/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if !defined( INCLUDED_MAINFRAME_H ) #define INCLUDED_MAINFRAME_H #include #include "gtkutil/window.h" #include "gtkutil/idledraw.h" #include "gtkutil/widget.h" #include "string/string.h" #include "qerplugin.h" class IPlugIn; class IToolbarButton; class XYWnd; class CamWnd; class ZWnd; const int c_command_status = 0; const int c_position_status = 1; const int c_brushcount_status = 2; const int c_texture_status = 3; const int c_grid_status = 4; const int c_count_status = 5; class MainFrame { public: enum EViewStyle { eRegular = 0, eFloating = 1, eSplit = 2, eRegularLeft = 3, }; MainFrame(); ~MainFrame(); ui::Window m_window{ui::null}; CopiedString m_command_status; CopiedString m_position_status; CopiedString m_brushcount_status; CopiedString m_texture_status; CopiedString m_grid_status; private: void Create(); void SaveWindowInfo(); void Shutdown(); ui::Widget m_vSplit{ui::null}; ui::Widget m_hSplit{ui::null}; ui::Widget m_vSplit2{ui::null}; XYWnd *m_pXYWnd; XYWnd *m_pYZWnd; XYWnd *m_pXZWnd; CamWnd *m_pCamWnd; ZWnd *m_pZWnd; XYWnd *m_pActiveXY; bool m_bSleeping; void *m_pStatusLabel[c_count_status]; EViewStyle m_nCurrentStyle; WindowPositionTracker m_position_tracker; IdleDraw m_idleRedrawStatusText; public: bool IsSleeping() { return m_bSleeping; } void OnSleep(); void SetStatusText(CopiedString &status_text, const char *pText); void UpdateStatusText(); void RedrawStatusText(); typedef MemberCaller RedrawStatusTextCaller; void SetGridStatus(); typedef MemberCaller SetGridStatusCaller; void SetActiveXY(XYWnd *p); XYWnd *ActiveXY() { return m_pActiveXY; }; XYWnd *GetXYWnd() { return m_pXYWnd; } XYWnd *GetXZWnd() { return m_pXZWnd; } XYWnd *GetYZWnd() { return m_pYZWnd; } ZWnd *GetZWnd() { return m_pZWnd; } CamWnd *GetCamWnd() { return m_pCamWnd; } void ReleaseContexts(); void CreateContexts(); EViewStyle CurrentStyle() { return m_nCurrentStyle; }; bool FloatingGroupDialog() { return CurrentStyle() == eFloating || CurrentStyle() == eSplit; }; }; extern MainFrame *g_pParentWnd; ui::Window MainFrame_getWindow(); enum EMouseButtonMode { ETwoButton = 0, EThreeButton = 1, }; struct glwindow_globals_t { int m_nMouseType; glwindow_globals_t() : m_nMouseType(EThreeButton) { } }; void GLWindow_Construct(); void GLWindow_Destroy(); extern glwindow_globals_t g_glwindow_globals; template class LatchedValue; extern LatchedValue g_Layout_enableDetachableMenus; void deleteSelection(); void Sys_Status(const char *status); void ScreenUpdates_Disable(const char *message, const char *title); void ScreenUpdates_Enable(); bool ScreenUpdates_Enabled(); void ScreenUpdates_process(); class ScopeDisableScreenUpdates { public: ScopeDisableScreenUpdates(const char *message, const char *title) { ScreenUpdates_Disable(message, title); } ~ScopeDisableScreenUpdates() { ScreenUpdates_Enable(); } }; void EnginePath_Realise(); void EnginePath_Unrealise(); class ModuleObserver; void Radiant_attachEnginePathObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); void Radiant_detachEnginePathObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); void Radiant_attachGameToolsPathObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); void Radiant_detachGameToolsPathObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); extern CopiedString g_strEnginePath; void EnginePath_verify(); const char *EnginePath_get(); const char *QERApp_GetGamePath(); extern bool g_disableEnginePath; extern bool g_disableHomePath; const int g_pakPathCount = 5; extern CopiedString g_strPakPath[g_pakPathCount]; const char *PakPath_get(int num); extern CopiedString g_strAppPath; const char *AppPath_get(); extern CopiedString g_strSettingsPath; const char *SettingsPath_get(); const char *LocalRcPath_get(void); const char *const g_pluginsDir = "plugins/"; ///< name of plugins directory, always sub-directory of toolspath const char *const g_modulesDir = "modules/"; ///< name of modules directory, always sub-directory of toolspath extern CopiedString g_strGameToolsPath; const char *GameToolsPath_get(); void Radiant_Initialise(); void Radiant_Shutdown(); void SaveMapAs(); void XY_UpdateAllWindows(); void UpdateAllWindows(); void ClipperChangeNotify(); void DefaultMode(); const char *basegame_get(); const char *gamename_get(); void gamename_set(const char *gamename); void Radiant_attachGameNameObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); void Radiant_detachGameNameObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); const char *gamemode_get(); void gamemode_set(const char *gamemode); void Radiant_attachGameModeObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); void Radiant_detachGameModeObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); void VFS_Refresh(); void VFS_Restart(); void VFS_Construct(); void VFS_Destroy(); void HomePaths_Construct(); void HomePaths_Destroy(); void Radiant_attachHomePathsObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); void Radiant_detachHomePathsObserver(ModuleObserver &observer); void MainFrame_Construct(); void MainFrame_Destroy(); extern float ( *GridStatus_getGridSize )(); extern int ( *GridStatus_getRotateIncrement )(); extern int ( *GridStatus_getFarClipDistance )(); extern bool ( *GridStatus_getTextureLockEnabled )(); void GridStatus_onTextureLockEnabledChanged(); SignalHandlerId XYWindowDestroyed_connect(const SignalHandler &handler); void XYWindowDestroyed_disconnect(SignalHandlerId id); MouseEventHandlerId XYWindowMouseDown_connect(const MouseEventHandler &handler); void XYWindowMouseDown_disconnect(MouseEventHandlerId id); extern ui::Widget g_page_entity; #endif