#include "quakedef.h" #include "winding.h" typedef struct { // the hull we're tracing through const hull_t *hull; // the trace structure to fill in trace_t *trace; // start and end of the trace (in model space) double start[3]; double end[3]; // end - start double dist[3]; // overrides the CONTENTS_SOLID in the box bsp tree int boxsupercontents; } RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t; // 1/32 epsilon to keep floating point happy #define DIST_EPSILON (0.03125) #define HULLCHECKSTATE_EMPTY 0 #define HULLCHECKSTATE_SOLID 1 #define HULLCHECKSTATE_DONE 2 static int RecursiveHullCheck(RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t *t, int num, double p1f, double p2f, double p1[3], double p2[3]) { // status variables, these don't need to be saved on the stack when // recursing... but are because this should be thread-safe // (note: tracing against a bbox is not thread-safe, yet) int ret; mplane_t *plane; double t1, t2; // variables that need to be stored on the stack when recursing dclipnode_t *node; int side; double midf, mid[3]; // LordHavoc: a goto! everyone flee in terror... :) loc0: // check for empty if (num < 0) { // translate the fake CONTENTS values in the box bsp tree if (num == CONTENTS_SOLID) num = t->boxsupercontents; else num = 0; if (!t->trace->startfound) { t->trace->startfound = true; t->trace->startsupercontents |= num; } if (num & t->trace->hitsupercontentsmask) { // if the first leaf is solid, set startsolid if (t->trace->allsolid) t->trace->startsolid = true; return HULLCHECKSTATE_SOLID; } else { t->trace->allsolid = false; return HULLCHECKSTATE_EMPTY; } } // find the point distances node = t->hull->clipnodes + num; plane = t->hull->planes + node->planenum; if (plane->type < 3) { t1 = p1[plane->type] - plane->dist; t2 = p2[plane->type] - plane->dist; } else { t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p1) - plane->dist; t2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p2) - plane->dist; } if (t1 < 0) { if (t2 < 0) { num = node->children[1]; goto loc0; } side = 1; } else { if (t2 >= 0) { num = node->children[0]; goto loc0; } side = 0; } // the line intersects, find intersection point // LordHavoc: this uses the original trace for maximum accuracy if (plane->type < 3) { t1 = t->start[plane->type] - plane->dist; t2 = t->end[plane->type] - plane->dist; } else { t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, t->start) - plane->dist; t2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, t->end) - plane->dist; } midf = t1 / (t1 - t2); midf = bound(p1f, midf, p2f); VectorMA(t->start, midf, t->dist, mid); // recurse both sides, front side first ret = RecursiveHullCheck (t, node->children[side], p1f, midf, p1, mid); // if this side is not empty, return what it is (solid or done) if (ret != HULLCHECKSTATE_EMPTY) return ret; ret = RecursiveHullCheck (t, node->children[side ^ 1], midf, p2f, mid, p2); // if other side is not solid, return what it is (empty or done) if (ret != HULLCHECKSTATE_SOLID) return ret; // front is air and back is solid, this is the impact point... if (side) { t->trace->plane.dist = -plane->dist; VectorNegate (plane->normal, t->trace->plane.normal); } else { t->trace->plane.dist = plane->dist; VectorCopy (plane->normal, t->trace->plane.normal); } // bias away from surface a bit t1 = DotProduct(t->trace->plane.normal, t->start) - (t->trace->plane.dist + DIST_EPSILON); t2 = DotProduct(t->trace->plane.normal, t->end) - (t->trace->plane.dist + DIST_EPSILON); midf = t1 / (t1 - t2); t->trace->fraction = bound(0.0f, midf, 1.0); VectorMA(t->start, t->trace->fraction, t->dist, t->trace->endpos); return HULLCHECKSTATE_DONE; } #if 0 // used if start and end are the same static void RecursiveHullCheckPoint (RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t *t, int num) { // If you can read this, you understand BSP trees while (num >= 0) num = t->hull->clipnodes[num].children[((t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].type < 3) ? (t->start[t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].type]) : (DotProduct(t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].normal, t->start))) < t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].dist]; // check for empty t->trace->endcontents = num; if (t->trace->thiscontents) { if (num == t->trace->thiscontents) t->trace->allsolid = false; else { // if the first leaf is solid, set startsolid if (t->trace->allsolid) t->trace->startsolid = true; } } else { if (num != CONTENTS_SOLID) { t->trace->allsolid = false; if (num == CONTENTS_EMPTY) t->trace->inopen = true; else t->trace->inwater = true; } else { // if the first leaf is solid, set startsolid if (t->trace->allsolid) t->trace->startsolid = true; } } } #endif static hull_t box_hull; static dclipnode_t box_clipnodes[6]; static mplane_t box_planes[6]; void Collision_Init (void) { int i; int side; //Set up the planes and clipnodes so that the six floats of a bounding box //can just be stored out and get a proper hull_t structure. box_hull.clipnodes = box_clipnodes; box_hull.planes = box_planes; box_hull.firstclipnode = 0; box_hull.lastclipnode = 5; for (i = 0;i < 6;i++) { box_clipnodes[i].planenum = i; side = i&1; box_clipnodes[i].children[side] = CONTENTS_EMPTY; if (i != 5) box_clipnodes[i].children[side^1] = i + 1; else box_clipnodes[i].children[side^1] = CONTENTS_SOLID; box_planes[i].type = i>>1; box_planes[i].normal[i>>1] = 1; } } void Collision_ClipTrace_Box(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t cmins, const vec3_t cmaxs, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int boxsupercontents) { RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t rhc; // fill in a default trace memset(&rhc, 0, sizeof(rhc)); memset(trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); //To keep everything totally uniform, bounding boxes are turned into small //BSP trees instead of being compared directly. // create a temp hull from bounding box sizes box_planes[0].dist = cmaxs[0] - mins[0]; box_planes[1].dist = cmins[0] - maxs[0]; box_planes[2].dist = cmaxs[1] - mins[1]; box_planes[3].dist = cmins[1] - maxs[1]; box_planes[4].dist = cmaxs[2] - mins[2]; box_planes[5].dist = cmins[2] - maxs[2]; // trace a line through the generated clipping hull rhc.boxsupercontents = boxsupercontents; rhc.hull = &box_hull; rhc.trace = trace; rhc.trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask; rhc.trace->fraction = 1; rhc.trace->allsolid = true; VectorCopy(start, rhc.start); VectorCopy(end, rhc.end); VectorSubtract(rhc.end, rhc.start, rhc.dist); RecursiveHullCheck(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, rhc.start, rhc.end); } void Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(colbrushf_t *brush, const char *name) { int i; Con_Printf("3 %s\n%i\n", name, brush->numpoints); for (i = 0;i < brush->numpoints;i++) Con_Printf("%f %f %f\n", brush->points[i].v[0], brush->points[i].v[1], brush->points[i].v[2]); // FIXME: optimize! Con_Printf("4\n%i\n", brush->numplanes); for (i = 0;i < brush->numplanes;i++) Con_Printf("%f %f %f %f\n", brush->planes[i].normal[0], brush->planes[i].normal[1], brush->planes[i].normal[2], brush->planes[i].dist); } void Collision_ValidateBrush(colbrushf_t *brush) { int j, k, pointsoffplanes, printbrush; float d; printbrush = false; if (!brush->numpoints) { Con_Printf("Collision_ValidateBrush: brush with no points!\n"); printbrush = true; } #if 0 // it's ok for a brush to have one point and no planes... if (brush->numplanes == 0 && brush->numpoints != 1) { Con_Printf("Collision_ValidateBrush: brush with no planes and more than one point!\n"); printbrush = true; } #endif if (brush->numplanes) { pointsoffplanes = 0; for (k = 0;k < brush->numplanes;k++) { if (DotProduct(brush->planes[k].normal, brush->planes[k].normal) < 0.0001f) Con_Printf("Collision_ValidateBrush: plane #%i (%f %f %f %f) is degenerate\n", k, brush->planes[k].normal[0], brush->planes[k].normal[1], brush->planes[k].normal[2], brush->planes[k].dist); for (j = 0;j < brush->numpoints;j++) { d = DotProduct(brush->points[j].v, brush->planes[k].normal) - brush->planes[k].dist; if (d > (1.0f / 8.0f)) { Con_Printf("Collision_ValidateBrush: point #%i (%f %f %f) infront of plane #%i (%f %f %f %f)\n", j, brush->points[j].v[0], brush->points[j].v[1], brush->points[j].v[2], k, brush->planes[k].normal[0], brush->planes[k].normal[1], brush->planes[k].normal[2], brush->planes[k].dist); printbrush = true; } if (fabs(d) > 0.01f) pointsoffplanes++; } } if (pointsoffplanes == 0) // all points are on all planes { Con_Printf("Collision_ValidateBrush: all points lie on all planes (degenerate, no brush volume!)\n"); printbrush = true; } } if (printbrush) Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(brush, "unnamed"); } float nearestplanedist_float(const float *normal, const colpointf_t *points, int numpoints) { float dist, bestdist; bestdist = DotProduct(points->v, normal); points++; while(--numpoints) { dist = DotProduct(points->v, normal); bestdist = min(bestdist, dist); points++; } return bestdist; } float furthestplanedist_float(const float *normal, const colpointf_t *points, int numpoints) { float dist, bestdist; bestdist = DotProduct(points->v, normal); points++; while(--numpoints) { dist = DotProduct(points->v, normal); bestdist = max(bestdist, dist); points++; } return bestdist; } colbrushf_t *Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(mempool_t *mempool, int numoriginalplanes, const mplane_t *originalplanes, int supercontents, winding_t *temp1, winding_t *temp2) { int j, k, m; int numpoints, maxpoints, numplanes, maxplanes, numelements, maxelements, numtriangles, numpolypoints, maxpolypoints; winding_t *w, *temp, *othertemp; colbrushf_t *brush; colpointf_t pointsbuf[256]; colplanef_t planesbuf[256]; int elementsbuf[1024]; int polypointbuf[256]; float mins[3], maxs[3]; // construct a collision brush (points, planes, and renderable mesh) from // a set of planes, this also optimizes out any unnecessary planes (ones // whose polygon is clipped away by the other planes) numpoints = 0;maxpoints = 256; numplanes = 0;maxplanes = 256; numelements = 0;maxelements = 1024; numtriangles = 0; maxpolypoints = 256; for (j = 0;j < numoriginalplanes;j++) { // add the plane uniquely (no duplicates) for (k = 0;k < numplanes;k++) if (VectorCompare(planesbuf[k].normal, originalplanes[j].normal) && planesbuf[k].dist == originalplanes[j].dist) break; // if the plane is a duplicate, skip it if (k < numplanes) continue; // check if there are too many and skip the brush if (numplanes >= 256) { Con_Printf("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadBrushes: failed to build collision brush: too many planes for buffer\n"); return NULL; } // create a large polygon from the plane w = temp1; othertemp = temp2; BufWinding_NewFromPlane(w, originalplanes[j].normal[0], originalplanes[j].normal[1], originalplanes[j].normal[2], originalplanes[j].dist); // clip it by all other planes for (k = 0;k < numoriginalplanes && w->numpoints;k++) { if (k != j) { // we want to keep the inside of the brush plane so we flip // the cutting plane BufWinding_Divide(w, -originalplanes[k].normal[0], -originalplanes[k].normal[1], -originalplanes[k].normal[2], -originalplanes[k].dist, othertemp, NULL, NULL, NULL); temp = w; w = othertemp; othertemp = temp; } } // if nothing is left, skip it if (!w->numpoints) continue; // copy off the number of points for later when the winding is freed numpolypoints = w->numpoints; // check if there are too many polygon vertices for buffer if (numpolypoints > maxpolypoints) { Con_Printf("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: too many points for buffer\n"); return NULL; } // check if there are too many triangle elements for buffer if (numelements + (w->numpoints - 2) * 3 > maxelements) { Con_Printf("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: too many triangle elements for buffer\n"); return NULL; } for (k = 0;k < w->numpoints;k++) { // check if there is already a matching point (no duplicates) for (m = 0;m < numpoints;m++) if (VectorDistance2(w->points[k], pointsbuf[m].v) < DIST_EPSILON) break; // if there is no match, add a new one if (m == numpoints) { // check if there are too many and skip the brush if (numpoints >= 256) { Con_Printf("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: too many points for buffer\n"); Winding_Free(w); return NULL; } // add the new one VectorCopy(w->points[k], pointsbuf[numpoints].v); numpoints++; } // store the index into a buffer polypointbuf[k] = m; } w = NULL; othertemp = NULL; temp = NULL; // add the triangles for the polygon // (this particular code makes a triangle fan) for (k = 0;k < numpolypoints - 2;k++) { numtriangles++; elementsbuf[numelements++] = polypointbuf[0]; elementsbuf[numelements++] = polypointbuf[k + 1]; elementsbuf[numelements++] = polypointbuf[k + 2]; } // add the new plane VectorCopy(originalplanes[j].normal, planesbuf[numplanes].normal); planesbuf[numplanes].dist = originalplanes[j].dist; numplanes++; } // recalc distances for (j = 0;j < numplanes;j++) planesbuf[j].dist = furthestplanedist_float(planesbuf[j].normal, pointsbuf, numpoints); if (numpoints) { VectorCopy(pointsbuf[0].v, mins); VectorCopy(pointsbuf[0].v, maxs); for (j = 1;j < numpoints;j++) { mins[0] = min(mins[0], pointsbuf[j].v[0]); mins[1] = min(mins[1], pointsbuf[j].v[1]); mins[2] = min(mins[2], pointsbuf[j].v[2]); maxs[0] = max(maxs[0], pointsbuf[j].v[0]); maxs[1] = max(maxs[1], pointsbuf[j].v[1]); maxs[2] = max(maxs[2], pointsbuf[j].v[2]); } } // if nothing is left, there's nothing to allocate if (numtriangles < 4 || numplanes < 4 || numpoints < 4) return NULL; // allocate the brush and copy to it brush = Collision_AllocBrushFloat(mempool, numpoints, numplanes, numtriangles, supercontents); memcpy(brush->points, pointsbuf, numpoints * sizeof(colpointf_t)); memcpy(brush->planes, planesbuf, numplanes * sizeof(colplanef_t)); memcpy(brush->elements, elementsbuf, numtriangles * sizeof(int[3])); VectorCopy(mins, brush->mins); VectorCopy(maxs, brush->maxs); Collision_ValidateBrush(brush); return brush; } colbrushf_t *Collision_AllocBrushFloat(mempool_t *mempool, int numpoints, int numplanes, int numtriangles, int supercontents) { colbrushf_t *brush; brush = Mem_Alloc(mempool, sizeof(colbrushf_t) + sizeof(colpointf_t) * numpoints + sizeof(colplanef_t) * numplanes + sizeof(int[3]) * numtriangles); brush->supercontents = supercontents; brush->numplanes = numplanes; brush->numpoints = numpoints; brush->numtriangles = numtriangles; brush->planes = (void *)(brush + 1); brush->points = (void *)(brush->planes + brush->numplanes); brush->elements = (void *)(brush->points + brush->numpoints); return brush; } void Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat(colbrushf_t *brush) { int i; float edge0[3], edge1[3], edge2[3], normal[3], dist, bestdist, temp[3]; colpointf_t *p, *p2; if (brush->numpoints == 3) { // optimized triangle case TriangleNormal(brush->points[0].v, brush->points[1].v, brush->points[2].v, brush->planes[0].normal); if (DotProduct(brush->planes[0].normal, brush->planes[0].normal) < 0.0001f) { // there's no point in processing a degenerate triangle (GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out) brush->numplanes = 0; return; } else { brush->numplanes = 5; VectorNormalize(brush->planes[0].normal); brush->planes[0].dist = DotProduct(brush->points->v, brush->planes[0].normal); VectorNegate(brush->planes[0].normal, brush->planes[1].normal); brush->planes[1].dist = -brush->planes[0].dist; VectorSubtract(brush->points[2].v, brush->points[0].v, edge0); VectorSubtract(brush->points[0].v, brush->points[1].v, edge1); VectorSubtract(brush->points[1].v, brush->points[2].v, edge2); CrossProduct(edge0, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[2].normal); CrossProduct(edge1, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[3].normal); CrossProduct(edge2, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[4].normal); VectorNormalize(brush->planes[2].normal); VectorNormalize(brush->planes[3].normal); VectorNormalize(brush->planes[4].normal); brush->planes[2].dist = DotProduct(brush->points[2].v, brush->planes[2].normal); brush->planes[3].dist = DotProduct(brush->points[0].v, brush->planes[3].normal); brush->planes[4].dist = DotProduct(brush->points[1].v, brush->planes[4].normal); if (developer.integer) { // validation code //VectorSubtract(brush->points[0].v, brush->points[1].v, edge0); //VectorSubtract(brush->points[2].v, brush->points[1].v, edge1); CrossProduct(edge1, edge0, normal); VectorNormalize(normal); VectorSubtract(normal, brush->planes[0].normal, temp); if (VectorLength(temp) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: TriangleNormal gave wrong answer (%f %f %f != correct answer %f %f %f)\n", brush->planes->normal[0], brush->planes->normal[1], brush->planes->normal[2], normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->planes[1].normal, brush->planes[0].normal) - -1.0f) > 0.01f || fabs(brush->planes[1].dist - -brush->planes[0].dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: plane 1 (%f %f %f %f) is not opposite plane 0 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->planes[1].normal[0], brush->planes[1].normal[1], brush->planes[1].normal[2], brush->planes[1].dist, brush->planes[0].normal[0], brush->planes[0].normal[1], brush->planes[0].normal[2], brush->planes[0].dist); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->planes[2].normal, brush->planes[0].normal)) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: plane 2 (%f %f %f %f) is not perpendicular to plane 0 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->planes[2].normal[0], brush->planes[2].normal[1], brush->planes[2].normal[2], brush->planes[2].dist, brush->planes[0].normal[0], brush->planes[0].normal[1], brush->planes[0].normal[2], brush->planes[2].dist); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->planes[3].normal, brush->planes[0].normal)) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: plane 3 (%f %f %f %f) is not perpendicular to plane 0 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->planes[3].normal[0], brush->planes[3].normal[1], brush->planes[3].normal[2], brush->planes[3].dist, brush->planes[0].normal[0], brush->planes[0].normal[1], brush->planes[0].normal[2], brush->planes[3].dist); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->planes[4].normal, brush->planes[0].normal)) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: plane 4 (%f %f %f %f) is not perpendicular to plane 0 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->planes[4].normal[0], brush->planes[4].normal[1], brush->planes[4].normal[2], brush->planes[4].dist, brush->planes[0].normal[0], brush->planes[0].normal[1], brush->planes[0].normal[2], brush->planes[4].dist); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->planes[2].normal, edge0)) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: plane 2 (%f %f %f %f) is not perpendicular to edge 0 (%f %f %f to %f %f %f)\n", brush->planes[2].normal[0], brush->planes[2].normal[1], brush->planes[2].normal[2], brush->planes[2].dist, brush->points[2].v[0], brush->points[2].v[1], brush->points[2].v[2], brush->points[0].v[0], brush->points[0].v[1], brush->points[0].v[2]); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->planes[3].normal, edge1)) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: plane 3 (%f %f %f %f) is not perpendicular to edge 1 (%f %f %f to %f %f %f)\n", brush->planes[3].normal[0], brush->planes[3].normal[1], brush->planes[3].normal[2], brush->planes[3].dist, brush->points[0].v[0], brush->points[0].v[1], brush->points[0].v[2], brush->points[1].v[0], brush->points[1].v[1], brush->points[1].v[2]); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->planes[4].normal, edge2)) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: plane 4 (%f %f %f %f) is not perpendicular to edge 2 (%f %f %f to %f %f %f)\n", brush->planes[4].normal[0], brush->planes[4].normal[1], brush->planes[4].normal[2], brush->planes[4].dist, brush->points[1].v[0], brush->points[1].v[1], brush->points[1].v[2], brush->points[2].v[0], brush->points[2].v[1], brush->points[2].v[2]); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[0].v, brush->planes[0].normal) - brush->planes[0].dist) > 0.01f || fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[1].v, brush->planes[0].normal) - brush->planes[0].dist) > 0.01f || fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[2].v, brush->planes[0].normal) - brush->planes[0].dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: edges (%f %f %f to %f %f %f to %f %f %f) off front plane 0 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->points[0].v[0], brush->points[0].v[1], brush->points[0].v[2], brush->points[1].v[0], brush->points[1].v[1], brush->points[1].v[2], brush->points[2].v[0], brush->points[2].v[1], brush->points[2].v[2], brush->planes[0].normal[0], brush->planes[0].normal[1], brush->planes[0].normal[2], brush->planes[0].dist); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[0].v, brush->planes[1].normal) - brush->planes[1].dist) > 0.01f || fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[1].v, brush->planes[1].normal) - brush->planes[1].dist) > 0.01f || fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[2].v, brush->planes[1].normal) - brush->planes[1].dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: edges (%f %f %f to %f %f %f to %f %f %f) off back plane 1 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->points[0].v[0], brush->points[0].v[1], brush->points[0].v[2], brush->points[1].v[0], brush->points[1].v[1], brush->points[1].v[2], brush->points[2].v[0], brush->points[2].v[1], brush->points[2].v[2], brush->planes[1].normal[0], brush->planes[1].normal[1], brush->planes[1].normal[2], brush->planes[1].dist); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[2].v, brush->planes[2].normal) - brush->planes[2].dist) > 0.01f || fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[0].v, brush->planes[2].normal) - brush->planes[2].dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: edge 0 (%f %f %f to %f %f %f) off front plane 2 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->points[2].v[0], brush->points[2].v[1], brush->points[2].v[2], brush->points[0].v[0], brush->points[0].v[1], brush->points[0].v[2], brush->planes[2].normal[0], brush->planes[2].normal[1], brush->planes[2].normal[2], brush->planes[2].dist); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[0].v, brush->planes[3].normal) - brush->planes[3].dist) > 0.01f || fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[1].v, brush->planes[3].normal) - brush->planes[3].dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: edge 0 (%f %f %f to %f %f %f) off front plane 2 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->points[0].v[0], brush->points[0].v[1], brush->points[0].v[2], brush->points[1].v[0], brush->points[1].v[1], brush->points[1].v[2], brush->planes[3].normal[0], brush->planes[3].normal[1], brush->planes[3].normal[2], brush->planes[3].dist); if (fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[1].v, brush->planes[4].normal) - brush->planes[4].dist) > 0.01f || fabs(DotProduct(brush->points[2].v, brush->planes[4].normal) - brush->planes[4].dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat: edge 0 (%f %f %f to %f %f %f) off front plane 2 (%f %f %f %f)\n", brush->points[1].v[0], brush->points[1].v[1], brush->points[1].v[2], brush->points[2].v[0], brush->points[2].v[1], brush->points[2].v[2], brush->planes[4].normal[0], brush->planes[4].normal[1], brush->planes[4].normal[2], brush->planes[4].dist); } } } else { // choose best surface normal for polygon's plane bestdist = 0; for (i = 0, p = brush->points + 1;i < brush->numpoints - 2;i++, p++) { VectorSubtract(p[-1].v, p[0].v, edge0); VectorSubtract(p[1].v, p[0].v, edge1); CrossProduct(edge0, edge1, normal); //TriangleNormal(p[-1].v, p[0].v, p[1].v, normal); dist = DotProduct(normal, normal); if (i == 0 || bestdist < dist) { bestdist = dist; VectorCopy(normal, brush->planes->normal); } } if (bestdist < 0.0001f) { // there's no point in processing a degenerate triangle (GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out) brush->numplanes = 0; return; } else { brush->numplanes = brush->numpoints + 2; VectorNormalize(brush->planes->normal); brush->planes->dist = DotProduct(brush->points->v, brush->planes->normal); // negate plane to create other side VectorNegate(brush->planes[0].normal, brush->planes[1].normal); brush->planes[1].dist = -brush->planes[0].dist; for (i = 0, p = brush->points + (brush->numpoints - 1), p2 = brush->points;i < brush->numpoints;i++, p = p2, p2++) { VectorSubtract(p->v, p2->v, edge0); CrossProduct(edge0, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[i + 2].normal); VectorNormalize(brush->planes[i + 2].normal); brush->planes[i + 2].dist = DotProduct(p->v, brush->planes[i + 2].normal); } } } if (developer.integer) { // validity check - will be disabled later Collision_ValidateBrush(brush); for (i = 0;i < brush->numplanes;i++) { int j; for (j = 0, p = brush->points;j < brush->numpoints;j++, p++) if (DotProduct(p->v, brush->planes[i].normal) > brush->planes[i].dist + (1.0 / 32.0)) Con_Printf("Error in brush plane generation, plane %i\n", i); } } } colbrushf_t *Collision_AllocBrushFromPermanentPolygonFloat(mempool_t *mempool, int numpoints, float *points, int supercontents) { colbrushf_t *brush; brush = Mem_Alloc(mempool, sizeof(colbrushf_t) + sizeof(colplanef_t) * (numpoints + 2)); brush->supercontents = supercontents; brush->numpoints = numpoints; brush->numplanes = numpoints + 2; brush->planes = (void *)(brush + 1); brush->points = (colpointf_t *)points; Host_Error("Collision_AllocBrushFromPermanentPolygonFloat: FIXME: this code needs to be updated to generate a mesh...\n"); return brush; } #define COLLISIONEPSILON (1.0f / 32.0f) #define COLLISIONEPSILON2 0//(1.0f / 32.0f) // NOTE: start and end of each brush pair must have same numplanes/numpoints void Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, const colbrushf_t *thatbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thatbrush_end) { int nplane, nplane2, fstartsolid, fendsolid, brushsolid; float enterfrac, leavefrac, d1, d2, f, newimpactnormal[3]; const colplanef_t *startplane, *endplane; enterfrac = -1; leavefrac = 1; fstartsolid = true; fendsolid = true; for (nplane = 0;nplane < thatbrush_start->numplanes + thisbrush_start->numplanes;nplane++) { nplane2 = nplane; if (nplane2 >= thatbrush_start->numplanes) { nplane2 -= thatbrush_start->numplanes; startplane = thisbrush_start->planes + nplane2; endplane = thisbrush_end->planes + nplane2; if (developer.integer) { // any brush with degenerate planes is not worth handling if (DotProduct(startplane->normal, startplane->normal) < 0.9f || DotProduct(endplane->normal, endplane->normal) < 0.9f) { Con_Printf("Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat: degenerate thisbrush plane!\n"); return; } f = furthestplanedist_float(startplane->normal, thisbrush_start->points, thisbrush_start->numpoints); if (fabs(f - startplane->dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("startplane->dist %f != calculated %f (thisbrush_start)\n", startplane->dist, f); } d1 = nearestplanedist_float(startplane->normal, thisbrush_start->points, thisbrush_start->numpoints) - furthestplanedist_float(startplane->normal, thatbrush_start->points, thatbrush_start->numpoints); d2 = nearestplanedist_float(endplane->normal, thisbrush_end->points, thisbrush_end->numpoints) - furthestplanedist_float(endplane->normal, thatbrush_end->points, thatbrush_end->numpoints) - COLLISIONEPSILON2; } else { startplane = thatbrush_start->planes + nplane2; endplane = thatbrush_end->planes + nplane2; if (developer.integer) { // any brush with degenerate planes is not worth handling if (DotProduct(startplane->normal, startplane->normal) < 0.9f || DotProduct(endplane->normal, endplane->normal) < 0.9f) { Con_Printf("Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat: degenerate thatbrush plane!\n"); return; } f = furthestplanedist_float(startplane->normal, thatbrush_start->points, thatbrush_start->numpoints); if (fabs(f - startplane->dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("startplane->dist %f != calculated %f (thatbrush_start)\n", startplane->dist, f); } d1 = nearestplanedist_float(startplane->normal, thisbrush_start->points, thisbrush_start->numpoints) - startplane->dist; d2 = nearestplanedist_float(endplane->normal, thisbrush_end->points, thisbrush_end->numpoints) - startplane->dist - COLLISIONEPSILON2; } //Con_Printf("%c%i: d1 = %f, d2 = %f, d1 / (d1 - d2) = %f\n", nplane2 != nplane ? 'b' : 'a', nplane2, d1, d2, d1 / (d1 - d2)); f = d1 - d2; if (f >= 0) { // moving into brush if (d2 > 0) return; if (d1 < 0) continue; // enter fstartsolid = false; f = (d1 - COLLISIONEPSILON) / f; f = bound(0, f, 1); if (enterfrac < f) { enterfrac = f; VectorLerp(startplane->normal, enterfrac, endplane->normal, newimpactnormal); } } else { // moving out of brush if (d1 > 0) return; if (d2 < 0) continue; // leave fendsolid = false; f = (d1 + COLLISIONEPSILON) / f; f = bound(0, f, 1); if (leavefrac > f) leavefrac = f; } } brushsolid = trace->hitsupercontentsmask & thatbrush_start->supercontents; if (fstartsolid) { trace->startsupercontents |= thatbrush_start->supercontents; if (brushsolid) { trace->startsolid = true; if (fendsolid) trace->allsolid = true; } } // LordHavoc: we need an epsilon nudge here because for a point trace the // penetrating line segment is normally zero length if this brush was // generated from a polygon (infinitely thin), and could even be slightly // positive or negative due to rounding errors in that case. if (brushsolid && enterfrac > -1 && enterfrac < trace->fraction && enterfrac - (1.0f / 1024.0f) <= leavefrac) { trace->fraction = bound(0, enterfrac, 1); VectorCopy(newimpactnormal, trace->plane.normal); } } // NOTE: start and end brush pair must have same numplanes/numpoints void Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, const colbrushf_t *thatbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thatbrush_end) { int nplane, fstartsolid, fendsolid, brushsolid; float enterfrac, leavefrac, d1, d2, f, newimpactnormal[3]; const colplanef_t *startplane, *endplane; enterfrac = -1; leavefrac = 1; fstartsolid = true; fendsolid = true; for (nplane = 0;nplane < thatbrush_start->numplanes;nplane++) { startplane = thatbrush_start->planes + nplane; endplane = thatbrush_end->planes + nplane; d1 = DotProduct(startplane->normal, linestart) - startplane->dist; d2 = DotProduct(endplane->normal, lineend) - endplane->dist - COLLISIONEPSILON2; if (developer.integer) { // any brush with degenerate planes is not worth handling if (DotProduct(startplane->normal, startplane->normal) < 0.9f || DotProduct(endplane->normal, endplane->normal) < 0.9f) { Con_Printf("Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat: degenerate plane!\n"); return; } f = furthestplanedist_float(startplane->normal, thatbrush_start->points, thatbrush_start->numpoints); if (fabs(f - startplane->dist) > 0.01f) Con_Printf("startplane->dist %f != calculated %f\n", startplane->dist, f); } f = d1 - d2; if (f >= 0) { // moving into brush if (d2 > 0) return; if (d1 < 0) continue; // enter fstartsolid = false; f = (d1 - COLLISIONEPSILON) / f; f = bound(0, f, 1); if (enterfrac < f) { enterfrac = f; VectorLerp(startplane->normal, enterfrac, endplane->normal, newimpactnormal); } } else { // moving out of brush if (d1 > 0) return; if (d2 < 0) continue; // leave fendsolid = false; f = (d1 + COLLISIONEPSILON) / f; f = bound(0, f, 1); if (leavefrac > f) leavefrac = f; } } brushsolid = trace->hitsupercontentsmask & thatbrush_start->supercontents; if (fstartsolid) { trace->startsupercontents |= thatbrush_start->supercontents; if (brushsolid) { trace->startsolid = true; if (fendsolid) trace->allsolid = true; } } // LordHavoc: we need an epsilon nudge here because for a point trace the // penetrating line segment is normally zero length if this brush was // generated from a polygon (infinitely thin), and could even be slightly // positive or negative due to rounding errors in that case. if (brushsolid && enterfrac > -1 && enterfrac < trace->fraction && enterfrac - (1.0f / 1024.0f) <= leavefrac) { trace->fraction = bound(0, enterfrac, 1); VectorCopy(newimpactnormal, trace->plane.normal); } } static colpointf_t polyf_points[256]; static colplanef_t polyf_planes[256 + 2]; static colbrushf_t polyf_brush; void Collision_TraceBrushPolygonFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int numpoints, const float *points, int supercontents) { if (numpoints > 256) { Con_Printf("Polygon with more than 256 points not supported yet (fixme!)\n"); return; } polyf_brush.numpoints = numpoints; polyf_brush.numplanes = numpoints + 2; polyf_brush.points = (colpointf_t *)points; polyf_brush.planes = polyf_planes; polyf_brush.supercontents = supercontents; Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat(&polyf_brush); //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&polyf_brush, "polyf_brush"); Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, &polyf_brush, &polyf_brush); } void Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const float *vertex3f, int supercontents, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs) { int i; float facemins[3], facemaxs[3]; polyf_brush.numpoints = 3; polyf_brush.numplanes = 5; polyf_brush.points = polyf_points; polyf_brush.planes = polyf_planes; polyf_brush.supercontents = supercontents; for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++, element3i += 3) { VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[0] * 3, polyf_points[0].v); VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[1] * 3, polyf_points[1].v); VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[2] * 3, polyf_points[2].v); facemins[0] = min(polyf_points[0].v[0], min(polyf_points[1].v[0], polyf_points[2].v[0])); facemins[1] = min(polyf_points[0].v[1], min(polyf_points[1].v[1], polyf_points[2].v[1])); facemins[2] = min(polyf_points[0].v[2], min(polyf_points[1].v[2], polyf_points[2].v[2])); facemaxs[0] = max(polyf_points[0].v[0], max(polyf_points[1].v[0], polyf_points[2].v[0])); facemaxs[1] = max(polyf_points[0].v[1], max(polyf_points[1].v[1], polyf_points[2].v[1])); facemaxs[2] = max(polyf_points[0].v[2], max(polyf_points[1].v[2], polyf_points[2].v[2])); if (BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, facemins, facemaxs)) { Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat(&polyf_brush); //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&polyf_brush, "polyf_brush"); Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, &polyf_brush, &polyf_brush); } } } void Collision_TraceLinePolygonFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int numpoints, const float *points, int supercontents) { if (numpoints > 256) { Con_Printf("Polygon with more than 256 points not supported yet (fixme!)\n"); return; } polyf_brush.numpoints = numpoints; polyf_brush.numplanes = numpoints + 2; polyf_brush.points = (colpointf_t *)points; polyf_brush.planes = polyf_planes; polyf_brush.supercontents = supercontents; Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat(&polyf_brush); //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&polyf_brush, "polyf_brush"); Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, linestart, lineend, &polyf_brush, &polyf_brush); } void Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const float *vertex3f, int supercontents, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs) { int i; float facemins[3], facemaxs[3]; polyf_brush.numpoints = 3; polyf_brush.numplanes = 5; polyf_brush.points = polyf_points; polyf_brush.planes = polyf_planes; polyf_brush.supercontents = supercontents; for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++, element3i += 3) { VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[0] * 3, polyf_points[0].v); VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[1] * 3, polyf_points[1].v); VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[2] * 3, polyf_points[2].v); facemins[0] = min(polyf_points[0].v[0], min(polyf_points[1].v[0], polyf_points[2].v[0])); facemins[1] = min(polyf_points[0].v[1], min(polyf_points[1].v[1], polyf_points[2].v[1])); facemins[2] = min(polyf_points[0].v[2], min(polyf_points[1].v[2], polyf_points[2].v[2])); facemaxs[0] = max(polyf_points[0].v[0], max(polyf_points[1].v[0], polyf_points[2].v[0])); facemaxs[1] = max(polyf_points[0].v[1], max(polyf_points[1].v[1], polyf_points[2].v[1])); facemaxs[2] = max(polyf_points[0].v[2], max(polyf_points[1].v[2], polyf_points[2].v[2])); if (BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, facemins, facemaxs)) { Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat(&polyf_brush); //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&polyf_brush, "polyf_brush"); Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, linestart, lineend, &polyf_brush, &polyf_brush); } } } static colpointf_t polyf_pointsstart[256], polyf_pointsend[256]; static colplanef_t polyf_planesstart[256 + 2], polyf_planesend[256 + 2]; static colbrushf_t polyf_brushstart, polyf_brushend; void Collision_TraceBrushPolygonTransformFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int numpoints, const float *points, const matrix4x4_t *polygonmatrixstart, const matrix4x4_t *polygonmatrixend, int supercontents) { int i; if (numpoints > 256) { Con_Printf("Polygon with more than 256 points not supported yet (fixme!)\n"); return; } polyf_brushstart.numpoints = numpoints; polyf_brushstart.numplanes = numpoints + 2; polyf_brushstart.points = polyf_pointsstart;//(colpointf_t *)points; polyf_brushstart.planes = polyf_planesstart; polyf_brushstart.supercontents = supercontents; for (i = 0;i < numpoints;i++) Matrix4x4_Transform(polygonmatrixstart, points + i * 3, polyf_brushstart.points[i].v); polyf_brushend.numpoints = numpoints; polyf_brushend.numplanes = numpoints + 2; polyf_brushend.points = polyf_pointsend;//(colpointf_t *)points; polyf_brushend.planes = polyf_planesend; polyf_brushend.supercontents = supercontents; for (i = 0;i < numpoints;i++) Matrix4x4_Transform(polygonmatrixend, points + i * 3, polyf_brushend.points[i].v); Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat(&polyf_brushstart); Collision_CalcPlanesForPolygonBrushFloat(&polyf_brushend); //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&polyf_brushstart, "polyf_brushstart"); //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&polyf_brushend, "polyf_brushend"); Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, &polyf_brushstart, &polyf_brushend); } #define MAX_BRUSHFORBOX 16 static int brushforbox_index = 0; static colpointf_t brushforbox_point[MAX_BRUSHFORBOX*8]; static colplanef_t brushforbox_plane[MAX_BRUSHFORBOX*6]; static colbrushf_t brushforbox_brush[MAX_BRUSHFORBOX]; static colbrushf_t brushforpoint_brush[MAX_BRUSHFORBOX]; void Collision_InitBrushForBox(void) { int i; for (i = 0;i < MAX_BRUSHFORBOX;i++) { brushforbox_brush[i].supercontents = SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID; brushforbox_brush[i].numpoints = 8; brushforbox_brush[i].numplanes = 6; brushforbox_brush[i].points = brushforbox_point + i * 8; brushforbox_brush[i].planes = brushforbox_plane + i * 6; brushforpoint_brush[i].supercontents = SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID; brushforpoint_brush[i].numpoints = 1; brushforpoint_brush[i].numplanes = 0; brushforpoint_brush[i].points = brushforbox_point + i * 8; brushforpoint_brush[i].planes = brushforbox_plane + i * 6; } } colbrushf_t *Collision_BrushForBox(const matrix4x4_t *matrix, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { int i; vec3_t v; colbrushf_t *brush; if (brushforbox_brush[0].numpoints == 0) Collision_InitBrushForBox(); if (VectorCompare(mins, maxs)) { // point brush brush = brushforpoint_brush + ((brushforbox_index++) % MAX_BRUSHFORBOX); VectorCopy(mins, brush->points->v); } else { brush = brushforbox_brush + ((brushforbox_index++) % MAX_BRUSHFORBOX); // FIXME: optimize for (i = 0;i < 8;i++) { v[0] = i & 1 ? maxs[0] : mins[0]; v[1] = i & 2 ? maxs[1] : mins[1]; v[2] = i & 4 ? maxs[2] : mins[2]; Matrix4x4_Transform(matrix, v, brush->points[i].v); } // FIXME: optimize! for (i = 0;i < 6;i++) { VectorClear(v); v[i >> 1] = i & 1 ? 1 : -1; Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(matrix, v, brush->planes[i].normal); VectorNormalize(brush->planes[i].normal); brush->planes[i].dist = furthestplanedist_float(brush->planes[i].normal, brush->points, brush->numpoints); } } Collision_ValidateBrush(brush); return brush; } void Collision_ClipTrace_BrushBox(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t cmins, const vec3_t cmaxs, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask) { colbrushf_t *boxbrush, *thisbrush_start, *thisbrush_end; matrix4x4_t identitymatrix; vec3_t startmins, startmaxs, endmins, endmaxs; // create brushes for the collision VectorAdd(start, mins, startmins); VectorAdd(start, maxs, startmaxs); VectorAdd(end, mins, endmins); VectorAdd(end, maxs, endmaxs); Matrix4x4_CreateIdentity(&identitymatrix); boxbrush = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, cmins, cmaxs); thisbrush_start = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, startmins, startmaxs); thisbrush_end = Collision_BrushForBox(&identitymatrix, endmins, endmaxs); memset(trace, 0, sizeof(trace_t)); trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask; trace->fraction = 1; trace->allsolid = true; Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, boxbrush, boxbrush); } // LordHavoc: currently unused and not yet tested // note: this can be used for tracing a moving sphere vs a stationary sphere, // by simply adding the moving sphere's radius to the sphereradius parameter, // all the results are correct (impactpoint, impactnormal, and fraction) float Collision_ClipTrace_Line_Sphere(double *linestart, double *lineend, double *sphereorigin, double sphereradius, double *impactpoint, double *impactnormal) { double dir[3], scale, v[3], deviationdist, impactdist, linelength; // make sure the impactpoint and impactnormal are valid even if there is // no collision impactpoint[0] = lineend[0]; impactpoint[1] = lineend[1]; impactpoint[2] = lineend[2]; impactnormal[0] = 0; impactnormal[1] = 0; impactnormal[2] = 0; // calculate line direction dir[0] = lineend[0] - linestart[0]; dir[1] = lineend[1] - linestart[1]; dir[2] = lineend[2] - linestart[2]; // normalize direction linelength = sqrt(dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[1] * dir[1] + dir[2] * dir[2]); if (linelength) { scale = 1.0 / linelength; dir[0] *= scale; dir[1] *= scale; dir[2] *= scale; } // this dotproduct calculates the distance along the line at which the // sphere origin is (nearest point to the sphere origin on the line) impactdist = dir[0] * (sphereorigin[0] - linestart[0]) + dir[1] * (sphereorigin[1] - linestart[1]) + dir[2] * (sphereorigin[2] - linestart[2]); // calculate point on line at that distance, and subtract the // sphereorigin from it, so we have a vector to measure for the distance // of the line from the sphereorigin (deviation, how off-center it is) v[0] = linestart[0] + impactdist * dir[0] - sphereorigin[0]; v[1] = linestart[1] + impactdist * dir[1] - sphereorigin[1]; v[2] = linestart[2] + impactdist * dir[2] - sphereorigin[2]; deviationdist = v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]; // if outside the radius, it's a miss for sure // (we do this comparison using squared radius to avoid a sqrt) if (deviationdist > sphereradius*sphereradius) return 1; // miss (off to the side) // nudge back to find the correct impact distance impactdist += (sqrt(deviationdist) - sphereradius); if (impactdist >= linelength) return 1; // miss (not close enough) if (impactdist < 0) return 1; // miss (linestart is past or inside sphere) // calculate new impactpoint impactpoint[0] = linestart[0] + impactdist * dir[0]; impactpoint[1] = linestart[1] + impactdist * dir[1]; impactpoint[2] = linestart[2] + impactdist * dir[2]; // calculate impactnormal (surface normal at point of impact) impactnormal[0] = impactpoint[0] - sphereorigin[0]; impactnormal[1] = impactpoint[1] - sphereorigin[1]; impactnormal[2] = impactpoint[2] - sphereorigin[2]; // normalize impactnormal scale = impactnormal[0] * impactnormal[0] + impactnormal[1] * impactnormal[1] + impactnormal[2] * impactnormal[2]; if (scale) { scale = 1.0 / sqrt(scale); impactnormal[0] *= scale; impactnormal[1] *= scale; impactnormal[2] *= scale; } // return fraction of movement distance return impactdist / linelength; } typedef struct colbspnode_s { mplane_t plane; struct colbspnode_s *children[2]; // the node is reallocated or split if max is reached int numcolbrushf; int maxcolbrushf; colbrushf_t **colbrushflist; //int numcolbrushd; //int maxcolbrushd; //colbrushd_t **colbrushdlist; } colbspnode_t; typedef struct colbsp_s { mempool_t *mempool; colbspnode_t *nodes; } colbsp_t; colbsp_t *Collision_CreateCollisionBSP(mempool_t *mempool) { colbsp_t *bsp; bsp = Mem_Alloc(mempool, sizeof(colbsp_t)); bsp->mempool = mempool; bsp->nodes = Mem_Alloc(bsp->mempool, sizeof(colbspnode_t)); return bsp; } void Collision_FreeCollisionBSPNode(colbspnode_t *node) { if (node->children[0]) Collision_FreeCollisionBSPNode(node->children[0]); if (node->children[1]) Collision_FreeCollisionBSPNode(node->children[1]); while (--node->numcolbrushf) Mem_Free(node->colbrushflist[node->numcolbrushf]); //while (--node->numcolbrushd) // Mem_Free(node->colbrushdlist[node->numcolbrushd]); Mem_Free(node); } void Collision_FreeCollisionBSP(colbsp_t *bsp) { Collision_FreeCollisionBSPNode(bsp->nodes); Mem_Free(bsp); } void Collision_BoundingBoxOfBrushTraceSegment(const colbrushf_t *start, const colbrushf_t *end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, float startfrac, float endfrac) { int i; colpointf_t *ps, *pe; float tempstart[3], tempend[3]; VectorLerp(start->points[0].v, startfrac, end->points[0].v, mins); VectorCopy(mins, maxs); for (i = 0, ps = start->points, pe = end->points;i < start->numpoints;i++, ps++, pe++) { VectorLerp(ps->v, startfrac, pe->v, tempstart); VectorLerp(ps->v, endfrac, pe->v, tempend); mins[0] = min(mins[0], min(tempstart[0], tempend[0])); mins[1] = min(mins[1], min(tempstart[1], tempend[1])); mins[2] = min(mins[2], min(tempstart[2], tempend[2])); maxs[0] = min(maxs[0], min(tempstart[0], tempend[0])); maxs[1] = min(maxs[1], min(tempstart[1], tempend[1])); maxs[2] = min(maxs[2], min(tempstart[2], tempend[2])); } }