.vector HookStart; .vector HookEnd; .float HookKillTime; void Draw_CylindricLine(vector from, vector to, float thickness, string texture, float aspect, float shift, vector rgb, float alpha, float drawflag) { // I want to draw a quad... // from and to are MIDPOINTS. vector axis, thickdir, A, B, C, D; float length_tex; axis = normalize(to - from); length_tex = aspect * vlen(to - from) / thickness; // direction is perpendicular to the view normal, and perpendicular to the axis thickdir = normalize(cross(axis, view_origin - from)); A = from - thickdir * (thickness / 2); B = from + thickdir * (thickness / 2); C = to + thickdir * (thickness / 2); D = to - thickdir * (thickness / 2); R_BeginPolygon(texture, drawflag); R_PolygonVertex(A, '0 0 0' + shift * '1 0 0', rgb, alpha); R_PolygonVertex(B, '0 1 0' + shift * '1 0 0', rgb, alpha); R_PolygonVertex(C, '0 1 0' + (shift + length_tex) * '1 0 0', rgb, alpha); R_PolygonVertex(D, '0 0 0' + (shift + length_tex) * '1 0 0', rgb, alpha); R_EndPolygon(); } string Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex; float Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd; void Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end) { Draw_CylindricLine(hit, start, 8, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex, 0.25, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd += 0.25 * vlen(hit - start) / 8; } void Draw_GrapplingHook() { vector a, b; string tex; vector rgb; float t; if(time >= self.HookKillTime) return; if(self.sv_entnum == player_localentnum - 1) a = view_origin + view_forward * hook_shotorigin_x + view_right * hook_shotorigin_y + view_up * hook_shotorigin_z; else a = self.HookStart; b = self.HookEnd; t = GetPlayerColorForce(self.sv_entnum); if(t == COLOR_TEAM1) { tex = "particles/hook_red"; rgb = '1 .3 .3'; } else if(t == COLOR_TEAM2) { tex = "particles/hook_blue"; rgb = '.3 .3 1'; } else if(t == COLOR_TEAM3) { tex = "particles/hook_yellow"; rgb = '1 1 .3'; } else if(t == COLOR_TEAM4) { tex = "particles/hook_pink"; rgb = '1 .3 1'; } else { tex = "particles/hook_green"; rgb = '.3 1 .3'; } Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex = tex; Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd = random(); WarpZone_TraceBox_ThroughZone(a, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', b, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, world, world, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback); Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex = string_null; } void Net_GrapplingHook() { float i; vector start, end; entity p; i = ReadShort(); end_x = ReadCoord(); end_y = ReadCoord(); end_z = ReadCoord(); start_x = ReadCoord(); start_y = ReadCoord(); start_z = ReadCoord(); if(i <= 0 || i >= 256) // not owned by a client return; --i; p = playerslots[i]; if(!p) return; p.HookKillTime = time + 0.1; p.HookStart = start; p.HookEnd = end; p.draw = Draw_GrapplingHook; }