/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "mdl.h" #include "ifilesystem.h" #include "imodel.h" #include "imagelib.h" #include "bytestreamutils.h" #include "model.h" #include "ident.h" #include "mdlnormals.h" #include "mdlformat.h" void istream_read_mdlHeader(PointerInputStream &inputStream, mdlHeader_t &header) { inputStream.read(header.ident, 4); header.version = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.scale[0] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.scale[1] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.scale[2] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.scale_origin[0] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.scale_origin[1] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.scale_origin[2] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.boundingradius = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.eyeposition[0] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.eyeposition[1] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.eyeposition[2] = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); header.numskins = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.skinwidth = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.skinheight = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.numverts = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.numtris = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.numframes = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.synctype = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.flags = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); header.size = istream_read_float32_le(inputStream); } inline ArbitraryMeshVertex MDLVertex_construct(const mdlHeader_t &header, const mdlXyzNormal_t &xyz, const mdlSt_t &st, bool facesfront) { return ArbitraryMeshVertex( Vertex3f( xyz.v[0] * header.scale[0] + header.scale_origin[0], xyz.v[1] * header.scale[1] + header.scale_origin[1], xyz.v[2] * header.scale[2] + header.scale_origin[2] ), Normal3f( g_mdl_normals[xyz.lightnormalindex][0], g_mdl_normals[xyz.lightnormalindex][1], g_mdl_normals[xyz.lightnormalindex][2] ), TexCoord2f( ((float) st.s / header.skinwidth) + ((st.onseam == MDL_ONSEAM && !facesfront) ? 0.5f : 0.0f), (float) st.t / header.skinheight ) ); } class mdlVertex_t { public: inline mdlVertex_t(int vertindex, int facesfront) : m_vertindex(vertindex), m_facesfront(facesfront) {} inline bool operator<(const mdlVertex_t &other) const { if (m_facesfront < other.m_facesfront) { return true; } if (other.m_facesfront < m_facesfront) { return false; } if (m_vertindex < other.m_vertindex) { return true; } if (other.m_vertindex < m_vertindex) { return false; } return false; } inline bool operator==(const mdlVertex_t &other) const { return m_vertindex == other.m_vertindex && m_facesfront == other.m_facesfront; } int m_vertindex; int m_facesfront; }; typedef const mdlTriangle_t *mdlTriangleIterator; void MDLSurface_read(Surface &surface, const byte *buffer, const char *name) { mdlHeader_t header; PointerInputStream inputStream(buffer); istream_read_mdlHeader(inputStream, header); for (int i = 0; i < header.numskins; ++i) { switch (istream_read_int32_le(inputStream)) { case MDL_SKIN_SINGLE: inputStream.seek(header.skinwidth * header.skinheight); break; case MDL_SKIN_GROUP: int numskins = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); inputStream.seek(numskins * (4 + (header.skinwidth * header.skinheight))); break; } } Array mdlSts(header.numverts); for (Array::iterator i = mdlSts.begin(); i != mdlSts.end(); ++i) { (*i).onseam = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); (*i).s = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); (*i).t = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); } Array mdlTriangles(header.numtris); for (Array::iterator i = mdlTriangles.begin(); i != mdlTriangles.end(); ++i) { (*i).facesfront = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); (*i).vertindex[0] = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); (*i).vertindex[1] = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); (*i).vertindex[2] = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); } { bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < header.numframes && found == false; i++) { switch (istream_read_int32_le(inputStream)) { case MDL_FRAME_SINGLE: inputStream.seek(MDL_FRAME_SIZE); found = true; break; case MDL_FRAME_GROUP: int numframes = istream_read_int32_le(inputStream); inputStream.seek((MDL_XYZNORMAL_SIZE * 2) + (numframes * 4)); found = true; break; } } } Array mdlXyzNormals(header.numtris); for (Array::iterator i = mdlXyzNormals.begin(); i != mdlXyzNormals.end(); ++i) { inputStream.read((*i).v, 3); inputStream.read(&(*i).lightnormalindex, 1); } { VertexBuffer mdl_vertices; { UniqueVertexBuffer inserter(mdl_vertices); for (Array::iterator i = mdlTriangles.begin(); i != mdlTriangles.end(); ++i) { surface.indices().insert(inserter.insert(mdlVertex_t((*i).vertindex[0], (*i).facesfront))); surface.indices().insert(inserter.insert(mdlVertex_t((*i).vertindex[1], (*i).facesfront))); surface.indices().insert(inserter.insert(mdlVertex_t((*i).vertindex[2], (*i).facesfront))); } } { surface.vertices().reserve(mdl_vertices.size()); for (VertexBuffer::iterator i = mdl_vertices.begin(); i != mdl_vertices.end(); ++i) { surface.vertices().push_back( MDLVertex_construct(header, mdlXyzNormals[(*i).m_vertindex], mdlSts[(*i).m_vertindex], (*i).m_facesfront == MDL_FACES_FRONT)); } } } surface.setShader(name); surface.updateAABB(); } void MDLModel_read(Model &model, const byte *buffer, const char *name) { MDLSurface_read(model.newSurface(), buffer, name); model.updateAABB(); } scene::Node &MDLModel_new(const byte *buffer, const char *name) { ModelNode *modelNode = new ModelNode(); MDLModel_read(modelNode->model(), buffer, name); return modelNode->node(); } scene::Node &MDLModel_default() { ModelNode *modelNode = new ModelNode(); Model_constructNull(modelNode->model()); return modelNode->node(); } scene::Node &MDLModel_fromBuffer(unsigned char *buffer, const char *name) { if (!ident_equal(buffer, MDL_IDENT)) { globalErrorStream() << "MDL read error: incorrect ident\n"; return MDLModel_default(); } else { return MDLModel_new(buffer, name); } } scene::Node &loadMDLModel(ArchiveFile &file) { ScopedArchiveBuffer buffer(file); return MDLModel_fromBuffer(buffer.buffer, file.getName()); }