#include "quakedef.h" #include "cgame_api.h" #include "cl_collision.h" #define CGVM_RENDERENTITIES 1024 static entity_render_t cgvm_renderentities[CGVM_RENDERENTITIES]; static int cgvm_renderentity; static mempool_t *cgvm_mempool; static void (*cgvm_networkcode[256])(unsigned char num); static qbyte *cgvm_netbuffer; static int cgvm_netbufferlength; static int cgvm_netbufferpos; #define MAX_CGVM_MODELS 128 #define MAX_CGVM_MODELNAME 32 static char cgvm_modelname[MAX_CGVM_MODELS][MAX_CGVM_MODELNAME]; static model_t *cgvm_model[MAX_CGVM_MODELS]; void CL_CGVM_Init(void) { cgvm_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("CGVM", 0, NULL); } void CL_CGVM_Clear(void) { Mem_EmptyPool(cgvm_mempool); memset(cgvm_networkcode, 0, sizeof(cgvm_networkcode)); memset(cgvm_modelname, 0, sizeof(cgvm_modelname)); memset(cgvm_model, 0, sizeof(cgvm_model)); } void CL_CGVM_Frame(void) { cgvm_renderentity = 0; CG_Frame(cl.time); // API call } // starts the cgame code void CL_CGVM_Start(void) { CL_CGVM_Clear(); CG_Init(); // API call } void CL_CGVM_ParseNetwork(qbyte *netbuffer, int length) { int num; cgvm_netbuffer = netbuffer; cgvm_netbufferlength = length; cgvm_netbufferpos = 0; while (cgvm_netbufferpos < cgvm_netbufferlength) { num = CGVM_MSG_ReadByte(); if (cgvm_networkcode[num]) cgvm_networkcode[num]((qbyte)num); else Host_Error("CL_CGVM_ParseNetwork: unregistered network code %i", num); } } void CGVM_RegisterNetworkCode(const unsigned char num, void (*netcode)(unsigned char num)) { if (cgvm_networkcode[num]) Host_Error("CGVM_RegisterNetworkCode: value %i already registered", num); cgvm_networkcode[num] = netcode; } unsigned char CGVM_MSG_ReadByte(void) { if (cgvm_netbufferpos < cgvm_netbufferlength) return cgvm_netbuffer[cgvm_netbufferpos++]; else return 0; } short CGVM_MSG_ReadShort(void) { short num; num = CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() | (CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() << 8); return num; } int CGVM_MSG_ReadLong(void) { int num; num = CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() | (CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() << 8) | (CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() << 16) | (CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() << 24); return num; } float CGVM_MSG_ReadFloat(void) { unsigned int num; num = CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() | (CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() << 8) | (CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() << 16) | (CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() << 24); return *((float *)&num); } float CGVM_MSG_ReadCoord(void) { return CGVM_MSG_ReadFloat(); } float CGVM_MSG_ReadAngle(void) { return CGVM_MSG_ReadByte() * 360.0f / 256.0f; } float CGVM_MSG_ReadPreciseAngle(void) { return ((unsigned short)CGVM_MSG_ReadShort()) * 360.0f / 65536.0f; } void CGVM_Draw_Entity(const cgdrawentity_t *e) { entity_render_t *r; //Con_Printf("CGVM_Draw_Entity: origin %f %f %f angles %f %f %f alpha %f scale %f model %i frame1 %i frame2 %i framelerp %f skinnum %i\n", e->origin[0], e->origin[1], e->origin[2], e->angles[0], e->angles[1], e->angles[2], e->alpha, e->scale, e->model, e->frame1, e->frame2, e->framelerp, e->skinnum); if (!e->model) return; if (cgvm_renderentity >= CGVM_RENDERENTITIES || r_refdef.numentities >= r_refdef.maxentities) return; r = cgvm_renderentities + cgvm_renderentity; VectorCopy(e->origin, r->origin); VectorCopy(e->angles, r->angles); r->alpha = e->alpha; r->scale = e->scale; if (e->model < 0 || e->model >= MAX_CGVM_MODELS || !cgvm_model[e->model]) { Con_Printf("CGVM_Draw_Entity: invalid model index %i\n", e->model); return; } r->model = cgvm_model[e->model]; r->frame = e->frame2; // FIXME: support colormapping? r->colormap = -1; // FIXME: support effects? r->effects = 0; r->skinnum = e->skinnum; // FIXME: any flags worth setting? r->flags = 0; r->frame1 = e->frame1; r->frame2 = e->frame2; r->framelerp = e->framelerp; r->frame1time = 0; r->frame2time = 0; r_refdef.entities[r_refdef.numentities++] = r; cgvm_renderentity++; } void CGVM_Draw_Light(const cgdrawlight_t *l) { matrix4x4_t matrix; Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, l->origin[0], l->origin[1], l->origin[2]); CL_AllocDlight(NULL, &matrix, l->radius, l->color[0], l->color[1], l->color[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, true, 1); } void *CGVM_Malloc(const int size) { return Mem_Alloc(cgvm_mempool, size); } void CGVM_Free(void *mem) { Mem_Free(mem); } float CGVM_RandomRange(const float r1, const float r2) { return lhrandom(r1, r2); } float CGVM_TracePhysics(const float *start, const float *end, const float *worldmins, const float *worldmaxs, const float *entitymins, const float *entitymaxs, const cgphysentity_t *physentities, const int numphysentities, float *impactpos, float *impactnormal, int *impactentnum) { float frac; vec3_t start2, end2, middle; // FIXME: do tracing agains network entities and physentities here // placeholder world only code assuming 0 size middle[0] = (worldmins[0] + worldmaxs[0]) * 0.5f; middle[1] = (worldmins[1] + worldmaxs[1]) * 0.5f; middle[2] = (worldmins[2] + worldmaxs[2]) * 0.5f; VectorAdd(start, middle, start2); VectorAdd(end, middle, end2); frac = CL_TraceLine((float *)start2, (float *)end2, impactpos, impactnormal, true, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID); VectorSubtract(impactpos, middle, impactpos); *impactentnum = -1; return frac; } char *CGVM_GetCvarString(const char *name) { cvar_t *cvar; cvar = Cvar_FindVar((char *)name); if (cvar) return cvar->string; else return 0; } float CGVM_GetCvarFloat(const char *name) { cvar_t *cvar; cvar = Cvar_FindVar((char *)name); if (cvar) return cvar->value; else return 0; } int CGVM_GetCvarInt(const char *name) { cvar_t *cvar; cvar = Cvar_FindVar((char *)name); if (cvar) return cvar->integer; else return 0; } double CGVM_Time(void) { return cl.time; } int CGVM_Model(const char *name) { int i; model_t *model; if (strlen(name) > (MAX_CGVM_MODELNAME - 1)) return 0; for (i = 1;i < MAX_CGVM_MODELS;i++) { if (!cgvm_modelname[i][0]) break; if (!strcmp(name, cgvm_modelname[i])) return i; } if (i >= MAX_CGVM_MODELS) return 0; model = Mod_ForName((char *)name, false, false, false); if (!model) return 0; strcpy(cgvm_modelname[i], name); cgvm_model[i] = model; return i; } void CGVM_Stain(const float *origin, float radius, int cr1, int cg1, int cb1, int ca1, int cr2, int cg2, int cb2, int ca2) { if (cl_stainmaps.integer) R_Stain((float *)origin, radius, cr1, cg1, cb1, ca1, cr2, cg2, cb2, ca2); }