# VoreTournament rcon2irc plugin by Merlijn Hofstra licensed under GPL - echo-rcon.pl # Place this file inside the same directory as rcon2irc.pl and add the full filename to the plugins. sub out($$@); [ dp => q{server received rcon command from (.*): (.*)} => sub { my ($origin, $cmd) = @_; my @dests = split ' ', $store{plugin_echo-rcon}->{dest}; return 0 if grep { $_ eq $origin } @dests; #do not relay rcon2irc commands my $origin = color_dp2irc $origin; out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00302* admin\017 command recieved from $origin: \00304$cmd\017"; return 0; } ], [ dp => q{"log_dest_udp" is "([^"]*)" \["[^"]*"\]} => sub { my ($dest) = @_; $store{plugin_echo-rcon}->{dest} = $dest; return 0; } ],