/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _IUNDO_H_ #define _IUNDO_H_ #define UNDO_MAJOR "undo" //start operation typedef void (*PFN_UNDOSTART) (const char *operation); //end operation typedef void (*PFN_UNDOEND) (void); //add brush to the undo typedef void (*PFN_UNDOADDBRUSH) (brush_t *pBrush); //end a brush after the operation is performed typedef void (*PFN_UNDOENDBRUSH) (brush_t *pBrush); //add a list with brushes to the undo typedef void (*PFN_UNDOADDBRUSHLIST) (brush_t *brushlist); //end a list with brushes after the operation is performed typedef void (*PFN_UNDOENDBRUSHLIST) (brush_t *brushlist); //add entity to undo typedef void (*PFN_UNDOADDENTITY) (entity_t *entity); //end an entity after the operation is performed typedef void (*PFN_UNDOENDENTITY) (entity_t *entity); //undo last operation (bSilent == true -> will not print the "undone blah blah message") typedef void (*PFN_UNDO) (unsigned char bSilent); //redo last undone operation typedef void (*PFN_REDO) (void); //get the undo Id of the next undo (0 if none available) typedef int (*PFN_GETUNDOID) (void); //returns true if there is something to be undone available typedef int (*PFN_UNDOAVAILABLE) (void); //returns true if there is something to redo available typedef int (*PFN_REDOAVAILABLE) (void); struct _QERUndoTable { int m_nSize; PFN_UNDOSTART m_pfnUndo_Start; PFN_UNDOEND m_pfnUndo_End; PFN_UNDOADDBRUSH m_pfnUndo_AddBrush; PFN_UNDOENDBRUSH m_pfnUndo_EndBrush; PFN_UNDOADDBRUSHLIST m_pfnUndo_AddBrushList; PFN_UNDOENDBRUSHLIST m_pfnUndo_EndBrushList; PFN_UNDOADDENTITY m_pfnUndo_AddEntity; PFN_UNDOENDENTITY m_pfnUndo_EndEntity; PFN_UNDO m_pfnUndo_Undo; PFN_REDO m_pfnUndo_Redo; PFN_GETUNDOID m_pfnUndo_GetUndoId; PFN_UNDOAVAILABLE m_pfnUndo_UndoAvailable; PFN_REDOAVAILABLE m_pfnUndo_RedoAvailable; }; #ifdef USE_UNDOTABLE_DEFINE #ifndef __UNDOTABLENAME #define __UNDOTABLENAME g_UndoTable #endif #define Undo_Start __UNDOTABLENAME.m_pfnUndo_Start #define Undo_End __UNDOTABLENAME.m_pfnUndo_End #define Undo_AddBrush __UNDOTABLENAME.m_pfnUndo_AddBrush #define Undo_EndBrush __UNDOTABLENAME.m_pfnUndo_EndBrush #define Undo_AddBrushList __UNDOTABLENAME.m_pfnUndo_AddBrushList #define Undo_EndBrushList __UNDOTABLENAME.m_pfnUndo_EndBrushList #define Undo_AddEntity __UNDOTABLENAME.m_pfnUndo_AddEntity #define Undo_EndEntity __UNDOTABLENAME.m_pfnUndo_EndEntity #endif #endif // _IUNDO_H_