#include "quakedef.h" #include "meshqueue.h" cvar_t r_meshqueue_entries = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_meshqueue_entries", "16", "maximum number of meshes to batch together and sort before issuing render calls (unused)"}; cvar_t r_meshqueue_immediaterender = {0, "r_meshqueue_immediaterender", "0", "immediately render non-transparent meshes rather than batching"}; cvar_t r_meshqueue_sort = {0, "r_meshqueue_sort", "0", "whether to sort meshes in a batch before issuing calls"}; typedef struct meshqueue_s { struct meshqueue_s *next; void (*callback)(const entity_render_t *ent, int surfacenumber, const rtlight_t *rtlight); const entity_render_t *ent; int surfacenumber; const rtlight_t *rtlight; float dist; } meshqueue_t; float mqt_viewplanedist; float mqt_viewmaxdist; meshqueue_t *mq_array, *mqt_array, *mq_listhead; int mq_count, mqt_count; int mq_total, mqt_total; void R_MeshQueue_Init(void) { Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_meshqueue_entries); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_meshqueue_immediaterender); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_meshqueue_sort); mq_total = 0; mqt_total = 0; mq_array = NULL; mqt_array = NULL; } void R_MeshQueue_Render(void) { meshqueue_t *mq; if (!mq_count) return; for (mq = mq_listhead;mq;mq = mq->next) mq->callback(mq->ent, mq->surfacenumber, mq->rtlight); mq_count = 0; mq_listhead = NULL; } static void R_MeshQueue_EnlargeTransparentArray(int newtotal) { meshqueue_t *newarray; newarray = (meshqueue_t *)Mem_Alloc(cl_mempool, newtotal * sizeof(meshqueue_t)); if (mqt_array) { memcpy(newarray, mqt_array, mqt_total * sizeof(meshqueue_t)); Mem_Free(mqt_array); } mqt_array = newarray; mqt_total = newtotal; } void R_MeshQueue_Add(void (*callback)(const entity_render_t *ent, int surfacenumber, const rtlight_t *rtlight), const entity_render_t *ent, int surfacenumber, const rtlight_t *rtlight) { meshqueue_t *mq, **mqnext; if (r_meshqueue_immediaterender.integer) { callback(ent, surfacenumber, rtlight); return; } if (mq_count >= mq_total) R_MeshQueue_Render(); mq = &mq_array[mq_count++]; mq->callback = callback; mq->ent = ent; mq->surfacenumber = surfacenumber; mq->rtlight = rtlight; if (r_meshqueue_sort.integer) { // bubble-insert sort into meshqueue for(mqnext = &mq_listhead;*mqnext;mqnext = &(*mqnext)->next) { if (mq->callback == (*mqnext)->callback) { if (mq->ent == (*mqnext)->ent) { if (mq->surfacenumber == (*mqnext)->surfacenumber) { if (mq->rtlight <= (*mqnext)->rtlight) break; } else if (mq->surfacenumber < (*mqnext)->surfacenumber) break; } else if (mq->ent < (*mqnext)->ent) break; } else if (mq->callback < (*mqnext)->callback) break; } } else { // maintain the order for(mqnext = &mq_listhead;*mqnext;mqnext = &(*mqnext)->next); } mq->next = *mqnext; *mqnext = mq; } void R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(const vec3_t center, void (*callback)(const entity_render_t *ent, int surfacenumber, const rtlight_t *rtlight), const entity_render_t *ent, int surfacenumber, const rtlight_t *rtlight) { meshqueue_t *mq; if (mqt_count >= mqt_total) R_MeshQueue_EnlargeTransparentArray(mqt_total + 100); mq = &mqt_array[mqt_count++]; mq->callback = callback; mq->ent = ent; mq->surfacenumber = surfacenumber; mq->rtlight = rtlight; mq->dist = DotProduct(center, r_viewforward) - mqt_viewplanedist; mq->next = NULL; mqt_viewmaxdist = max(mqt_viewmaxdist, mq->dist); } void R_MeshQueue_RenderTransparent(void) { int i; int hashdist; float distscale; meshqueue_t *mqt; meshqueue_t *hash[4096], **hashpointer[4096]; if (mq_count) R_MeshQueue_Render(); if (!mqt_count) return; memset(hash, 0, sizeof(hash)); for (i = 0;i < 4096;i++) hashpointer[i] = &hash[i]; distscale = 4095.0f / max(mqt_viewmaxdist, 4095); for (i = 0, mqt = mqt_array;i < mqt_count;i++, mqt++) { // generate index hashdist = (int) (mqt->dist * distscale); hashdist = bound(0, hashdist, 4095); // link to tail of hash chain (to preserve render order) mqt->next = NULL; *hashpointer[hashdist] = mqt; hashpointer[hashdist] = &mqt->next; } for (i = 4095;i >= 0;i--) if (hash[i]) for (mqt = hash[i];mqt;mqt = mqt->next) mqt->callback(mqt->ent, mqt->surfacenumber, mqt->rtlight); mqt_count = 0; } void R_MeshQueue_BeginScene(void) { if (r_meshqueue_entries.integer < 1) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_meshqueue_entries, 1); if (r_meshqueue_entries.integer > 65536) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_meshqueue_entries, 65536); if (mq_total != r_meshqueue_entries.integer || mq_array == NULL) { mq_total = r_meshqueue_entries.integer; if (mq_array) Mem_Free(mq_array); mq_array = (meshqueue_t *)Mem_Alloc(cl_mempool, mq_total * sizeof(meshqueue_t)); } if (mqt_array == NULL) mqt_array = (meshqueue_t *)Mem_Alloc(cl_mempool, mqt_total * sizeof(meshqueue_t)); mq_count = 0; mqt_count = 0; mq_listhead = NULL; mqt_viewplanedist = DotProduct(r_vieworigin, r_viewforward); mqt_viewmaxdist = 0; } void R_MeshQueue_EndScene(void) { if (mq_count) { Con_Printf("R_MeshQueue_EndScene: main mesh queue still has %i items left, flushing\n", mq_count); R_MeshQueue_Render(); } if (mqt_count) { Con_Printf("R_MeshQueue_EndScene: transparent mesh queue still has %i items left, flushing\n", mqt_count); R_MeshQueue_RenderTransparent(); } }