
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(kill_x-xoff-tw/2,kill_y+16-yoff-4)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+    ctx.set_font_size(8)
+    ctx.set_source_rgb(0.6, 0.8, 0.6)
+    txt = "%d kills" % total_stats["kills"]
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(kill_x-xoff-tw/2,kill_y+28-yoff-3)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.6, 0.6)
+    txt = "%d deaths" % total_stats['deaths']
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(kill_x-xoff-tw/2,kill_y+38-yoff-3)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    # print playing time
+    time_x, time_y = 450,64
+    time_w, time_h = 210,10
+    ctx.rectangle(time_x-time_w/2,time_y-time_h/2-1,time_w,time_y+time_h/2-1)
+    ctx.set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6)
+    ctx.fill();
+    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+    ctx.set_font_size(10)
+    ctx.set_source_rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
+    txt = "Playing time: %s" % str(total_stats['alivetime'])
+    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+    ctx.move_to(time_x-xoff-tw/2,time_y-yoff-4)
+    ctx.show_text(txt)
+    # save to PNG
+    surf.write_to_png(output)
-# converter params
-CONVERTER = "/home/ant/xonotic/xonstat/xonstat/batch/badges/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 --crop-x 10 --crop-y 10 --width 560 --height 70 -f png"
 # environment setup
 # environment setup
-env = bootstrap('../../../development.ini.home')
+env = bootstrap('../../../development.ini')
 req = env['request']
 req.matchdict = {'id':3}
 req = env['request']
 req.matchdict = {'id':3}
-# template setup
-t = Template(filename = 'templates/badge.mako')
+print "Requesting player data from db ..."
+start = datetime.now()
 players = DBSession.query(Player).\
         filter(Player.player_id == PlayerElo.player_id).\
         filter(Player.nick != None).\
         filter(Player.player_id > 2).\
 players = DBSession.query(Player).\
         filter(Player.player_id == PlayerElo.player_id).\
         filter(Player.nick != None).\
         filter(Player.player_id > 2).\
-        filter(Player.active_ind == True).all()
+        filter(Player.active_ind == True).\
+        limit(NUM_PLAYERS).all()
+stop = datetime.now()
+print "Query took %.2f seconds" % (stop-start).total_seconds()
+print "Creating badges for %d players ..." % len(players)
+start = datetime.now()
+data_time, render_time = 0,0
 for player in players:
     req.matchdict['id'] = player.player_id
 for player in players:
     req.matchdict['id'] = player.player_id
-    data = player_info_data(req)
-    rt = t.render(player=data['player'], elos_display=data['elos_display'],
-            total_stats=data['total_stats'], total_games=data['total_games'],
-            games_breakdown=data['games_breakdown'])
-    f = open("output/%s.html" % player.player_id, 'w')
-    f.write(rt)
-    f.close()
-    cmd = "%s %s %s" % (CONVERTER, "output/%s.html" % player.player_id,
-            "output/%s.png" % player.player_id)
-    system(cmd)
+    sstart = datetime.now()
+    data = get_data(player)
+    sstop = datetime.now()
+    data_time += (sstop-sstart).total_seconds()
+    sstart = datetime.now()
+    render_image(data)
+    sstop = datetime.now()
+    render_time += (sstop-sstart).total_seconds()
+stop = datetime.now()
+print "Creating the badges took %.2f seconds (%.2f s per player)" % ((stop-start).total_seconds(), (stop-start).total_seconds()/float(len(players)))
+print "Total time for redering images: %.2f s" % render_time
+print "Total time for getting data: %.2f s" % data_time
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/templates/badge.html b/xonstat/batch/badges/templates/badge.html
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9c6e11f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  <head>
-    <link href="../css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div id="badge">
-      <div id="nick">
-        <b>
-        <span style="color:rgb(0,255,0)">print('<span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">Anti<span style="color:rgb(127,127,127)">body<span style="color:rgb(0,255,0)">')<span style='color:rgb(255,255,255)'></span></span></span></span></span>
-      </b>
-      </div>
-      <div id="games_played">
-        218 games (144 duel, 41 ctf, 31 dm, 2 tdm)
-      </div>
-      <div id="win_percentage">
-        111 wins, 107 losses (50.92%)
-      </div>
-      <div id="kill_ratio">
-        3084 kills, 2519 deaths (1.224)
-      </div>
-      <div id="elo">
-        Elo: 375.091 (ctf), 358.604 (dm)
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </body>
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/templates/badge.mako b/xonstat/batch/badges/templates/badge.mako
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e43089e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-  <head>
-    <link href="../css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div id="badge">
-      <div id="nick">
-        <b>
-          ${player.nick_html_colors()|n}
-        </b>
-      </div>
-      <div id="games_played">
-        <% games_breakdown_str = ', '.join(["{0} {1}".format(ng, gt) for (gt, ng) in games_breakdown]) %>
-        ${total_games} (${games_breakdown_str})
-      </div>
-      <div id="win_percentage">
-        % if total_games > 0 and total_stats['wins'] is not None:
-          ${total_stats['wins']} wins, ${total_games - total_stats['wins']} losses (${round(float(total_stats['wins'])/total_games * 100, 2)}%)
-        % endif
-      </div>
-      <div id="kill_ratio">
-        % if total_stats['kills'] > 0 and total_stats['deaths'] > 0:
-          ${total_stats['kills']} kills, ${total_stats['deaths']} deaths (${round(float(total_stats['kills'])/total_stats['deaths'], 3)})
-        % endif
-      </div>
-      <div id="elo">
-        % if elos_display is not None and len(elos_display) > 0:
-         Elo: ${', '.join(elos_display[0:2])}
-       % endif
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </body>