Q3Radiant Editor Manual

Appendix B: Entity Descriptions

Target_* Entities

Map Entity Color: aqua
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: The target_delay trigger is an intermediary time delay trigger. Like a target_relay (see below), this can only be fired by other triggers which will, in turn, cause it to fire its own targets

targetname: activating trigger points to this.
target: this points to entities to activate when this entity is triggered.
wait: delay in seconds from when this gets triggered to when it fires its own targets (default approx. 1).
random: random time variance in seconds added or subtracted from "wait" delay (default 0 - see Notes).
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

When the random key is set, its value is used to calculate a minimum and a maximum delay. The final time delay will be a random value anywhere between the minimum and maximum values: (min delay = wait - random) (max delay = wait + random).

Map Entity Color: red
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: This is used to give ammo, weapons, health or items to the player who activates it.

target: this points to the item(s) to give when activated.
targetname: activating trigger or spawn entity points to this.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).


Map Entity Color: gray
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: This will kill the player who activates the trigger that fires this target.

targetname: the activating trigger points to this.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).*/


Map Entity Color: red
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: Generates a red laser beam. I think this can somehow spawn in the game, I saw it once but it's too inconsistent to be usable. Commented out.

angles: alternate "pitch, yaw, roll" angles method of aiming laser (default 0 0 0).
target: point this to a target_position entity to set the laser's aiming direction.
targetname: the activating trigger points to this.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

Check Boxes/Spawnflags
START_ON: when set, the laser will start on in the game.

Since none of the game maps in Quake III Arena used this function, it is not likely to be a functioning entity.

Map Entity Color: Dark Green
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: Location marker used by bots and players for team orders and team chat in the course of Teamplay games. The closest target_location in sight is used for the location. If none is in sight, the closest in distance is used.

Message: name of the location (text string). Displayed in parentheses in front of all team chat and order messages. Shorter is better.
count: color of the location text displayed in parentheses during team chat. Set to 0-7 for color.

notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

Design Tips: The target locations are "line-of-sight." If a player can "see" it, and that target is the closest to the player, then that location message is displayed. Be conservative in placing location markers. Because of the way the location code is implemented, it causes a large amount of data to be transmitted regularly. It has been explained that the game serrver has to constantly keep track of, and update to the clients, a data table equal to all the location markers multiplied by all the players. Not only that, but it must calculate line of sight from players to location markers and calculate the distance from the location marker.
   Place the target locations in such a way that the entity can be "seen" from most, if not all, the positions that a player can stand in when it is inside that area. Fewer are better, even if it means that occasionally, a team mate is in an unknown location.

Map Entity Color: Dark Green
Dimensions: (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4)
Game Function: This is an aiming target for entities like light, misc_portal_camera, and trigger_push (jump pads and launch pads) in particular.

Targetname: the entity that requires an aiming direction points to this.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

Use this as the target for any entity that must be actively targeted during the game (do not use it as a target for spotlights).
See Tips, Tricks and Tutorials for the method used to make jump pads.


Map Entity Color: dark green
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: This will print a message on the center of the screen when triggered. By default, all the clients will see the message.

message: text string to print on screen.
targetname: the activating trigger points to this.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

Check Boxes/Spawnflags
REDTEAM : only the red team players will see the message.
BLUETEAM : only the blue team players will see the message.
PRIVATE : only the player that activates the target will see the message.

Map Entity Color: gray
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: This is not recommended for creating jump pads and launch ramps. The direction of push can be set by the "angles" key or pointing to a target_position or info_notnull entity. Unlike trigger_push, this is NOT client side predicted and must be activated by a trigger.

angles: this sets the pitch and yaw aiming angles of push entity (default 0 0). The roll angle does not apply.
speed: speed of push (default 1000 game units per second). Has no effect if entity targets an aiming entity.
targetname: the activating trigger points to this. Push originates from the location of the trigger.
target: this points to the aiming entity to which the player will jump.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

Check Boxes/Spawnflags
BOUNCEPAD : if set, trigger will play bounce noise instead of beep noise when activated (see notes).


Design Tip:
There is a way to make the target push play proper sounds. Just create a sound\movers\plats folder under baseq3 and put a sounds windfly.wav in it. It can be the sound from the Q2 or your own custom looping if you're up to it.

Map Entity Color: aqua
Map Entity Color: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: This can only be activated by other triggers, which will, in turn, cause it to activate its own targets.

targetname: activating trigger points to this.
target: this points to entities to activate when this entity is triggered.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

Check Boxes/Spawnflags
RED_ONLY : only red team players can activate trigger.
BLUE_ONLY : only red team players can activate trigger.
RANDOM: one of the targeted entities will be triggered at random.

Use this when you need to split off targeting functions along separate paths.


Map Entity Color: blue
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: This takes away all item_* type powerups from player except health and armor (holdable_* items are not taken away either). This must be activated by a button or trigger_multiple entity. The player that activates the trigger will lose any powerup(s) currently in his possession.

targetname: activating trigger points to this.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).*/

Map Entity Color: bright green
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: This is used to automatically give frag points to the player who activates this. A spawn location entity like info_player_* or CTF respawn points can target this entity to give points to the player when he spawns in the game. Or a trigger can also be used to activate this. The activator of the trigger will get the points.

targetname: activating entity points to this.
count: number of frag points to give to player (default 1).
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).*/


Map Entity Color: bright green
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: Sound generating entity that plays .wav files. Normal non-looping sounds play each time the target_speaker is triggered. Looping sounds can be set to play by themselves (no activating trigger) or be toggled on/off by a trigger.

noise: path/name of .wav file to play (eg. sound/world/growl1.wav - see Notes).
wait: delay in seconds between each time the sound is played ("random" key must be set - see Notes).
Random: random time variance in seconds added or subtracted from "wait" delay ("wait" key must be set - see Notes).
targetname: the activating button or trigger points to this.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

Check Boxes/Spawnflags
LOOPED_ON: sound will loop and initially start on in level (will toggle on/off when triggered).
LOOPED_OFF: sound will loop and initially start off in level (will toggle on/off when triggered).
GLOBAL: sound will play full volume throughout the level.
ACTIVATOR: sound will play only for the player that activated the target.


Map Entity Color: red
Dimensions: (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Game Function: Activating this will teleport players to the location of the targeted misc_teleporter_dest entity (target_position can also be used). Unlike trigger_teleport, this entity must be activated by a trigger and does NOT allow client prediction of events.

targetname: activating trigger points to this.
target: this must point to a misc_teleporter_dest entity.
notfree: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
notteam: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
notsingle: when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).

When you give multiple targets the same target name, the teleporter will randomly select from one each time it is used.

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