/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "brushmodule.h" #include "qerplugin.h" #include "brushnode.h" #include "brushmanip.h" #include "preferencesystem.h" #include "stringio.h" #include "map.h" #include "qe3.h" #include "mainframe.h" #include "preferences.h" LatchedValue g_useAlternativeTextureProjection( false, "Use alternative texture-projection (\"brush primitives\")" ); bool g_showAlternativeTextureProjectionOption = false; bool g_brush_always_caulk; bool getTextureLockEnabled(){ return g_brush_texturelock_enabled; } struct Face_SnapPlanes { static void Export(const QuantiseFunc &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(self == quantiseInteger); } static void Import(QuantiseFunc &self, bool value) { self = value ? quantiseInteger : quantiseFloating; } }; void Brush_constructPreferences( PreferencesPage& page ){ page.appendCheckBox( "", "Snap planes to integer grid", make_property(Face::m_quantise) ); page.appendEntry( "Default texture scale", g_texdef_default_scale ); if ( g_showAlternativeTextureProjectionOption ) { page.appendCheckBox( "", "Use alternative texture-projection (\"brush primitives\")", make_property(g_useAlternativeTextureProjection) ); } // d1223m page.appendCheckBox( "", "Always use caulk for new brushes", g_brush_always_caulk ); } void Brush_constructPage( PreferenceGroup& group ){ PreferencesPage page( group.createPage( "Brush", "Brush Settings" ) ); Brush_constructPreferences( page ); } void Brush_registerPreferencesPage(){ PreferencesDialog_addSettingsPage( makeCallbackF(Brush_constructPage) ); } void Brush_unlatchPreferences(){ Brush_toggleFormat( 0 ); } void Brush_toggleFormat( int i ){ if ( g_showAlternativeTextureProjectionOption ) { g_useAlternativeTextureProjection.m_value = g_useAlternativeTextureProjection.m_latched ^ i; Brush::destroyStatic(); Brush::constructStatic( g_useAlternativeTextureProjection.m_value ? eBrushTypeQuake3BP : eBrushTypeQuake3 ); } } int Brush_toggleFormatCount(){ if ( g_showAlternativeTextureProjectionOption ) { return 2; } return 1; } void Brush_Construct( EBrushType type ){ if ( type == eBrushTypeQuake3 ) { g_showAlternativeTextureProjectionOption = true; const char *value = g_pGameDescription->getKeyValue( "brush_primit" ); if ( !string_empty( value ) ) { g_useAlternativeTextureProjection.m_latched = atoi( value ); } GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "AlternativeTextureProjection", make_property_string( g_useAlternativeTextureProjection.m_latched ) ); g_useAlternativeTextureProjection.useLatched(); if ( g_useAlternativeTextureProjection.m_value ) { type = eBrushTypeQuake3BP; } // d1223m GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "BrushAlwaysCaulk", make_property_string( g_brush_always_caulk ) ); } Brush_registerCommands(); Brush_registerPreferencesPage(); BrushFilters_construct(); BrushClipPlane::constructStatic(); BrushInstance::constructStatic(); Brush::constructStatic( type ); Brush::m_maxWorldCoord = g_MaxWorldCoord; BrushInstance::m_counter = &g_brushCount; g_texdef_default_scale = 0.5f; const char* value = g_pGameDescription->getKeyValue( "default_scale" ); if ( !string_empty( value ) ) { float scale = static_cast( atof( value ) ); if ( scale != 0 ) { g_texdef_default_scale = scale; } else { globalErrorStream() << "error parsing \"default_scale\" attribute\n"; } } GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "TextureLock", make_property_string( g_brush_texturelock_enabled ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference("BrushSnapPlanes", make_property_string(Face::m_quantise)); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "TexdefDefaultScale", make_property_string( g_texdef_default_scale ) ); GridStatus_getTextureLockEnabled = getTextureLockEnabled; g_texture_lock_status_changed = makeCallbackF(GridStatus_onTextureLockEnabledChanged); } void Brush_Destroy(){ Brush::m_maxWorldCoord = 0; BrushInstance::m_counter = 0; Brush::destroyStatic(); BrushInstance::destroyStatic(); BrushClipPlane::destroyStatic(); } void Brush_clipperColourChanged(){ BrushClipPlane::destroyStatic(); BrushClipPlane::constructStatic(); } void BrushFaceData_fromFace( const BrushFaceDataCallback& callback, Face& face ){ _QERFaceData faceData; faceData.m_p0 = face.getPlane().planePoints()[0]; faceData.m_p1 = face.getPlane().planePoints()[1]; faceData.m_p2 = face.getPlane().planePoints()[2]; faceData.m_shader = face.GetShader(); faceData.m_texdef = face.getTexdef().m_projection.m_texdef; faceData.contents = face.getShader().m_flags.m_contentFlags; faceData.flags = face.getShader().m_flags.m_surfaceFlags; faceData.value = face.getShader().m_flags.m_value; callback( faceData ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller BrushFaceDataFromFaceCaller; typedef Callback FaceCallback; class Quake3BrushCreator : public BrushCreator { public: scene::Node& createBrush(){ return ( new BrushNode )->node(); } bool useAlternativeTextureProjection() const { return g_useAlternativeTextureProjection.m_value; } void Brush_forEachFace( scene::Node& brush, const BrushFaceDataCallback& callback ){ ::Brush_forEachFace( *Node_getBrush( brush ), FaceCallback( BrushFaceDataFromFaceCaller( callback ) ) ); } bool Brush_addFace( scene::Node& brush, const _QERFaceData& faceData ){ Node_getBrush( brush )->undoSave(); return Node_getBrush( brush )->addPlane( faceData.m_p0, faceData.m_p1, faceData.m_p2, faceData.m_shader, TextureProjection( faceData.m_texdef, brushprimit_texdef_t(), Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ), Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ) ) ) != 0; } }; Quake3BrushCreator g_Quake3BrushCreator; BrushCreator& GetBrushCreator(){ return g_Quake3BrushCreator; } #include "modulesystem/singletonmodule.h" #include "modulesystem/moduleregistry.h" class BrushDependencies : public GlobalRadiantModuleRef, public GlobalSceneGraphModuleRef, public GlobalShaderCacheModuleRef, public GlobalSelectionModuleRef, public GlobalOpenGLModuleRef, public GlobalUndoModuleRef, public GlobalFilterModuleRef { }; class BrushDoom3API : public TypeSystemRef { BrushCreator* m_brushdoom3; public: typedef BrushCreator Type; STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "doom3" ); BrushDoom3API(){ Brush_Construct( eBrushTypeDoom3 ); m_brushdoom3 = &GetBrushCreator(); } ~BrushDoom3API(){ Brush_Destroy(); } BrushCreator* getTable(){ return m_brushdoom3; } }; typedef SingletonModule BrushDoom3Module; typedef Static StaticBrushDoom3Module; StaticRegisterModule staticRegisterBrushDoom3( StaticBrushDoom3Module::instance() ); class BrushQuake4API : public TypeSystemRef { BrushCreator* m_brushquake4; public: typedef BrushCreator Type; STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "quake4" ); BrushQuake4API(){ Brush_Construct( eBrushTypeQuake4 ); m_brushquake4 = &GetBrushCreator(); } ~BrushQuake4API(){ Brush_Destroy(); } BrushCreator* getTable(){ return m_brushquake4; } }; typedef SingletonModule BrushQuake4Module; typedef Static StaticBrushQuake4Module; StaticRegisterModule staticRegisterBrushQuake4( StaticBrushQuake4Module::instance() ); class BrushQuake3API : public TypeSystemRef { BrushCreator* m_brushquake3; public: typedef BrushCreator Type; STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "quake3" ); BrushQuake3API(){ Brush_Construct( eBrushTypeQuake3 ); m_brushquake3 = &GetBrushCreator(); } ~BrushQuake3API(){ Brush_Destroy(); } BrushCreator* getTable(){ return m_brushquake3; } }; typedef SingletonModule BrushQuake3Module; typedef Static StaticBrushQuake3Module; StaticRegisterModule staticRegisterBrushQuake3( StaticBrushQuake3Module::instance() ); class BrushQuake2API : public TypeSystemRef { BrushCreator* m_brushquake2; public: typedef BrushCreator Type; STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "quake2" ); BrushQuake2API(){ Brush_Construct( eBrushTypeQuake2 ); m_brushquake2 = &GetBrushCreator(); } ~BrushQuake2API(){ Brush_Destroy(); } BrushCreator* getTable(){ return m_brushquake2; } }; typedef SingletonModule BrushQuake2Module; typedef Static StaticBrushQuake2Module; StaticRegisterModule staticRegisterBrushQuake2( StaticBrushQuake2Module::instance() ); class BrushQuake1API : public TypeSystemRef { BrushCreator* m_brushquake1; public: typedef BrushCreator Type; STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "quake" ); BrushQuake1API(){ Brush_Construct( eBrushTypeQuake ); m_brushquake1 = &GetBrushCreator(); } ~BrushQuake1API(){ Brush_Destroy(); } BrushCreator* getTable(){ return m_brushquake1; } }; typedef SingletonModule BrushQuake1Module; typedef Static StaticBrushQuake1Module; StaticRegisterModule staticRegisterBrushQuake1( StaticBrushQuake1Module::instance() ); class BrushHalfLifeAPI : public TypeSystemRef { BrushCreator* m_brushhalflife; public: typedef BrushCreator Type; STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "halflife" ); BrushHalfLifeAPI(){ Brush_Construct( eBrushTypeHalfLife ); m_brushhalflife = &GetBrushCreator(); } ~BrushHalfLifeAPI(){ Brush_Destroy(); } BrushCreator* getTable(){ return m_brushhalflife; } }; typedef SingletonModule BrushHalfLifeModule; typedef Static StaticBrushHalfLifeModule; StaticRegisterModule staticRegisterBrushHalfLife( StaticBrushHalfLifeModule::instance() );