#include "quakedef.h" cvar_t ui_showname = {0, "ui_showname", "0"}; #define ITEM_CLICKABLE 1 #define ITEM_DRAWABLE 2 #define UIKEY_LEFT 1 #define UIKEY_RIGHT 2 #define UIKEY_UP 3 #define UIKEY_DOWN 4 #define UIKEY_ENTER 5 #define UI_MOUSEBUTTONS 3 static int ui_alive, ui_active; static float ui_mouse_x, ui_mouse_y; static int ui_mousebutton[UI_MOUSEBUTTONS], ui_mouseclick; static int ui_keyui, ui_keyitem; static ui_item_t *ui_keyrealitem; static ui_t *ui_list[MAX_UI_COUNT]; static void ui_start(void) { ui_mouse_x = vid.conwidth * 0.5; ui_mouse_y = vid.conheight * 0.5; ui_alive = true; } static void ui_shutdown(void) { ui_alive = false; } static void ui_newmap(void) { } static mempool_t *uimempool; void ui_init(void) { uimempool = Mem_AllocPool("UI"); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&ui_showname); R_RegisterModule("UI", ui_start, ui_shutdown, ui_newmap); } void ui_mouseupdate(float x, float y) { if (ui_alive) { ui_mouse_x = bound(0, x, vid.conwidth); ui_mouse_y = bound(0, y, vid.conheight); } } void ui_mouseupdaterelative(float x, float y) { if (ui_alive) { ui_mouse_x += x; ui_mouse_y += y; ui_mouse_x = bound(0, ui_mouse_x, vid.conwidth); ui_mouse_y = bound(0, ui_mouse_y, vid.conheight); } } ui_t *ui_create(void) { ui_t *ui; ui = Mem_Alloc(uimempool, sizeof(*ui)); if (ui == NULL) Sys_Error("ui_create: unable to allocate memory for new ui\n"); memset(ui, 0, sizeof(*ui)); return ui; } void ui_free(ui_t *ui) { if (ui) Mem_Free(ui); } void ui_clear(ui_t *ui) { ui->item_count = 0; } void ui_item ( ui_t *ui, char *basename, int number, float x, float y, char *picname, char *string, float left, float top, float width, float height, void(*leftkey)(void *nativedata1, void *nativedata2, float data1, float data2), void(*rightkey)(void *nativedata1, void *nativedata2, float data1, float data2), void(*enterkey)(void *nativedata1, void *nativedata2, float data1, float data2), void(*mouseclick)(void *nativedata1, void *nativedata2, float data1, float data2, float xfrac, float yfrac), void *nativedata1, void *nativedata2, float data1, float data2 ) { int i; ui_item_t *it; char itemname[32]; snprintf(itemname, sizeof(itemname), "%s%04d", basename, number); for (it = ui->items, i = 0;i < ui->item_count;it++, i++) if (it->name == NULL || !strncmp(itemname, it->name, 32)) break; if (i == ui->item_count) { if (i == MAX_UI_ITEMS) { Con_Printf("ui_item: ran out of UI item slots\n"); return; } ui->item_count++; } memset(it, 0, sizeof(ui_item_t)); strncpy(it->name, itemname, 32); it->flags = 0; if (picname || string) { it->flags |= ITEM_DRAWABLE; it->draw_picname = picname; it->draw_string = string; it->draw_x = x; it->draw_y = y; } if (leftkey || rightkey || enterkey || mouseclick) { it->flags |= ITEM_CLICKABLE; it->click_x = x + left; it->click_y = y + top; it->click_x2 = it->click_x + width; it->click_y2 = it->click_y + height; it->leftkey = leftkey; it->rightkey = rightkey; it->enterkey = enterkey; it->mouseclick = mouseclick; if (it->mouseclick == NULL) it->mouseclick = (void *)it->enterkey; if (it->leftkey == NULL) it->leftkey = it->enterkey; if (it->rightkey == NULL) it->rightkey = it->enterkey; it->nativedata1 = nativedata1; it->nativedata2 = nativedata2; } } void ui_item_remove(ui_t *ui, char *basename, int number) { int i; ui_item_t *it; char itemname[32]; snprintf(itemname, sizeof(itemname), "%s%04d", basename, number); for (it = ui->items, i = 0;i < ui->item_count;it++, i++) if (it->name && !strncmp(itemname, it->name, 32)) break; if (i < ui->item_count) it->name[0] = 0; } ui_item_t *ui_hititem(float x, float y) { int i, j; ui_item_t *it; ui_t *ui; for (j = 0;j < MAX_UI_COUNT;j++) if ((ui = ui_list[j])) for (it = ui->items, i = 0;i < ui->item_count;it++, i++) if (it->name[0] && (it->flags & ITEM_CLICKABLE)) if (x >= it->click_x && y >= it->click_y && x < it->click_x2 && y < it->click_y2) return it; return NULL; } int ui_uiactive(ui_t *ui) { int i; for (i = 0;i < MAX_UI_COUNT;i++) if (ui_list[i] == ui) return true; return false; } void ui_activate(ui_t *ui, int yes) { int i; if (yes) { if (ui_uiactive(ui)) return; for (i = 0;i < MAX_UI_COUNT;i++) { if (ui_list[i] == NULL) { ui_list[i] = ui; return; } } Con_Printf("ui_activate: ran out of active ui list items\n"); } else { for (i = 0;i < MAX_UI_COUNT;i++) { if (ui_list[i] == ui) { ui_list[i] = NULL; return; } } } } int ui_isactive(void) { int j; ui_t *ui; if (ui_alive) { for (j = 0;j < MAX_UI_COUNT;j++) if ((ui = ui_list[j])) if (ui->item_count) return true; } return false; } #define UI_QUEUE_SIZE 256 static qbyte ui_keyqueue[UI_QUEUE_SIZE]; static int ui_keyqueuepos = 0; void ui_leftkeyupdate(int pressed) { static int key = false; if (pressed && !key && ui_keyqueuepos < UI_QUEUE_SIZE) ui_keyqueue[ui_keyqueuepos++] = UIKEY_LEFT; key = pressed; } void ui_rightkeyupdate(int pressed) { static int key = false; if (pressed && !key && ui_keyqueuepos < UI_QUEUE_SIZE) ui_keyqueue[ui_keyqueuepos++] = UIKEY_RIGHT; key = pressed; } void ui_upkeyupdate(int pressed) { static int key = false; if (pressed && !key && ui_keyqueuepos < UI_QUEUE_SIZE) ui_keyqueue[ui_keyqueuepos++] = UIKEY_UP; key = pressed; } void ui_downkeyupdate(int pressed) { static int key = false; if (pressed && !key && ui_keyqueuepos < UI_QUEUE_SIZE) ui_keyqueue[ui_keyqueuepos++] = UIKEY_DOWN; key = pressed; } void ui_mousebuttonupdate(int button, int pressed) { if (button < 0 || button >= UI_MOUSEBUTTONS) return; if (button == 0 && ui_mousebutton[button] && !pressed) ui_mouseclick = true; ui_mousebutton[button] = pressed; } void ui_update(void) { ui_item_t *startitem, *it; if (ui_alive) { ui_mouse_x = bound(0, ui_mouse_x, vid.conwidth); ui_mouse_y = bound(0, ui_mouse_y, vid.conheight); if ((ui_active = ui_isactive())) { // validate currently selected item if(ui_list[ui_keyui] == NULL) { while (ui_list[ui_keyui] == NULL) ui_keyui = (ui_keyui + 1) % MAX_UI_COUNT; ui_keyitem = 0; } ui_keyitem = bound(0, ui_keyitem, ui_list[ui_keyui]->item_count - 1); startitem = ui_keyrealitem = &ui_list[ui_keyui]->items[ui_keyitem]; if ((ui_keyrealitem->flags & ITEM_CLICKABLE) == 0) { do { // FIXME: cycle through UIs as well as items in a UI ui_keyitem = (ui_keyitem - 1) % ui_list[ui_keyui]->item_count - 1; ui_keyrealitem = &ui_list[ui_keyui]->items[ui_keyitem]; } while (ui_keyrealitem != startitem && (ui_keyrealitem->flags & ITEM_CLICKABLE) == 0); } if (ui_keyqueuepos) { int i; for (i = 0;i < ui_keyqueuepos;i++) { startitem = ui_keyrealitem; switch(ui_keyqueue[i]) { case UIKEY_UP: do { ui_keyitem--; if (ui_keyitem < 0) { do ui_keyui = (ui_keyui - 1) % MAX_UI_COUNT; while(ui_list[ui_keyui] == NULL); ui_keyitem = ui_list[ui_keyui]->item_count - 1; } ui_keyrealitem = &ui_list[ui_keyui]->items[ui_keyitem]; } while (ui_keyrealitem != startitem && (ui_keyrealitem->flags & ITEM_CLICKABLE) == 0); break; case UIKEY_DOWN: do { ui_keyitem++; if (ui_keyitem >= ui_list[ui_keyui]->item_count) { do ui_keyui = (ui_keyui + 1) % MAX_UI_COUNT; while(ui_list[ui_keyui] == NULL); ui_keyitem = 0; } ui_keyrealitem = &ui_list[ui_keyui]->items[ui_keyitem]; } while (ui_keyrealitem != startitem && (ui_keyrealitem->flags & ITEM_CLICKABLE) == 0); break; case UIKEY_LEFT: if (ui_keyrealitem->leftkey) ui_keyrealitem->leftkey(ui_keyrealitem->nativedata1, ui_keyrealitem->nativedata2, ui_keyrealitem->data1, ui_keyrealitem->data2); break; case UIKEY_RIGHT: if (ui_keyrealitem->rightkey) ui_keyrealitem->rightkey(ui_keyrealitem->nativedata1, ui_keyrealitem->nativedata2, ui_keyrealitem->data1, ui_keyrealitem->data2); break; case UIKEY_ENTER: if (ui_keyrealitem->enterkey) ui_keyrealitem->enterkey(ui_keyrealitem->nativedata1, ui_keyrealitem->nativedata2, ui_keyrealitem->data1, ui_keyrealitem->data2); break; } } } ui_keyqueuepos = 0; if (ui_mouseclick && (it = ui_hititem(ui_mouse_x, ui_mouse_y)) && it->mouseclick) it->mouseclick(it->nativedata1, it->nativedata2, it->data1, it->data2, ui_mouse_x - it->click_x, ui_mouse_y - it->click_y); } } ui_mouseclick = false; } void ui_draw(void) { int i, j; ui_item_t *it; ui_t *ui; if (ui_alive && ui_active) { for (j = 0;j < MAX_UI_COUNT;j++) if ((ui = ui_list[j])) if (ui->item_count) for (i = 0, it = ui->items;i < ui->item_count;i++, it++) if (it->flags & ITEM_DRAWABLE) { if (it->draw_picname) DrawQ_Pic(it->draw_x, it->draw_y, it->draw_picname, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); if (it->draw_string) DrawQ_String(it->draw_x, it->draw_y, it->draw_string, 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } if ((it = ui_hititem(ui_mouse_x, ui_mouse_y))) { if (it->draw_picname) DrawQ_Pic(it->draw_x, it->draw_y, it->draw_picname, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); if (it->draw_string) DrawQ_String(it->draw_x, it->draw_y, it->draw_string, 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); if (ui_showname.integer) DrawQ_String(ui_mouse_x, ui_mouse_y + 16, it->name, 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); } it = ui_keyrealitem; if (it->draw_picname) DrawQ_Pic(it->draw_x, it->draw_y, it->draw_picname, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); if (it->draw_string) DrawQ_String(it->draw_x, it->draw_y, it->draw_string, 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); DrawQ_Pic(ui_mouse_x, ui_mouse_y, "ui/mousepointer.tga", 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); //Draw_GenericPic(ui_mousepointertexture, 1, 1, 1, 1, ui_mouse_x, ui_mouse_y, 16, 16); } }