/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "nullmodel.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include "iscenegraph.h" #include "irender.h" #include "iselection.h" #include "iundo.h" #include "ientity.h" #include "ireference.h" #include "igl.h" #include "cullable.h" #include "renderable.h" #include "selectable.h" #include "math/frustum.h" #include "scenelib.h" #include "instancelib.h" #include "entitylib.h" class NullModel : public Bounded, public Cullable { Shader *m_state; AABB m_aabb_local; RenderableSolidAABB m_aabb_solid; RenderableWireframeAABB m_aabb_wire; public: NullModel() : m_aabb_local(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(8, 8, 8)), m_aabb_solid(m_aabb_local), m_aabb_wire(m_aabb_local) { m_state = GlobalShaderCache().capture(""); } ~NullModel() { GlobalShaderCache().release(""); } VolumeIntersectionValue intersectVolume(const VolumeTest &volume, const Matrix4 &localToWorld) const { return volume.TestAABB(m_aabb_local, localToWorld); } const AABB &localAABB() const { return m_aabb_local; } void renderSolid(Renderer &renderer, const VolumeTest &volume, const Matrix4 &localToWorld) const { renderer.SetState(m_state, Renderer::eFullMaterials); renderer.addRenderable(m_aabb_solid, localToWorld); } void renderWireframe(Renderer &renderer, const VolumeTest &volume, const Matrix4 &localToWorld) const { renderer.addRenderable(m_aabb_wire, localToWorld); } void testSelect(Selector &selector, SelectionTest &test, const Matrix4 &localToWorld) { test.BeginMesh(localToWorld); SelectionIntersection best; aabb_testselect(m_aabb_local, test, best); if (best.valid()) { selector.addIntersection(best); } } }; class NullModelInstance : public scene::Instance, public Renderable, public SelectionTestable { class TypeCasts { InstanceTypeCastTable m_casts; public: TypeCasts() { InstanceContainedCast::install(m_casts); InstanceContainedCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install(m_casts); } InstanceTypeCastTable &get() { return m_casts; } }; NullModel &m_nullmodel; public: typedef LazyStatic StaticTypeCasts; Bounded &get(NullType) { return m_nullmodel; } Cullable &get(NullType) { return m_nullmodel; } NullModelInstance(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance *parent, NullModel &nullmodel) : Instance(path, parent, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get()), m_nullmodel(nullmodel) { } void renderSolid(Renderer &renderer, const VolumeTest &volume) const { m_nullmodel.renderSolid(renderer, volume, Instance::localToWorld()); } void renderWireframe(Renderer &renderer, const VolumeTest &volume) const { m_nullmodel.renderWireframe(renderer, volume, Instance::localToWorld()); } void testSelect(Selector &selector, SelectionTest &test) { m_nullmodel.testSelect(selector, test, Instance::localToWorld()); } }; class NullModelNode : public scene::Node::Symbiot, public scene::Instantiable { class TypeCasts { NodeTypeCastTable m_casts; public: TypeCasts() { NodeStaticCast::install(m_casts); } NodeTypeCastTable &get() { return m_casts; } }; scene::Node m_node; InstanceSet m_instances; NullModel m_nullmodel; public: typedef LazyStatic StaticTypeCasts; NullModelNode() : m_node(this, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get()) { m_node.m_isRoot = true; } void release() { delete this; } scene::Node &node() { return m_node; } scene::Instance *create(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance *parent) { return new NullModelInstance(path, parent, m_nullmodel); } void forEachInstance(const scene::Instantiable::Visitor &visitor) { m_instances.forEachInstance(visitor); } void insert(scene::Instantiable::Observer *observer, const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance *instance) { m_instances.insert(observer, path, instance); } scene::Instance *erase(scene::Instantiable::Observer *observer, const scene::Path &path) { return m_instances.erase(observer, path); } }; NodeSmartReference NewNullModel() { return NodeSmartReference((new NullModelNode)->node()); } void NullModel_construct() { } void NullModel_destroy() { }