/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "md3.h" #include "ifilesystem.h" #include "imodel.h" #include "imagelib.h" #include "bytestreamutils.h" #include "model.h" #include "ident.h" #include "md3normals.h" // the maximum size of game reletive pathnames #define MAX_QPATH 64 /* ======================================================================== .MD3 triangle model file format ======================================================================== */ const unsigned char MD3_IDENT[4] = { 'I', 'D', 'P', '3', }; #define MD3_VERSION 15 // limits #define MD3_MAX_LODS 4 #define MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES 8192 // per surface #define MD3_MAX_VERTS 4096 // per surface #define MD3_MAX_SHADERS 256 // per surface #define MD3_MAX_FRAMES 1024 // per model #define MD3_MAX_SURFACES 32 // per model #define MD3_MAX_TAGS 16 // per frame // vertex scales #define MD3_XYZ_SCALE (1.f / 64) typedef float float3[3]; void istream_read_float3(PointerInputStream& inputStream, float3 f) { f[0] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); f[1] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); f[2] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); } typedef struct md3Frame_s { float3 bounds[2]; float3 localOrigin; float radius; char name[16]; } md3Frame_t; void istream_read_md3Frame(PointerInputStream& inputStream, md3Frame_t& frame) { istream_read_float3(inputStream, frame.bounds[0]); istream_read_float3(inputStream, frame.bounds[1]); istream_read_float3(inputStream, frame.localOrigin); frame.radius = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast(frame.name), 16); } typedef struct md3Tag_s { char name[MAX_QPATH]; // tag name float3 origin; float3 axis[3]; } md3Tag_t; void istream_read_md3Shader(PointerInputStream& inputStream, md3Tag_t& tag) { inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast(tag.name), MAX_QPATH); istream_read_float3(inputStream, tag.origin); istream_read_float3(inputStream, tag.axis[0]); istream_read_float3(inputStream, tag.axis[1]); istream_read_float3(inputStream, tag.axis[2]); } /* ** md3Surface_t ** ** CHUNK SIZE ** header sizeof( md3Surface_t ) ** shaders sizeof( md3Shader_t ) * numShaders ** triangles[0] sizeof( md3Triangle_t ) * numTriangles ** st sizeof( md3St_t ) * numVerts ** XyzNormals sizeof( md3XyzNormal_t ) * numVerts * numFrames */ typedef struct { char ident[4]; // char name[MAX_QPATH]; // polyset name int flags; int numFrames; // all surfaces in a model should have the same int numShaders; // all surfaces in a model should have the same int numVerts; int numTriangles; int ofsTriangles; int ofsShaders; // offset from start of md3Surface_t int ofsSt; // texture coords are common for all frames int ofsXyzNormals; // numVerts * numFrames int ofsEnd; // next surface follows } md3Surface_t; void istream_read_md3Surface(PointerInputStream& inputStream, md3Surface_t& surface) { inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast(surface.ident), 4); inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast(surface.name), MAX_QPATH); surface.flags = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.numFrames = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.numShaders = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.numVerts = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.numTriangles = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.ofsTriangles = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.ofsShaders = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.ofsSt = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.ofsXyzNormals = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); surface.ofsEnd = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); } typedef struct { char name[MAX_QPATH]; int shaderIndex; // for in-game use } md3Shader_t; void istream_read_md3Shader(PointerInputStream& inputStream, md3Shader_t& shader) { inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast(shader.name), MAX_QPATH); shader.shaderIndex = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); } typedef struct { int indexes[3]; } md3Triangle_t; void istream_read_md3Triangle(PointerInputStream& inputStream, md3Triangle_t& triangle) { triangle.indexes[0] = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); triangle.indexes[1] = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); triangle.indexes[2] = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); } typedef struct { float st[2]; } md3St_t; void istream_read_md3St(PointerInputStream& inputStream, md3St_t& st) { st.st[0] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); st.st[1] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); } typedef struct { short xyz[3]; short normal; } md3XyzNormal_t; void istream_read_md3XyzNormal(PointerInputStream& inputStream, md3XyzNormal_t& xyz) { xyz.xyz[0] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); xyz.xyz[1] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); xyz.xyz[2] = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); xyz.normal = istream_read_int16_le(inputStream); } typedef struct { char ident[4]; int version; char name[MAX_QPATH]; // model name int flags; int numFrames; int numTags; int numSurfaces; int numSkins; int ofsFrames; // offset for first frame int ofsTags; // numFrames * numTags int ofsSurfaces; // first surface, others follow int ofsEnd; // end of file } md3Header_t; void istream_read_md3Header(PointerInputStream& inputStream, md3Header_t& header) { inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast(header.ident), 4); header.version = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); inputStream.read(reinterpret_cast(header.name), MAX_QPATH); header.flags = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.numFrames = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.numTags = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.numSurfaces = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.numSkins = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofsFrames = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofsTags = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofsSurfaces = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.ofsEnd = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); } int MD3Surface_read(Surface& surface, unsigned char* buffer) { md3Surface_t md3Surface; { PointerInputStream inputStream(buffer); istream_read_md3Surface(inputStream, md3Surface); } { surface.vertices().reserve(md3Surface.numVerts); PointerInputStream xyzNormalStream(buffer + md3Surface.ofsXyzNormals); PointerInputStream stStream(buffer + md3Surface.ofsSt); // read verts into vertex array - xyz, st, normal for(int i = 0; i < md3Surface.numVerts; i++) { md3XyzNormal_t md3Xyz; istream_read_md3XyzNormal(xyzNormalStream, md3Xyz); md3St_t md3St; istream_read_md3St(stStream, md3St); surface.vertices().push_back( ArbitraryMeshVertex( Vertex3f( md3Xyz.xyz[0] * MD3_XYZ_SCALE, md3Xyz.xyz[1] * MD3_XYZ_SCALE, md3Xyz.xyz[2] * MD3_XYZ_SCALE), DecodeNormal(reinterpret_cast(&md3Xyz.normal)), TexCoord2f(md3St.st[0], md3St.st[1]) ) ); } } { surface.indices().reserve(md3Surface.numTriangles * 3); PointerInputStream inputStream(buffer + md3Surface.ofsTriangles); for(int i = 0; i < md3Surface.numTriangles; i++) { md3Triangle_t md3Triangle; istream_read_md3Triangle(inputStream, md3Triangle); surface.indices().insert(md3Triangle.indexes[0]); surface.indices().insert(md3Triangle.indexes[1]); surface.indices().insert(md3Triangle.indexes[2]); } } { md3Shader_t md3Shader; { PointerInputStream inputStream(buffer + md3Surface.ofsShaders); istream_read_md3Shader(inputStream, md3Shader); } surface.setShader(md3Shader.name); } surface.updateAABB(); return md3Surface.ofsEnd; } void MD3Model_read(Model& model, unsigned char* buffer) { md3Header_t md3Header; { PointerInputStream inputStream(buffer); istream_read_md3Header(inputStream, md3Header); } unsigned char* surfacePosition = buffer + md3Header.ofsSurfaces; for(int i = 0; i != md3Header.numSurfaces; ++i) { surfacePosition += MD3Surface_read(model.newSurface(), surfacePosition); } model.updateAABB(); } scene::Node& MD3Model_new(unsigned char* buffer) { ModelNode* modelNode = new ModelNode(); MD3Model_read(modelNode->model(), buffer); return modelNode->node(); } scene::Node& MD3Model_default() { ModelNode* modelNode = new ModelNode(); Model_constructNull(modelNode->model()); return modelNode->node(); } scene::Node& MD3Model_fromBuffer(unsigned char* buffer) { if (!ident_equal(buffer, MD3_IDENT)) { globalErrorStream() << "MD3 read error: incorrect ident\n"; return MD3Model_default(); } else { return MD3Model_new(buffer); } } scene::Node& loadMD3Model(ArchiveFile& file) { ScopedArchiveBuffer buffer(file); return MD3Model_fromBuffer(buffer.buffer); }