/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if !defined(INCLUDED_DRAGPLANES_H) #define INCLUDED_DRAGPLANES_H #include "selectable.h" #include "selectionlib.h" #include "math/aabb.h" #include "math/line.h" class DragPlanes { public: ObservedSelectable m_selectable_right; // +x ObservedSelectable m_selectable_left; // -x ObservedSelectable m_selectable_front; // +y ObservedSelectable m_selectable_back; // -y ObservedSelectable m_selectable_top; // +z ObservedSelectable m_selectable_bottom; // -z AABB m_bounds; DragPlanes(const SelectionChangeCallback& onchanged) : m_selectable_right(onchanged), m_selectable_left(onchanged), m_selectable_front(onchanged), m_selectable_back(onchanged), m_selectable_top(onchanged), m_selectable_bottom(onchanged) { } bool isSelected() const { return m_selectable_right.isSelected() || m_selectable_left.isSelected() || m_selectable_front.isSelected() || m_selectable_back.isSelected() || m_selectable_top.isSelected() || m_selectable_bottom.isSelected(); } void setSelected(bool selected) { m_selectable_right.setSelected(selected); m_selectable_left.setSelected(selected); m_selectable_front.setSelected(selected); m_selectable_back.setSelected(selected); m_selectable_top.setSelected(selected); m_selectable_bottom.setSelected(selected); } void selectPlanes(const AABB& aabb, Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test, const PlaneCallback& selectedPlaneCallback) { Line line(test.getNear(), test.getFar()); Vector3 corners[8]; aabb_corners(aabb, corners); Plane3 planes[6]; aabb_planes(aabb, planes); for(Vector3* i = corners; i != corners + 8; ++i) { *i = vector3_subtracted(line_closest_point(line, *i), *i); } if(vector3_dot(planes[0].normal(), corners[1]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[0].normal(), corners[2]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[0].normal(), corners[5]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[0].normal(), corners[6]) > 0) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_right); selectedPlaneCallback(planes[0]); //globalOutputStream() << "right\n"; } if(vector3_dot(planes[1].normal(), corners[0]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[1].normal(), corners[3]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[1].normal(), corners[4]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[1].normal(), corners[7]) > 0) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_left); selectedPlaneCallback(planes[1]); //globalOutputStream() << "left\n"; } if(vector3_dot(planes[2].normal(), corners[0]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[2].normal(), corners[1]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[2].normal(), corners[4]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[2].normal(), corners[5]) > 0) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_front); selectedPlaneCallback(planes[2]); //globalOutputStream() << "front\n"; } if(vector3_dot(planes[3].normal(), corners[2]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[3].normal(), corners[3]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[3].normal(), corners[6]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[3].normal(), corners[7]) > 0) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_back); selectedPlaneCallback(planes[3]); //globalOutputStream() << "back\n"; } if(vector3_dot(planes[4].normal(), corners[0]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[4].normal(), corners[1]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[4].normal(), corners[2]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[4].normal(), corners[3]) > 0) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_top); selectedPlaneCallback(planes[4]); //globalOutputStream() << "top\n"; } if(vector3_dot(planes[5].normal(), corners[4]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[5].normal(), corners[5]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[5].normal(), corners[6]) > 0 && vector3_dot(planes[5].normal(), corners[7]) > 0) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_bottom); //globalOutputStream() << "bottom\n"; selectedPlaneCallback(planes[5]); } m_bounds = aabb; } void selectReversedPlanes(const AABB& aabb, Selector& selector, const SelectedPlanes& selectedPlanes) { Plane3 planes[6]; aabb_planes(aabb, planes); if(selectedPlanes.contains(plane3_flipped(planes[0]))) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_right); } if(selectedPlanes.contains(plane3_flipped(planes[1]))) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_left); } if(selectedPlanes.contains(plane3_flipped(planes[2]))) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_front); } if(selectedPlanes.contains(plane3_flipped(planes[3]))) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_back); } if(selectedPlanes.contains(plane3_flipped(planes[4]))) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_top); } if(selectedPlanes.contains(plane3_flipped(planes[5]))) { Selector_add(selector, m_selectable_bottom); } } Matrix4 evaluateTransform(const Vector3& translation) const { Vector3 min = m_bounds.origin - m_bounds.extents; Vector3 max = m_bounds.origin + m_bounds.extents; Vector3 origin = m_bounds.origin; Vector3 extents = m_bounds.extents; if(extents[0] != 0) { if(m_selectable_right.isSelected()) { max[0] += translation[0]; //globalOutputStream() << "moving right\n"; } if(m_selectable_left.isSelected()) { min[0] += translation[0]; //globalOutputStream() << "moving left\n"; } } if(extents[1] != 0) { if(m_selectable_front.isSelected()) { max[1] += translation[1]; //globalOutputStream() << "moving front\n"; } if(m_selectable_back.isSelected()) { min[1] += translation[1]; //globalOutputStream() << "moving back\n"; } } if(extents[2] != 0) { if(m_selectable_top.isSelected()) { max[2] += translation[2]; //globalOutputStream() << "moving top\n"; } if(m_selectable_bottom.isSelected()) { min[2] += translation[2]; //globalOutputStream() << "moving bottom\n"; } } Vector3 originTransformed(vector3_mid(min, max)); Vector3 scale(vector3_scaled(vector3_subtracted(max, min), 0.5)); if(extents[0] != 0) { scale[0] /= extents[0]; } else { scale[0] = 1; } if(extents[1] != 0) { scale[1] /= extents[1]; } else { scale[1] = 1; } if(extents[2] != 0) { scale[2] /= extents[2]; } else { scale[2] = 1; } Matrix4 matrix(matrix4_translation_for_vec3(originTransformed - origin)); matrix4_pivoted_scale_by_vec3(matrix, scale, origin); return matrix; } }; #endif