#include "quakedef.h" #include "cl_video.h" #include "dpvsimpledecode.h" // constants (and semi-constants) static int cl_videormask; static int cl_videobmask; static int cl_videogmask; static int cl_videobytesperpixel; static int cl_num_videos; static clvideo_t cl_videos[ MAXCLVIDEOS ]; static rtexturepool_t *cl_videotexturepool; static clvideo_t *FindUnusedVid( void ) { int i; for( i = 1 ; i < MAXCLVIDEOS ; i++ ) if( cl_videos[ i ].state == CLVIDEO_UNUSED ) return &cl_videos[ i ]; return NULL; } static qboolean OpenStream( clvideo_t * video ) { char *errorstring; video->stream = dpvsimpledecode_open( video->filename, &errorstring); if (!video->stream ) { Con_Printf("unable to open \"%s\", error: %s\n", video->filename, errorstring); return false; } return true; } static void SuspendVideo( clvideo_t * video ) { if( video->suspended ) return; video->suspended = true; // free the texture R_FreeTexture( video->cpif.tex ); // free the image data Mem_Free( video->imagedata ); // if we are in firstframe mode, also close the stream if( video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME ) dpvsimpledecode_close( video->stream ); } static qboolean WakeVideo( clvideo_t * video ) { if( !video->suspended ) return true; video->suspended = false; if( video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME ) if( !OpenStream( video ) ) { video->state = CLVIDEO_UNUSED; return false; } video->imagedata = Mem_Alloc( cls.permanentmempool, video->cpif.width * video->cpif.height * cl_videobytesperpixel ); video->cpif.tex = R_LoadTexture2D( cl_videotexturepool, video->cpif.name, video->cpif.width, video->cpif.height, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL ); // update starttime video->starttime += realtime - video->lasttime; return true; } static clvideo_t* OpenVideo( clvideo_t *video, const char *filename, const char *name, int owner ) { strlcpy( video->filename, filename, sizeof(video->filename) ); video->ownertag = owner; if( strncmp( name, CLVIDEOPREFIX, sizeof( CLVIDEOPREFIX ) - 1 ) ) return NULL; strlcpy( video->cpif.name, name, sizeof(video->cpif.name) ); if( !OpenStream( video ) ) return NULL; video->state = CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME; video->framenum = -1; video->framerate = dpvsimpledecode_getframerate( video->stream ); video->lasttime = realtime; video->cpif.width = dpvsimpledecode_getwidth( video->stream ); video->cpif.height = dpvsimpledecode_getheight( video->stream ); video->cpif.tex = R_LoadTexture2D( cl_videotexturepool, video->cpif.name, video->cpif.width, video->cpif.height, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL ); video->imagedata = Mem_Alloc( cls.permanentmempool, video->cpif.width * video->cpif.height * cl_videobytesperpixel ); return video; } clvideo_t* CL_OpenVideo( const char *filename, const char *name, int owner ) { clvideo_t *video; video = FindUnusedVid(); if( !video ) { Con_Printf( "unable to open video \"%s\" - video limit reached\n", filename ); return NULL; } video = OpenVideo( video, filename, name, owner ); // expand the active range to include the new entry if (video) cl_num_videos = max(cl_num_videos, (int)(video - cl_videos) + 1); return video; } static clvideo_t* CL_GetVideoBySlot( int slot ) { clvideo_t *video = &cl_videos[ slot ]; if( video->suspended ) { if( !WakeVideo( video ) ) return NULL; else if( video->state == CLVIDEO_RESETONWAKEUP ) video->framenum = -1; } video->lasttime = realtime; return video; } clvideo_t *CL_GetVideoByName( const char *name ) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++ ) if( cl_videos[ i ].state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED && !strcmp( cl_videos[ i ].cpif.name , name ) ) break; if( i != cl_num_videos ) return CL_GetVideoBySlot( i ); else return NULL; } void CL_SetVideoState( clvideo_t *video, clvideostate_t state ) { if( !video ) return; video->lasttime = realtime; video->state = state; if( state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME ) CL_RestartVideo( video ); } void CL_RestartVideo( clvideo_t *video ) { if( !video ) return; video->starttime = video->lasttime = realtime; video->framenum = -1; dpvsimpledecode_close( video->stream ); if( !OpenStream( video ) ) video->state = CLVIDEO_UNUSED; } void CL_CloseVideo( clvideo_t * video ) { if( !video || video->state == CLVIDEO_UNUSED ) return; if( !video->suspended || video->state != CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME ) dpvsimpledecode_close( video->stream ); if( !video->suspended ) { Mem_Free( video->imagedata ); R_FreeTexture( video->cpif.tex ); } video->state = CLVIDEO_UNUSED; } static void VideoFrame( clvideo_t *video ) { int destframe; if( video->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME ) destframe = 0; else destframe = (int)((realtime - video->starttime) * video->framerate); if( destframe < 0 ) destframe = 0; if( video->framenum < destframe ) { do { video->framenum++; if( dpvsimpledecode_video( video->stream, video->imagedata, cl_videormask, cl_videogmask, cl_videobmask, cl_videobytesperpixel, cl_videobytesperpixel * video->cpif.width ) ) { // finished? CL_RestartVideo( video ); if( video->state == CLVIDEO_PLAY ) video->state = CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME; return; } } while( video->framenum < destframe ); R_UpdateTexture( video->cpif.tex, (unsigned char *)video->imagedata, 0, 0, video->cpif.width, video->cpif.height ); } } void CL_VideoFrame( void ) // update all videos { int i; clvideo_t *video; if (!cl_num_videos) return; for( video = cl_videos, i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; video++, i++ ) if( video->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED && !video->suspended ) { if( realtime - video->lasttime > CLTHRESHOLD ) SuspendVideo( video ); else if( video->state == CLVIDEO_PAUSE ) video->starttime = realtime - video->framenum * video->framerate; else VideoFrame( video ); } if( cl_videos->state == CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME ) CL_VideoStop(); // reduce range to exclude unnecessary entries while (cl_num_videos > 0 && cl_videos[cl_num_videos-1].state == CLVIDEO_UNUSED) cl_num_videos--; } void CL_Video_Shutdown( void ) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++ ) CL_CloseVideo( &cl_videos[ i ] ); } void CL_PurgeOwner( int owner ) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++ ) if( cl_videos[ i ].ownertag == owner ) CL_CloseVideo( &cl_videos[ i ] ); } int cl_videoplaying = false; // old, but still supported void CL_DrawVideo(void) { if (cl_videoplaying) DrawQ_Pic(0, 0, &CL_GetVideoBySlot( 0 )->cpif, vid_conwidth.integer, vid_conheight.integer, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } void CL_VideoStart(char *filename) { Host_StartVideo(); if( cl_videos->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED ) CL_CloseVideo( cl_videos ); if( !OpenVideo( cl_videos, filename, va( CLVIDEOPREFIX "%s", filename ), 0 ) ) return; // expand the active range to include the new entry cl_num_videos = max(cl_num_videos, 1); cl_videoplaying = true; CL_SetVideoState( cl_videos, CLVIDEO_PLAY ); CL_RestartVideo( cl_videos ); } void CL_Video_KeyEvent( int key, int ascii, qboolean down ) { // only react to up events, to allow the user to delay the abortion point if it suddenly becomes interesting.. if( !down ) { if( key == K_ESCAPE || key == K_ENTER || key == K_SPACE ) { CL_VideoStop(); } } } void CL_VideoStop(void) { cl_videoplaying = false; CL_CloseVideo( cl_videos ); } static void CL_PlayVideo_f(void) { char name[MAX_QPATH]; Host_StartVideo(); if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Print("usage: playvideo \nplays video named video/.dpv\n"); return; } sprintf(name, "video/%s.dpv", Cmd_Argv(1)); CL_VideoStart(name); } static void CL_StopVideo_f(void) { CL_VideoStop(); } static void cl_video_start( void ) { int i; clvideo_t *video; cl_videotexturepool = R_AllocTexturePool(); for( video = cl_videos, i = 0 ; i < cl_num_videos ; i++, video++ ) if( video->state != CLVIDEO_UNUSED && !video->suspended ) video->cpif.tex = R_LoadTexture2D( cl_videotexturepool, video->cpif.name, video->cpif.width, video->cpif.height, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL ); } static void cl_video_shutdown( void ) { R_FreeTexturePool( &cl_videotexturepool ); } static void cl_video_newmap( void ) { } void CL_Video_Init( void ) { cl_num_videos = 0; cl_videobytesperpixel = 4; cl_videormask = BigLong(0xFF000000); cl_videogmask = BigLong(0x00FF0000); cl_videobmask = BigLong(0x0000FF00); Cmd_AddCommand( "playvideo", CL_PlayVideo_f, "play a .dpv video file" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "stopvideo", CL_StopVideo_f, "stop playing a .dpv video file" ); R_RegisterModule( "CL_Video", cl_video_start, cl_video_shutdown, cl_video_newmap ); }