/* BobToolz plugin for GtkRadiant Copyright (C) 2001 Gordon Biggans This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "DTreePlanter.h" #include #include "str.h" #include "DPoint.h" #include "DPlane.h" #include "DBrush.h" #include "DEPair.h" #include "DPatch.h" #include "DEntity.h" #include "ScriptParser.h" #include "misc.h" #include "scenelib.h" #include "funchandlers.h" SignalHandlerResult DTreePlanter::mouseDown( const WindowVector& position, ButtonIdentifier button, ModifierFlags modifiers ){ if ( button != c_buttonLeft ) { return SIGNAL_CONTINUE_EMISSION; } VIEWTYPE vt = GlobalRadiant().XYWindow_getViewType(); switch ( vt ) { case XY: break; case YZ: case XZ: default: return SIGNAL_CONTINUE_EMISSION; } Vector3 pt, vhit; pt = vector3_snapped( GlobalRadiant().XYWindow_windowToWorld( position ), GlobalRadiant().getGridSize() ); if ( FindDropPoint( vector3_to_array( pt ), vector3_to_array( vhit ) ) ) { vhit[2] += m_offset; char buffer[128]; DEntity e( m_entType ); sprintf( buffer, "%i %i %i", (int)vhit[0], (int)vhit[1], (int)vhit[2] ); e.AddEPair( "origin", buffer ); if ( m_autoLink ) { const scene::Path* pLastEntity = NULL; const scene::Path* pThisEntity = NULL; int entpos; for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { sprintf( buffer, m_linkName, i ); pThisEntity = FindEntityFromTargetname( buffer ); if ( pThisEntity ) { entpos = i; pLastEntity = pThisEntity; } } if ( !pLastEntity ) { sprintf( buffer, m_linkName, 0 ); } else { sprintf( buffer, m_linkName, entpos + 1 ); } e.AddEPair( "targetname", buffer ); if ( pLastEntity ) { DEntity e2; e2.LoadFromEntity( pLastEntity->top(), true ); e2.AddEPair( "target", buffer ); e2.RemoveFromRadiant(); e2.BuildInRadiant( false ); } } if ( m_setAngles ) { int angleYaw = ( rand() % ( m_maxYaw - m_minYaw + 1 ) ) + m_minYaw; int anglePitch = ( rand() % ( m_maxPitch - m_minPitch + 1 ) ) + m_minPitch; sprintf( buffer, "%i %i 0", anglePitch, angleYaw ); e.AddEPair( "angles", buffer ); } if ( m_numModels ) { int treetype = rand() % m_numModels; e.AddEPair( "model", m_trees[treetype].name ); } if ( m_useScale ) { float scale = ( ( ( rand() % 1000 ) * 0.001f ) * ( m_maxScale - m_minScale ) ) + m_minScale; sprintf( buffer, "%f", scale ); e.AddEPair( "modelscale", buffer ); } e.BuildInRadiant( false ); } if ( m_autoLink ) { DoTrainPathPlot(); } return SIGNAL_STOP_EMISSION; } bool DTreePlanter::FindDropPoint( vec3_t in, vec3_t out ) { DPlane p1; DPlane p2; vec3_t vUp = { 0, 0, 1 }; vec3_t vForward = { 0, 1, 0 }; vec3_t vLeft = { 1, 0, 0 }; in[2] = 65535; VectorCopy( in, p1.points[0] ); VectorCopy( in, p1.points[1] ); VectorCopy( in, p1.points[2] ); VectorMA( p1.points[1], 20, vUp, p1.points[1] ); VectorMA( p1.points[1], 20, vLeft, p1.points[2] ); VectorCopy( in, p2.points[0] ); VectorCopy( in, p2.points[1] ); VectorCopy( in, p2.points[2] ); VectorMA( p1.points[1], 20, vUp, p2.points[1] ); VectorMA( p1.points[1], 20, vForward, p2.points[2] ); p1.Rebuild(); p2.Rebuild(); bool found = false; vec3_t temp; vec_t dist; int cnt = m_world.GetIDMax(); for ( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { DBrush* pBrush = m_world.GetBrushForID( i ); if ( pBrush->IntersectsWith( &p1, &p2, temp ) ) { vec3_t diff; vec_t tempdist; VectorSubtract( in, temp, diff ); tempdist = VectorLength( diff ); if ( !found || ( tempdist < dist ) ) { dist = tempdist; VectorCopy( temp, out ); found = true; } } } return found; } class TreePlanterDropEntityIfSelected { mutable DEntity ent; DTreePlanter& planter; public: TreePlanterDropEntityIfSelected( DTreePlanter& planter ) : planter( planter ){ } void operator()( scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( !instance.isSelected() ) { return; } ent.LoadFromEntity( instance.path().top() ); DEPair* pEpair = ent.FindEPairByKey( "origin" ); if ( !pEpair ) { return; } vec3_t vec, out; sscanf( pEpair->value.GetBuffer(), "%f %f %f", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2] ); planter.FindDropPoint( vec, out ); char buffer[256]; sprintf( buffer, "%f %f %f", out[0], out[1], out[2] ); ent.AddEPair( "origin", buffer ); ent.RemoveFromRadiant(); ent.BuildInRadiant( false ); } }; void DTreePlanter::DropEntsToGround( void ) { Scene_forEachEntity( TreePlanterDropEntityIfSelected( *this ) ); } void DTreePlanter::MakeChain( int linkNum, const char* linkName ) { char buffer[256]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < linkNum; i++ ) { DEntity e( "info_train_spline_main" ); sprintf( buffer, "%s_pt%i", linkName, i ); e.AddEPair( "targetname", buffer ); sprintf( buffer, "0 %i 0", i * 64 ); e.AddEPair( "origin", buffer ); if ( i != m_linkNum - 1 ) { sprintf( buffer, "%s_pt%i", linkName, i + 1 ); e.AddEPair( "target", buffer ); sprintf( buffer, "%s_ctl%i", linkName, i ); e.AddEPair( "control", buffer ); } e.BuildInRadiant( false ); } for ( i = 0; i < linkNum - 1; i++ ) { DEntity e( "info_train_spline_control" ); sprintf( buffer, "%s_ctl%i", linkName, i ); e.AddEPair( "targetname", buffer ); sprintf( buffer, "0 %i 0", ( i * 64 ) + 32 ); e.AddEPair( "origin", buffer ); e.BuildInRadiant( false ); } } void DTreePlanter::SelectChain( void ) { /* char buffer[256]; for(int i = 0; i < m_linkNum; i++) { DEntity e("info_train_spline_main"); sprintf( buffer, "%s_pt%i", m_linkName, i ); e.AddEPair( "targetname", buffer ); sprintf( buffer, "0 %i 0", i * 64 ); e.AddEPair( "origin", buffer ); if(i != m_linkNum-1) { sprintf( buffer, "%s_pt%i", m_linkName, i+1 ); e.AddEPair( "target", buffer ); sprintf( buffer, "%s_ctl%i", m_linkName, i ); e.AddEPair( "control", buffer ); } e.BuildInRadiant( false ); } for(int i = 0; i < m_linkNum-1; i++) { DEntity e("info_train_spline_control"); sprintf( buffer, "%s_ctl%i", m_linkName, i ); e.AddEPair( "targetname", buffer ); sprintf( buffer, "0 %i 0", (i * 64) + 32); e.AddEPair( "origin", buffer ); e.BuildInRadiant( false ); }*/ }