// Xonotic version (formatted for machines) // used to determine if a client version is compatible // this doesn't have to be bumped with every release // bump when clients become incompatible or any other perfectly good reason // (e.g. game data incompatibility, engine version incompatibility, etc // note: this automatically filters the server browser, clients of the new // version won't see old servers, and clients of the old version won't see new // servers either // // e.g. Xonotic 1.5.1 RC1 will be 15101 set g_xonoticversion git "Xonotic version (formatted for humans)" gameversion 802 // 0.8.2 gameversion_min 0 // git builds see all versions gameversion_max 65535 // git builds see all versions // compatibility guideline: // version a.b.c = a0b0c // gameversion_min = a0(b-1)00 // show servers of the previous "line" // gameversion_max = a0(b+1)99 // show servers of the next "line" // so, for a given gameversion, _min and _max calculate as follows: // gameversion_min = (gameversion / 100) * 100 - 100 // gameversion_max = (gameversion / 100) * 100 + 199 seta g_configversion 0 "Configuration file version (used to upgrade settings) 0: first run, or previous start was <2.4.1 Later, it's overridden by config.cfg, version ranges are defined in config_update.cfg" // FIXME i think this is client cvar but it's also marked BADCVAR in server // merge lightmaps up to 2048x2048 textures mod_q3bsp_lightmapmergepower 4 exec defaultClient.cfg exec defaultServer.cfg set ekg 0 "Throw huge amounts of gibs" locs_enable 0 pausable 0 set samelevel 0 "when 1, always play the same level over and over again" // misc fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions 1 // makes patches able to delete files // singleplayer campaign set g_campaign 0 set g_campaign_forceteam 0 "Forces the player to a given team in campaign mode, 1 = red, 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 = pink" seta g_campaign_name "xonoticbeta" seta g_campaign_skill -1 // -2 easy -1 medium 0 hard alias singleplayer_start "g_campaign_index 0; set scmenu_campaign_goto 0" alias singleplayer_continue "set scmenu_campaign_goto -1" alias singleplayer_levellist "set scmenu_campaign_dump 1; togglemenu; wait; togglemenu" // FIXME this is indeed ignored - remove? // so it can be stuffcmd-ed still set cl_gravity 800 "but ignored anyway" // we must change its default from 1.0 to 1 to be consistent with menuqc set slowmo 1 // ticrate //sys_ticrate 0.0166667 // 60fps. This would be ideal, but kills home routers. sys_ticrate 0.0333333 // Use 30fps instead. // FIXME this is client i think? // Audio track names (for old-style "cd loop NUMBER" usage) set _cdtrack_first "1" alias _cdtrack_0 "g_cdtracks_remaplist \"$g_cdtracks_remaplist $1\"" alias _cdtrack_1 "g_cdtracks_remaplist \"$1\"; set _cdtrack_first 0" alias _cdtrack "_cdtrack_$_cdtrack_first $2" set g_cdtracks_remaplist "" exec cdtracks.cfg unset _cdtrack_first unalias _cdtrack_0 unalias _cdtrack_1 unalias _cdtrack cd remap $g_cdtracks_remaplist set sv_intermission_cdtrack "" set g_cdtracks_dontusebydefault "rising-of-the-phoenix" seta menu_cdtrack "rising-of-the-phoenix" // these entities are not referenced by anything directly, they just represent // teams and are found by find() when needed prvm_leaktest_ignore_classnames "ctf_team dom_team tdm_team" prvm_backtraceforwarnings 1 set g_bugrigs 0 set g_bugrigs_planar_movement 1 "BROTRR bug emulation" set g_bugrigs_planar_movement_car_jumping 1 "my own bug" set g_bugrigs_reverse_speeding 1 "BROTRR bug emulation" set g_bugrigs_reverse_spinning 1 "BROTRR bug emulation" set g_bugrigs_reverse_stopping 1 "BROTRR bug emulation" set g_bugrigs_air_steering 1 "NFS bug emulation" set g_bugrigs_angle_smoothing 5 "smooth the car angle a bit, looks nice" set g_bugrigs_friction_floor 50 "units/sec friction on floor" set g_bugrigs_friction_brake 950 "units/sec friction for braking" set g_bugrigs_friction_air 0.00001 "(very small) v <- v - v^2 * g_bugrigs_friction_air" set g_bugrigs_accel 800 "acceleration" set g_bugrigs_speed_ref 400 "reference speed for accel and steer responsiveness" set g_bugrigs_speed_pow 2 "reference power for accel and steer responsiveness" set g_bugrigs_steer 1 "steering amount" set g_ban_sync_uri "" "sync using this ban list provider (empty string to disable)" set g_ban_sync_interval 5 "sync every 5 minutes" set g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" "request ban lists from these xonotic servers (do not include your own server there, or unbanning may fail)" set g_ban_sync_timeout 45 "time out in seconds for the ban sync requests" set g_ban_sync_trusted_servers_verify 0 "when set to 1, additional bans sent by the servers are ignored, and only bans for the requested IP are used" set g_showweaponspawns 1 "1: display waypoints for weapon spawns found on the map when a weapon key is pressed and the weapon is not owned; 2: for dropped weapons too; 3: for all the weapons sharing the same impulse" // ballistics use physical units, but qu based // Quake-Newton: 1 qN = 1 qu * 1 g / 1 s^2 // Quake-Joule: 1 qJ = 1 qN * 1 qu // Quake-Pascal: 1 qPa = 1 qN / 1 qu^2 set g_ballistics_mindistance 2 // enable ballistics starting from 2 qu set g_ballistics_density_player 0.50 // players are 2x as easy to pass as walls set g_ballistics_density_corpse 0.10 // corpses are 10x as easy to pass as walls set g_ballistics_penetrate_clips 0 "allow ballistics to pass through weapon clips" set cl_stripcolorcodes 0 "experimental feature (notes: strips ALL color codes from messages!)" sv_status_show_qcstatus 1 "Xonotic uses this field instead of frags" set g_full_getstatus_responses 0 "this currently breaks qstat" // Demo camera set camera_enable 0 "Enables the camera for demo playback" set camera_free 0 "Free camera instead of chasing the player" set camera_reset 0 "Resets the camera position and switch to chase mode" set camera_speed_roll 0.9 "Camera rotation speed" set camera_speed_chase 4 "Camera movement speed on the x/y/z axis while chasing the player" set camera_speed_free 8 "Camera movement speed on the x/y/z axis in free mode" set camera_speed_attenuation 10 "Camera movements attenuation factor. Bigger is smoother. Applies to mouse movements" set camera_mouse_threshold 0.5 "Use to ignore small mouse movements. This allows for smoother camera control" set camera_chase_smoothly 0 "Attenuate player movements (only in chase mode)" set camera_look_player 0 "Always look to the player. Mouse input is ignored in this mode" set camera_look_attenuation 8 "Attenuation of \"looking\" movements, only if camera_look_player is set. Bigger is smoother" set camera_forward_follows 1 "0: Move the camera forwards without changing altitude. 1: Move towards what you are looking" // "Gentle mode": show no blood seta sv_gentle 0 "force gentle mode for everyone, also remove references to acts of killing from the messages" seta cl_gentle 0 "client side gentle mode, master switch for removing both gibs and messages" seta cl_gentle_gibs 0 "client side gentle mode (only replaces gibs); when set to 1, white smoke replaces gibs, when set to 2, colorful clouds replace gibs" seta cl_gentle_messages 0 "client side gentle mode (only replaces frag messages/centerprints)" seta cl_gentle_damage 0 "client side gentle mode (only replaces damage flash); when set to 1, a white flash replaces the blood image, when set to 2, a randomly colored flash is used instead" set g_jetpack 0 "Jetpack mutator" set g_running_guns 0 "... or wonder, till it drives you mad, what would have followed if you had." set _urllib_nextslot 0 "temp variable" set cl_warpzone_usetrace 1 "do not touch" set cl_effects_lightningarc_simple 0 set cl_effects_lightningarc_segmentlength 64 set cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_start 0.45 set cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_end 0.1 set cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_start 0.25 set cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_add 0.1 set g_hitplots 0 "when set to 1, hitplots are stored by the server to provide a means of proving that a triggerbot was used" seta g_hitplots_individuals "" "the individuals, by IP, that should have their hitplots recorded" set menu_updatecheck 1 "check for updates" set menu_updatecheck_getpacks 1 "get update packs from update server" set bot_navigation_ignoreplayers 0 // FIXME remove this once the issue is solved set bot_sound_monopoly 0 "when enabled, only bots can make any noise" set cl_loddistance1 1024 set cl_loddistance2 3072 seta cl_playerdetailreduction 4 "the higher, the less detailed player models are displayed (LOD)" seta cl_modeldetailreduction 1 "the higher, the less detailed certain map models are displayed (LOD)" set g_mapinfo_settemp_acl "+*" "ACL for mapinfo setting cvars" seta cl_casings_maxcount 100 "maximum amount of shell casings (must be at least 1)" seta cl_gibs_maxcount 100 "maximum amount of gibs (must be at least 1)" //cl_gunalign calculator seta menu_cl_gunalign 3 "Gun alignment; 1 = center (if allowed by g_shootfromclient) or right, 2 = center (if allowed by g_shootfromclient) or left, 3 = right only, 4 = left only" alias _gunalign_01 "cl_gunalign 1" alias _gunalign_02 "cl_gunalign 2" alias _gunalign_03 "cl_gunalign 3" alias _gunalign_04 "cl_gunalign 4" alias _gunalign_11 "cl_gunalign 2" alias _gunalign_12 "cl_gunalign 1" alias _gunalign_13 "cl_gunalign 4" alias _gunalign_14 "cl_gunalign 3" alias _gunalign_update "_gunalign_$v_flipped$menu_cl_gunalign" set _menu_alpha "" // will be set by menu QC to the current fading of the menu, can be used by CSQC to fade items set _menu_initialized 0 "is 0 on first menu loading, 1 later" set g_triggerimpulse_accel_power 1 "trigger_impulse accelerator power (applied BEFORE the multiplier)" set g_triggerimpulse_accel_multiplier 1 "trigger_impulse accelerator multiplier (applied AFTER the power)" set g_triggerimpulse_directional_multiplier 1 "trigger_impulse directional field multiplier" set g_triggerimpulse_radial_multiplier 1 "trigger_impulse radial field multiplier" set the_goggles "they do nothing" "but the googles, they do" set sv_weaponstats_file "" "when set to a file name, per-weapon stats get written to that file" seta cl_noantilag 0 "turn this on if you believe antilag is bad" set rescan_pending 0 "set to 1 to schedule a fs_rescan at the end of this match" set g_mapinfo_allow_unsupported_modes_and_let_stuff_break "0" "set to 1 to be able to force game types using g_ cvars even if the map does not support them" // weapon accuracy stats set sv_accuracy_data_share 1 "1 send weapon accuracy data statistics to spectating clients, depends on cl_accuracy_data_share" set sv_accuracy_data_send 1 "1 send weapon accuracy data statistics and improved score info to all the clients at the end of the match, depends on cl_accuracy_data_receive, 0 send the current 'player has won' to all the clients" set cl_accuracy_data_share 0 "1 share my weapon accuracy data statistics with other players, 0 keep my weapon accuracy data statistics hidden" set cl_accuracy_data_receive 0 "1 receive weapon accuracy data statistics at the end of the match" set spawn_debug 0 "use all spawns one by one, then abort, to verify all spawnpoints" set loddebug 0 "force this LOD level" set spawn_debugview 0 "display spawnpoints and their rating on spawn to debug spawnpoint rating calculation" set g_mutatormsg "" "mutator message" set speedmeter 0 "print landing speeds" set developer_csqcentities 0 "csqc entity spam" set waypoint_benchmark 0 "quit after waypoint loading to benchmark bot navigation code" set g_debug_bot_commands 0 "print scripted bot commands before executing" set g_debug_defaultsounds 0 "always use default sounds" seta cl_forceplayermodels 0 "make everyone look like your own model (requires server to have sv_defaultcharacter 0)" seta cl_forceplayercolors 0 "make enemies look like your own color (requires server to have sv_defaultcharacter 0); set it to 2 to enable it even in teamplay (only when there is exactly one enemy team)" seta cl_forcemyplayermodel "" "set to the model file name you want to show yourself as (does not affect how enemies look with cl_forceplayermodels)" seta cl_forcemyplayerskin 0 "set to the skin number you want to show yourself as (does not affect how enemies look with cl_forceplayermodels)" seta cl_forcemyplayercolors 0 "set to the color value (encoding is same as _cl_color) for your own player model (ignored in teamplay; does not affect how enemies look with cl_forceplayermodels)" seta cl_movement_errorcompensation 1 "try to compensate for prediction errors and reduce perceived lag" seta cl_movement_intermissionrunning 0 "keep velocity after the match ends, players may appear to continue running while stationary" // campaign internal, set when loading a campaign map1G set _campaign_index "" set _campaign_name "" set _campaign_testrun 0 "To verify the campaign file, set this to 1, then start the first campaign level from the menu. If you end up in the menu again, it's good, if you get a QC crash, it's bad." // debug set _independent_players 0 "DO NOT TOUCH" set _notarget 0 "NO, REALLY, DON'T" set debugdraw 0 set debugdraw_filter "" set debugdraw_filterout "" set debugtrace 0 // define some engine cvars that we need even on dedicated server set r_showbboxes 0 // we REALLY need the end pos nudging DP bug workaround for trace-to-end-of-solid to work collision_endposnudge 1 // FIXME remove this when the engine feature FINALLY MAYBE works r_glsl_skeletal 0 // animation tuning set cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_framegroups 0.05 // must be faster than fastest weapon refire set cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_server 0.1 // must be slower than slowest server controlled anim (e.g. animinfo stuff) // otherwise, antilag breaks sv_gameplayfix_consistentplayerprethink 1 // support Q1BSP maps mod_q1bsp_polygoncollisions 1 // match q3map2 mod_obj_orientation 0 // improve some minor details sv_gameplayfix_gravityunaffectedbyticrate 1 sv_gameplayfix_nogravityonground 1 // autodemo deleting seta cl_autodemo_delete_keeprecords 0 "when 1, records with a newly made race/cts demo are kept even if cl_autodemo_delete is used to delete demos" // freeze camera set cl_lockview 0 "when 1, the camera does not move any more" // we now use mastervolume volume 1 // sucks less than the old one cl_decals_newsystem 1 set sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap 0 "shorthand for swapping machinegun and shotgun (for Q3A map compatibility in mapinfo files)" set g_movement_highspeed 1 "movement speed modification factor (only changes movement when above maxspeed)" set g_maxspeed 0 "player speed limit, faster players are killed (0 for unlimited speed)" scr_conalpha 1 scr_conalpha2factor 0.3 scr_conalpha3factor 1 scr_conalphafactor 0.8 scr_conbrightness 0.35 scr_conforcewhiledisconnected 1 scr_conscroll2_x 0.11 scr_conscroll2_y 0.2 scr_conscroll3_x 0 scr_conscroll3_y 0 scr_conscroll_x -0.1 scr_conscroll_y -0.3 scr_conforcewhiledisconnected 0 scr_infobar_height 12 // DP cannot properly detect this, so rather turn off the detection r_texture_dds_load_alphamode 2 r_texture_dds_swdecode 1 // SW decode to quarter res if we want to load DDS but don't support the extension for it r_texture_dds_load_logfailure 0 // this engine feature SUCKS set vid_netwmfullscreen 0 // doesn't support non-native res // particles optimization r_drawparticles_nearclip_min 8 r_drawparticles_nearclip_max 16 // sv_cullentities_trace is 1, so the client doesn't have to sv_cullentities_trace 1 r_cullentities_trace 0 // less "lagging" of other players, but also less PL tolerant... let's try this sv_clmovement_inputtimeout 0.066 // slightly less than 2 frames, so only one frame can be compensated // exact gloss looks better, e.g. on g-23 r_shadow_glossexact 1 r_shadow_glossintensity 1 // use fake light if map has no lightmaps r_fakelight 1 r_water_hideplayer 1 // hide your own feet/player model in refraction views, this way you don't see half of your body under water r_water_refractdistort 0.019 set cl_rainsnow_maxdrawdist 2048 // strength sound settings set sv_strengthsound_antispam_time 0.1 "minimum distance of strength sounds" set sv_strengthsound_antispam_refire_threshold 0.04 "apply minimum distance only if refire of the gun is smaller than this" // equalize looks better than fullbright r_equalize_entities_fullbright 1 // UTF-8 utf8_enable 1 // safe font defaults r_font_hinting 1 r_font_disable_freetype 0 r_font_size_snapping 4 // database management set sv_db_saveasdump 0 "write server.db in dump format (loads slower, easier to read/parse)" set cl_db_saveasdump 0 "write client.db in dump format (loads slower, easier to read/parse)" // uid2name seta cl_allow_uid2name -1 "-1 = ask if the player wants to disable/enable this feature, 0 = disable, 1 = enable uid2name (allows showing your name in race rankings for instance)" seta cl_allow_uidtracking 1 "-1 = ask if the player wants to disable/enable this feature, 0 = disable, 1 = enable uid tracking (allows associating your data with your player ID)" // FIXME set to -1 before release, once we have a dialog for this! // polygonoffset for submodel SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS (only a hack for quake1, we don't need that) r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset 0 r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor 0 // decals: need a higher polygonoffset than default to not compete with _decal surfaces too much r_polygonoffset_decals_offset -28 r_polygonoffset_decals_factor 0 // this is mainly for _decal entities (their shaders should use "polygonoffset" shader parameter) - this is "good enough" as it seems, but smaller than the decals one so these don't zfight decals mod_q3shader_default_polygonoffset -14 mod_q3shader_default_polygonfactor 0 // allow fullbright set sv_allow_fullbright 1 "when set, clients may use r_fullbright on this server without getting a night vision effect overlay" // auto-teams (team selection by player ID) // any player not listed is forced to spectate set g_forced_team_red "" "list of player IDs for red team" set g_forced_team_blue "" "list of player IDs for blue team" set g_forced_team_yellow "" "list of player IDs for yellow team" set g_forced_team_pink "" "list of player IDs for pink team" set g_forced_team_otherwise "default" "action if a non listed player joins (can be default for default action, spectate for forcing to spectate, or red, blue, yellow, pink)" // nice alias to set up a match // example: g_forced_team_matchsetup stormkeep "mzDo0nO2y3XpFPNbQAyeUucyaejZ9xpiXLYMGU2x3qM=" "BRLOGENSHFEGLE/+Mq3x2UGMYLXipx9ZjeaycuUeyAQ=" // will set up a match on stormkeep where mzDo0nO2y3XpFPNbQAyeUucyaejZ9xpiXLYMGU2x3qM= and BRLOGENSHFEGLE/+Mq3x2UGMYLXipx9ZjeaycuUeyAQ= play against each other alias g_forced_team_matchsetup "map $1; settemp g_forced_team_red \"$2\"; settemp g_forced_team_blue \"$3\"; settemp g_forced_team_yellow \"$4\"; settemp g_forced_team_pink \"$5\"; settemp g_forced_team_otherwise spectate" // random charge stuff :P set g_weapon_charge_colormod_hdrmultiplier 4 "how much to multiply the colors by in the colormod vector" set g_weapon_charge_colormod_red_half 0 set g_weapon_charge_colormod_green_half 0.5 set g_weapon_charge_colormod_blue_half 1 set g_weapon_charge_colormod_red_full 1 set g_weapon_charge_colormod_green_full -0.5 set g_weapon_charge_colormod_blue_full -1 // frozen set g_frozen_revive_falldamage 0 "Enable reviving from this amount of fall damage" set g_frozen_revive_falldamage_health 40 "Amount of health player has if they revived from falling" set g_frozen_damage_trigger 1 "if 1, frozen players falling into the void will die instead of teleporting to spawn" set g_frozen_force 0.6 "How much to multiply the force on a frozen player with" // player statistics set g_playerstats_gamereport_uri "http://stats.xonotic.org/stats/submit" "Output player statistics information to either: URL (with ://), console (with a dash like this: -), or supply a filename to output to data directory." set g_playerstats_gamereport_ladder "" set g_playerstats_playerbasic_uri "http://stats.xonotic.org" set g_playerstats_playerdetail_uri "http://stats.xonotic.org/player/me" set g_playerstats_playerdetail_autoupdatetime 1800 // automatically update every 30 minutes anyway // autoscreenshots set g_max_info_autoscreenshot 3 "how many info_autoscreenshot entities are allowed" // mod names for server browser // note: the lowest of these that mismatches default is used set g_mod_physics "" "Current physics config name" set g_mod_balance "" "Current balance config name" set g_mod_config "" "Current config mod name" // session locking locksession 1 // create this cvar in case the engine did not set snd_soundradius 1200 set snd_softclip 1 set snd_maxchannelvolume 0 set snd_streaming_length 2 seta menu_snd_sliderscale 2 "0: decibels; 1: linear percent; 2: 0..10 scale; 3: slider size percent" seta menu_snd_attenuation_method 1 "Use exponential instead of linear falloff for sound attenuation" alias snd_attenuation_method_0 "set menu_snd_attenuation_method 0; set snd_soundradius 1200; set snd_attenuation_exponent 1; set snd_attenuation_decibel 0" // Quake default alias snd_attenuation_method_1 "set menu_snd_attenuation_method 1; set snd_soundradius 2400; set snd_attenuation_exponent 4; set snd_attenuation_decibel 0" // nice approximation for method 2 alias snd_attenuation_method_2 "set menu_snd_attenuation_method 2; set snd_soundradius 1200; set snd_attenuation_exponent 0; set snd_attenuation_decibel 10" // warning: plays sounds within up to 6000qu snd_attenuation_method_1 // declare the channels we use seta snd_channel8volume 1 "QuakeC controlled background music volume" seta snd_channel9volume 1 "QuakeC controlled ambient sound volume" // sound randomization snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time -0.1 snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics 1 // loading screen scr_loadingscreen_background 0 scr_loadingscreen_barcolor "0 0.5 1" scr_loadingscreen_barheight 12 scr_loadingscreen_count 1 scr_loadingscreen_firstforstartup 1 scr_loadingscreen_scale 999 scr_loadingscreen_scale_base 1 scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit 2 // other config files exec balance-xonotic.cfg exec effects-normal.cfg exec physicsX.cfg exec turrets.cfg exec crosshairs.cfg exec gamemodes.cfg exec mutators.cfg exec notifications.cfg exec monsters.cfg exec minigames.cfg exec physics.cfg // load console command aliases and settings exec commands.cfg // hud cvar descriptions and common settings exec _hud_common.cfg exec _hud_descriptions.cfg // exec the default skin config // please add any new cvars into the hud_save script in qcsrc/client/hud_config.qc for consistency exec hud_luma.cfg // ... and now that everything is configured/aliased, we can do some things: // Change g_start_delay based upon if the server is local or not. if_client set g_start_delay 0 "delay before the game starts, so everyone can join; recommended to set this to like 15 on a public server" if_dedicated set g_start_delay 15 "delay before the game starts, so everyone can join; recommended to set this to like 15 on a public server" // enable menu syncing alias menu_sync "menu_cmd sync" set sv_join_notices "" set sv_join_notices_time 15 seta cl_items_nofade 0 seta cl_animate_items 1 seta cl_ghost_items 0.45 "enable ghosted items (when between 0 and 1, overrides the alpha value)" seta cl_ghost_items_color "-1 -1 -1" "color of ghosted items, 0 0 0 leaves the color unchanged" set sv_simple_items 1 "allow or forbid client use of simple items" seta cl_simple_items 0 "enable simple items (if server allows)" set cl_simpleitems_postfix "_luma" "posfix to add fo model name when simple items are enabled" set cl_fullbright_items 0 "enable fullbright items (if server allows, controlled by g_fullbrightitems)" set cl_weapon_stay_color "2 0.5 0.5" "Color of picked up weapons when g_weapon_stay > 0" set cl_weapon_stay_alpha 0.75 "Alpha of picked up weapons when g_weapon_stay > 0" set sv_showspectators 1 "Show who's spectating who in the player info panel when client has cl_showspectators on. Shouldn't be used on competitive servers, also disable when watching a suspected cheater" seta cl_showspectators 0 "Show who's spectating you if server has sv_showspectators enabled" // Facility for config.cfg use ONLY. // Interpreted in post-config.cfg. seta menu_forced_saved_cvars "" "These cvars will always be saved, despite engine/Xonotic cvar saving status" set menu_reverted_nonsaved_cvars "" "These cvars are currently marked as saved in the flags, but have been reverted and won't stay saved. INTERNAL USE ONLY."