/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ ///\file ///\brief Represents the Quake3 misc_model entity. /// /// This entity displays the model specified in its "model" key. /// The "origin", "angles" and "modelscale*" keys directly control the entity's local-to-parent transform. #include "cullable.h" #include "renderable.h" #include "editable.h" #include "selectionlib.h" #include "instancelib.h" #include "transformlib.h" #include "traverselib.h" #include "entitylib.h" #include "eclasslib.h" #include "render.h" #include "pivot.h" #include "targetable.h" #include "origin.h" #include "angles.h" #include "scale.h" #include "model.h" #include "filters.h" #include "namedentity.h" #include "keyobservers.h" #include "namekeys.h" #include "entity.h" class MiscModel : public Snappable { EntityKeyValues m_entity; KeyObserverMap m_keyObservers; MatrixTransform m_transform; OriginKey m_originKey; Vector3 m_origin; AnglesKey m_anglesKey; Vector3 m_angles; ScaleKey m_scaleKey; Vector3 m_scale; SingletonModel m_model; ClassnameFilter m_filter; NamedEntity m_named; NameKeys m_nameKeys; RenderablePivot m_renderOrigin; RenderableNamedEntity m_renderName; Callback m_transformChanged; Callback m_evaluateTransform; void construct(){ m_keyObservers.insert( "classname", ClassnameFilter::ClassnameChangedCaller( m_filter ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( Static::instance().m_nameKey, NamedEntity::IdentifierChangedCaller( m_named ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "model", SingletonModel::ModelChangedCaller( m_model ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "origin", OriginKey::OriginChangedCaller( m_originKey ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "angle", AnglesKey::AngleChangedCaller( m_anglesKey ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "angles", AnglesKey::AnglesChangedCaller( m_anglesKey ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "modelscale", ScaleKey::UniformScaleChangedCaller( m_scaleKey ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "modelscale_vec", ScaleKey::ScaleChangedCaller( m_scaleKey ) ); } void updateTransform(){ m_transform.localToParent() = g_matrix4_identity; matrix4_transform_by_euler_xyz_degrees( m_transform.localToParent(), m_origin, m_angles, m_scale ); m_transformChanged(); } // vc 2k5 compiler fix #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 public: #endif void originChanged(){ m_origin = m_originKey.m_origin; updateTransform(); } typedef MemberCaller OriginChangedCaller; void anglesChanged(){ m_angles = m_anglesKey.m_angles; updateTransform(); } typedef MemberCaller AnglesChangedCaller; void scaleChanged(){ m_scale = m_scaleKey.m_scale; updateTransform(); } typedef MemberCaller ScaleChangedCaller; public: MiscModel( EntityClass* eclass, scene::Node& node, const Callback& transformChanged, const Callback& evaluateTransform ) : m_entity( eclass ), m_originKey( OriginChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_origin( ORIGINKEY_IDENTITY ), m_anglesKey( AnglesChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_angles( ANGLESKEY_IDENTITY ), m_scaleKey( ScaleChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_scale( SCALEKEY_IDENTITY ), m_filter( m_entity, node ), m_named( m_entity ), m_nameKeys( m_entity ), m_renderName( m_named, g_vector3_identity ), m_transformChanged( transformChanged ), m_evaluateTransform( evaluateTransform ){ construct(); } MiscModel( const MiscModel& other, scene::Node& node, const Callback& transformChanged, const Callback& evaluateTransform ) : m_entity( other.m_entity ), m_originKey( OriginChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_origin( ORIGINKEY_IDENTITY ), m_anglesKey( AnglesChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_angles( ANGLESKEY_IDENTITY ), m_scaleKey( ScaleChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_scale( SCALEKEY_IDENTITY ), m_filter( m_entity, node ), m_named( m_entity ), m_nameKeys( m_entity ), m_renderName( m_named, g_vector3_identity ), m_transformChanged( transformChanged ), m_evaluateTransform( evaluateTransform ){ construct(); } InstanceCounter m_instanceCounter; void instanceAttach( const scene::Path& path ){ if ( ++m_instanceCounter.m_count == 1 ) { m_filter.instanceAttach(); m_entity.instanceAttach( path_find_mapfile( path.begin(), path.end() ) ); m_entity.attach( m_keyObservers ); } } void instanceDetach( const scene::Path& path ){ if ( --m_instanceCounter.m_count == 0 ) { m_entity.detach( m_keyObservers ); m_entity.instanceDetach( path_find_mapfile( path.begin(), path.end() ) ); m_filter.instanceDetach(); } } EntityKeyValues& getEntity(){ return m_entity; } const EntityKeyValues& getEntity() const { return m_entity; } scene::Traversable& getTraversable(){ return m_model.getTraversable(); } Namespaced& getNamespaced(){ return m_nameKeys; } Nameable& getNameable(){ return m_named; } TransformNode& getTransformNode(){ return m_transform; } void attach( scene::Traversable::Observer* observer ){ m_model.attach( observer ); } void detach( scene::Traversable::Observer* observer ){ m_model.detach( observer ); } void renderSolid( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld, bool selected ) const { if ( selected ) { m_renderOrigin.render( renderer, volume, localToWorld ); } renderer.SetState( m_entity.getEntityClass().m_state_wire, Renderer::eWireframeOnly ); } void renderWireframe( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld, bool selected ) const { renderSolid( renderer, volume, localToWorld, selected ); if ( g_showNames ) { renderer.addRenderable( m_renderName, localToWorld ); } } void translate( const Vector3& translation ){ m_origin = origin_translated( m_origin, translation ); } void rotate( const Quaternion& rotation ){ m_angles = angles_rotated( m_angles, rotation ); } void scale( const Vector3& scaling ){ m_scale = scale_scaled( m_scale, scaling ); } void snapto( float snap ){ m_originKey.m_origin = origin_snapped( m_originKey.m_origin, snap ); m_originKey.write( &m_entity ); } void revertTransform(){ m_origin = m_originKey.m_origin; m_angles = m_anglesKey.m_angles; m_scale = m_scaleKey.m_scale; } void freezeTransform(){ m_originKey.m_origin = m_origin; m_originKey.write( &m_entity ); m_anglesKey.m_angles = m_angles; m_anglesKey.write( &m_entity ); m_scaleKey.m_scale = m_scale; m_scaleKey.write( &m_entity ); } void transformChanged(){ revertTransform(); m_evaluateTransform(); updateTransform(); } typedef MemberCaller TransformChangedCaller; }; class MiscModelInstance : public TargetableInstance, public TransformModifier, public Renderable { class TypeCasts { InstanceTypeCastTable m_casts; public: TypeCasts(){ m_casts = TargetableInstance::StaticTypeCasts::instance().get(); InstanceStaticCast::install( m_casts ); InstanceStaticCast::install( m_casts ); InstanceIdentityCast::install( m_casts ); } InstanceTypeCastTable& get(){ return m_casts; } }; MiscModel& m_contained; public: typedef LazyStatic StaticTypeCasts; STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "MiscModelInstance" ); MiscModelInstance( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance* parent, MiscModel& miscmodel ) : TargetableInstance( path, parent, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get(), miscmodel.getEntity(), *this ), TransformModifier( MiscModel::TransformChangedCaller( miscmodel ), ApplyTransformCaller( *this ) ), m_contained( miscmodel ){ m_contained.instanceAttach( Instance::path() ); StaticRenderableConnectionLines::instance().attach( *this ); } ~MiscModelInstance(){ StaticRenderableConnectionLines::instance().detach( *this ); m_contained.instanceDetach( Instance::path() ); } void renderSolid( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume ) const { m_contained.renderSolid( renderer, volume, Instance::localToWorld(), getSelectable().isSelected() ); } void renderWireframe( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume ) const { m_contained.renderWireframe( renderer, volume, Instance::localToWorld(), getSelectable().isSelected() ); } void evaluateTransform(){ if ( getType() == TRANSFORM_PRIMITIVE ) { m_contained.translate( getTranslation() ); m_contained.rotate( getRotation() ); m_contained.scale( getScale() ); } } void applyTransform(){ m_contained.revertTransform(); evaluateTransform(); m_contained.freezeTransform(); } typedef MemberCaller ApplyTransformCaller; }; class MiscModelNode : public scene::Node::Symbiot, public scene::Instantiable, public scene::Cloneable, public scene::Traversable::Observer { class TypeCasts { NodeTypeCastTable m_casts; public: TypeCasts(){ NodeStaticCast::install( m_casts ); NodeStaticCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); } NodeTypeCastTable& get(){ return m_casts; } }; scene::Node m_node; InstanceSet m_instances; MiscModel m_contained; void construct(){ m_contained.attach( this ); } void destroy(){ m_contained.detach( this ); } public: typedef LazyStatic StaticTypeCasts; scene::Traversable& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getTraversable(); } Snappable& get( NullType){ return m_contained; } TransformNode& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getTransformNode(); } Entity& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getEntity(); } Nameable& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getNameable(); } Namespaced& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getNamespaced(); } MiscModelNode( EntityClass* eclass ) : m_node( this, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get() ), m_contained( eclass, m_node, InstanceSet::TransformChangedCaller( m_instances ), InstanceSetEvaluateTransform::Caller( m_instances ) ){ construct(); } MiscModelNode( const MiscModelNode& other ) : scene::Node::Symbiot( other ), scene::Instantiable( other ), scene::Cloneable( other ), scene::Traversable::Observer( other ), m_node( this, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get() ), m_contained( other.m_contained, m_node, InstanceSet::TransformChangedCaller( m_instances ), InstanceSetEvaluateTransform::Caller( m_instances ) ){ construct(); } ~MiscModelNode(){ destroy(); } void release(){ delete this; } scene::Node& node(){ return m_node; } scene::Node& clone() const { return ( new MiscModelNode( *this ) )->node(); } void insert( scene::Node& child ){ m_instances.insert( child ); } void erase( scene::Node& child ){ m_instances.erase( child ); } scene::Instance* create( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance* parent ){ return new MiscModelInstance( path, parent, m_contained ); } void forEachInstance( const scene::Instantiable::Visitor& visitor ){ m_instances.forEachInstance( visitor ); } void insert( scene::Instantiable::Observer* observer, const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance* instance ){ m_instances.insert( observer, path, instance ); } scene::Instance* erase( scene::Instantiable::Observer* observer, const scene::Path& path ){ return m_instances.erase( observer, path ); } }; scene::Node& New_MiscModel( EntityClass* eclass ){ return ( new MiscModelNode( eclass ) )->node(); } void MiscModel_construct(){ } void MiscModel_destroy(){ }