#include "quakedef.h" #include "cl_collision.h" #include "r_shadow.h" typedef struct { float m[3][4]; } zymbonematrix; // LordHavoc: vertex arrays float *aliasvertcolorbuf; float *aliasvertcolor; // this may point at aliasvertcolorbuf or at vertex arrays in the mesh backend float *aliasvert_svectors; float *aliasvert_tvectors; float *aliasvert_normals; float *aliasvertcolor2; int *aliasvertusage; zymbonematrix *zymbonepose; mempool_t *gl_models_mempool; void gl_models_start(void) { // allocate vertex processing arrays gl_models_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("GL_Models"); aliasvertcolor = aliasvertcolorbuf = Mem_Alloc(gl_models_mempool, sizeof(float[MD2MAX_VERTS][4])); aliasvert_svectors = Mem_Alloc(gl_models_mempool, sizeof(float[MD2MAX_VERTS][4])); aliasvert_tvectors = Mem_Alloc(gl_models_mempool, sizeof(float[MD2MAX_VERTS][4])); aliasvert_normals = Mem_Alloc(gl_models_mempool, sizeof(float[MD2MAX_VERTS][4])); aliasvertcolor2 = Mem_Alloc(gl_models_mempool, sizeof(float[MD2MAX_VERTS][4])); // used temporarily for tinted coloring zymbonepose = Mem_Alloc(gl_models_mempool, sizeof(zymbonematrix[256])); aliasvertusage = Mem_Alloc(gl_models_mempool, sizeof(int[MD2MAX_VERTS])); } void gl_models_shutdown(void) { Mem_FreePool(&gl_models_mempool); } void gl_models_newmap(void) { } void GL_Models_Init(void) { R_RegisterModule("GL_Models", gl_models_start, gl_models_shutdown, gl_models_newmap); } void R_Model_Alias_GetMeshVerts(const entity_render_t *ent, aliasmesh_t *mesh, float *vertices, float *normals, float *svectors, float *tvectors) { int i, vertcount; float lerp1, lerp2, lerp3, lerp4; const aliasvertex_t *verts1, *verts2, *verts3, *verts4; if (vertices == NULL) Host_Error("R_Model_Alias_GetMeshVerts: vertices == NULL.\n"); if (svectors != NULL && (tvectors == NULL || normals == NULL)) Host_Error("R_Model_Alias_GetMeshVerts: svectors requires tvectors and normals.\n"); if (tvectors != NULL && (svectors == NULL || normals == NULL)) Host_Error("R_Model_Alias_GetMeshVerts: tvectors requires svectors and normals.\n"); vertcount = mesh->num_vertices; verts1 = mesh->data_vertices + ent->frameblend[0].frame * vertcount; lerp1 = ent->frameblend[0].lerp; if (ent->frameblend[1].lerp) { verts2 = mesh->data_vertices + ent->frameblend[1].frame * vertcount; lerp2 = ent->frameblend[1].lerp; if (ent->frameblend[2].lerp) { verts3 = mesh->data_vertices + ent->frameblend[2].frame * vertcount; lerp3 = ent->frameblend[2].lerp; if (ent->frameblend[3].lerp) { verts4 = mesh->data_vertices + ent->frameblend[3].frame * vertcount; lerp4 = ent->frameblend[3].lerp; // generate vertices if (svectors != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, normals += 4, svectors += 4, tvectors += 4, verts1++, verts2++, verts3++, verts4++) { VectorMAMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, lerp3, verts3->origin, lerp4, verts4->origin, vertices); VectorMAMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->normal, lerp2, verts2->normal, lerp3, verts3->normal, lerp4, verts4->normal, normals); VectorMAMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->svector, lerp2, verts2->svector, lerp3, verts3->svector, lerp4, verts4->svector, svectors); CrossProduct(svectors, normals, tvectors); } } else if (normals != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, normals += 4, verts1++, verts2++, verts3++, verts4++) { VectorMAMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, lerp3, verts3->origin, lerp4, verts4->origin, vertices); VectorMAMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->normal, lerp2, verts2->normal, lerp3, verts3->normal, lerp4, verts4->normal, normals); } } else for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, verts1++, verts2++, verts3++, verts4++) VectorMAMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, lerp3, verts3->origin, lerp4, verts4->origin, vertices); } else { // generate vertices if (svectors != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, normals += 4, svectors += 4, tvectors += 4, verts1++, verts2++, verts3++) { VectorMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, lerp3, verts3->origin, vertices); VectorMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->normal, lerp2, verts2->normal, lerp3, verts3->normal, normals); VectorMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->svector, lerp2, verts2->svector, lerp3, verts3->svector, svectors); CrossProduct(svectors, normals, tvectors); } } else if (normals != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, normals += 4, verts1++, verts2++, verts3++) { VectorMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, lerp3, verts3->origin, vertices); VectorMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->normal, lerp2, verts2->normal, lerp3, verts3->normal, normals); } } else for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, verts1++, verts2++, verts3++) VectorMAMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, lerp3, verts3->origin, vertices); } } else { // generate vertices if (svectors != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, normals += 4, svectors += 4, tvectors += 4, verts1++, verts2++) { VectorMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, vertices); VectorMAM(lerp1, verts1->normal, lerp2, verts2->normal, normals); VectorMAM(lerp1, verts1->svector, lerp2, verts2->svector, svectors); CrossProduct(svectors, normals, tvectors); } } else if (normals != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, normals += 4, verts1++, verts2++) { VectorMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, vertices); VectorMAM(lerp1, verts1->normal, lerp2, verts2->normal, normals); } } else for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, verts1++, verts2++) VectorMAM(lerp1, verts1->origin, lerp2, verts2->origin, vertices); } } else { // generate vertices if (svectors != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, normals += 4, svectors += 4, tvectors += 4, verts1++) { VectorM(lerp1, verts1->origin, vertices); VectorM(lerp1, verts1->normal, normals); VectorM(lerp1, verts1->svector, svectors); CrossProduct(svectors, normals, tvectors); } } else if (normals != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, normals += 4, verts1++) { VectorM(lerp1, verts1->origin, vertices); VectorM(lerp1, verts1->normal, normals); } } else if (lerp1 != 1) { for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, verts1++) VectorM(lerp1, verts1->origin, vertices); } else for (i = 0;i < vertcount;i++, vertices += 4, verts1++) VectorCopy(verts1->origin, vertices); } } aliasskin_t *R_FetchAliasSkin(const entity_render_t *ent, const aliasmesh_t *mesh) { model_t *model = ent->model; int s = ent->skinnum; if ((unsigned int)s >= (unsigned int)model->numskins) s = 0; if (model->skinscenes[s].framecount > 1) s = model->skinscenes[s].firstframe + (int) (cl.time * model->skinscenes[s].framerate) % model->skinscenes[s].framecount; else s = model->skinscenes[s].firstframe; if (s >= mesh->num_skins) s = 0; return mesh->data_skins + s; } void R_DrawAliasModelCallback (const void *calldata1, int calldata2) { int c, fullbright, layernum; float tint[3], fog, ifog, colorscale; vec3_t diff; qbyte *bcolor; rmeshstate_t m; const entity_render_t *ent = calldata1; aliasmesh_t *mesh = ent->model->aliasdata_meshes + calldata2; aliaslayer_t *layer; aliasskin_t *skin; R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); fog = 0; if (fogenabled) { VectorSubtract(ent->origin, r_origin, diff); fog = DotProduct(diff,diff); if (fog < 0.01f) fog = 0.01f; fog = exp(fogdensity/fog); if (fog > 1) fog = 1; if (fog < 0.01f) fog = 0; // fog method: darken, additive fog // 1. render model as normal, scaled by inverse of fog alpha (darkens it) // 2. render fog as additive } ifog = 1 - fog; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); skin = R_FetchAliasSkin(ent, mesh); R_Mesh_ResizeCheck(mesh->num_vertices); R_Model_Alias_GetMeshVerts(ent, mesh, varray_vertex, aliasvert_normals, NULL, NULL); memcpy(varray_texcoord[0], mesh->data_texcoords, mesh->num_vertices * sizeof(float[4])); for (layernum = 0, layer = skin->data_layers;layernum < skin->num_layers;layernum++, layer++) { if (((layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_NODRAW_IF_NOTCOLORMAPPED) && ent->colormap < 0) || ((layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_NODRAW_IF_COLORMAPPED) && ent->colormap >= 0) || (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_DRAW_PER_LIGHT)) continue; if (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_FOG) { m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE; colorscale = r_colorscale; m.texrgbscale[0] = 1; m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(layer->texture); R_Mesh_State(&m); GL_Color(fogcolor[0] * fog * colorscale, fogcolor[1] * fog * colorscale, fogcolor[2] * fog * colorscale, ent->alpha); c_alias_polys += mesh->num_triangles; R_Mesh_Draw(mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_elements); continue; } if ((layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_ADD) || ((layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_ALPHA) && (ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE))) { m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE; } else if ((layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_ALPHA) || ent->alpha != 1.0) { m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; } else { m.blendfunc1 = GL_ONE; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ZERO; } colorscale = r_colorscale; m.texrgbscale[0] = 1; if (gl_combine.integer) { colorscale *= 0.25f; m.texrgbscale[0] = 4; } m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(layer->texture); R_Mesh_State(&m); if (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_COLORMAP_PANTS) { // 128-224 are backwards ranges c = (ent->colormap & 0xF) << 4;c += (c >= 128 && c < 224) ? 4 : 12; bcolor = (qbyte *) (&palette_complete[c]); fullbright = c >= 224; VectorScale(bcolor, (1.0f / 255.0f), tint); } else if (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_COLORMAP_SHIRT) { // 128-224 are backwards ranges c = (ent->colormap & 0xF0);c += (c >= 128 && c < 224) ? 4 : 12; bcolor = (qbyte *) (&palette_complete[c]); fullbright = c >= 224; VectorScale(bcolor, (1.0f / 255.0f), tint); } else { tint[0] = tint[1] = tint[2] = 1; fullbright = false; } VectorScale(tint, ifog * colorscale, tint); if (!(layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_DIFFUSE)) fullbright = true; if (ent->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT) fullbright = true; if (fullbright) GL_Color(tint[0], tint[1], tint[2], ent->alpha); else R_LightModel(ent, mesh->num_vertices, varray_vertex, aliasvert_normals, varray_color, tint[0], tint[1], tint[2], false); c_alias_polys += mesh->num_triangles; R_Mesh_Draw(mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_elements); } } void R_Model_Alias_Draw(entity_render_t *ent) { int meshnum; aliasmesh_t *mesh; if (ent->alpha < (1.0f / 64.0f)) return; // basically completely transparent c_models++; for (meshnum = 0, mesh = ent->model->aliasdata_meshes;meshnum < ent->model->aliasnum_meshes;meshnum++, mesh++) { if (ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE || ent->alpha != 1.0 || R_FetchAliasSkin(ent, mesh)->flags & ALIASSKIN_TRANSPARENT) R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(ent->origin, R_DrawAliasModelCallback, ent, meshnum); else R_DrawAliasModelCallback(ent, meshnum); } } void R_Model_Alias_DrawFakeShadow (entity_render_t *ent) { int i, meshnum; aliasmesh_t *mesh; aliasskin_t *skin; rmeshstate_t m; float *v, planenormal[3], planedist, dist, projection[3], floororigin[3], surfnormal[3], lightdirection[3], v2[3]; if ((ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) || ent->alpha < 1) return; lightdirection[0] = 0.5; lightdirection[1] = 0.2; lightdirection[2] = -1; VectorNormalizeFast(lightdirection); VectorMA(ent->origin, 65536.0f, lightdirection, v2); if (CL_TraceLine(ent->origin, v2, floororigin, surfnormal, 0, false, NULL) == 1) return; R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; R_Mesh_State(&m); GL_Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5); // put a light direction in the entity's coordinate space Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&ent->inversematrix, lightdirection, projection); VectorNormalizeFast(projection); // put the plane's normal in the entity's coordinate space Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&ent->inversematrix, surfnormal, planenormal); VectorNormalizeFast(planenormal); // put the plane's distance in the entity's coordinate space VectorSubtract(floororigin, ent->origin, floororigin); planedist = DotProduct(floororigin, surfnormal) + 2; dist = -1.0f / DotProduct(projection, planenormal); VectorScale(projection, dist, projection); for (meshnum = 0, mesh = ent->model->aliasdata_meshes;meshnum < ent->model->aliasnum_meshes;meshnum++) { skin = R_FetchAliasSkin(ent, mesh); if (skin->flags & ALIASSKIN_TRANSPARENT) continue; R_Mesh_ResizeCheck(mesh->num_vertices); R_Model_Alias_GetMeshVerts(ent, mesh, varray_vertex, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0, v = varray_vertex;i < mesh->num_vertices;i++, v += 4) { dist = DotProduct(v, planenormal) - planedist; if (dist > 0) VectorMA(v, dist, projection, v); } c_alias_polys += mesh->num_triangles; R_Mesh_Draw(mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_elements); } } void R_Model_Alias_DrawShadowVolume(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius) { int meshnum; aliasmesh_t *mesh; aliasskin_t *skin; float projectdistance; if (ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE || ent->alpha < 1) return; projectdistance = lightradius + ent->model->radius - sqrt(DotProduct(relativelightorigin, relativelightorigin)); if (projectdistance > 0.1) { R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); for (meshnum = 0, mesh = ent->model->aliasdata_meshes;meshnum < ent->model->aliasnum_meshes;meshnum++, mesh++) { skin = R_FetchAliasSkin(ent, mesh); if (skin->flags & ALIASSKIN_TRANSPARENT) continue; R_Mesh_ResizeCheck(mesh->num_vertices * 2); R_Model_Alias_GetMeshVerts(ent, mesh, varray_vertex, NULL, NULL, NULL); R_Shadow_Volume(mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_elements, mesh->data_neighbors, relativelightorigin, lightradius, projectdistance); } } } void R_Model_Alias_DrawLight(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, float *lightcolor, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltofilter, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, const matrix4x4_t *matrix_modeltoattenuationz) { int c, meshnum, layernum; float fog, ifog, lightcolor2[3]; vec3_t diff; qbyte *bcolor; aliasmesh_t *mesh; aliaslayer_t *layer; aliasskin_t *skin; if (ent->effects & (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT) || ent->alpha < 1) return; R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); fog = 0; if (fogenabled) { VectorSubtract(ent->origin, r_origin, diff); fog = DotProduct(diff,diff); if (fog < 0.01f) fog = 0.01f; fog = exp(fogdensity/fog); if (fog > 1) fog = 1; if (fog < 0.01f) fog = 0; // fog method: darken, additive fog // 1. render model as normal, scaled by inverse of fog alpha (darkens it) // 2. render fog as additive } ifog = 1 - fog; for (meshnum = 0, mesh = ent->model->aliasdata_meshes;meshnum < ent->model->aliasnum_meshes;meshnum++, mesh++) { skin = R_FetchAliasSkin(ent, mesh); if (skin->flags & ALIASSKIN_TRANSPARENT) continue; R_Mesh_ResizeCheck(mesh->num_vertices); R_Model_Alias_GetMeshVerts(ent, mesh, varray_vertex, aliasvert_normals, aliasvert_svectors, aliasvert_tvectors); for (layernum = 0, layer = skin->data_layers;layernum < skin->num_layers;layernum++, layer++) { if (!(layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_DRAW_PER_LIGHT) || ((layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_NODRAW_IF_NOTCOLORMAPPED) && ent->colormap < 0) || ((layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_NODRAW_IF_COLORMAPPED) && ent->colormap >= 0)) continue; lightcolor2[0] = lightcolor[0] * ifog; lightcolor2[1] = lightcolor[1] * ifog; lightcolor2[2] = lightcolor[2] * ifog; if (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_SPECULAR) { c_alias_polys += mesh->num_triangles; R_Shadow_SpecularLighting(mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_elements, aliasvert_svectors, aliasvert_tvectors, aliasvert_normals, mesh->data_texcoords, relativelightorigin, relativeeyeorigin, lightradius, lightcolor2, matrix_modeltofilter, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, layer->texture, layer->nmap, NULL); } else if (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_DIFFUSE) { if (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_COLORMAP_PANTS) { // 128-224 are backwards ranges c = (ent->colormap & 0xF) << 4;c += (c >= 128 && c < 224) ? 4 : 12; // fullbright passes were already taken care of, so skip them in realtime lighting passes if (c >= 224) continue; bcolor = (qbyte *) (&palette_complete[c]); lightcolor2[0] *= bcolor[0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); lightcolor2[1] *= bcolor[1] * (1.0f / 255.0f); lightcolor2[2] *= bcolor[2] * (1.0f / 255.0f); } else if (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_COLORMAP_SHIRT) { // 128-224 are backwards ranges c = (ent->colormap & 0xF0);c += (c >= 128 && c < 224) ? 4 : 12; // fullbright passes were already taken care of, so skip them in realtime lighting passes if (c >= 224) continue; bcolor = (qbyte *) (&palette_complete[c]); lightcolor2[0] *= bcolor[0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); lightcolor2[1] *= bcolor[1] * (1.0f / 255.0f); lightcolor2[2] *= bcolor[2] * (1.0f / 255.0f); } c_alias_polys += mesh->num_triangles; R_Shadow_DiffuseLighting(mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_elements, aliasvert_svectors, aliasvert_tvectors, aliasvert_normals, mesh->data_texcoords, relativelightorigin, lightradius, lightcolor2, matrix_modeltofilter, matrix_modeltoattenuationxyz, matrix_modeltoattenuationz, layer->texture, layer->nmap, NULL); } } } } int ZymoticLerpBones(int count, const zymbonematrix *bonebase, const frameblend_t *blend, const zymbone_t *bone) { int i; float lerp1, lerp2, lerp3, lerp4; zymbonematrix *out, rootmatrix, m; const zymbonematrix *bone1, *bone2, *bone3, *bone4; rootmatrix.m[0][0] = 1; rootmatrix.m[0][1] = 0; rootmatrix.m[0][2] = 0; rootmatrix.m[0][3] = 0; rootmatrix.m[1][0] = 0; rootmatrix.m[1][1] = 1; rootmatrix.m[1][2] = 0; rootmatrix.m[1][3] = 0; rootmatrix.m[2][0] = 0; rootmatrix.m[2][1] = 0; rootmatrix.m[2][2] = 1; rootmatrix.m[2][3] = 0; bone1 = bonebase + blend[0].frame * count; lerp1 = blend[0].lerp; if (blend[1].lerp) { bone2 = bonebase + blend[1].frame * count; lerp2 = blend[1].lerp; if (blend[2].lerp) { bone3 = bonebase + blend[2].frame * count; lerp3 = blend[2].lerp; if (blend[3].lerp) { // 4 poses bone4 = bonebase + blend[3].frame * count; lerp4 = blend[3].lerp; for (i = 0, out = zymbonepose;i < count;i++, out++) { // interpolate matrices m.m[0][0] = bone1->m[0][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][0] * lerp2 + bone3->m[0][0] * lerp3 + bone4->m[0][0] * lerp4; m.m[0][1] = bone1->m[0][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][1] * lerp2 + bone3->m[0][1] * lerp3 + bone4->m[0][1] * lerp4; m.m[0][2] = bone1->m[0][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][2] * lerp2 + bone3->m[0][2] * lerp3 + bone4->m[0][2] * lerp4; m.m[0][3] = bone1->m[0][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][3] * lerp2 + bone3->m[0][3] * lerp3 + bone4->m[0][3] * lerp4; m.m[1][0] = bone1->m[1][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][0] * lerp2 + bone3->m[1][0] * lerp3 + bone4->m[1][0] * lerp4; m.m[1][1] = bone1->m[1][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][1] * lerp2 + bone3->m[1][1] * lerp3 + bone4->m[1][1] * lerp4; m.m[1][2] = bone1->m[1][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][2] * lerp2 + bone3->m[1][2] * lerp3 + bone4->m[1][2] * lerp4; m.m[1][3] = bone1->m[1][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][3] * lerp2 + bone3->m[1][3] * lerp3 + bone4->m[1][3] * lerp4; m.m[2][0] = bone1->m[2][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][0] * lerp2 + bone3->m[2][0] * lerp3 + bone4->m[2][0] * lerp4; m.m[2][1] = bone1->m[2][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][1] * lerp2 + bone3->m[2][1] * lerp3 + bone4->m[2][1] * lerp4; m.m[2][2] = bone1->m[2][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][2] * lerp2 + bone3->m[2][2] * lerp3 + bone4->m[2][2] * lerp4; m.m[2][3] = bone1->m[2][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][3] * lerp2 + bone3->m[2][3] * lerp3 + bone4->m[2][3] * lerp4; if (bone->parent >= 0) R_ConcatTransforms(&zymbonepose[bone->parent].m[0][0], &m.m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); else R_ConcatTransforms(&rootmatrix.m[0][0], &m.m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); bone1++; bone2++; bone3++; bone4++; bone++; } } else { // 3 poses for (i = 0, out = zymbonepose;i < count;i++, out++) { // interpolate matrices m.m[0][0] = bone1->m[0][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][0] * lerp2 + bone3->m[0][0] * lerp3; m.m[0][1] = bone1->m[0][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][1] * lerp2 + bone3->m[0][1] * lerp3; m.m[0][2] = bone1->m[0][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][2] * lerp2 + bone3->m[0][2] * lerp3; m.m[0][3] = bone1->m[0][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][3] * lerp2 + bone3->m[0][3] * lerp3; m.m[1][0] = bone1->m[1][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][0] * lerp2 + bone3->m[1][0] * lerp3; m.m[1][1] = bone1->m[1][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][1] * lerp2 + bone3->m[1][1] * lerp3; m.m[1][2] = bone1->m[1][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][2] * lerp2 + bone3->m[1][2] * lerp3; m.m[1][3] = bone1->m[1][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][3] * lerp2 + bone3->m[1][3] * lerp3; m.m[2][0] = bone1->m[2][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][0] * lerp2 + bone3->m[2][0] * lerp3; m.m[2][1] = bone1->m[2][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][1] * lerp2 + bone3->m[2][1] * lerp3; m.m[2][2] = bone1->m[2][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][2] * lerp2 + bone3->m[2][2] * lerp3; m.m[2][3] = bone1->m[2][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][3] * lerp2 + bone3->m[2][3] * lerp3; if (bone->parent >= 0) R_ConcatTransforms(&zymbonepose[bone->parent].m[0][0], &m.m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); else R_ConcatTransforms(&rootmatrix.m[0][0], &m.m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); bone1++; bone2++; bone3++; bone++; } } } else { // 2 poses for (i = 0, out = zymbonepose;i < count;i++, out++) { // interpolate matrices m.m[0][0] = bone1->m[0][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][0] * lerp2; m.m[0][1] = bone1->m[0][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][1] * lerp2; m.m[0][2] = bone1->m[0][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][2] * lerp2; m.m[0][3] = bone1->m[0][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[0][3] * lerp2; m.m[1][0] = bone1->m[1][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][0] * lerp2; m.m[1][1] = bone1->m[1][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][1] * lerp2; m.m[1][2] = bone1->m[1][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][2] * lerp2; m.m[1][3] = bone1->m[1][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[1][3] * lerp2; m.m[2][0] = bone1->m[2][0] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][0] * lerp2; m.m[2][1] = bone1->m[2][1] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][1] * lerp2; m.m[2][2] = bone1->m[2][2] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][2] * lerp2; m.m[2][3] = bone1->m[2][3] * lerp1 + bone2->m[2][3] * lerp2; if (bone->parent >= 0) R_ConcatTransforms(&zymbonepose[bone->parent].m[0][0], &m.m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); else R_ConcatTransforms(&rootmatrix.m[0][0], &m.m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); bone1++; bone2++; bone++; } } } else { // 1 pose if (lerp1 != 1) { // lerp != 1.0 for (i = 0, out = zymbonepose;i < count;i++, out++) { // interpolate matrices m.m[0][0] = bone1->m[0][0] * lerp1; m.m[0][1] = bone1->m[0][1] * lerp1; m.m[0][2] = bone1->m[0][2] * lerp1; m.m[0][3] = bone1->m[0][3] * lerp1; m.m[1][0] = bone1->m[1][0] * lerp1; m.m[1][1] = bone1->m[1][1] * lerp1; m.m[1][2] = bone1->m[1][2] * lerp1; m.m[1][3] = bone1->m[1][3] * lerp1; m.m[2][0] = bone1->m[2][0] * lerp1; m.m[2][1] = bone1->m[2][1] * lerp1; m.m[2][2] = bone1->m[2][2] * lerp1; m.m[2][3] = bone1->m[2][3] * lerp1; if (bone->parent >= 0) R_ConcatTransforms(&zymbonepose[bone->parent].m[0][0], &m.m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); else R_ConcatTransforms(&rootmatrix.m[0][0], &m.m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); bone1++; bone++; } } else { // lerp == 1.0 for (i = 0, out = zymbonepose;i < count;i++, out++) { if (bone->parent >= 0) R_ConcatTransforms(&zymbonepose[bone->parent].m[0][0], &bone1->m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); else R_ConcatTransforms(&rootmatrix.m[0][0], &bone1->m[0][0], &out->m[0][0]); bone1++; bone++; } } } return true; } void ZymoticTransformVerts(int vertcount, float *vertex, int *bonecounts, zymvertex_t *vert) { int c; float *out = vertex; zymbonematrix *matrix; while(vertcount--) { c = *bonecounts++; // FIXME: validate bonecounts at load time (must be >= 1) // FIXME: need 4th component in origin, for how much of the translate to blend in if (c == 1) { matrix = &zymbonepose[vert->bonenum]; out[0] = vert->origin[0] * matrix->m[0][0] + vert->origin[1] * matrix->m[0][1] + vert->origin[2] * matrix->m[0][2] + matrix->m[0][3]; out[1] = vert->origin[0] * matrix->m[1][0] + vert->origin[1] * matrix->m[1][1] + vert->origin[2] * matrix->m[1][2] + matrix->m[1][3]; out[2] = vert->origin[0] * matrix->m[2][0] + vert->origin[1] * matrix->m[2][1] + vert->origin[2] * matrix->m[2][2] + matrix->m[2][3]; vert++; } else { VectorClear(out); while(c--) { matrix = &zymbonepose[vert->bonenum]; out[0] += vert->origin[0] * matrix->m[0][0] + vert->origin[1] * matrix->m[0][1] + vert->origin[2] * matrix->m[0][2] + matrix->m[0][3]; out[1] += vert->origin[0] * matrix->m[1][0] + vert->origin[1] * matrix->m[1][1] + vert->origin[2] * matrix->m[1][2] + matrix->m[1][3]; out[2] += vert->origin[0] * matrix->m[2][0] + vert->origin[1] * matrix->m[2][1] + vert->origin[2] * matrix->m[2][2] + matrix->m[2][3]; vert++; } } out += 4; } } void ZymoticCalcNormals(int vertcount, float *vertex, float *normals, int shadercount, int *renderlist) { int a, b, c, d; float *out, v1[3], v2[3], normal[3], s; int *u; // clear normals memset(normals, 0, sizeof(float) * vertcount * 3); memset(aliasvertusage, 0, sizeof(int) * vertcount); // parse render list and accumulate surface normals while(shadercount--) { d = *renderlist++; while (d--) { a = renderlist[0]*4; b = renderlist[1]*4; c = renderlist[2]*4; v1[0] = vertex[a+0] - vertex[b+0]; v1[1] = vertex[a+1] - vertex[b+1]; v1[2] = vertex[a+2] - vertex[b+2]; v2[0] = vertex[c+0] - vertex[b+0]; v2[1] = vertex[c+1] - vertex[b+1]; v2[2] = vertex[c+2] - vertex[b+2]; CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal); VectorNormalizeFast(normal); // add surface normal to vertices a = renderlist[0] * 3; normals[a+0] += normal[0]; normals[a+1] += normal[1]; normals[a+2] += normal[2]; aliasvertusage[renderlist[0]]++; a = renderlist[1] * 3; normals[a+0] += normal[0]; normals[a+1] += normal[1]; normals[a+2] += normal[2]; aliasvertusage[renderlist[1]]++; a = renderlist[2] * 3; normals[a+0] += normal[0]; normals[a+1] += normal[1]; normals[a+2] += normal[2]; aliasvertusage[renderlist[2]]++; renderlist += 3; } } // FIXME: precalc this // average surface normals out = normals; u = aliasvertusage; while(vertcount--) { if (*u > 1) { s = ixtable[*u]; out[0] *= s; out[1] *= s; out[2] *= s; } u++; out += 3; } } void R_DrawZymoticModelMeshCallback (const void *calldata1, int calldata2) { float fog, ifog, colorscale; vec3_t diff; int i, *renderlist, *elements; rtexture_t *texture; rmeshstate_t mstate; const entity_render_t *ent = calldata1; int shadernum = calldata2; int numverts, numtriangles; R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); // find the vertex index list and texture renderlist = ent->model->zymdata_renderlist; for (i = 0;i < shadernum;i++) renderlist += renderlist[0] * 3 + 1; texture = ent->model->zymdata_textures[shadernum]; numverts = ent->model->zymnum_verts; numtriangles = *renderlist++; elements = renderlist; R_Mesh_ResizeCheck(numverts); fog = 0; if (fogenabled) { VectorSubtract(ent->origin, r_origin, diff); fog = DotProduct(diff,diff); if (fog < 0.01f) fog = 0.01f; fog = exp(fogdensity/fog); if (fog > 1) fog = 1; if (fog < 0.01f) fog = 0; // fog method: darken, additive fog // 1. render model as normal, scaled by inverse of fog alpha (darkens it) // 2. render fog as additive } ifog = 1 - fog; memset(&mstate, 0, sizeof(mstate)); if (ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) { mstate.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; mstate.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE; } else if (ent->alpha != 1.0 || R_TextureHasAlpha(texture)) { mstate.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; mstate.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; } else { mstate.blendfunc1 = GL_ONE; mstate.blendfunc2 = GL_ZERO; } colorscale = r_colorscale; if (gl_combine.integer) { mstate.texrgbscale[0] = 4; colorscale *= 0.25f; } mstate.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture); R_Mesh_State(&mstate); ZymoticLerpBones(ent->model->zymnum_bones, (zymbonematrix *) ent->model->zymdata_poses, ent->frameblend, ent->model->zymdata_bones); ZymoticTransformVerts(numverts, varray_vertex, ent->model->zymdata_vertbonecounts, ent->model->zymdata_verts); ZymoticCalcNormals(numverts, varray_vertex, aliasvert_normals, ent->model->zymnum_shaders, ent->model->zymdata_renderlist); memcpy(varray_texcoord[0], ent->model->zymdata_texcoords, ent->model->zymnum_verts * sizeof(float[4])); GL_UseColorArray(); R_LightModel(ent, numverts, varray_vertex, aliasvert_normals, varray_color, ifog * colorscale, ifog * colorscale, ifog * colorscale, false); R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements); c_alias_polys += numtriangles; if (fog) { memset(&mstate, 0, sizeof(mstate)); mstate.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; mstate.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; // FIXME: need alpha mask for fogging... //mstate.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture); R_Mesh_State(&mstate); GL_Color(fogcolor[0] * r_colorscale, fogcolor[1] * r_colorscale, fogcolor[2] * r_colorscale, ent->alpha * fog); R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements); c_alias_polys += numtriangles; } } void R_Model_Zymotic_Draw(entity_render_t *ent) { int i; if (ent->alpha < (1.0f / 64.0f)) return; // basically completely transparent c_models++; for (i = 0;i < ent->model->zymnum_shaders;i++) { if (ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE || ent->alpha != 1.0 || R_TextureHasAlpha(ent->model->zymdata_textures[i])) R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(ent->origin, R_DrawZymoticModelMeshCallback, ent, i); else R_DrawZymoticModelMeshCallback(ent, i); } } void R_Model_Zymotic_DrawFakeShadow(entity_render_t *ent) { // FIXME } void R_Model_Zymotic_DrawLight(entity_render_t *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius2, float lightdistbias, float lightsubtract, float *lightcolor) { // FIXME } void R_Model_Zymotic_DrawOntoLight(entity_render_t *ent) { // FIXME }