#include "quakedef.h" // this is 80 bytes entity_state_t defaultstate = { // ! means this is sent to client 0,//double time; // time this state was built (used on client for interpolation) {0,0,0},//float origin[3]; // ! {0,0,0},//float angles[3]; // ! 0,//int number; // ! entity number this state is for 0,//int effects; // ! 0,//unsigned short modelindex; // ! 0,//unsigned short frame; // ! 0,//unsigned short tagentity; // ! 0,//unsigned short specialvisibilityradius; // larger if it has effects/light 0,//unsigned short viewmodelforclient; 0,//unsigned short exteriormodelforclient; // not shown if first person viewing from this entity, shown in all other cases 0,//unsigned short nodrawtoclient; 0,//unsigned short drawonlytoclient; {0,0,0,0},//unsigned short light[4]; // ! color*256 (0.00 to 255.996), and radius*1 0,//unsigned char active; // ! true if a valid state 0,//unsigned char lightstyle; // ! 0,//unsigned char lightpflags; // ! 0,//unsigned char colormap; // ! 0,//unsigned char skin; // ! also chooses cubemap for rtlights if lightpflags & LIGHTPFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC 255,//unsigned char alpha; // ! 16,//unsigned char scale; // ! 0,//unsigned char glowsize; // ! 254,//unsigned char glowcolor; // ! 0,//unsigned char flags; // ! 0,//unsigned char tagindex; // ! // padding to a multiple of 8 bytes (to align the double time) {0,0,0,0,0}//unsigned char unused[5]; }; void ClearStateToDefault(entity_state_t *s) { *s = defaultstate; } int EntityState_DeltaBits(const entity_state_t *o, const entity_state_t *n) { unsigned int bits; // if o is not active, delta from default if (!o->active) o = &defaultstate; bits = 0; if (fabs(n->origin[0] - o->origin[0]) > (1.0f / 256.0f)) bits |= E_ORIGIN1; if (fabs(n->origin[1] - o->origin[1]) > (1.0f / 256.0f)) bits |= E_ORIGIN2; if (fabs(n->origin[2] - o->origin[2]) > (1.0f / 256.0f)) bits |= E_ORIGIN3; if ((qbyte) (n->angles[0] * (256.0f / 360.0f)) != (qbyte) (o->angles[0] * (256.0f / 360.0f))) bits |= E_ANGLE1; if ((qbyte) (n->angles[1] * (256.0f / 360.0f)) != (qbyte) (o->angles[1] * (256.0f / 360.0f))) bits |= E_ANGLE2; if ((qbyte) (n->angles[2] * (256.0f / 360.0f)) != (qbyte) (o->angles[2] * (256.0f / 360.0f))) bits |= E_ANGLE3; if ((n->modelindex ^ o->modelindex) & 0x00FF) bits |= E_MODEL1; if ((n->modelindex ^ o->modelindex) & 0xFF00) bits |= E_MODEL2; if ((n->frame ^ o->frame) & 0x00FF) bits |= E_FRAME1; if ((n->frame ^ o->frame) & 0xFF00) bits |= E_FRAME2; if ((n->effects ^ o->effects) & 0x00FF) bits |= E_EFFECTS1; if ((n->effects ^ o->effects) & 0xFF00) bits |= E_EFFECTS2; if (n->colormap != o->colormap) bits |= E_COLORMAP; if (n->skin != o->skin) bits |= E_SKIN; if (n->alpha != o->alpha) bits |= E_ALPHA; if (n->scale != o->scale) bits |= E_SCALE; if (n->glowsize != o->glowsize) bits |= E_GLOWSIZE; if (n->glowcolor != o->glowcolor) bits |= E_GLOWCOLOR; if (n->flags != o->flags) bits |= E_FLAGS; if (n->tagindex != o->tagindex || n->tagentity != o->tagentity) bits |= E_TAGATTACHMENT; if (n->light[0] != o->light[0] || n->light[1] != o->light[1] || n->light[2] != o->light[2] || n->light[3] != o->light[3]) bits |= E_LIGHT; if (n->lightstyle != o->lightstyle) bits |= E_LIGHTSTYLE; if (n->lightpflags != o->lightpflags) bits |= E_LIGHTPFLAGS; if (bits) { if (bits & 0xFF000000) bits |= 0x00800000; if (bits & 0x00FF0000) bits |= 0x00008000; if (bits & 0x0000FF00) bits |= 0x00000080; } return bits; } void EntityState_WriteExtendBits(sizebuf_t *msg, unsigned int bits) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, bits & 0xFF); if (bits & 0x00000080) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & 0x00008000) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 16) & 0xFF); if (bits & 0x00800000) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 24) & 0xFF); } } } void EntityState_WriteFields(entity_state_t *ent, sizebuf_t *msg, unsigned int bits) { // LordHavoc: have to write flags first, as they can modify protocol if (bits & E_FLAGS) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->flags); if (ent->flags & RENDER_LOWPRECISION) { if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->origin[0]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->origin[1]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->origin[2]); if (bits & E_ANGLE1) MSG_WriteAngle(msg, ent->angles[0]); if (bits & E_ANGLE2) MSG_WriteAngle(msg, ent->angles[1]); if (bits & E_ANGLE3) MSG_WriteAngle(msg, ent->angles[2]); } else { if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) MSG_WriteFloat(msg, ent->origin[0]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) MSG_WriteFloat(msg, ent->origin[1]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) MSG_WriteFloat(msg, ent->origin[2]); if (bits & E_ANGLE1) MSG_WritePreciseAngle(msg, ent->angles[0]); if (bits & E_ANGLE2) MSG_WritePreciseAngle(msg, ent->angles[1]); if (bits & E_ANGLE3) MSG_WritePreciseAngle(msg, ent->angles[2]); } if (bits & E_MODEL1) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->modelindex & 0xFF); if (bits & E_MODEL2) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (ent->modelindex >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & E_FRAME1) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->frame & 0xFF); if (bits & E_FRAME2) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (ent->frame >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & E_EFFECTS1) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->effects & 0xFF); if (bits & E_EFFECTS2) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (ent->effects >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & E_COLORMAP) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->colormap); if (bits & E_SKIN) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->skin); if (bits & E_ALPHA) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->alpha); if (bits & E_SCALE) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->scale); if (bits & E_GLOWSIZE) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->glowsize); if (bits & E_GLOWCOLOR) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->glowcolor); if (bits & E_TAGATTACHMENT) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->tagentity); MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->tagindex); } if (bits & E_LIGHT) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->light[0]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->light[1]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->light[2]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->light[3]); } if (bits & E_LIGHTSTYLE) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->lightstyle); if (bits & E_LIGHTPFLAGS) MSG_WriteByte(msg, ent->lightpflags); } void EntityState_WriteUpdate(entity_state_t *ent, sizebuf_t *msg, entity_state_t *delta) { unsigned int bits; if (ent->active) { // entity is active, check for changes from the delta if ((bits = EntityState_DeltaBits(delta, ent))) { // write the update number, bits, and fields MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->number); EntityState_WriteExtendBits(msg, bits); EntityState_WriteFields(ent, msg, bits); } } else { // entity is inactive, check if the delta was active if (delta->active) { // write the remove number MSG_WriteShort(msg, ent->number | 0x8000); } } } int EntityState_ReadExtendBits(void) { unsigned int bits; bits = MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & 0x00000080) { bits |= MSG_ReadByte() << 8; if (bits & 0x00008000) { bits |= MSG_ReadByte() << 16; if (bits & 0x00800000) bits |= MSG_ReadByte() << 24; } } return bits; } void EntityState_ReadFields(entity_state_t *e, unsigned int bits) { if (cl.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2) { if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) e->origin[0] = (signed short) MSG_ReadShort(); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) e->origin[1] = (signed short) MSG_ReadShort(); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) e->origin[2] = (signed short) MSG_ReadShort(); } else { if (bits & E_FLAGS) e->flags = MSG_ReadByte(); if (e->flags & RENDER_LOWPRECISION || cl.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2) { if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) e->origin[0] = (signed short) MSG_ReadShort(); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) e->origin[1] = (signed short) MSG_ReadShort(); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) e->origin[2] = (signed short) MSG_ReadShort(); } else { if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) e->origin[0] = MSG_ReadFloat(); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) e->origin[1] = MSG_ReadFloat(); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) e->origin[2] = MSG_ReadFloat(); } } if (cl.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES5 && !(e->flags & RENDER_LOWPRECISION)) { if (bits & E_ANGLE1) e->angles[0] = MSG_ReadPreciseAngle(); if (bits & E_ANGLE2) e->angles[1] = MSG_ReadPreciseAngle(); if (bits & E_ANGLE3) e->angles[2] = MSG_ReadPreciseAngle(); } else { if (bits & E_ANGLE1) e->angles[0] = MSG_ReadAngle(); if (bits & E_ANGLE2) e->angles[1] = MSG_ReadAngle(); if (bits & E_ANGLE3) e->angles[2] = MSG_ReadAngle(); } if (bits & E_MODEL1) e->modelindex = (e->modelindex & 0xFF00) | (unsigned int) MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_MODEL2) e->modelindex = (e->modelindex & 0x00FF) | ((unsigned int) MSG_ReadByte() << 8); if (bits & E_FRAME1) e->frame = (e->frame & 0xFF00) | (unsigned int) MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_FRAME2) e->frame = (e->frame & 0x00FF) | ((unsigned int) MSG_ReadByte() << 8); if (bits & E_EFFECTS1) e->effects = (e->effects & 0xFF00) | (unsigned int) MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_EFFECTS2) e->effects = (e->effects & 0x00FF) | ((unsigned int) MSG_ReadByte() << 8); if (bits & E_COLORMAP) e->colormap = MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_SKIN) e->skin = MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_ALPHA) e->alpha = MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_SCALE) e->scale = MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_GLOWSIZE) e->glowsize = MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_GLOWCOLOR) e->glowcolor = MSG_ReadByte(); if (cl.protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2) if (bits & E_FLAGS) e->flags = MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_TAGATTACHMENT) { e->tagentity = MSG_ReadShort(); e->tagindex = MSG_ReadByte(); } if (bits & E_LIGHT) { e->light[0] = MSG_ReadShort(); e->light[1] = MSG_ReadShort(); e->light[2] = MSG_ReadShort(); e->light[3] = MSG_ReadShort(); } if (bits & E_LIGHTSTYLE) e->lightstyle = MSG_ReadByte(); if (bits & E_LIGHTPFLAGS) e->lightpflags = MSG_ReadByte(); if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 2) { Con_Printf("ReadFields e%i", e->number); if (bits & E_ORIGIN1) Con_Printf(" E_ORIGIN1 %f", e->origin[0]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN2) Con_Printf(" E_ORIGIN2 %f", e->origin[1]); if (bits & E_ORIGIN3) Con_Printf(" E_ORIGIN3 %f", e->origin[2]); if (bits & E_ANGLE1) Con_Printf(" E_ANGLE1 %f", e->angles[0]); if (bits & E_ANGLE2) Con_Printf(" E_ANGLE2 %f", e->angles[1]); if (bits & E_ANGLE3) Con_Printf(" E_ANGLE3 %f", e->angles[2]); if (bits & (E_MODEL1 | E_MODEL2)) Con_Printf(" E_MODEL %i", e->modelindex); if (bits & (E_FRAME1 | E_FRAME2)) Con_Printf(" E_FRAME %i", e->frame); if (bits & (E_EFFECTS1 | E_EFFECTS2)) Con_Printf(" E_EFFECTS %i", e->effects); if (bits & E_ALPHA) Con_Printf(" E_ALPHA %f", e->alpha / 255.0f); if (bits & E_SCALE) Con_Printf(" E_SCALE %f", e->scale / 16.0f); if (bits & E_COLORMAP) Con_Printf(" E_COLORMAP %i", e->colormap); if (bits & E_SKIN) Con_Printf(" E_SKIN %i", e->skin); if (bits & E_GLOWSIZE) Con_Printf(" E_GLOWSIZE %i", e->glowsize * 4); if (bits & E_GLOWCOLOR) Con_Printf(" E_GLOWCOLOR %i", e->glowcolor); if (bits & E_LIGHT) Con_Printf(" E_LIGHT %i:%i:%i:%i", e->light[0], e->light[1], e->light[2], e->light[3]); if (bits & E_LIGHTPFLAGS) Con_Printf(" E_LIGHTPFLAGS %i", e->lightpflags); if (bits & E_TAGATTACHMENT) Con_Printf(" E_TAGATTACHMENT e%i:%i", e->tagentity, e->tagindex); if (bits & E_LIGHTSTYLE) Con_Printf(" E_LIGHTSTYLE %i", e->lightstyle); Con_Print("\n"); } } // (server) clears the database to contain no frames (thus delta compression compresses against nothing) void EntityFrame_ClearDatabase(entity_database_t *d) { memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d)); } // (server and client) removes frames older than 'frame' from database void EntityFrame_AckFrame(entity_database_t *d, int frame) { int i; if (d->ackframe < frame) d->ackframe = frame; for (i = 0;i < d->numframes && d->frames[i].framenum < frame;i++); // ignore outdated frame acks (out of order packets) if (i == 0) return; d->numframes -= i; // if some queue is left, slide it down to beginning of array if (d->numframes) memmove(&d->frames[0], &d->frames[i], sizeof(d->frames[0]) * d->numframes); } // (server) clears frame, to prepare for adding entities void EntityFrame_Clear(entity_frame_t *f, vec3_t eye, int framenum) { f->time = 0; f->framenum = framenum; f->numentities = 0; if (eye == NULL) { VectorClear(f->eye); } else { VectorCopy(eye, f->eye); } } // (server) adds an entity to frame void EntityFrame_AddEntity(entity_frame_t *f, entity_state_t *s) { if (f->numentities < MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE) { f->entitydata[f->numentities] = *s; f->entitydata[f->numentities++].active = true; } } // (server and client) reads a frame from the database void EntityFrame_FetchFrame(entity_database_t *d, int framenum, entity_frame_t *f) { int i, n; EntityFrame_Clear(f, NULL, -1); for (i = 0;i < d->numframes && d->frames[i].framenum < framenum;i++); if (i < d->numframes && framenum == d->frames[i].framenum) { f->framenum = framenum; f->numentities = d->frames[i].endentity - d->frames[i].firstentity; n = MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE - (d->frames[i].firstentity % MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE); if (n > f->numentities) n = f->numentities; memcpy(f->entitydata, d->entitydata + d->frames[i].firstentity % MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE, sizeof(*f->entitydata) * n); if (f->numentities > n) memcpy(f->entitydata + n, d->entitydata, sizeof(*f->entitydata) * (f->numentities - n)); VectorCopy(d->eye, f->eye); } } // (server and client) adds a entity_frame to the database, for future reference void EntityFrame_AddFrame(entity_database_t *d, entity_frame_t *f) { int n, e; entity_frameinfo_t *info; VectorCopy(f->eye, d->eye); // figure out how many entity slots are used already if (d->numframes) { n = d->frames[d->numframes - 1].endentity - d->frames[0].firstentity; if (n + f->numentities > MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE || d->numframes >= MAX_ENTITY_HISTORY) { // ran out of room, dump database EntityFrame_ClearDatabase(d); } } info = &d->frames[d->numframes]; info->framenum = f->framenum; e = -1000; // make sure we check the newly added frame as well, but we haven't incremented numframes yet for (n = 0;n <= d->numframes;n++) { if (e >= d->frames[n].framenum) { if (e == f->framenum) Con_Print("EntityFrame_AddFrame: tried to add out of sequence frame to database\n"); else Con_Print("EntityFrame_AddFrame: out of sequence frames in database\n"); return; } e = d->frames[n].framenum; } // if database still has frames after that... if (d->numframes) info->firstentity = d->frames[d->numframes - 1].endentity; else info->firstentity = 0; info->endentity = info->firstentity + f->numentities; d->numframes++; n = info->firstentity % MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE; e = MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE - n; if (e > f->numentities) e = f->numentities; memcpy(d->entitydata + n, f->entitydata, sizeof(entity_state_t) * e); if (f->numentities > e) memcpy(d->entitydata, f->entitydata + e, sizeof(entity_state_t) * (f->numentities - e)); } // (server) writes a frame to network stream static entity_frame_t deltaframe; // FIXME? void EntityFrame_Write(entity_database_t *d, entity_frame_t *f, sizebuf_t *msg) { int i, onum, number; entity_frame_t *o = &deltaframe; entity_state_t *ent, *delta; EntityFrame_AddFrame(d, f); EntityFrame_FetchFrame(d, d->ackframe > 0 ? d->ackframe : -1, o); MSG_WriteByte (msg, svc_entities); MSG_WriteLong (msg, o->framenum); MSG_WriteLong (msg, f->framenum); MSG_WriteFloat (msg, f->eye[0]); MSG_WriteFloat (msg, f->eye[1]); MSG_WriteFloat (msg, f->eye[2]); onum = 0; for (i = 0;i < f->numentities;i++) { ent = f->entitydata + i; number = ent->number; for (;onum < o->numentities && o->entitydata[onum].number < number;onum++) { // write remove message MSG_WriteShort(msg, o->entitydata[onum].number | 0x8000); } if (onum < o->numentities && (o->entitydata[onum].number == number)) { // delta from previous frame delta = o->entitydata + onum; // advance to next entity in delta frame onum++; } else { // delta from defaults delta = &defaultstate; } EntityState_WriteUpdate(ent, msg, delta); } for (;onum < o->numentities;onum++) { // write remove message MSG_WriteShort(msg, o->entitydata[onum].number | 0x8000); } MSG_WriteShort(msg, 0xFFFF); } // (client) reads a frame from network stream static entity_frame_t framedata; // FIXME? void EntityFrame_Read(entity_database_t *d) { int number, removed; entity_frame_t *f = &framedata, *delta = &deltaframe; entity_state_t *e, *old, *oldend; EntityFrame_Clear(f, NULL, -1); // read the frame header info f->time = cl.mtime[0]; number = MSG_ReadLong(); f->framenum = MSG_ReadLong(); f->eye[0] = MSG_ReadFloat(); f->eye[1] = MSG_ReadFloat(); f->eye[2] = MSG_ReadFloat(); EntityFrame_AckFrame(d, number); EntityFrame_FetchFrame(d, number, delta); old = delta->entitydata; oldend = old + delta->numentities; // read entities until we hit the magic 0xFFFF end tag while ((number = (unsigned short) MSG_ReadShort()) != 0xFFFF) { if (msg_badread) Host_Error("EntityFrame_Read: read error\n"); removed = number & 0x8000; number &= 0x7FFF; if (number >= MAX_EDICTS) Host_Error("EntityFrame_Read: number (%i) >= MAX_EDICTS (%i)\n", number, MAX_EDICTS); // seek to entity, while copying any skipped entities (assume unchanged) while (old < oldend && old->number < number) { if (f->numentities >= MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE) Host_Error("EntityFrame_Read: entity list too big\n"); f->entitydata[f->numentities] = *old++; f->entitydata[f->numentities++].time = cl.mtime[0]; } if (removed) { if (old < oldend && old->number == number) old++; else Con_Printf("EntityFrame_Read: REMOVE on unused entity %i\n", number); } else { if (f->numentities >= MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE) Host_Error("EntityFrame_Read: entity list too big\n"); // reserve this slot e = f->entitydata + f->numentities++; if (old < oldend && old->number == number) { // delta from old entity *e = *old++; } else { // delta from defaults *e = defaultstate; } cl_entities_active[number] = true; e->active = true; e->time = cl.mtime[0]; e->number = number; EntityState_ReadFields(e, EntityState_ReadExtendBits()); } } while (old < oldend) { if (f->numentities >= MAX_ENTITY_DATABASE) Host_Error("EntityFrame_Read: entity list too big\n"); f->entitydata[f->numentities] = *old++; f->entitydata[f->numentities++].time = cl.mtime[0]; } EntityFrame_AddFrame(d, f); } // (client) returns the frame number of the most recent frame recieved int EntityFrame_MostRecentlyRecievedFrameNum(entity_database_t *d) { if (d->numframes) return d->frames[d->numframes - 1].framenum; else return -1; } entity_state_t *EntityFrame4_GetReferenceEntity(entity_database4_t *d, int number) { if (d->maxreferenceentities <= number) { int oldmax = d->maxreferenceentities; entity_state_t *oldentity = d->referenceentity; d->maxreferenceentities = (number + 15) & ~7; d->referenceentity = Mem_Alloc(d->mempool, d->maxreferenceentities * sizeof(*d->referenceentity)); if (oldentity) { memcpy(d->referenceentity, oldentity, oldmax * sizeof(*d->referenceentity)); Mem_Free(oldentity); } // clear the newly created entities for (;oldmax < d->maxreferenceentities;oldmax++) { d->referenceentity[oldmax] = defaultstate; d->referenceentity[oldmax].number = oldmax; } } return d->referenceentity + number; } void EntityFrame4_AddCommitEntity(entity_database4_t *d, entity_state_t *s) { // resize commit's entity list if full if (d->currentcommit->maxentities <= d->currentcommit->numentities) { entity_state_t *oldentity = d->currentcommit->entity; d->currentcommit->maxentities += 8; d->currentcommit->entity = Mem_Alloc(d->mempool, d->currentcommit->maxentities * sizeof(*d->currentcommit->entity)); if (oldentity) { memcpy(d->currentcommit->entity, oldentity, d->currentcommit->numentities * sizeof(*d->currentcommit->entity)); Mem_Free(oldentity); } } d->currentcommit->entity[d->currentcommit->numentities++] = *s; } entity_database4_t *EntityFrame4_AllocDatabase(mempool_t *pool) { entity_database4_t *d; d = Mem_Alloc(pool, sizeof(*d)); d->mempool = pool; EntityFrame4_ResetDatabase(d); d->ackframenum = -1; return d; } void EntityFrame4_FreeDatabase(entity_database4_t *d) { int i; for (i = 0;i < MAX_ENTITY_HISTORY;i++) if (d->commit[i].entity) Mem_Free(d->commit[i].entity); if (d->referenceentity) Mem_Free(d->referenceentity); Mem_Free(d); } void EntityFrame4_ResetDatabase(entity_database4_t *d) { int i; d->ackframenum = -1; d->referenceframenum = -1; for (i = 0;i < MAX_ENTITY_HISTORY;i++) d->commit[i].numentities = 0; for (i = 0;i < d->maxreferenceentities;i++) d->referenceentity[i] = defaultstate; } int EntityFrame4_AckFrame(entity_database4_t *d, int framenum) { int i, j, found; entity_database4_commit_t *commit; if (framenum == -1) { // reset reference, but leave commits alone d->referenceframenum = -1; for (i = 0;i < d->maxreferenceentities;i++) d->referenceentity[i] = defaultstate; found = true; } else if (d->referenceframenum == framenum) found = true; else { found = false; for (i = 0, commit = d->commit;i < MAX_ENTITY_HISTORY;i++, commit++) { if (commit->numentities && commit->framenum <= framenum) { if (commit->framenum == framenum) { found = true; d->referenceframenum = framenum; if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 3) { for (j = 0;j < commit->numentities;j++) { entity_state_t *s = EntityFrame4_GetReferenceEntity(d, commit->entity[j].number); if (commit->entity[j].active != s->active) { if (commit->entity[j].active) Con_Printf("commit entity %i has become active (modelindex %i)\n", commit->entity[j].number, commit->entity[j].modelindex); else Con_Printf("commit entity %i has become inactive (modelindex %i)\n", commit->entity[j].number, commit->entity[j].modelindex); } *s = commit->entity[j]; } } else for (j = 0;j < commit->numentities;j++) *EntityFrame4_GetReferenceEntity(d, commit->entity[j].number) = commit->entity[j]; } commit->numentities = 0; } } } if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 1) { Con_Printf("ack ref:%i database updated to: ref:%i commits:", framenum, d->referenceframenum); for (i = 0;i < MAX_ENTITY_HISTORY;i++) if (d->commit[i].numentities) Con_Printf(" %i", d->commit[i].framenum); Con_Print("\n"); } return found; } int EntityFrame4_SV_WriteFrame_Entity(entity_database4_t *d, sizebuf_t *msg, int maxbytes, entity_state_t *s) { qbyte data[128]; sizebuf_t buf; entity_state_t *e; // prepare the buffer memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.data = data; buf.maxsize = sizeof(data); // make the update message e = EntityFrame4_GetReferenceEntity(d, s->number); EntityState_WriteUpdate(s, &buf, e); // if the message is empty, skip out now if (!buf.cursize) return true; // if the commit is full, we're done if (msg->cursize + buf.cursize + 2 >= min(msg->maxsize, maxbytes)) return false; // add the entity to the commit EntityFrame4_AddCommitEntity(d, s); // write the message to the packet SZ_Write(msg, buf.data, buf.cursize); // carry on return true; } extern void CL_MoveLerpEntityStates(entity_t *ent); void EntityFrame4_CL_ReadFrame(entity_database4_t *d) { int i, n, cnumber, referenceframenum, framenum, enumber, done, stopnumber, skip = false; entity_state_t *s; // read the number of the frame this refers to referenceframenum = MSG_ReadLong(); // read the number of this frame framenum = MSG_ReadLong(); // read the start number enumber = MSG_ReadShort(); if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 1) { Con_Printf("recv svc_entities num:%i ref:%i database: ref:%i commits:", framenum, referenceframenum, d->referenceframenum); for (i = 0;i < MAX_ENTITY_HISTORY;i++) if (d->commit[i].numentities) Con_Printf(" %i", d->commit[i].framenum); Con_Print("\n"); } if (!EntityFrame4_AckFrame(d, referenceframenum)) { Con_Print("EntityFrame4_CL_ReadFrame: reference frame invalid (VERY BAD ERROR), this update will be skipped\n"); skip = true; } d->currentcommit = NULL; for (i = 0;i < MAX_ENTITY_HISTORY;i++) { if (!d->commit[i].numentities) { d->currentcommit = d->commit + i; d->currentcommit->framenum = d->ackframenum = framenum; d->currentcommit->numentities = 0; } } if (d->currentcommit == NULL) { Con_Printf("EntityFrame4_CL_ReadFrame: error while decoding frame %i: database full, reading but not storing this update\n", framenum); skip = true; } done = false; while (!done && !msg_badread) { // read the number of the modified entity // (gaps will be copied unmodified) n = (unsigned short)MSG_ReadShort(); if (n == 0x8000) { // no more entities in this update, but we still need to copy the // rest of the reference entities (final gap) done = true; // read end of range number, then process normally n = (unsigned short)MSG_ReadShort(); } // high bit means it's a remove message cnumber = n & 0x7FFF; // add one (the changed one) if not done stopnumber = cnumber + !done; // process entities in range from the last one to the changed one for (;enumber < stopnumber;enumber++) { if (skip) { if (enumber == cnumber && (n & 0x8000) == 0) { entity_state_t tempstate; EntityState_ReadFields(&tempstate, EntityState_ReadExtendBits()); } continue; } // slide the current into the previous slot cl_entities[enumber].state_previous = cl_entities[enumber].state_current; // copy a new current from reference database cl_entities[enumber].state_current = *EntityFrame4_GetReferenceEntity(d, enumber); s = &cl_entities[enumber].state_current; // if this is the one to modify, read more data... if (enumber == cnumber) { if (n & 0x8000) { // simply removed if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 2) Con_Printf("entity %i: remove\n", enumber); *s = defaultstate; } else { // read the changes if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 2) Con_Printf("entity %i: update\n", enumber); s->active = true; EntityState_ReadFields(s, EntityState_ReadExtendBits()); } } else if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 4) Con_Printf("entity %i: copy\n", enumber); // set the cl_entities_active flag cl_entities_active[enumber] = s->active; // set the update time s->time = cl.mtime[0]; // fix the number (it gets wiped occasionally by copying from defaultstate) s->number = enumber; // check if we need to update the lerp stuff if (s->active) CL_MoveLerpEntityStates(&cl_entities[enumber]); // add this to the commit entry whether it is modified or not if (d->currentcommit) EntityFrame4_AddCommitEntity(d, &cl_entities[enumber].state_current); // print extra messages if desired if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 2 && cl_entities[enumber].state_current.active != cl_entities[enumber].state_previous.active) { if (cl_entities[enumber].state_current.active) Con_Printf("entity #%i has become active\n", enumber); else if (cl_entities[enumber].state_previous.active) Con_Printf("entity #%i has become inactive\n", enumber); } } } d->currentcommit = NULL; if (skip) EntityFrame4_ResetDatabase(d); } /* int EntityState5_PriorityForChangedBits(int changedbits) { if (changedbits & E5_ISACTIVE) return 2; else if (changedbits & (E5_FLAGS | E5_ATTACHMENT | E5_MODEL | E5_SKIN | E5_EXTERIORFORENTITY | E5_COLORMAP | E5_LIGHT | E5_GLOW | E5_EFFECTS | E5_ORIGIN | E5_ANGLES | E5_FRAME | E5_ALPHA | E5_SCALE)) return 1; else return 0; } void EntityState5_WriteUpdate(int number, entitystate_t *s, int changedbits, sizebuf_t *msg) { bits = 0; if (!s->active) MSG_WriteShort(msg, number | 0x8000); else { bits |= E5_ISACTIVE; if (changedbits & E5_ORIGIN) { bits |= E5_ORIGIN; if (s->origin[0] < -4096 || s->origin[0] >= 4096 || s->origin[1] < -4096 || s->origin[1] >= 4096 || s->origin[2] < -4096 || s->origin[2] >= 4096) bits |= E5_ORIGIN32; } if (changedbits & E5_ANGLES) { bits |= E5_ANGLES; if (!(s->flags & RENDERFLAGS_LOWPRECISION)) bits |= E5_ANGLES16; } if (changedbits & E5_MODEL) { bits |= E5_MODEL; if (s->modelindex >= 256) bits |= E5_MODEL16; } if (changedbits & E5_FRAME) { bits |= E5_FRAME; if (s->frame >= 256) bits |= E5_FRAME16; } if (changedbits & E5_SKIN) bits |= E5_SKIN; if (changedbits & E5_EFFECTS) { bits |= E5_EFFECTS; if (s->modelindex >= 256) bits |= E5_MODEL16; } if (changedbits & E5_FLAGS) bits |= E5_FLAGS; if (changedbits & E5_ALPHA) bits |= E5_ALPHA; if (changedbits & E5_SCALE) bits |= E5_SCALE; if (changedbits & E5_ATTACHMENT) bits |= E5_ATTACHMENT; if (changedbits & E5_EXTERIORFORENTITY) bits |= E5_EXTERIORFORENTITY; if (changedbits & E5_LIGHT) bits |= E5_LIGHT; if (changedbits & E5_COLORMAP) bits |= E5_COLORMAP; if (changedbits & E5_GLOW) bits |= E5_GLOW; if (bits >= 256) bits |= E5_EXTEND1; if (bits >= 65536) bits |= E5_EXTEND2; if (bits >= 16777216) bits |= E5_EXTEND3; MSG_WriteShort(msg, number); MSG_WriteByte(msg, bits & 0xFF); if (bits & E5_EXTEND1) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & E5_EXTEND2) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 16) & 0xFF); if (bits & E5_EXTEND3) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 24) & 0xFF); if (bits & E5_FLAGS) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->flags); if (bits & E5_ORIGIN) { if (bits & E5_ORIGIN32) { MSG_WriteFloat(msg, s->origin[0]); MSG_WriteFloat(msg, s->origin[1]); MSG_WriteFloat(msg, s->origin[2]); } else { MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)floor(s->origin[0] * 8 + 0.5f)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)floor(s->origin[1] * 8 + 0.5f)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)floor(s->origin[2] * 8 + 0.5f)); } } if (bits & E5_ANGLES) { if (bits & E5_ANGLES16) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)floor(s->angles[0] * (65536.0f / 360.0f) + 0.5f)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)floor(s->angles[1] * (65536.0f / 360.0f) + 0.5f)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)floor(s->angles[2] * (65536.0f / 360.0f) + 0.5f)); } else { MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)floor(s->angles[0] * (256.0f / 360.0f) + 0.5f)); MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)floor(s->angles[1] * (256.0f / 360.0f) + 0.5f)); MSG_WriteByte(msg, (int)floor(s->angles[2] * (256.0f / 360.0f) + 0.5f)); } } if (bits & E5_MODEL) { if (bits & E5_MODEL16) MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->modelindex); else MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->modelindex); } if (bits & E5_FRAME) { if (bits & E5_FRAME16) MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->frame); else MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->frame); } if (bits & E5_SKIN) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->flags); if (bits & E5_EFFECTS) { if (bits & E5_EFFECTS32) MSG_WriteLong(msg, s->effects); else if (bits & E5_EFFECTS16) MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->effects); else MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->effects); } if (bits & E5_ALPHA) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->flags); if (bits & E5_SCALE) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->flags); if (bits & E5_ATTACHMENT) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->tagentity); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->tagindex); } if (bits & E5_EXTERIORFORENTITY) MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->tagentity); if (bits & E5_LIGHT) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->light[0]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->light[1]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->light[2]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->light[3]); } if (bits & E5_COLORMAP) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->colormap); if (bits & E5_GLOW) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowsize); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowcolor); } } } int EntityFrame5_ReadUpdate(void) { number = MSG_ReadShort(); e = cl_entities + (number & 0x7FFF); e->state_previous = e->state_current; if (number & 0x8000) { if (number == 0x8000) { // end of entity list return false; } // remove number &= 0x7FFF; e->state_current = defaultstate; e->state_current.number = number; return true; } else { } } int cl_entityframe5_lastreceivedframenum; void EntityFrame5_CL_ReadFrame(void) { int n, enumber; entity_t *ent; entity_state_t *s; // read the number of this frame to echo back in next input packet cl_entityframe5_lastreceivedframenum = MSG_ReadLong(); // read entity numbers until we find a 0x8000 // (which would be remove world entity, but is actually a terminator) while ((n = MSG_ReadShort()) != 0x8000) { // get the entity number and look it up enumber = n & 0x7FFF; ent = cl_entities + enumber; // slide the current into the previous slot ent->state_previous = ent->state_current; // read the update s = &ent->state_current; if (n & 0x8000) { // remove entity *s = defaultstate; } else { // update entity s->active = true; EntityState_ReadFields(s, EntityState_ReadExtendBits()); } // set the cl_entities_active flag cl_entities_active[enumber] = s->active; // set the update time s->time = cl.mtime[0]; // fix the number (it gets wiped occasionally by copying from defaultstate) s->number = enumber; // check if we need to update the lerp stuff if (s->active) CL_MoveLerpEntityStates(&cl_entities[enumber]); // print extra messages if desired if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 2 && cl_entities[enumber].state_current.active != cl_entities[enumber].state_previous.active) { if (cl_entities[enumber].state_current.active) Con_Printf("entity #%i has become active\n", enumber); else if (cl_entities[enumber].state_previous.active) Con_Printf("entity #%i has become inactive\n", enumber); } } } #define ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS 64 #define ENTITYFRAME5_MAXSTATES 128 typedef struct entityframe5_state_s { unsigned short entitynumber; qbyte active; qbyte activedirtybit; int dirtybits; } entityframe5_state_t; typedef struct entityframe5_packetlog_s { int packetnumber; int numstates; entityframe5_state_t states[ENTITYFRAME5_MAXSTATES]; } entityframe5_packetlog_t; typedef struct entityframe5_s { int ackedframenum; entityframe5_packetlog_t packetlog[ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS]; qbyte activedirtybits[(MAX_EDICTS + 7) / 8]; int dirtybits[MAX_EDICTS]; } entityframe5_t; void EntityFrame5_AckFrame(entityframe5_t *d, int framenum) { int i, j, k, l, dirtybits, activedirtybit; entityframe5_state_t *s, *s2; entityframe5_packetlog_t *p, *p2; if (framenum >= d->ackedframenum) return; d->ackedframenum = framenum; // scan for packets made obsolete by this ack for (i = 0, p = d->packetlog;i < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS;i++, p++) { // skip packets that are empty or in the future if (p->packetnumber == 0 || p->packetnumber > framenum) continue; // if the packetnumber matches it is deleted without any processing // (since it was received). // if the packet number is less than this ack it was lost and its // important information will be repeated in this update if it is not // already obsolete due to a later update. if (p->packetnumber < framenum) { // packet was lost - merge dirtybits into the main array so they // will be re-sent, but only if there is no newer update of that // bit in the logs (as those will arrive before this update) for (j = 0, s = p->states;j < p->numstates;j++, s++) { activedirtybit = s->activedirtybit; dirtybits = s->dirtybits; // check for any newer updates to this entity for (k = 0, p2 = d->packetlog;k < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS;k++, p2++) { if (p2->packetnumber > framenum) { for (l = 0, s2 = p2->states;l < p2->numstates;l++, p2++) { if (s2->entitynumber == s->entitynumber) { activedirtybit &= ~s2->activedirtybit; dirtybits &= ~s2->dirtybits; break; } } if (!activedirtybit && !dirtybits) break; } } // if the bits haven't all been cleared, there were some bits // lost with this packet, so set them again now if (activedirtybit) d->activedirtybits[s->entitynumber / 8] |= 1 << (s->entitynumber & 7); if (dirtybits) d->dirtybits[s->entitynumber] |= dirtybits; } } // delete this packet log as it is now obsolete p->packetnumber = 0; } } void EntityFrame5_WriteFrame(sizebuf_t *msg, int numstates, entity_state_t *states) { } */