/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #define MAX_EXPLOSIONS 64 #define EXPLOSIONGRID 16 #define EXPLOSIONVERTS ((EXPLOSIONGRID+1)*(EXPLOSIONGRID+1)) #define EXPLOSIONTRIS (EXPLOSIONVERTS*2) #define EXPLOSIONSTARTRADIUS (20.0f) #define EXPLOSIONSTARTVELOCITY (256.0f) #define EXPLOSIONFADESTART (1.5f) #define EXPLOSIONFADERATE (4.5f) /* #define MAX_EXPLOSIONGAS (MAX_EXPLOSIONS * EXPLOSIONGAS) #define EXPLOSIONGAS 8 #define EXPLOSIONGASSTARTRADIUS (15.0f) #define EXPLOSIONGASSTARTVELOCITY (50.0f) #define GASDENSITY_SCALER (32768.0f / EXPLOSIONGAS) #define GASFADERATE (GASDENSITY_SCALER * EXPLOSIONGAS * 2) typedef struct explosiongas_s { float pressure; vec3_t origin; vec3_t velocity; } explosiongas_t; explosiongas_t explosiongas[MAX_EXPLOSIONGAS]; */ vec3_t explosionspherevert[EXPLOSIONVERTS]; vec3_t explosionspherevertvel[EXPLOSIONVERTS]; float explosiontexcoords[EXPLOSIONVERTS][2]; int explosiontris[EXPLOSIONTRIS][3]; int explosionnoiseindex[EXPLOSIONVERTS]; vec3_t explosionpoint[EXPLOSIONVERTS]; typedef struct explosion_s { float starttime; float alpha; vec3_t vert[EXPLOSIONVERTS]; vec3_t vertvel[EXPLOSIONVERTS]; } explosion_t; explosion_t explosion[MAX_EXPLOSIONS]; rtexture_t *explosiontexture; rtexture_t *explosiontexturefog; cvar_t r_explosionclip = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_explosionclip", "1"}; cvar_t r_drawexplosions = {0, "r_drawexplosions", "1"}; int R_ExplosionVert(int column, int row) { int i; float a, b, c; i = row * (EXPLOSIONGRID + 1) + column; a = row * M_PI * 2 / EXPLOSIONGRID; b = column * M_PI * 2 / EXPLOSIONGRID; c = cos(b); explosionpoint[i][0] = cos(a) * c; explosionpoint[i][1] = sin(a) * c; explosionpoint[i][2] = -sin(b); explosionnoiseindex[i] = (row & (EXPLOSIONGRID - 1)) * EXPLOSIONGRID + (column & (EXPLOSIONGRID - 1)); explosiontexcoords[i][0] = (float) column / (float) EXPLOSIONGRID; explosiontexcoords[i][1] = (float) row / (float) EXPLOSIONGRID; return i; } void r_explosion_start(void) { int x, y; byte noise1[128][128], noise2[128][128], noise3[128][128], data[128][128][4]; fractalnoise(&noise1[0][0], 128, 32); fractalnoise(&noise2[0][0], 128, 4); fractalnoise(&noise3[0][0], 128, 4); for (y = 0;y < 128;y++) { for (x = 0;x < 128;x++) { int j, r, g, b, a; j = (noise1[y][x] * noise2[y][x]) * 3 / 256 - 128; r = (j * 512) / 256; g = (j * 256) / 256; b = (j * 128) / 256; a = noise3[y][x] * 3 - 128; data[y][x][0] = bound(0, r, 255); data[y][x][1] = bound(0, g, 255); data[y][x][2] = bound(0, b, 255); data[y][x][3] = bound(0, a, 255); } } explosiontexture = R_LoadTexture ("explosiontexture", 128, 128, &data[0][0][0], TEXF_MIPMAP | TEXF_ALPHA | TEXF_RGBA | TEXF_PRECACHE); for (y = 0;y < 128;y++) for (x = 0;x < 128;x++) data[y][x][0] = data[y][x][1] = data[y][x][2] = 255; explosiontexturefog = R_LoadTexture ("explosiontexturefog", 128, 128, &data[0][0][0], TEXF_MIPMAP | TEXF_ALPHA | TEXF_RGBA | TEXF_PRECACHE); } void r_explosion_shutdown(void) { } void r_explosion_newmap(void) { memset(explosion, 0, sizeof(explosion)); // memset(explosiongas, 0, sizeof(explosiongas)); } void R_Explosion_Init(void) { int i, x, y; i = 0; for (y = 0;y < EXPLOSIONGRID;y++) { for (x = 0;x < EXPLOSIONGRID;x++) { explosiontris[i][0] = R_ExplosionVert(x , y ); explosiontris[i][1] = R_ExplosionVert(x + 1, y ); explosiontris[i][2] = R_ExplosionVert(x , y + 1); i++; explosiontris[i][0] = R_ExplosionVert(x + 1, y ); explosiontris[i][1] = R_ExplosionVert(x + 1, y + 1); explosiontris[i][2] = R_ExplosionVert(x , y + 1); i++; } } for (i = 0;i < EXPLOSIONVERTS;i++) { explosionspherevert[i][0] = explosionpoint[i][0] * EXPLOSIONSTARTRADIUS; explosionspherevert[i][1] = explosionpoint[i][1] * EXPLOSIONSTARTRADIUS; explosionspherevert[i][2] = explosionpoint[i][2] * EXPLOSIONSTARTRADIUS; explosionspherevertvel[i][0] = explosionpoint[i][0] * EXPLOSIONSTARTVELOCITY; explosionspherevertvel[i][1] = explosionpoint[i][1] * EXPLOSIONSTARTVELOCITY; explosionspherevertvel[i][2] = explosionpoint[i][2] * EXPLOSIONSTARTVELOCITY; } Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_explosionclip); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_drawexplosions); R_RegisterModule("R_Explosions", r_explosion_start, r_explosion_shutdown, r_explosion_newmap); } void R_NewExplosion(vec3_t org) { int i, j; float dist, v[3]; byte noise[EXPLOSIONGRID*EXPLOSIONGRID]; fractalnoise(noise, EXPLOSIONGRID, 4); for (i = 0;i < MAX_EXPLOSIONS;i++) { if (explosion[i].alpha <= 0.0f) { explosion[i].alpha = EXPLOSIONFADESTART; for (j = 0;j < EXPLOSIONVERTS;j++) { dist = noise[explosionnoiseindex[j]] * (1.0f / 256.0f) + 0.5; VectorMA(org, dist, explosionspherevert[j], v); TraceLine(org, v, explosion[i].vert[j], NULL, 0); VectorScale(explosionspherevertvel[j], dist, explosion[i].vertvel[j]); } break; } } /* i = 0; j = EXPLOSIONGAS; while (i < MAX_EXPLOSIONGAS && j > 0) { while (explosiongas[i].pressure > 0) { i++; if (i >= MAX_EXPLOSIONGAS) return; } VectorRandom(v); VectorMA(org, EXPLOSIONGASSTARTRADIUS, v, v); TraceLine(org, v, explosiongas[i].origin, NULL, 0); VectorRandom(v); VectorScale(v, EXPLOSIONGASSTARTVELOCITY, explosiongas[i].velocity); explosiongas[i].pressure = j * GASDENSITY_SCALER; j--; } */ } void R_DrawExplosion(explosion_t *e) { int i, index, *indexlist = &explosiontris[0][0], alpha = bound(0, e->alpha * 128.0f, 128), texnum, fogtexnum; float s, t; // s = cl.time * 1; // t = cl.time * 0.75; // s -= (int) s; // t -= (int) t; s = 0; t = 0; /* glColor4f(1,1,1,e->alpha); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, explosiontexture); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[3]), (float *) &e->vert[0][0]); // glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[2]), (float *) &explosiontexcoords[0][0]); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); // glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, EXPLOSIONTRIS, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indexlist); // glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); */ texnum = R_GetTexture(explosiontexture); fogtexnum = R_GetTexture(explosiontexturefog); for (i = 0;i < EXPLOSIONTRIS;i++) { transpolybegin(texnum, 0, fogtexnum, TPOLYTYPE_ALPHA); index = *indexlist++;transpolyvert(e->vert[index][0], e->vert[index][1], e->vert[index][2], explosiontexcoords[index][0] + s, explosiontexcoords[index][1] + t, 255, 255, 255, alpha); index = *indexlist++;transpolyvert(e->vert[index][0], e->vert[index][1], e->vert[index][2], explosiontexcoords[index][0] + s, explosiontexcoords[index][1] + t, 255, 255, 255, alpha); index = *indexlist++;transpolyvert(e->vert[index][0], e->vert[index][1], e->vert[index][2], explosiontexcoords[index][0] + s, explosiontexcoords[index][1] + t, 255, 255, 255, alpha); transpolyend(); } } void R_MoveExplosion(explosion_t *e, /*explosiongas_t **list, explosiongas_t **listend, */float frametime) { int i; vec3_t end; vec_t frictionscale; /* vec3_t diff; vec_t dist; explosiongas_t **l; */ e->alpha -= frametime * EXPLOSIONFADERATE; frictionscale = 1 - frametime; frictionscale = bound(0, frictionscale, 1); for (i = 0;i < EXPLOSIONVERTS;i++) { if (e->vertvel[i][0] || e->vertvel[i][1] || e->vertvel[i][2]) { end[0] = e->vert[i][0] + frametime * e->vertvel[i][0]; end[1] = e->vert[i][1] + frametime * e->vertvel[i][1]; end[2] = e->vert[i][2] + frametime * e->vertvel[i][2]; if (r_explosionclip.value) { float f, dot; vec3_t impact, normal; f = TraceLine(e->vert[i], end, impact, normal, 0); VectorCopy(impact, e->vert[i]); if (f < 1) { // clip velocity against the wall dot = DotProduct(e->vertvel[i], normal) * -1.125f; e->vertvel[i][0] += normal[0] * dot; e->vertvel[i][1] += normal[1] * dot; e->vertvel[i][2] += normal[2] * dot; } } else { VectorCopy(end, e->vert[i]); } e->vertvel[i][2] += sv_gravity.value * frametime * -0.25f; VectorScale(e->vertvel[i], frictionscale, e->vertvel[i]); } /* for (l = list;l < listend;l++) { VectorSubtract(e->vert[i], (*l)->origin, diff); dist = DotProduct(diff, diff); if (dist < 4096 && dist >= 1) { dist = (*l)->pressure * frametime / dist; VectorMA(e->vertvel[i], dist, diff, e->vertvel[i]); } } */ } } /* void R_MoveExplosionGas(explosiongas_t *e, explosiongas_t **list, explosiongas_t **listend, float frametime) { vec3_t end, diff; vec_t dist, frictionscale; explosiongas_t **l; frictionscale = 1 - frametime; frictionscale = bound(0, frictionscale, 1); if (e->velocity[0] || e->velocity[1] || e->velocity[2]) { end[0] = e->origin[0] + frametime * e->velocity[0]; end[1] = e->origin[1] + frametime * e->velocity[1]; end[2] = e->origin[2] + frametime * e->velocity[2]; if (r_explosionclip.value) { float f, dot; vec3_t impact, normal; f = TraceLine(e->origin, end, impact, normal, 0); VectorCopy(impact, e->origin); if (f < 1) { // clip velocity against the wall dot = DotProduct(e->velocity, normal) * -1.3f; e->velocity[0] += normal[0] * dot; e->velocity[1] += normal[1] * dot; e->velocity[2] += normal[2] * dot; } } else { VectorCopy(end, e->origin); } e->velocity[2] += sv_gravity.value * frametime; VectorScale(e->velocity, frictionscale, e->velocity); } for (l = list;l < listend;l++) { if (*l != e) { VectorSubtract(e->origin, (*l)->origin, diff); dist = DotProduct(diff, diff); if (dist < 4096 && dist >= 1) { dist = (*l)->pressure * frametime / dist; VectorMA(e->velocity, dist, diff, e->velocity); } } } } */ void R_MoveExplosions(void) { int i; float frametime; // explosiongas_t *gaslist[MAX_EXPLOSIONGAS], **l, **end; frametime = cl.time - cl.oldtime; /* l = &gaslist[0]; for (i = 0;i < MAX_EXPLOSIONGAS;i++) { if (explosiongas[i].pressure > 0) { explosiongas[i].pressure -= frametime * GASFADERATE; if (explosiongas[i].pressure > 0) *l++ = &explosiongas[i]; } } end = l; for (l = gaslist;l < end;l++) R_MoveExplosionGas(*l, gaslist, end, frametime); */ for (i = 0;i < MAX_EXPLOSIONS;i++) { if (explosion[i].alpha > 0.0f) { if (explosion[i].starttime > cl.time) { explosion[i].alpha = 0; continue; } R_MoveExplosion(&explosion[i], /*gaslist, end, */frametime); } } } void R_DrawExplosions(void) { int i; if (!r_drawexplosions.value) return; for (i = 0;i < MAX_EXPLOSIONS;i++) { if (explosion[i].alpha > 0.0f) { R_DrawExplosion(&explosion[i]); } } }