/* This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "ufoai_level.h" #include "ufoai_filters.h" #include "ibrush.h" #include "ientity.h" #include "iscenegraph.h" #include "string/string.h" #include class Level; /** * @brief find entities by class * @note from radiant/map.cpp */ class EntityFindByClassname : public scene::Graph::Walker { const char* m_name; Entity*& m_entity; public: EntityFindByClassname( const char* name, Entity*& entity ) : m_name( name ), m_entity( entity ){ m_entity = 0; } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( m_entity == 0 ) { Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 && string_equal( m_name, entity->getKeyValue( "classname" ) ) ) { m_entity = entity; } } return true; } }; /** * @brief */ Entity* Scene_FindEntityByClass( const char* name ){ Entity* entity = NULL; GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntityFindByClassname( name, entity ) ); return entity; } /** * @brief finds start positions */ class EntityFindFlags : public scene::Graph::Walker { const char *m_classname; const char *m_flag; int *m_count; public: EntityFindFlags( const char *classname, const char *flag, int *count ) : m_classname( classname ), m_flag( flag ), m_count( count ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { const char *str; Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 && string_equal( m_classname, entity->getKeyValue( "classname" ) ) ) { str = entity->getKeyValue( m_flag ); if ( string_empty( str ) ) { ( *m_count )++; } } return true; } }; /** * @brief finds start positions */ class EntityFindTeams : public scene::Graph::Walker { const char *m_classname; int *m_count; int *m_team; public: EntityFindTeams( const char *classname, int *count, int *team ) : m_classname( classname ), m_count( count ), m_team( team ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { const char *str; Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 && string_equal( m_classname, entity->getKeyValue( "classname" ) ) ) { if ( m_count ) { ( *m_count )++; } // now get the highest teamnum if ( m_team ) { str = entity->getKeyValue( "team" ); if ( !string_empty( str ) ) { if ( atoi( str ) > *m_team ) { ( *m_team ) = atoi( str ); } } } } return true; } }; /** * @brief */ void get_team_count( const char *classname, int *count, int *team ){ GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntityFindTeams( classname, count, team ) ); globalOutputStream() << "UFO:AI: classname: " << classname << ": #" << ( *count ) << "\n"; } /** * @brief Some default values to worldspawn like maxlevel and so on */ void assign_default_values_to_worldspawn( bool override, char **returnMsg ){ static char message[1024]; Entity* worldspawn; int teams = 0; int count = 0; char str[64]; worldspawn = Scene_FindEntityByClass( "worldspawn" ); if ( !worldspawn ) { globalOutputStream() << "UFO:AI: Could not find worldspawn.\n"; *returnMsg = "Could not find worldspawn"; return; } *message = '\0'; *str = '\0'; if ( override || string_empty( worldspawn->getKeyValue( "maxlevel" ) ) ) { // TODO: Get highest brush - a level has 64 units worldspawn->setKeyValue( "maxlevel", "5" ); snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Set maxlevel to: %s", worldspawn->getKeyValue( "maxlevel" ) ); } if ( override || string_empty( worldspawn->getKeyValue( "maxteams" ) ) ) { get_team_count( "info_player_start", &count, &teams ); if ( teams ) { snprintf( str, sizeof( str ) - 1, "%i", teams ); worldspawn->setKeyValue( "maxteams", str ); snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Set maxteams to: %s", worldspawn->getKeyValue( "maxteams" ) ); } if ( count < 16 ) { snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "You should at least place 16 info_player_start" ); } } // no errors - no warnings if ( !strlen( message ) ) { return; } *returnMsg = message; } /** * @brief */ int check_entity_flags( const char *classname, const char *flag ){ int count; /* init this with 0 every time we browse the tree */ count = 0; GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntityFindFlags( classname, flag, &count ) ); return count; } /** * @brief Will check e.g. the map entities for valid values * @todo: check for maxlevel */ void check_map_values( char **returnMsg ){ static char message[1024]; int count = 0; int teams = 0; int ent_flags; Entity* worldspawn; char str[64]; worldspawn = Scene_FindEntityByClass( "worldspawn" ); if ( !worldspawn ) { globalOutputStream() << "UFO:AI: Could not find worldspawn.\n"; *returnMsg = "Could not find worldspawn"; return; } *message = '\0'; *str = '\0'; // multiplayer start positions get_team_count( "info_player_start", &count, &teams ); if ( !count ) { strncat( message, "No multiplayer start positions (info_player_start)\n", sizeof( message ) - 1 ); } // singleplayer map? count = 0; get_team_count( "info_human_start", &count, NULL ); if ( !count ) { strncat( message, "No singleplayer start positions (info_human_start)\n", sizeof( message ) - 1 ); } // singleplayer map? count = 0; get_team_count( "info_2x2_start", &count, NULL ); if ( !count ) { strncat( message, "No singleplayer start positions for 2x2 units (info_2x2_start)\n", sizeof( message ) - 1 ); } // search for civilians count = 0; get_team_count( "info_civilian_start", &count, NULL ); if ( !count ) { strncat( message, "No civilian start positions (info_civilian_start)\n", sizeof( message ) - 1 ); } // check maxlevel if ( string_empty( worldspawn->getKeyValue( "maxlevel" ) ) ) { strncat( message, "Worldspawn: No maxlevel defined\n", sizeof( message ) - 1 ); } else if ( atoi( worldspawn->getKeyValue( "maxlevel" ) ) > 8 ) { strncat( message, "Worldspawn: Highest maxlevel is 8\n", sizeof( message ) - 1 ); worldspawn->setKeyValue( "maxlevel", "8" ); } ent_flags = check_entity_flags( "func_door", "spawnflags" ); if ( ent_flags ) { snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Found %i func_door with no spawnflags\n", ent_flags ); } ent_flags = check_entity_flags( "func_breakable", "spawnflags" ); if ( ent_flags ) { snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Found %i func_breakable with no spawnflags\n", ent_flags ); } ent_flags = check_entity_flags( "misc_sound", "spawnflags" ); if ( ent_flags ) { snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Found %i misc_sound with no spawnflags\n", ent_flags ); } ent_flags = check_entity_flags( "misc_model", "spawnflags" ); if ( ent_flags ) { snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Found %i misc_model with no spawnflags\n", ent_flags ); } ent_flags = check_entity_flags( "misc_particle", "spawnflags" ); if ( ent_flags ) { snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Found %i misc_particle with no spawnflags\n", ent_flags ); } ent_flags = check_entity_flags( "info_player_start", "team" ); if ( ent_flags ) { snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Found %i info_player_start with no team assigned\n!!Teamcount may change after you've fixed this\n", ent_flags ); } ent_flags = check_entity_flags( "light", "color" ); ent_flags = check_entity_flags( "light", "_color" ); if ( ent_flags ) { snprintf( &message[strlen( message )], sizeof( message ) - 1 - strlen( message ), "Found %i lights with no color value\n", ent_flags ); } // no errors found if ( !strlen( message ) ) { snprintf( message, sizeof( message ) - 1, "No errors found - you are ready to compile the map now\n" ); } *returnMsg = message; }