#include "quakedef.h" #include "cl_video.h" #include "dpvsimpledecode.h" mempool_t *clvideomempool; int cl_videoplaying = false; void *cl_videostream; double cl_videostarttime; int cl_videoframenum; double cl_videoframerate; int cl_videoimagewidth; int cl_videoimageheight; int cl_videoimagedata_rmask; int cl_videoimagedata_gmask; int cl_videoimagedata_bmask; int cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel; void *cl_videoimagedata; int cl_videosoundrate; int cl_videosoundlength; short *cl_videosounddata; int cl_videosoundresamplelength; short *cl_videosoundresampledata; rtexture_t *cl_videotexture; rtexturepool_t *cl_videotexturepool; void CL_VideoFrame(void) { int frames, framenum, samples, s; if (!cl_videoplaying) return; framenum = (realtime - cl_videostarttime) * cl_videoframerate; //Con_Printf("frame %i\n", framenum); if (framenum < 0) framenum = 0; frames = 0; while (cl_videoframenum < framenum) { frames++; cl_videoframenum++; if (dpvsimpledecode_video(cl_videostream, cl_videoimagedata, cl_videoimagedata_rmask, cl_videoimagedata_gmask, cl_videoimagedata_bmask, cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel, cl_videoimagewidth * cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel)) { CL_VideoStop(); return; } } if (frames) { R_UpdateTexture(cl_videotexture, cl_videoimagedata); //Draw_NewPic("engine_videoframe", cl_videoimagewidth, cl_videoimageheight, false, cl_videoimagedata); } if (cl_videosoundrate && (samples = S_RawSamples_QueueWantsMore())) { Con_Printf("%i = S_RawSamples_QueueWantsMore()\n", samples); // calculate how much source data we need to fill the output... s = samples * cl_videosoundrate / S_RawSamples_SampleRate(); // reallocate processing buffer if needed if (cl_videosoundresamplelength < samples) { cl_videosoundresamplelength = samples + 100; if (cl_videosoundresampledata) Mem_Free(cl_videosoundresampledata); cl_videosoundresampledata = Mem_Alloc(clvideomempool, cl_videosoundresamplelength * sizeof(short[2])); } // reallocate loading buffer if needed if (cl_videosoundlength < s) { cl_videosoundlength = s + 100; if (cl_videosounddata) Mem_Free(cl_videosounddata); cl_videosounddata = Mem_Alloc(clvideomempool, cl_videosoundlength * sizeof(short[2])); } dpvsimpledecode_audio(cl_videostream, cl_videosounddata, s); S_ResampleBuffer16Stereo(cl_videosounddata, s, cl_videosoundresampledata, samples); S_RawSamples_Enqueue(cl_videosoundresampledata, samples); } } void CL_DrawVideo(void) { if (cl_videoplaying) { drawqueuemesh_t mesh; int indices[6]; float vertices[16]; float texcoords[8]; float colorsf[16]; float s1, t1, s2, t2, x1, y1, x2, y2; indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 1; indices[2] = 2; indices[3] = 0; indices[4] = 2; indices[5] = 3; x1 = 0; y1 = 0; x2 = vid.conwidth; y2 = vid.conheight; R_FragmentLocation(cl_videotexture, NULL, NULL, &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2); texcoords[0] = s1;texcoords[1] = t1; texcoords[2] = s2;texcoords[3] = t1; texcoords[4] = s2;texcoords[5] = t2; texcoords[6] = s1;texcoords[7] = t2; R_FillColors(colorsf, 4, r_colorscale, r_colorscale, r_colorscale, 1); vertices[ 0] = x1;vertices[ 1] = y1;vertices[ 2] = 0;vertices[ 3] = 0; vertices[ 4] = x2;vertices[ 5] = y1;vertices[ 6] = 0;vertices[ 7] = 0; vertices[ 8] = x2;vertices[ 9] = y2;vertices[10] = 0;vertices[11] = 0; vertices[12] = x1;vertices[13] = y2;vertices[14] = 0;vertices[15] = 0; mesh.texture = cl_videotexture; mesh.numtriangles = 2; mesh.numvertices = 4; mesh.indices = indices; mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.texcoords = texcoords; mesh.colors = colorsf; DrawQ_Mesh(&mesh, 0); //DrawQ_Pic(0, 0, "engine_videoframe", vid.conwidth, vid.conheight, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } } void CL_VideoStart(char *filename) { char *errorstring; cl_videostream = dpvsimpledecode_open(filename, &errorstring); if (!cl_videostream) { Con_Printf("unable to open \"%s\", error: %s\n", filename, errorstring); return; } cl_videoplaying = true; cl_videostarttime = realtime; cl_videoframenum = -1; cl_videoframerate = dpvsimpledecode_getframerate(cl_videostream); cl_videoimagewidth = dpvsimpledecode_getwidth(cl_videostream); cl_videoimageheight = dpvsimpledecode_getheight(cl_videostream); // RGBA format cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel = 4; cl_videoimagedata_rmask = BigLong(0xFF000000); cl_videoimagedata_gmask = BigLong(0x00FF0000); cl_videoimagedata_bmask = BigLong(0x0000FF00); cl_videoimagedata = Mem_Alloc(clvideomempool, cl_videoimagewidth * cl_videoimageheight * cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel); //memset(cl_videoimagedata, 97, cl_videoimagewidth * cl_videoimageheight * cl_videoimagedata_bytesperpixel); cl_videosoundrate = dpvsimpledecode_getsoundrate(cl_videostream); cl_videosoundlength = 0; cl_videosounddata = NULL; cl_videosoundresamplelength = 0; cl_videosoundresampledata = NULL; cl_videotexturepool = R_AllocTexturePool(); cl_videotexture = R_LoadTexture(cl_videotexturepool, "videotexture", cl_videoimagewidth, cl_videoimageheight, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FRAGMENT); } void CL_VideoStop(void) { cl_videoplaying = false; S_RawSamples_ClearQueue(); if (cl_videostream) dpvsimpledecode_close(cl_videostream); cl_videostream = NULL; if (cl_videoimagedata) Mem_Free(cl_videoimagedata); cl_videoimagedata = NULL; if (cl_videosounddata) Mem_Free(cl_videosounddata); cl_videosounddata = NULL; if (cl_videosoundresampledata) Mem_Free(cl_videosoundresampledata); cl_videosoundresampledata = NULL; cl_videotexture = NULL; R_FreeTexturePool(&cl_videotexturepool); Draw_FreePic("engine_videoframe"); } static void CL_PlayVideo_f(void) { char name[1024]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf ("usage: playvideo \nplays video named video/.dpv\n"); return; } sprintf(name, "%s/video/%s.dpv", com_gamedir, Cmd_Argv(1)); CL_VideoStart(name); } static void CL_StopVideo_f(void) { CL_VideoStop(); } void CL_Video_Init(void) { Cmd_AddCommand("playvideo", CL_PlayVideo_f); Cmd_AddCommand("stopvideo", CL_StopVideo_f); clvideomempool = Mem_AllocPool("CL_Video"); }