/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef MODEL_ALIAS_H #define MODEL_ALIAS_H /* ============================================================================== ALIAS MODELS Alias models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them. ============================================================================== */ #include "modelgen.h" typedef struct { int ident; int version; vec3_t scale; vec3_t scale_origin; float boundingradius; vec3_t eyeposition; int numskins; int skinwidth; int skinheight; int numverts; int numtris; int numframes; synctype_t synctype; int flags; float size; } daliashdr_t; #define MAXALIASVERTS 4096 #define MAXALIASFRAMES 1024 #define MAXALIASTRIS 4096 /* ======================================================================== .MD2 triangle model file format ======================================================================== */ // LordHavoc: grabbed this from the Q2 utility source, // renamed a things to avoid conflicts #define MD2ALIAS_VERSION 8 #define MD2MAX_TRIANGLES 4096 #define MD2MAX_VERTS 4096 #define MD2MAX_FRAMES 1024 #define MD2MAX_SKINNAME 64 // sanity checking size #define MD2MAX_SIZE (16777216) typedef struct { short s; short t; } md2stvert_t; typedef struct { short index_xyz[3]; short index_st[3]; } md2triangle_t; typedef struct { float scale[3]; // multiply byte verts by this float translate[3]; // then add this char name[16]; // frame name from grabbing } md2frame_t; // the glcmd format: // a positive integer starts a tristrip command, followed by that many // vertex structures. // a negative integer starts a trifan command, followed by -x vertexes // a zero indicates the end of the command list. // a vertex consists of a floating point s, a floating point t, // and an integer vertex index. typedef struct { int ident; int version; int skinwidth; int skinheight; int framesize; // byte size of each frame int num_skins; int num_xyz; int num_st; // greater than num_xyz for seams int num_tris; int num_glcmds; // dwords in strip/fan command list int num_frames; int ofs_skins; // each skin is a MAX_SKINNAME string int ofs_st; // byte offset from start for stverts int ofs_tris; // offset for dtriangles int ofs_frames; // offset for first frame int ofs_glcmds; int ofs_end; // end of file } md2_t; // LordHavoc: mdl, md2 and md3 models are converted to the same internal format #define ALIASTYPE_ALIAS 1 #define ALIASTYPE_ZYM 2 extern void Mod_LoadQ1AliasModel (struct model_s *mod, void *buffer); extern void Mod_LoadQ2AliasModel (struct model_s *mod, void *buffer); extern void Mod_LoadQ3AliasModel (struct model_s *mod, void *buffer); extern void Mod_AliasInit(void); #include "model_zymotic.h" // all md3 ints, floats, and shorts, are little endian, and thus need to be // passed through LittleLong/LittleFloat/LittleShort to avoid breaking on // bigendian machines (Macs for example) #define MD3VERSION 15 #define MD3NAME 64 #define MD3FRAMENAME 16 // the origin is at 1/64th scale // the pitch and yaw are encoded as 8 bits each typedef struct md3vertex_s { short origin[3], normalpitchyaw; } md3vertex_t; // one per frame typedef struct md3frameinfo_s { float mins[3]; float maxs[3]; float origin[3]; float radius; char name[MD3FRAMENAME]; } md3frameinfo_t; // one per tag per frame typedef struct md3tag_s { char name[MD3NAME]; float origin[3]; float rotationmatrix[9]; } md3tag_t; // one per shader per mesh typedef struct md3shader_s { char name[MD3NAME]; // engine field (yes this empty int does exist in the file) int shadernum; } md3shader_t; // one per mesh per model // // note that the lump_ offsets in this struct are relative to the beginning // of the mesh struct // // to find the next mesh in the file, you must go to lump_end, which puts you // at the beginning of the next mesh typedef struct md3mesh_s { char identifier[4]; // "IDP3" char name[MD3NAME]; int flags; int num_frames; int num_shaders; int num_vertices; int num_triangles; int lump_elements; int lump_shaders; int lump_texcoords; int lump_framevertices; int lump_end; } md3mesh_t; // this struct is at the beginning of the md3 file // // note that the lump_ offsets in this struct are relative to the beginning // of the header struct (which is the beginning of the file) typedef struct md3modelheader_s { char identifier[4]; // "IDP3" int version; // 15 char name[MD3NAME]; int flags; int num_frames; int num_tags; int num_meshes; int num_skins; int lump_frameinfo; int lump_tags; int lump_meshes; int lump_end; } md3modelheader_t; // LordHavoc: all quake series 'alias' models (mdl, md2, md3) are converted to this vertex format typedef struct aliasvertex_s { // location float origin[3]; // surface normal float normal[3]; // S texture vector float svector[3]; } aliasvertex_t; // this layer is fog (completely specialized behavior) #define ALIASLAYER_FOG 1 // alpha blending #define ALIASLAYER_ALPHA 2 // additive blending #define ALIASLAYER_ADD 4 // apply diffuse lighting #define ALIASLAYER_DIFFUSE 8 // apply specular lighting #define ALIASLAYER_SPECULAR 16 // tint with pants color #define ALIASLAYER_COLORMAP_PANTS 32 // tint with shirt color #define ALIASLAYER_COLORMAP_SHIRT 64 // don't draw this layer if colormap is not used #define ALIASLAYER_NODRAW_IF_NOTCOLORMAPPED 128 // don't draw this layer if colormap is used #define ALIASLAYER_NODRAW_IF_COLORMAPPED 256 // draw this layer for realtime lighting passes, otherwise don't #define ALIASLAYER_DRAW_PER_LIGHT 512 typedef struct aliaslayer_s { int flags; rtexture_t *texture; rtexture_t *nmap; } aliaslayer_t; // indicates this skin is transparent #define ALIASSKIN_TRANSPARENT 1 typedef struct aliasskin_s { int flags; int num_layers; aliaslayer_t *data_layers; } aliasskin_t; typedef struct aliasmesh_s { int num_skins; int num_triangles; int num_frames; int num_vertices; aliasskin_t *data_skins; int *data_elements; int *data_neighbors; float *data_texcoords; aliasvertex_t *data_vertices; } aliasmesh_t; #endif