#include "quakedef.h" void R_ClipSpriteImage (vec3_t origin, vec3_t right, vec3_t up) { int i; mspriteframe_t *frame; vec3_t points[4]; float fleft, fright, fdown, fup; frame = currentrenderentity->model->sprdata_frames + currentrenderentity->frameblend[0].frame; fleft = frame->left; fdown = frame->down; fright = frame->right; fup = frame->up; for (i = 1;i < 4 && currentrenderentity->frameblend[i].lerp;i++) { frame = currentrenderentity->model->sprdata_frames + currentrenderentity->frameblend[i].frame; fleft = min(fleft , frame->left ); fdown = min(fdown , frame->down ); fright = max(fright, frame->right); fup = max(fup , frame->up ); } points[0][0] = origin[0] + fdown * up[0] + fleft * right[0];points[0][1] = origin[1] + fdown * up[1] + fleft * right[1];points[0][2] = origin[2] + fdown * up[2] + fleft * right[2]; points[1][0] = origin[0] + fup * up[0] + fleft * right[0];points[1][1] = origin[1] + fup * up[1] + fleft * right[1];points[1][2] = origin[2] + fup * up[2] + fleft * right[2]; points[2][0] = origin[0] + fup * up[0] + fright * right[0];points[2][1] = origin[1] + fup * up[1] + fright * right[1];points[2][2] = origin[2] + fup * up[2] + fright * right[2]; points[3][0] = origin[0] + fdown * up[0] + fright * right[0];points[3][1] = origin[1] + fdown * up[1] + fright * right[1];points[3][2] = origin[2] + fdown * up[2] + fright * right[2]; R_Clip_AddPolygon(&points[0][0], 4, sizeof(float[3]), false, R_Entity_Callback, currentrenderentity, NULL, NULL); } int R_SpriteSetup (int type, float org[3], float right[3], float up[3]) { float matrix1[3][3], matrix2[3][3], matrix3[3][3]; VectorCopy(currentrenderentity->origin, org); switch(type) { case SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT: // flames and such // vertical beam sprite, faces view plane VectorNegate(vpn, matrix3[0]); matrix3[0][2] = 0; VectorNormalizeFast(matrix3[0]); VectorVectors(matrix3[0], matrix3[1], matrix3[2]); break; case SPR_FACING_UPRIGHT: // flames and such // vertical beam sprite, faces viewer's origin (not the view plane) VectorSubtract(r_origin, currentrenderentity->origin, matrix3[0]); matrix3[0][2] = 0; VectorNormalizeFast(matrix3[0]); VectorVectors(matrix3[0], matrix3[1], matrix3[2]); break; default: Con_Printf("R_SpriteSetup: unknown sprite type %i\n", type); // fall through to normal sprite case SPR_VP_PARALLEL: // normal sprite // faces view plane VectorCopy(vpn, matrix3[0]); VectorCopy(vright, matrix3[1]); VectorCopy(vup, matrix3[2]); break; case SPR_ORIENTED: // bullet marks on walls // ignores viewer entirely AngleVectors (currentrenderentity->angles, matrix3[0], matrix3[1], matrix3[2]); // nudge it toward the view, so it will be infront of the wall VectorSubtract(org, vpn, org); break; case SPR_VP_PARALLEL_ORIENTED: // I have no idea what people would use this for // oriented relative to view space // FIXME: test this and make sure it mimicks software AngleVectors (currentrenderentity->angles, matrix1[0], matrix1[1], matrix1[2]); VectorCopy(vpn, matrix2[0]); VectorCopy(vright, matrix2[1]); VectorCopy(vup, matrix2[2]); R_ConcatRotations (matrix1, matrix2, matrix3); break; } // don't draw if view origin is behind it if (DotProduct(org, matrix3[0]) < (DotProduct(r_origin, matrix3[0]) - 1.0f)) return true; if (currentrenderentity->scale != 1) { VectorScale(matrix3[1], currentrenderentity->scale, matrix3[1]); VectorScale(matrix3[2], currentrenderentity->scale, matrix3[2]); } VectorCopy(matrix3[1], right); VectorCopy(matrix3[2], up); return false; } void R_ClipSprite (void) { vec3_t org, right, up; if (currentrenderentity->frameblend[0].frame < 0) return; if (R_SpriteSetup(currentrenderentity->model->sprnum_type, org, right, up)) return; // LordHavoc: interpolated sprite rendering R_ClipSpriteImage(org, right, up); } int spritepolyindex[6] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3}; void GL_DrawSpriteImage (int fog, mspriteframe_t *frame, int texture, vec3_t origin, vec3_t up, vec3_t right, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) { rmeshinfo_t m; float v[4][4], st[4][2]; // LordHavoc: this meshinfo must match up with R_Mesh_DrawDecal // LordHavoc: the commented out lines are hardwired behavior in R_Mesh_DrawDecal memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.transparent = true; m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; if ((currentrenderentity->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) || (currentrenderentity->model->flags & EF_ADDITIVE) || fog) m.blendfunc2 = GL_ONE; m.numtriangles = 2; m.index = spritepolyindex; m.numverts = 4; m.vertex = &v[0][0]; m.vertexstep = sizeof(float[4]); m.cr = red; m.cg = green; m.cb = blue; m.ca = alpha; m.tex[0] = texture; m.texcoords[0] = &st[0][0]; m.texcoordstep[0] = sizeof(float[2]); v[0][0] = origin[0] + frame->down * up[0] + frame->left * right[0]; v[0][1] = origin[1] + frame->down * up[1] + frame->left * right[1]; v[0][2] = origin[2] + frame->down * up[2] + frame->left * right[2]; v[1][0] = origin[0] + frame->up * up[0] + frame->left * right[0]; v[1][1] = origin[1] + frame->up * up[1] + frame->left * right[1]; v[1][2] = origin[2] + frame->up * up[2] + frame->left * right[2]; v[2][0] = origin[0] + frame->up * up[0] + frame->right * right[0]; v[2][1] = origin[1] + frame->up * up[1] + frame->right * right[1]; v[2][2] = origin[2] + frame->up * up[2] + frame->right * right[2]; v[3][0] = origin[0] + frame->down * up[0] + frame->right * right[0]; v[3][1] = origin[1] + frame->down * up[1] + frame->right * right[1]; v[3][2] = origin[2] + frame->down * up[2] + frame->right * right[2]; st[0][0] = 0; st[0][1] = 1; st[1][0] = 0; st[1][1] = 0; st[2][0] = 1; st[2][1] = 0; st[3][0] = 1; st[3][1] = 1; R_Mesh_Draw(&m); } /* ================= R_DrawSpriteModel ================= */ void R_DrawSpriteModel () { int i; vec3_t right, up, org, color; mspriteframe_t *frame; vec3_t diff; float fog, ifog; if (currentrenderentity->frameblend[0].frame < 0) return; if (R_SpriteSetup(currentrenderentity->model->sprnum_type, org, right, up)) return; c_sprites++; if ((currentrenderentity->model->flags & EF_FULLBRIGHT) || (currentrenderentity->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT)) color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = 1; else R_CompleteLightPoint(color, currentrenderentity->origin, true, NULL); if (fogenabled) { VectorSubtract(currentrenderentity->origin, r_origin, diff); fog = exp(fogdensity/DotProduct(diff,diff)); if (fog > 1) fog = 1; } else fog = 0; ifog = 1 - fog; // LordHavoc: interpolated sprite rendering for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) { if (currentrenderentity->frameblend[i].lerp >= 0.01f) { frame = currentrenderentity->model->sprdata_frames + currentrenderentity->frameblend[i].frame; GL_DrawSpriteImage(false, frame, R_GetTexture(frame->texture), org, up, right, color[0] * ifog, color[1] * ifog, color[2] * ifog, currentrenderentity->alpha * currentrenderentity->frameblend[i].lerp); if (fog * currentrenderentity->frameblend[i].lerp >= 0.01f) GL_DrawSpriteImage(true, frame, R_GetTexture(frame->fogtexture), org, up, right, fogcolor[0],fogcolor[1],fogcolor[2], fog * currentrenderentity->alpha * currentrenderentity->frameblend[i].lerp); } } }