#ifndef CL_VIDEO_H #define CL_VIDEO_H #define MAXCLVIDEOS 64 + 1 // 1 video is reserved for the cinematic mode #define CLVIDEOPREFIX "_video/" #define CLTHRESHOLD 2.0 #define MENUOWNER 1 typedef enum clvideostate_e { CLVIDEO_UNUSED, CLVIDEO_PLAY, CLVIDEO_LOOP, CLVIDEO_PAUSE, CLVIDEO_FIRSTFRAME, CLVIDEO_RESETONWAKEUP, CLVIDEO_STATECOUNT } clvideostate_t; typedef struct clvideo_s { int ownertag; clvideostate_t state; // private stuff void *stream; double starttime; int framenum; double framerate; void *imagedata; cachepic_t cpif; // if a video is suspended, it is automatically paused (else we'd still have to process the frames) // used to determine whether the video's resources should be freed or not double lasttime; // when lasttime - realtime > THRESHOLD, all but the stream is freed qboolean suspended; char filename[MAX_QPATH]; } clvideo_t; clvideo_t* CL_OpenVideo( const char *filename, const char *name, int owner ); clvideo_t* CL_GetVideoByName( const char *name ); void CL_SetVideoState( clvideo_t *video, clvideostate_t state ); void CL_RestartVideo( clvideo_t *video ); void CL_CloseVideo( clvideo_t * video ); void CL_PurgeOwner( int owner ); void CL_VideoFrame( void ); // update all videos void CL_Video_Init( void ); void CL_Video_Shutdown( void ); // old interface extern int cl_videoplaying; void CL_DrawVideo( void ); void CL_VideoStart( char *filename ); void CL_VideoStop( void ); // new function used for fullscreen videos // TODO: Andreas Kirsch: move this subsystem somewhere else (preferably host) since the cl_video system shouldnt do such work like managing key events.. void CL_Video_KeyEvent( int key, int ascii, qboolean down ); #endif