////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sys globals entity self; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void end_sys_globals; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sys fields ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void end_sys_fields; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sys functions void() m_init; void(float keynr, float ascii) m_keydown; void() m_draw; void() m_toggle; void() m_shutdown; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sys constants /////////////////////////// // key constants // // these are the key numbers that should be passed to Key_Event // float K_TAB = 9; float K_ENTER = 13; float K_ESCAPE = 27; float K_SPACE = 32; // normal keys should be passed as lowercased ascii float K_BACKSPACE = 127; float K_UPARROW = 128; float K_DOWNARROW = 129; float K_LEFTARROW = 130; float K_RIGHTARROW = 131; float K_ALT = 132; float K_CTRL = 133; float K_SHIFT = 134; float K_F1 = 135; float K_F2 = 136; float K_F3 = 137; float K_F4 = 138; float K_F5 = 139; float K_F6 = 140; float K_F7 = 141; float K_F8 = 142; float K_F9 = 143; float K_F10 = 144; float K_F11 = 145; float K_F12 = 146; float K_INS = 147; float K_DEL = 148; float K_PGDN = 149; float K_PGUP = 150; float K_HOME = 151; float K_END = 152; float K_PAUSE = 153; float K_NUMLOCK = 154; float K_CAPSLOCK = 155; float K_SCROLLLOCK = 156; float K_KP_0 = 157; float K_KP_INS = K_KP_0; float K_KP_1 = 158; float K_KP_END = K_KP_1; float K_KP_2 = 159; float K_KP_DOWNARROW = K_KP_2; float K_KP_3 = 160; float K_KP_PGDN = K_KP_3; float K_KP_4 = 161 float K_KP_LEFTARROW = K_KP_4; float K_KP_5 = 162; float K_KP_6 = 163; float K_KP_RIGHTARROW = K_KP_6; float K_KP_7 = 164; float K_KP_HOME = K_KP_7; float K_KP_8 = 165; float K_KP_UPARROW = K_KP_8; float K_KP_9 = 166; float K_KP_PGUP = K_KP_9; float K_KP_PERIOD = 167; float K_KP_DEL = K_KP_PERIOD; float K_KP_DIVIDE = 168; float K_KP_SLASH = K_KP_DIVIDE; float K_KP_MULTIPLY = 169; float K_KP_MINUS = 170; float K_KP_PLUS = 171; float K_KP_ENTER = 172; float K_KP_EQUALS = 173; // mouse buttons generate virtual keys float K_MOUSE1 = 512; float K_MOUSE2 = 513; float K_MOUSE3 = 514; float K_MOUSE4 = 515; float K_MWHEELUP = K_MOUSE4; float K_MOUSE5 = 516; float K_MWHEELDOWN = K_MOUSE5; float K_MOUSE6 = 517; float K_MOUSE7 = 518; float K_MOUSE8 = 519; float K_MOUSE9 = 520; float K_MOUSE10 = 521; float K_MOUSE11 = 522; float K_MOUSE12 = 523; float K_MOUSE13 = 524; float K_MOUSE14 = 525; float K_MOUSE15 = 526; float K_MOUSE16 = 527; // // joystick buttons // float K_JOY1 = 768; float K_JOY2 = 769; float K_JOY3 = 770; float K_JOY4 = 771; // // // aux keys are for multi-buttoned joysticks to generate so they can use // the normal binding process // float K_AUX1 = 772; float K_AUX2 = 773; float K_AUX3 = 774; float K_AUX4 = 775; float K_AUX5 = 776; float K_AUX6 = 777; float K_AUX7 = 778; float K_AUX8 = 779; float K_AUX9 = 780; float K_AUX10 = 781; float K_AUX11 = 782; float K_AUX12 = 783; float K_AUX13 = 784; float K_AUX14 = 785; float K_AUX15 = 786; float K_AUX16 = 787; float K_AUX17 = 788; float K_AUX18 = 789; float K_AUX19 = 790; float K_AUX20 = 791; float K_AUX21 = 792; float K_AUX22 = 793; float K_AUX23 = 794; float K_AUX24 = 795; float K_AUX25 = 796; float K_AUX26 = 797; float K_AUX27 = 798; float K_AUX28 = 799; float K_AUX29 = 800; float K_AUX30 = 801; float K_AUX31 = 802; float K_AUX32 = 803; /////////////////////////// // key dest constants float KEY_GAME = 0; float KEY_MENU = 2; float KEY_UNKNOWN = 3; /////////////////////////// // file constants float FILE_READ = 0; float FILE_APPEND = 1; float FILE_WRITE = 2; /////////////////////////// // logical constants (just for completeness) float TRUE = 1; float FALSE = 0; /////////////////////////// // boolean constants float true = 1; float false = 0; /////////////////////////// // msg constants float MSG_BROADCAST = 0; // unreliable to all float MSG_ONE = 1; // reliable to one (msg_entity) float MSG_ALL = 2; // reliable to all float MSG_INIT = 3; // write to the init string ///////////////////////////// // mouse target constants float MT_MENU = 1; float MT_CLIENT = 2; ///////////////////////// // client state constants float CS_DEDICATED = 0; float CS_DISCONNECTED = 1; float CS_CONNECTED = 2; /////////////////////////// // blend flags float DRAWFLAG_NORMAL = 0; float DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE = 1; float DRAWFLAG_MODULATE = 2; float DRAWFLAG_2XMODULATE = 3; /////////////////////////// // null entity (actually it is the same like the world entity) entity null_entity; /////////////////////////// // error constants // file handling float ERR_CANNOTOPEN = -1; // fopen float ERR_NOTENOUGHFILEHANDLES = -2; // fopen float ERR_INVALIDMODE = -3; // fopen float ERR_BADFILENAME = -4; // fopen // drawing functions float ERR_NULLSTRING = -1; float ERR_BADDRAWFLAG = -2; float ERR_BADSCALE = -3; float ERR_BADSIZE = ERR_BADSCALE; float ERR_NOTCACHED = -4; /* not supported at the moment /////////////////////////// // os constants float OS_WINDOWS = 0; float OS_LINUX = 1; float OS_MAC = 2; */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // common cmd ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AK FIXME: Create perhaps a special builtin file for the common cmds void checkextension(string ext) = #1; // error cmds void error(string err,...) = #2; void objerror(string err,...) = #3; // print void print(string text,...) = #4; void bprint(string text,...) = #5; void sprint(float clientnum, string text,...) = #6; void centerprint(string text,...) = #7; // vector stuff vector normalize(vector v) = #8; float vlen(vector v) = #9; float vectoyaw(vector v) = #10; vector vectoangles(vector v) = #11; float random(void) = #12; void cmd(string command) = #13; // cvar cmds float cvar(string name) = #14; const string str_cvar(string name) = #71; void cvar_set(string name, string value) = #15; void dprint(string text,...) = #16; // conversion functions string ftos(float f) = #17; float fabs(float f) = #18; string vtos(vector v) = #19; string etos(entity e) = #20; float stof(string val,...) = #21; entity spawn(void) = #22; void remove(entity e) = #23; entity findstring(entity start, .string field, string match) = #24; entity findfloat(entity start, .float field, float match) = #25; entity findentity(entity start, .entity field, entity match) = #25; entity findchainstring(.string field, string match) = #26; entity findchainfloat(.float field, float match) = #27; entity findchainentity(.entity field, entity match) = #27; string precache_file(string file) = #28; string precache_sound(string sample) = #29; void crash(void) = #72; void coredump(void) = #30; void stackdump(void) = #73; void traceon(void) = #31; void traceoff(void) = #32; void eprint(entity e) = #33; float rint(float f) = #34; float floor(float f) = #35; float ceil(float f) = #36; entity nextent(entity e) = #37; float sin(float f) = #38; float cos(float f) = #39; float sqrt(float f) = #40; vector randomvec(void) = #41; float registercvar(string name, string value, float flags) = #42; // returns 1 if success float min(float f,...) = #43; float max(float f,...) = #44; float bound(float min,float value, float max) = #45; float pow(float a, float b) = #46; void copyentity(entity src, entity dst) = #47; float fopen(string filename, float mode) = #48; void fclose(float fhandle) = #49; string fgets(float fhandle) = #50; void fputs(float fhandle, string s) = #51; float strlen(string s) = #52; string strcat(string s1,string s2,...) = #53; string substring(string s, float start, float length) = #54; vector stov(string s) = #55; string strzone(string s) = #56; void strunzone(string s) = #57; float tokenize(string s) = #58 string argv(float n) = #59; float isserver(void) = #60; float clientcount(void) = #61; float clientstate(void) = #62; void clientcommand(float client, string s) = #63; void changelevel(string map) = #64; void localsound(string sample) = #65; vector getmousepos(void) = #66; float gettime(void) = #67; void loadfromdata(string data) = #68; void loadfromfile(string file) = #69; float mod(float val, float m) = #70; float search_begin(string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet) = #74; void search_end(float handle) = #75; float search_getsize(float handle) = #76; string search_getfilename(float handle, float num) = #77; string chr(float ascii) = #78; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write* Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void WriteByte(float data, float dest, float desto) = #401; void WriteChar(float data, float dest, float desto) = #402; void WriteShort(float data, float dest, float desto) = #403; void WriteLong(float data, float dest, float desto) = #404; void WriteAngle(float data, float dest, float desto) = #405; void WriteCoord(float data, float dest, float desto) = #406; void WriteString(string data, float dest, float desto)= #407; void WriteEntity(entity data, float dest, float desto) = #408; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw funtions ////////////////////////////////////////////////// float iscachedpic(string name) = #451; string precache_pic(string name) = #452; void freepic(string name) = #453; float drawcharacter(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #454; float drawstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #455; float drawpic(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #456; float drawfill(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #457; void drawsetcliparea(float x, float y, float width, float height) = #458; void drawresetcliparea(void) = #459; vector drawgetimagesize(string pic) = #460; //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Menu functions //////////////////////////////////////////////// void setkeydest(float dest) = #601; float getkeydest(void) = #602; void setmousetarget(float trg) = #603; float getmousetarget(void) = #604; float isfunction(string function_name) = #607; void callfunction(...) = #605; void writetofile(float fhandle, entity ent) = #606; vector getresolution(float number) = #608; string keynumtostring(float keynum) = #609; string findkeysforcommand(string command) = #610; float gethostcachevalue(float type) = #611; string gethostcachestring(float type, float hostnr) = #612;