/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "stacktrace.h" #include "stream/textstream.h" #include "environment.h" #if defined (WIN32) && defined (_MSC_VER) #include "windows.h" #include "winnt.h" #include "dbghelp.h" class Address { public: void* m_value; Address(void* value) : m_value(value) { } }; /// \brief Writes an address \p p to \p ostream in hexadecimal form. template inline TextOutputStreamType& ostream_write(TextOutputStreamType& ostream, const Address& p) { const std::size_t bufferSize = (sizeof(void*) * 2) + 1; char buf[bufferSize]; ostream.write(buf, snprintf(buf, bufferSize, "%0p", p.m_value)); return ostream; } class Offset { public: void* m_value; Offset(void* value) : m_value(value) { } }; /// \brief Writes an address \p p to \p ostream in hexadecimal form. template inline TextOutputStreamType& ostream_write(TextOutputStreamType& ostream, const Offset& p) { const std::size_t bufferSize = (sizeof(void*) * 2) + 1; char buf[bufferSize]; ostream.write(buf, snprintf(buf, bufferSize, "%X", p.m_value)); return ostream; } /// \brief Writes a WCHAR string \p s to \p ostream. template inline TextOutputStreamType& ostream_write(TextOutputStreamType& ostream, const WCHAR* s) { const std::size_t bufferSize = 1024; char buf[bufferSize]; ostream.write(buf, snprintf(buf, bufferSize, "%ls", s)); return ostream; } struct EnumerateSymbolsContext { STACKFRAME& sf; TextOutputStream& outputStream; std::size_t count; EnumerateSymbolsContext(STACKFRAME& sf, TextOutputStream& outputStream) : sf(sf), outputStream(outputStream), count(0) { } }; void write_symbol(PSYMBOL_INFO pSym, STACKFRAME& sf, TextOutputStream& outputStream, std::size_t& count) { if ( pSym->Flags & SYMFLAG_PARAMETER ) { #if 0 DWORD basicType; if ( SymGetTypeInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), pSym->ModBase, pSym->TypeIndex, TI_GET_BASETYPE, &basicType ) ) { int bleh = 0; } else { DWORD typeId; if(SymGetTypeInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), pSym->ModBase, pSym->TypeIndex, TI_GET_TYPEID, &typeId )) { if ( SymGetTypeInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), pSym->ModBase, pSym->TypeIndex, TI_GET_BASETYPE, &basicType ) ) { int bleh = 0; } else { const char* FormatGetLastError(); const char* error = FormatGetLastError(); int bleh = 0; WCHAR* name; if(SymGetTypeInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), pSym->ModBase, typeId, TI_GET_SYMNAME, &name )) { outputStream << name << " "; LocalFree(name); int bleh = 0; } else { const char* FormatGetLastError(); const char* error = FormatGetLastError(); int bleh = 0; } } } else { const char* FormatGetLastError(); const char* error = FormatGetLastError(); int bleh = 0; } } #endif if(count != 0) { outputStream << ", "; } outputStream << pSym->Name; ++count; } } BOOL CALLBACK EnumerateSymbolsCallback( PSYMBOL_INFO pSymInfo, ULONG SymbolSize, PVOID UserContext ) { write_symbol( pSymInfo, ((EnumerateSymbolsContext*)UserContext)->sf, ((EnumerateSymbolsContext*)UserContext)->outputStream, ((EnumerateSymbolsContext*)UserContext)->count); return TRUE; } void write_stack_trace(PCONTEXT pContext, TextOutputStream& outputStream) { HANDLE m_hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); DWORD dwMachineType = 0; CONTEXT context = *pContext; // Could use SymSetOptions here to add the SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS flag if ( !SymInitialize( m_hProcess, (PSTR)environment_get_app_path(), TRUE ) ) { return; } STACKFRAME sf; memset( &sf, 0, sizeof(sf) ); #ifdef _M_IX86 // Initialize the STACKFRAME structure for the first call. This is only // necessary for Intel CPUs, and isn't mentioned in the documentation. sf.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip; sf.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; sf.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp; sf.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; sf.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp; sf.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; dwMachineType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; #endif while ( 1 ) { // Get the next stack frame if ( ! StackWalk( dwMachineType, m_hProcess, GetCurrentThread(), &sf, &context, 0, SymFunctionTableAccess, SymGetModuleBase, 0 ) ) break; if ( 0 == sf.AddrFrame.Offset ) // Basic sanity check to make sure break; // the frame is OK. Bail if not. // Get the name of the function for this stack frame entry BYTE symbolBuffer[ sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYM_NAME ]; PSYMBOL_INFO pSymbol = (PSYMBOL_INFO)symbolBuffer; pSymbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); pSymbol->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYM_NAME; DWORD64 symDisplacement = 0; // Displacement of the input address, // relative to the start of the symbol IMAGEHLP_MODULE module = { sizeof(IMAGEHLP_MODULE) }; if(SymGetModuleInfo(m_hProcess, sf.AddrPC.Offset, &module)) { outputStream << module.ModuleName << "!"; if ( SymFromAddr(m_hProcess, sf.AddrPC.Offset, &symDisplacement, pSymbol)) { char undecoratedName[MAX_SYM_NAME]; UnDecorateSymbolName(pSymbol->Name, undecoratedName, MAX_SYM_NAME, UNDNAME_COMPLETE); outputStream << undecoratedName; outputStream << "("; // Use SymSetContext to get just the locals/params for this frame IMAGEHLP_STACK_FRAME imagehlpStackFrame; imagehlpStackFrame.InstructionOffset = sf.AddrPC.Offset; SymSetContext( m_hProcess, &imagehlpStackFrame, 0 ); // Enumerate the locals/parameters EnumerateSymbolsContext context(sf, outputStream); SymEnumSymbols( m_hProcess, 0, 0, EnumerateSymbolsCallback, &context ); outputStream << ")"; outputStream << " + " << Offset(reinterpret_cast(symDisplacement)); // Get the source line for this stack frame entry IMAGEHLP_LINE lineInfo = { sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE) }; DWORD dwLineDisplacement; if ( SymGetLineFromAddr( m_hProcess, sf.AddrPC.Offset, &dwLineDisplacement, &lineInfo ) ) { outputStream << " " << lineInfo.FileName << " line " << Unsigned(lineInfo.LineNumber); } } else { outputStream << Address(reinterpret_cast(sf.AddrPC.Offset)); } } outputStream << "\n"; } SymCleanup(m_hProcess); return; } void write_stack_trace(TextOutputStream& outputStream) { __try{ RaiseException(0,0,0,0); } __except(write_stack_trace((GetExceptionInformation())->ContextRecord, outputStream), EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION) {} } #endif