/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef RENDER_H #define RENDER_H // 1.0f / N table extern float ixtable[4096]; // far clip distance for scene extern float r_farclip; // fog stuff extern void FOG_clear(void); extern float fog_density, fog_red, fog_green, fog_blue; // sky stuff extern int R_SetSkyBox(char* sky); extern cvar_t r_skyquality; // these are exposed because surface rendering uses them extern rtexture_t *solidskytexture; extern rtexture_t *alphaskytexture; extern int skyrendernow, skyrendermasked, skyrenderglquake; extern void R_SkyStartFrame(void); extern void R_Sky(void); // SHOWLMP stuff (Nehahra) extern void SHOWLMP_decodehide(void); extern void SHOWLMP_decodeshow(void); extern void SHOWLMP_drawall(void); extern void SHOWLMP_clear(void); // render profiling stuff extern qboolean intimerefresh; extern char r_speeds_string[1024]; // lighting stuff extern vec3_t lightspot; extern cvar_t r_ambient; extern int lightscalebit; extern float lightscale; // model rendering stuff extern float *aliasvert; extern float *aliasvertnorm; extern float *aliasvertcolor; // vis stuff extern cvar_t r_novis; #define TOP_RANGE 16 // soldier uniform colors #define BOTTOM_RANGE 96 //============================================================================= extern entity_render_t *currentrenderentity; extern int r_framecount; extern mplane_t frustum[4]; extern int c_brush_polys, c_alias_polys, c_light_polys, c_faces, c_nodes, c_leafs, c_models, c_bmodels, c_sprites, c_particles, c_dlights; // // view origin // extern vec3_t vup; extern vec3_t vpn; extern vec3_t vright; extern vec3_t r_origin; extern mleaf_t *r_viewleaf, *r_oldviewleaf; extern unsigned short d_lightstylevalue[256]; // 8.8 fraction of base light value extern qboolean envmap; extern cvar_t r_drawentities; extern cvar_t r_drawviewmodel; extern cvar_t r_speeds; extern cvar_t r_fullbright; extern cvar_t r_wateralpha; extern cvar_t r_dynamic; extern cvar_t r_waterripple; void R_Init (void); void R_RenderView (void); // must set r_refdef first void R_InitSky (qbyte *src, int bytesperpixel); // called at level load void R_NewMap (void); void R_DrawWorld(void); void R_SetupForWorldRendering(void); void R_MarkWorldLights(void); void R_PrepareSurfaces(void); void R_DrawSurfaces(int type); void R_DrawPortals(void); void R_DrawParticles(void); void R_DrawExplosions(void); // LordHavoc: vertex transform #include "transform.h" #define gl_solid_format 3 #define gl_alpha_format 4 //#define PARANOID 1 // LordHavoc: was a major time waster #define R_CullBox(mins,maxs) (frustum[0].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(mins, maxs, &frustum[0]) == 2 || frustum[1].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(mins, maxs, &frustum[1]) == 2 || frustum[2].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(mins, maxs, &frustum[2]) == 2 || frustum[3].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(mins, maxs, &frustum[3]) == 2) #define R_NotCulledBox(mins,maxs) (frustum[0].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(mins, maxs, &frustum[0]) != 2 && frustum[1].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(mins, maxs, &frustum[1]) != 2 && frustum[2].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(mins, maxs, &frustum[2]) != 2 && frustum[3].BoxOnPlaneSideFunc(mins, maxs, &frustum[3]) != 2) extern qboolean fogenabled; extern vec3_t fogcolor; extern vec_t fogdensity; #define calcfog(v) (exp(-(fogdensity*fogdensity*(((v)[0] - r_origin[0])*((v)[0] - r_origin[0])+((v)[1] - r_origin[1])*((v)[1] - r_origin[1])+((v)[2] - r_origin[2])*((v)[2] - r_origin[2]))))) #define calcfogbyte(v) ((qbyte) (bound(0, ((int) ((float) (calcfog((v)) * 255.0f))), 255))) // start a farclip measuring session void R_FarClip_Start(vec3_t origin, vec3_t direction, vec_t startfarclip); // enlarge farclip to accomodate box void R_FarClip_Box(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs); // return farclip value float R_FarClip_Finish(void); // updates farclip distance so it is large enough for the specified box // (*important*) void R_Mesh_EnlargeFarClipBBox(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs); #include "r_modules.h" extern float overbrightscale; #include "r_lerpanim.h" void R_DrawBrushModelSky (void); void R_DrawBrushModelNormal (void); void R_DrawAliasModel (void); void R_DrawSpriteModel (void); extern cvar_t r_render; #include "image.h" extern cvar_t r_multitexture; extern cvar_t gl_dither; // FIXME: this should live in the backend only void GL_LockArray(int first, int count); void GL_UnlockArray(void); #include "gl_backend.h" #include "r_light.h" extern rtexture_t *particlefonttexture; // particletexture_t is a rectangle in the particlefonttexture typedef struct { float s1, t1, s2, t2; } particletexture_t; #define MAX_PARTICLETEXTURES 64 // [0] is normal, [1] is fog, they may be the same extern particletexture_t particletexture[MAX_PARTICLETEXTURES][2]; void R_TimeReport(char *name); void R_TimeReport_Start(void); void R_TimeReport_End(void); // r_stain void R_Stain (vec3_t origin, float radius, int cr1, int cg1, int cb1, int ca1, int cr2, int cg2, int cb2, int ca2); void R_DrawCrosshair(void); #endif