#include "chat.qh" #include // Chat (#12) void HUD_Chat_Export(int fh) { // allow saving cvars that aesthetically change the panel into hud skin files } float chat_maximized_scroll_ofs; float chat_maximized_reset_scroll_time; float HUD_Panel_Chat_InputEvent(float bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary) { if(!autocvar__con_chat_maximized) return false; if(bInputType == 3) { mousepos.x = nPrimary; mousepos.y = nSecondary; return true; } if(bInputType == 2) return false; // at this point bInputType can only be 0 or 1 (key pressed or released) bool key_pressed = (bInputType == 0); if(nPrimary == K_MWHEELUP) { if (!key_pressed) return true; chat_maximized_scroll_ofs += 5 * cvar("con_chatsize"); return true; } else if(nPrimary == K_MWHEELDOWN) { if (!key_pressed) return true; chat_maximized_scroll_ofs -= 5 * cvar("con_chatsize"); if (chat_maximized_scroll_ofs < 0) chat_maximized_scroll_ofs = 0; return true; } else if(nPrimary == K_PGUP) { if (!key_pressed) return true; chat_maximized_scroll_ofs += vid_conheight / 2; return true; } else if(nPrimary == K_PGDN) { if (!key_pressed) return true; chat_maximized_scroll_ofs -= vid_conheight / 2; if (chat_maximized_scroll_ofs < 0) chat_maximized_scroll_ofs = 0; return true; } return false; } void HUD_Chat() { if(!autocvar__hud_configure) { if (!autocvar_hud_panel_chat && !autocvar__con_chat_maximized) { if (autocvar_con_chatrect) cvar_set("con_chatrect", "0"); if (autocvar_con_chat != -1) cvar_set("con_chat", "-1"); return; } if(autocvar__con_chat_maximized) { if(!hud_draw_maximized) return; chat_maximized_reset_scroll_time = time + 3; } else { if(chat_panel_modified) { panel.update_time = time; // forces reload of panel attributes chat_panel_modified = false; } if (time > chat_maximized_reset_scroll_time) chat_maximized_scroll_ofs = 0; } } else chat_maximized_scroll_ofs = 0; HUD_Panel_LoadCvars(); if(intermission == 2) { // reserve some more space to the mapvote panel // by resizing and moving chat panel to the bottom panel_size.y = min(panel_size.y, vid_conheight * 0.2); panel_pos.y = vid_conheight - panel_size.y - panel_bg_border * 2; chat_posy = panel_pos.y; chat_sizey = panel_size.y; } if(autocvar__con_chat_maximized && !autocvar__hud_configure) // draw at full screen height if maximized { panel_pos.y = panel_bg_border; panel_size.y = vid_conheight - panel_bg_border * 2; if(panel.current_panel_bg == "0") // force a border when maximized { string panel_bg; panel_bg = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/border_default"); if(precache_pic(panel_bg) == "") panel_bg = "gfx/hud/default/border_default"; strcpy(panel.current_panel_bg, panel_bg); chat_panel_modified = true; } panel_bg_alpha = max(0.75, panel_bg_alpha); panel_size.y += chat_maximized_scroll_ofs; } vector pos, mySize; pos = panel_pos; mySize = panel_size; // chat messages don't scale properly since they are displayed directly by the engine HUD_Scale_Disable(); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); if(panel_bg_padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } if (!autocvar_con_chatrect) cvar_set("con_chatrect", "1"); // can't use a name ending with _x, _y and _z for a float autocvar as for autocvar specs // it prevents ambiguity with component names of vector autocvars if (cvar_string("con_chatrect_x") != ftos(pos.x / vid_conwidth)) cvar_set("con_chatrect_x", ftos(pos.x / vid_conwidth)); if (cvar_string("con_chatrect_y") != ftos(pos.y / vid_conheight)) cvar_set("con_chatrect_y", ftos(pos.y / vid_conheight)); // can't use direct comparison here, it would always returns true even if // both arguments are equal because con_chatwidth is saved with cvar_set //if (autocvar_con_chatwidth != mySize.x / vid_conwidth) if (fabs(autocvar_con_chatwidth - mySize.x / vid_conwidth) > 0.00001) cvar_set("con_chatwidth", ftos(mySize.x / vid_conwidth)); if (autocvar_con_chat != floor(mySize.y / autocvar_con_chatsize - 0.5)) cvar_set("con_chat", ftos(floor(mySize.y / autocvar_con_chatsize - 0.5))); if(autocvar__hud_configure) { vector chatsize = '1 1 0' * autocvar_con_chatsize; if (cvar_string("con_chatrect_x") != "9001") cvar_set("con_chatrect_x", "9001"); // over 9000, we'll fake it instead for more control over alpha and such string str = textShortenToWidth(_("^3Player^7: This is the chat area."), mySize.x, chatsize, stringwidth_colors); for(int i = 0; i < autocvar_con_chat; ++i) { // engine displays chat text at full alpha drawcolorcodedstring(pos, str, chatsize, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += chatsize.y; } } }