#ifndef IMAGE_H #define IMAGE_H // applies gamma correction to RGB pixels, in can be the same as out void Image_GammaRemapRGB(qbyte *in, qbyte *out, int pixels, qbyte *gammar, qbyte *gammag, qbyte *gammab); // converts 8bit image data to RGBA, in can not be the same as out void Image_Copy8bitRGBA(qbyte *in, qbyte *out, int pixels, int *pal); // makes a RGBA mask from RGBA input, in can be the same as out int image_makemask (qbyte *in, qbyte *out, int size); // loads a texture, as pixel data qbyte *loadimagepixels (char* filename, qboolean complain, int matchwidth, int matchheight); // loads a texture, as a texture rtexture_t *loadtextureimage (rtexturepool_t *pool, char* filename, int matchwidth, int matchheight, qboolean complain, qboolean mipmap, qboolean precache); // loads a texture's alpha mask, as pixel data qbyte *loadimagepixelsmask (char* filename, qboolean complain, int matchwidth, int matchheight); // loads a texture's alpha mask, as a texture rtexture_t *loadtextureimagemask (rtexturepool_t *pool, char* filename, int matchwidth, int matchheight, qboolean complain, qboolean mipmap, qboolean precache); // loads a texture and it's alpha mask at once (NULL if it has no translucent pixels) rtexture_t *image_masktex; rtexture_t *loadtextureimagewithmask (rtexturepool_t *pool, char* filename, int matchwidth, int matchheight, qboolean complain, qboolean mipmap, qboolean precache); // writes a RGB TGA that is already upside down (which TGA wants) qboolean Image_WriteTGARGB_preflipped (char *filename, int width, int height, qbyte *data); // writes a RGB TGA void Image_WriteTGARGB (char *filename, int width, int height, qbyte *data); // writes a RGBA TGA void Image_WriteTGARGBA (char *filename, int width, int height, qbyte *data); // returns true if the image has some translucent pixels qboolean Image_CheckAlpha(qbyte *data, int size, qboolean rgba); // resizes the image (in can not be the same as out) void Image_Resample (void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, void *outdata, int outwidth, int outheight, int bytesperpixel, int quality); // scales the image down by a power of 2 (in can be the same as out) void Image_MipReduce(qbyte *in, qbyte *out, int *width, int *height, int destwidth, int destheight, int bytesperpixel); // only used by menuplyr coloring qbyte *LoadLMPAs8Bit (qbyte *f, int matchwidth, int matchheight); #endif