/* Copyright (C) 2004 Andreas Kirsch This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #include "snd_main.h" #include /* Info: One SDL sample consists of x channel samples The mixer supposes that the driver has one channel entry/sample though it has x channels/sample like the SDL */ #define AUDIO_SDL_SAMPLES 4096 #define AUDIO_LOCALFACTOR 4 typedef struct AudioState_s { int width; int size; int pos; void *buffer; } AudioState; extern mempool_t *snd_mempool; static AudioState as; static void Buffer_Callback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len); /* ================== S_BlockSound ================== */ void S_BlockSound( void ) { snd_blocked++; if( snd_blocked == 1 ) SDL_PauseAudio( true ); } /* ================== S_UnblockSound ================== */ void S_UnblockSound( void ) { snd_blocked--; if( snd_blocked == 0 ) SDL_PauseAudio( false ); } /* ================== SNDDMA_Init Try to find a sound device to mix for. Returns false if nothing is found. ================== */ qboolean SNDDMA_Init(void) { SDL_AudioSpec spec; int i; // Init the SDL Audio subsystem if( SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ) ) { Con_Print( "Initializing the SDL Audio subsystem failed!\n" ); return false; } // Init the shm structure memset( (void*) shm, 0, sizeof(*shm) ); shm->format.channels = 2; //stereo shm->format.width = 2; // COMMANDLINEOPTION: SDL Sound: -sndspeed chooses 44100 hz, 22100 hz, or 11025 hz sound output rate i = COM_CheckParm( "-sndspeed" ); if( i && i != ( com_argc - 1 ) ) shm->format.speed = atoi( com_argv[ i+1 ] ); else shm->format.speed = 44100; shm->samplepos = 0; shm->samples = AUDIO_SDL_SAMPLES * AUDIO_LOCALFACTOR; shm->bufferlength = shm->samples * shm->format.width; shm->buffer = Mem_Alloc( snd_mempool, shm->bufferlength ); // Init the as structure as.buffer = shm->buffer; as.width = shm->format.width; as.pos = 0; as.size = shm->bufferlength; // Init the SDL Audio subsystem spec.callback = Buffer_Callback; spec.channels = shm->format.channels; spec.format = AUDIO_S16LSB; spec.freq = shm->format.speed; spec.userdata = NULL; spec.samples = AUDIO_SDL_SAMPLES; if( SDL_OpenAudio( &spec, NULL ) ) { Con_Print( "Failed to open the audio device!\n" ); Con_DPrintf( "Audio Specification:\n" "\tChannels : %i\n" "\tFormat : %x\n" "\tFrequency : %i\n" "\tBuffersize: %i Bytes(%i Samples)\n", spec.channels, spec.format, spec.freq, shm->bufferlength , spec.samples ); Mem_Free( shm->buffer ); return false; } SDL_PauseAudio( false ); return true; } /* ============== SNDDMA_GetDMAPos return the current sample position (in mono samples read) inside the recirculating dma buffer, so the mixing code will know how many sample are required to fill it up. =============== */ int SNDDMA_GetDMAPos(void) { shm->samplepos = (as.pos / as.width) % shm->samples; return shm->samplepos; } /* ============== SNDDMA_Submit Send sound to device if buffer isn't really the dma buffer =============== */ void SNDDMA_Submit(void) { } /* ============== SNDDMA_Shutdown Reset the sound device for exiting =============== */ void SNDDMA_Shutdown(void) { SDL_CloseAudio(); Mem_Free( as.buffer ); } void *S_LockBuffer(void) { SDL_LockAudio(); return shm->buffer; } void S_UnlockBuffer(void) { SDL_UnlockAudio(); } static void Buffer_Callback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) { if( len > as.size ) len = as.size; if( len > as.size - as.pos ) { memcpy( stream, (Uint8*) as.buffer + as.pos, as.size - as.pos ); len -= as.size - as.pos; as.pos = 0; } memcpy( stream, (Uint8*) as.buffer + as.pos, len ); as.pos = (as.pos + len) % as.size; }