enum { CURLCBSTATUS_OK = 0, CURLCBSTATUS_FAILED = -1, // failed for generic reason (e.g. buffer too small) CURLCBSTATUS_ABORTED = -2, // aborted by curl --cancel CURLCBSTATUS_SERVERERROR = -3, // only used if no HTTP status code is available CURLCBSTATUS_UNKNOWN = -4 // should never happen }; typedef void (*curl_callback_t) (int status, size_t length_received, unsigned char *buffer, void *cbdata); // code is one of the CURLCBSTATUS constants, or the HTTP error code (when > 0). void Curl_Run(); qboolean Curl_Running(); qboolean Curl_Begin_ToFile(const char *URL, const char *name, qboolean ispak, qboolean forthismap); qboolean Curl_Begin_ToMemory(const char *URL, unsigned char *buf, size_t bufsize, curl_callback_t callback, void *cbdata); // NOTE: if it returns false, the callback will NOT get called, so free your buffer then! void Curl_Init(); void Curl_Init_Commands(); void Curl_Shutdown(); void Curl_CancelAll(); void Curl_Clear_forthismap(); qboolean Curl_Have_forthismap(); void Curl_Register_predownload(); void Curl_ClearRequirements(); void Curl_RequireFile(const char *filename); void Curl_SendRequirements(); typedef struct Curl_downloadinfo_s { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; double progress; double speed; qboolean queued; } Curl_downloadinfo_t; Curl_downloadinfo_t *Curl_GetDownloadInfo(int *nDownloads, const char **additional_info); // this may and should be Z_Free()ed // the result is actually an array // an additional info string may be returned in additional_info as a // pointer to a static string (but the argument may be NULL if the caller // does not care)