#include "quakedef.h" #include "meshqueue.h" typedef struct meshqueue_s { struct meshqueue_s *next; void (*callback)(const entity_render_t *ent, const rtlight_t *rtlight, int numsurfaces, int *surfaceindices); const entity_render_t *ent; int surfacenumber; const rtlight_t *rtlight; float dist; } meshqueue_t; float mqt_viewplanedist; float mqt_viewmaxdist; meshqueue_t *mqt_array; int mqt_count; int mqt_total; void R_MeshQueue_BeginScene(void) { mqt_count = 0; mqt_viewplanedist = DotProduct(r_refdef.view.origin, r_refdef.view.forward); mqt_viewmaxdist = 0; } void R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(const vec3_t center, void (*callback)(const entity_render_t *ent, const rtlight_t *rtlight, int numsurfaces, int *surfacelist), const entity_render_t *ent, int surfacenumber, const rtlight_t *rtlight) { meshqueue_t *mq; if (mqt_count >= mqt_total || !mqt_array) { int newtotal = max(1024, mqt_total * 2); meshqueue_t *newarray = (meshqueue_t *)Mem_Alloc(cls.permanentmempool, newtotal * sizeof(meshqueue_t)); if (mqt_array) { memcpy(newarray, mqt_array, mqt_total * sizeof(meshqueue_t)); Mem_Free(mqt_array); } mqt_array = newarray; mqt_total = newtotal; } mq = &mqt_array[mqt_count++]; mq->callback = callback; mq->ent = ent; mq->surfacenumber = surfacenumber; mq->rtlight = rtlight; mq->dist = DotProduct(center, r_refdef.view.forward) - mqt_viewplanedist; mq->next = NULL; mqt_viewmaxdist = max(mqt_viewmaxdist, mq->dist); } void R_MeshQueue_RenderTransparent(void) { int i; int hashdist; int batchnumsurfaces; float distscale; const entity_render_t *ent; const rtlight_t *rtlight; void (*callback)(const entity_render_t *ent, const rtlight_t *rtlight, int numsurfaces, int *surfaceindices); meshqueue_t *mqt; static meshqueue_t *hash[4096], **hashpointer[4096]; int batchsurfaceindex[256]; if (!mqt_count) return; memset(hash, 0, sizeof(hash)); for (i = 0;i < 4096;i++) hashpointer[i] = &hash[i]; distscale = 4095.0f / max(mqt_viewmaxdist, 4095); for (i = 0, mqt = mqt_array;i < mqt_count;i++, mqt++) { // generate index hashdist = (int) (mqt->dist * distscale); hashdist = bound(0, hashdist, 4095); // link to tail of hash chain (to preserve render order) mqt->next = NULL; *hashpointer[hashdist] = mqt; hashpointer[hashdist] = &mqt->next; } callback = NULL; ent = NULL; rtlight = NULL; batchnumsurfaces = 0; for (i = 4095;i >= 0;i--) { if (hash[i]) { for (mqt = hash[i];mqt;mqt = mqt->next) { if (ent != mqt->ent || rtlight != mqt->rtlight || callback != mqt->callback || batchnumsurfaces >= 256) { if (batchnumsurfaces) callback(ent, rtlight, batchnumsurfaces, batchsurfaceindex); batchnumsurfaces = 0; ent = mqt->ent; rtlight = mqt->rtlight; callback = mqt->callback; } batchsurfaceindex[batchnumsurfaces++] = mqt->surfacenumber; } } } if (batchnumsurfaces) callback(ent, rtlight, batchnumsurfaces, batchsurfaceindex); mqt_count = 0; }