/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "scenegraph.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include #include #include #include "string/string.h" #include "signal/signal.h" #include "scenelib.h" #include "instancelib.h" #include "treemodel.h" template class TypeIdMap { typedef const char* TypeName; typedef TypeName TypeNames[SIZE]; TypeNames m_typeNames; TypeName* m_typeNamesEnd; public: TypeIdMap() : m_typeNamesEnd( m_typeNames ){ } TypeId getTypeId( const char* name ){ TypeName *i = std::find_if(m_typeNames, m_typeNamesEnd, [&](const char *other) { return string_equal(name, other); }); if ( i == m_typeNamesEnd ) { ASSERT_MESSAGE( m_typeNamesEnd != m_typeNames + SIZE, "reached maximum number of type names supported (" << Unsigned( SIZE ) << ")" ); *m_typeNamesEnd++ = name; } return i - m_typeNames; } }; class CompiledGraph : public scene::Graph, public scene::Instantiable::Observer { typedef std::map InstanceMap; InstanceMap m_instances; scene::Instantiable::Observer* m_observer; Signal0 m_boundsChanged; scene::Path m_rootpath; Signal0 m_sceneChangedCallbacks; TypeIdMap m_nodeTypeIds; TypeIdMap m_instanceTypeIds; public: CompiledGraph( scene::Instantiable::Observer* observer ) : m_observer( observer ){ } void addSceneChangedCallback( const SignalHandler& handler ){ m_sceneChangedCallbacks.connectLast( handler ); } void sceneChanged(){ m_sceneChangedCallbacks(); } scene::Node& root(){ ASSERT_MESSAGE( !m_rootpath.empty(), "scenegraph root does not exist" ); return m_rootpath.top(); } void insert_root( scene::Node& root ){ //globalOutputStream() << "insert_root\n"; ASSERT_MESSAGE( m_rootpath.empty(), "scenegraph root already exists" ); root.IncRef(); Node_traverseSubgraph( root, InstanceSubgraphWalker( this, scene::Path(), 0 ) ); m_rootpath.push( makeReference( root ) ); } void erase_root(){ //globalOutputStream() << "erase_root\n"; ASSERT_MESSAGE( !m_rootpath.empty(), "scenegraph root does not exist" ); scene::Node& root = m_rootpath.top(); m_rootpath.pop(); Node_traverseSubgraph( root, UninstanceSubgraphWalker( this, scene::Path() ) ); root.DecRef(); } void boundsChanged(){ m_boundsChanged(); } void traverse( const Walker& walker ){ traverse_subgraph( walker, m_instances.begin() ); } void traverse_subgraph( const Walker& walker, const scene::Path& start ){ if ( !m_instances.empty() ) { traverse_subgraph( walker, m_instances.find( PathConstReference( start ) ) ); } } scene::Instance* find( const scene::Path& path ){ InstanceMap::iterator i = m_instances.find( PathConstReference( path ) ); if ( i == m_instances.end() ) { return 0; } return ( *i ).second; } void insert( scene::Instance* instance ){ m_instances.insert( InstanceMap::value_type( PathConstReference( instance->path() ), instance ) ); m_observer->insert( instance ); } void erase( scene::Instance* instance ){ m_observer->erase( instance ); m_instances.erase( PathConstReference( instance->path() ) ); } SignalHandlerId addBoundsChangedCallback( const SignalHandler& boundsChanged ){ return m_boundsChanged.connectLast( boundsChanged ); } void removeBoundsChangedCallback( SignalHandlerId id ){ m_boundsChanged.disconnect( id ); } TypeId getNodeTypeId( const char* name ){ return m_nodeTypeIds.getTypeId( name ); } TypeId getInstanceTypeId( const char* name ){ return m_instanceTypeIds.getTypeId( name ); } private: bool pre( const Walker& walker, const InstanceMap::iterator& i ){ return walker.pre( i->first, *i->second ); } void post( const Walker& walker, const InstanceMap::iterator& i ){ walker.post( i->first, *i->second ); } void traverse_subgraph( const Walker& walker, InstanceMap::iterator i ){ Stack stack; if ( i != m_instances.end() ) { const std::size_t startSize = ( *i ).first.get().size(); do { if ( i != m_instances.end() && stack.size() < ( ( *i ).first.get().size() - startSize + 1 ) ) { stack.push( i ); ++i; if ( !pre( walker, stack.top() ) ) { // skip subgraph while ( i != m_instances.end() && stack.size() < ( ( *i ).first.get().size() - startSize + 1 ) ) { ++i; } } } else { post( walker, stack.top() ); stack.pop(); } } while ( !stack.empty() ); } } }; namespace { CompiledGraph* g_sceneGraph; GraphTreeModel* g_tree_model; } GraphTreeModel* scene_graph_get_tree_model(){ return g_tree_model; } class SceneGraphObserver : public scene::Instantiable::Observer { public: void insert( scene::Instance* instance ){ g_sceneGraph->sceneChanged(); graph_tree_model_insert( g_tree_model, *instance ); } void erase( scene::Instance* instance ){ g_sceneGraph->sceneChanged(); graph_tree_model_erase( g_tree_model, *instance ); } }; SceneGraphObserver g_SceneGraphObserver; void SceneGraph_Construct(){ g_tree_model = graph_tree_model_new(); g_sceneGraph = new CompiledGraph( &g_SceneGraphObserver ); } void SceneGraph_Destroy(){ delete g_sceneGraph; graph_tree_model_delete( g_tree_model ); } #include "modulesystem/singletonmodule.h" #include "modulesystem/moduleregistry.h" class SceneGraphAPI { scene::Graph* m_scenegraph; public: typedef scene::Graph Type; STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "*" ); SceneGraphAPI(){ SceneGraph_Construct(); m_scenegraph = g_sceneGraph; } ~SceneGraphAPI(){ SceneGraph_Destroy(); } scene::Graph* getTable(){ return m_scenegraph; } }; typedef SingletonModule SceneGraphModule; typedef Static StaticSceneGraphModule; StaticRegisterModule staticRegisterSceneGraph( StaticSceneGraphModule::instance() );