#include "quakedef.h" #define MAXRECURSIVEPORTALPLANES 1024 #define MAXRECURSIVEPORTALS 256 static tinyplane_t portalplanes[MAXRECURSIVEPORTALPLANES]; static int portalplanecount; static int ranoutofportalplanes; static int ranoutofportals; static float portaltemppoints[2][256][3]; static float portaltemppoints2[256][3]; static int portal_markid = 0; static float boxpoints[4*3]; int Portal_ClipPolygonToPlane(float *in, float *out, int inpoints, int maxoutpoints, tinyplane_t *p) { int i, outpoints, prevside, side; float *prevpoint, prevdist, dist, dot; if (inpoints < 3) return inpoints; // begin with the last point, then enter the loop with the first point as current prevpoint = in + 3 * (inpoints - 1); prevdist = DotProduct(prevpoint, p->normal) - p->dist; prevside = prevdist >= 0 ? SIDE_FRONT : SIDE_BACK; i = 0; outpoints = 0; goto begin; for (;i < inpoints;i++) { prevpoint = in; prevdist = dist; prevside = side; in += 3; begin: dist = DotProduct(in, p->normal) - p->dist; side = dist >= 0 ? SIDE_FRONT : SIDE_BACK; if (prevside == SIDE_FRONT) { if (outpoints >= maxoutpoints) return -1; VectorCopy(prevpoint, out); out += 3; outpoints++; if (side == SIDE_FRONT) continue; } else if (side == SIDE_BACK) continue; // generate a split point if (outpoints >= maxoutpoints) return -1; dot = prevdist / (prevdist - dist); out[0] = prevpoint[0] + dot * (in[0] - prevpoint[0]); out[1] = prevpoint[1] + dot * (in[1] - prevpoint[1]); out[2] = prevpoint[2] + dot * (in[2] - prevpoint[2]); out += 3; outpoints++; } return outpoints; } int Portal_PortalThroughPortalPlanes(tinyplane_t *clipplanes, int clipnumplanes, float *targpoints, int targnumpoints, float *out, int maxpoints) { int numpoints, i; if (targnumpoints < 3) return targnumpoints; if (maxpoints < 3) return -1; numpoints = targnumpoints; memcpy(&portaltemppoints[0][0][0], targpoints, numpoints * 3 * sizeof(float)); for (i = 0;i < clipnumplanes;i++) { numpoints = Portal_ClipPolygonToPlane(&portaltemppoints[0][0][0], &portaltemppoints[1][0][0], numpoints, 256, clipplanes + i); if (numpoints < 3) return numpoints; memcpy(&portaltemppoints[0][0][0], &portaltemppoints[1][0][0], numpoints * 3 * sizeof(float)); } if (numpoints > maxpoints) return -1; memcpy(out, &portaltemppoints[1][0][0], numpoints * 3 * sizeof(float)); return numpoints; } int Portal_RecursiveFlowSearch (mleaf_t *leaf, vec3_t eye, int firstclipplane, int numclipplanes) { mportal_t *p; int newpoints, i, prev; vec3_t center, v1, v2; tinyplane_t *newplanes; if (leaf->portalmarkid == portal_markid) return true; // follow portals into other leafs for (p = leaf->portals;p;p = p->next) { // only flow through portals facing away from the viewer if (PlaneDiff(eye, (&p->plane)) < 0) { newpoints = Portal_PortalThroughPortalPlanes(&portalplanes[firstclipplane], numclipplanes, (float *) p->points, p->numpoints, &portaltemppoints2[0][0], 256); if (newpoints < 3) continue; else if (firstclipplane + numclipplanes + newpoints > MAXRECURSIVEPORTALPLANES) ranoutofportalplanes = true; else { // find the center by averaging VectorClear(center); for (i = 0;i < newpoints;i++) VectorAdd(center, portaltemppoints2[i], center); // ixtable is a 1.0f / N table VectorScale(center, ixtable[newpoints], center); // calculate the planes, and make sure the polygon can see it's own center newplanes = &portalplanes[firstclipplane + numclipplanes]; for (prev = newpoints - 1, i = 0;i < newpoints;prev = i, i++) { VectorSubtract(eye, portaltemppoints2[i], v1); VectorSubtract(portaltemppoints2[prev], portaltemppoints2[i], v2); CrossProduct(v1, v2, newplanes[i].normal); VectorNormalizeFast(newplanes[i].normal); newplanes[i].dist = DotProduct(eye, newplanes[i].normal); if (DotProduct(newplanes[i].normal, center) <= newplanes[i].dist) { // polygon can't see it's own center, discard and use parent portal break; } } if (i == newpoints) { if (Portal_RecursiveFlowSearch(p->past, eye, firstclipplane + numclipplanes, newpoints)) return true; } else { if (Portal_RecursiveFlowSearch(p->past, eye, firstclipplane, numclipplanes)) return true; } } } } return false; } void Portal_PolygonRecursiveMarkLeafs(mnode_t *node, float *polypoints, int numpoints) { int i, front; float *p; loc0: if (node->contents < 0) { ((mleaf_t *)node)->portalmarkid = portal_markid; return; } front = 0; for (i = 0, p = polypoints;i < numpoints;i++, p += 3) { if (DotProduct(p, node->plane->normal) > node->plane->dist) front++; } if (front > 0) { if (front == numpoints) { node = node->children[0]; goto loc0; } else Portal_PolygonRecursiveMarkLeafs(node->children[0], polypoints, numpoints); } node = node->children[1]; goto loc0; } int Portal_CheckPolygon(model_t *model, vec3_t eye, float *polypoints, int numpoints) { int i, prev, returnvalue; mleaf_t *eyeleaf; vec3_t center, v1, v2; portal_markid++; Mod_CheckLoaded(model); Portal_PolygonRecursiveMarkLeafs(model->nodes, polypoints, numpoints); eyeleaf = Mod_PointInLeaf(eye, model); // find the center by averaging VectorClear(center); for (i = 0;i < numpoints;i++) VectorAdd(center, (&polypoints[i * 3]), center); // ixtable is a 1.0f / N table VectorScale(center, ixtable[numpoints], center); // calculate the planes, and make sure the polygon can see it's own center for (prev = numpoints - 1, i = 0;i < numpoints;prev = i, i++) { VectorSubtract(eye, (&polypoints[i * 3]), v1); VectorSubtract((&polypoints[prev * 3]), (&polypoints[i * 3]), v2); CrossProduct(v1, v2, portalplanes[i].normal); VectorNormalizeFast(portalplanes[i].normal); portalplanes[i].dist = DotProduct(eye, portalplanes[i].normal); if (DotProduct(portalplanes[i].normal, center) <= portalplanes[i].dist) { // polygon can't see it's own center, discard return false; } } portalplanecount = 0; ranoutofportalplanes = false; ranoutofportals = false; returnvalue = Portal_RecursiveFlowSearch(eyeleaf, eye, 0, numpoints); if (ranoutofportalplanes) Con_Printf("Portal_RecursiveFlowSearch: ran out of %d plane stack when recursing through portals\n", MAXRECURSIVEPORTALPLANES); if (ranoutofportals) Con_Printf("Portal_RecursiveFlowSearch: ran out of %d portal stack when recursing through portals\n", MAXRECURSIVEPORTALS); return returnvalue; } #define Portal_MinsBoxPolygon(axis, axisvalue, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4) \ {\ if (eye[(axis)] < ((axisvalue) - 0.5f))\ {\ boxpoints[ 0] = x1;boxpoints[ 1] = y1;boxpoints[ 2] = z1;\ boxpoints[ 3] = x2;boxpoints[ 4] = y2;boxpoints[ 5] = z2;\ boxpoints[ 6] = x3;boxpoints[ 7] = y3;boxpoints[ 8] = z3;\ boxpoints[ 9] = x4;boxpoints[10] = y4;boxpoints[11] = z4;\ if (Portal_CheckPolygon(model, eye, boxpoints, 4))\ return true;\ }\ } #define Portal_MaxsBoxPolygon(axis, axisvalue, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4) \ {\ if (eye[(axis)] > ((axisvalue) + 0.5f))\ {\ boxpoints[ 0] = x1;boxpoints[ 1] = y1;boxpoints[ 2] = z1;\ boxpoints[ 3] = x2;boxpoints[ 4] = y2;boxpoints[ 5] = z2;\ boxpoints[ 6] = x3;boxpoints[ 7] = y3;boxpoints[ 8] = z3;\ boxpoints[ 9] = x4;boxpoints[10] = y4;boxpoints[11] = z4;\ if (Portal_CheckPolygon(model, eye, boxpoints, 4))\ return true;\ }\ } int Portal_CheckBox(model_t *model, vec3_t eye, vec3_t a, vec3_t b) { if (eye[0] >= (a[0] - 1.0f) && eye[0] < (b[0] + 1.0f) && eye[1] >= (a[1] - 1.0f) && eye[1] < (b[1] + 1.0f) && eye[2] >= (a[2] - 1.0f) && eye[2] < (b[2] + 1.0f)) return true; Portal_MinsBoxPolygon ( 0, a[0], a[0], a[1], a[2], a[0], b[1], a[2], a[0], b[1], b[2], a[0], a[1], b[2] ); Portal_MaxsBoxPolygon ( 0, b[0], b[0], b[1], a[2], b[0], a[1], a[2], b[0], a[1], b[2], b[0], b[1], b[2] ); Portal_MinsBoxPolygon ( 1, a[1], b[0], a[1], a[2], a[0], a[1], a[2], a[0], a[1], b[2], b[0], a[1], b[2] ); Portal_MaxsBoxPolygon ( 1, b[1], a[0], b[1], a[2], b[0], b[1], a[2], b[0], b[1], b[2], a[0], b[1], b[2] ); Portal_MinsBoxPolygon ( 2, a[2], a[0], a[1], a[2], b[0], a[1], a[2], b[0], b[1], a[2], a[0], b[1], a[2] ); Portal_MaxsBoxPolygon ( 2, b[2], b[0], a[1], b[2], a[0], a[1], b[2], a[0], b[1], b[2], b[0], b[1], b[2] ); return false; }