BASEDIR := ../.. PREFIX := /usr HEADER := $(BASEDIR)/gmqcc.h MAJOR := `sed -n -e '/GMQCC_VERSION_MAJOR/{s/.* .* //;p;q;}' $(HEADER)` MINOR := `sed -n -e '/GMQCC_VERSION_MINOR/{s/.* .* //;p;q;}' $(HEADER)` PATCH := `sed -n -e '/GMQCC_VERSION_PATCH/{s/.* .* //;p;q;}' $(HEADER)` DEBDIR := gmqcc-$(MAJOR).$(MINOR).$(PATCH) CARCH := $(shell uname -m) DEB := $(DEBDIR)-$(CARCH).deb CONTROL := $(DEBDIR)/DEBIAN/control ifneq (, $(findstring i686, $(CARCH))) CFLAGS += -m32 LDFLAGS += -m32 endif base: $(MAKE) -C $(BASEDIR) clean CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS)" \ $(MAKE) -C $(BASEDIR) DESTDIR=distro/deb/$(DEBDIR) PREFIX=$(PREFIX) strip install @install -d -m755 $(DEBDIR)/DEBIAN @echo "Package: gmqcc" > $(CONTROL) @echo "Version: $(MAJOR).$(MINOR).$(PATCH)" >> $(CONTROL) @echo "Section: user/hidden" >> $(CONTROL) @echo "Priority: optional" >> $(CONTROL) @echo "Architecture: $(CARCH)" >> $(CONTROL) @echo "Installed-Size: `du -ks $($(DEBDIR)/usr) | cut -f 1`" >> $(CONTROL) @echo "Maintainer: Dale Weiler " >> $(CONTROL) @echo "Description: An improved Quake C Compiler" >> $(CONTROL) @echo " For an enduring period of time the options for a decent compiler for the Quake C programming language" >> $(CONTROL) @echo " were confined to a specific compiler known as QCC. Attempts were made to extend and improve upon the" >> $(CONTROL) @echo " design of QCC, but many foreseen the consequences of building on a broken foundation. The solution" >> $(CONTROL) @echo " was obvious, a new compiler; one born from the NIH realm of sarcastic wit. We welcome you. You won't" >> $(CONTROL) @echo " find a better Quake C compiler." >> $(CONTROL) @tar czf data.tar.gz -C $(DEBDIR)/ . --exclude=DEBIAN @tar czf control.tar.gz -C $(DEBDIR)/DEBIAN/ . @echo 2.0 > debian-binary @ar r $(DEB) debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.gz @rm -rf debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.gz $(DEBDIR) clean: $(MAKE) -C $(BASEDIR) clean @rm -f *.deb all: base