#include "scoreboard.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Scoreboard (#24) void Scoreboard_Draw_Export(int fh) { // allow saving cvars that aesthetically change the panel into hud skin files HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeinspeed"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeoutspeed"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_alpha"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_scale"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha_self"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_self"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors"); } const int MAX_SBT_FIELDS = MAX_SCORE; PlayerScoreField sbt_field[MAX_SBT_FIELDS + 1]; float sbt_field_size[MAX_SBT_FIELDS + 1]; string sbt_field_title[MAX_SBT_FIELDS + 1]; int sbt_num_fields; string autocvar_hud_fontsize; string hud_fontsize_str; float max_namesize; float sbt_bg_alpha; float sbt_fg_alpha; float sbt_fg_alpha_self; bool sbt_highlight; float sbt_highlight_alpha; float sbt_highlight_alpha_self; // provide basic panel cvars to old clients // TODO remove them after a future release (0.8.2+) noref string autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_pos = "0.150000 0.150000"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_size = "0.700000 0.700000"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg = "border_default"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color = "0 0.3 0.5"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color_team = ""; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_alpha = "0.7"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_border = ""; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_padding = ""; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeinspeed = 10; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeoutspeed = 5; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals = 1; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_alpha = 0; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_scale = 0.25; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha = 0.9; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha_self = 1; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight = true; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha = 0.2; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_self = 0.4; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team = 0; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_namesize = 15; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_team_size_position = 0; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy = true; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows = false; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors = false; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_showdelay = 2; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_showdelay_minpos = 0.75; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_itemstats_doublerows = false; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_itemstats_filter = true; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_dynamichud = false; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_maxheight = 0.6; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_others_showscore = true; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_spectators_showping = true; bool autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_spectators_aligned = false; float autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_minwidth = 0.4; // mode 0: returns translated label // mode 1: prints name and description of all the labels string Label_getInfo(string label, int mode) { if (mode == 1) label = "bckills"; // first case in the switch switch(label) { case "bckills": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^bckills")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "bckills", " ^7", _("Number of ball carrier kills"))); case "bctime": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^bctime")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "bctime", " ^7", _("Total amount of time holding the ball in Keepaway"))); case "caps": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^caps")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "caps", " ^7", _("How often a flag (CTF) or a key (KeyHunt) was captured"))); case "captime": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^captime")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "captime", " ^7", _("Time of fastest capture (CTF)"))); case "deaths": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^deaths")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "deaths", " ^7", _("Number of deaths"))); case "destroyed": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^destroyed")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "destroyed", " ^7", _("Number of keys destroyed by pushing them into void"))); case "dmg": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^damage")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "dmg", " ^7", _("The total damage done"))); case "dmgtaken": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^dmgtaken")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "dmgtaken", " ^7", _("The total damage taken"))); case "drops": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^drops")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "drops", " ^7", _("Number of flag drops"))); case "elo": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^elo")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "elo", " ^7", _("Player ELO"))); case "fastest": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^fastest")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "fastest", " ^7", _("Time of fastest lap (Race/CTS)"))); case "faults": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^faults")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "faults", " ^7", _("Number of faults committed"))); case "fckills": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^fckills")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "fckills", " ^7", _("Number of flag carrier kills"))); case "fps": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^fps")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "fps", " ^7", _("FPS"))); case "frags": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^frags")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "frags", " ^7", _("Number of kills minus suicides"))); case "goals": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^goals")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "goals", " ^7", _("Number of goals scored"))); case "kckills": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^kckills")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "kckills", " ^7", _("Number of keys carrier kills"))); case "kd": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^k/d")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "kd", " ^7", _("The kill-death ratio"))); case "kdr": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^kdr")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "kdr", " ^7", _("The kill-death ratio"))); case "kdratio": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^kdratio")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "kdratio", " ^7", _("The kill-death ratio"))); case "kills": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^kills")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "kills", " ^7", _("Number of kills"))); case "laps": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^laps")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "laps", " ^7", _("Number of laps finished (Race/CTS)"))); case "lives": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^lives")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "lives", " ^7", _("Number of lives (LMS)"))); case "losses": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^losses")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "losses", " ^7", _("Number of times a key was lost"))); case "name": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^name")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "name", " ^7", _("Player name"))); case "nick": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^nick")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "nick", " ^7", _("Player name"))); case "objectives": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^objectives")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "objectives", " ^7", _("Number of objectives destroyed"))); case "pickups": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^pickups")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "pickups", " ^7", _("How often a flag (CTF) or a key (KeyHunt) or a ball (Keepaway) was picked up"))); case "ping": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^ping")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "ping", " ^7", _("Ping time"))); case "pl": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^pl")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "pl", " ^7", _("Packet loss"))); case "pushes": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^pushes")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "pushes", " ^7", _("Number of players pushed into void"))); case "rank": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^rank")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "rank", " ^7", _("Player rank"))); case "returns": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^returns")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "returns", " ^7", _("Number of flag returns"))); case "revivals": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^revivals")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "revivals", " ^7", _("Number of revivals"))); case "rounds": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^rounds won")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "rounds", " ^7", _("Number of rounds won"))); case "score": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^score")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "score", " ^7", _("Total score"))); case "suicides": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^suicides")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "suicides", " ^7", _("Number of suicides"))); case "sum": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^sum")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "sum", " ^7", _("Number of kills minus deaths"))); case "takes": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^takes")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "takes", " ^7", _("Number of domination points taken (Domination)"))); case "teamkills": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^teamkills")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "teamkills", " ^7", _("Number of teamkills"))); case "ticks": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^ticks")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "ticks", " ^7", _("Number of ticks (Domination)"))); case "time": if (!mode) return CTX(_("SCO^time")); else LOG_HELP(strcat("^3", "time", " ^7", _("Total time raced (Race/CTS)"))); default: return label; } return label; } void PrintScoresLabels() { Label_getInfo(string_null, 1); } string TranslateScoresLabel(string label) { return Label_getInfo(label, 0); } void Scoreboard_InitScores() { int i, f; ps_primary = ps_secondary = NULL; ts_primary = ts_secondary = -1; FOREACH(Scores, true, { f = (scores_flags(it) & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK); if(f == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) ps_primary = it; if(f == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) ps_secondary = it; }); if(ps_secondary == NULL) ps_secondary = ps_primary; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) { f = (teamscores_flags(i) & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK); if(f == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) ts_primary = i; if(f == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) ts_secondary = i; } if(ts_secondary == -1) ts_secondary = ts_primary; Cmd_Scoreboard_SetFields(0); } //float lastpnum; void Scoreboard_UpdatePlayerTeams() { entity pl, tmp; //int num = 0; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { //num += 1; int Team = entcs_GetScoreTeam(pl.sv_entnum); if(SetTeam(pl, Team)) { tmp = pl.sort_prev; Scoreboard_UpdatePlayerPos(pl); if(tmp) pl = tmp; else pl = players.sort_next; } } /* if(num != lastpnum) print(strcat("PNUM: ", ftos(num), "\n")); lastpnum = num; */ } int Scoreboard_CompareScore(int vl, int vr, int f) { TC(int, vl); TC(int, vr); TC(int, f); if(f & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST) { if(vl == 0 && vr != 0) return 1; if(vl != 0 && vr == 0) return 0; } if(vl > vr) return IS_INCREASING(f); if(vl < vr) return IS_DECREASING(f); return -1; } float Scoreboard_ComparePlayerScores(entity left, entity right) { float vl, vr, r; vl = entcs_GetTeam(left.sv_entnum); vr = entcs_GetTeam(right.sv_entnum); if(!left.gotscores) vl = NUM_SPECTATOR; if(!right.gotscores) vr = NUM_SPECTATOR; if(vl > vr) return true; if(vl < vr) return false; if(vl == NUM_SPECTATOR) { // FIRST the one with scores (spectators), THEN the ones without (downloaders) // no other sorting if(!left.gotscores && right.gotscores) return true; return false; } r = Scoreboard_CompareScore(left.scores(ps_primary), right.scores(ps_primary), scores_flags(ps_primary)); if (r >= 0) return r; r = Scoreboard_CompareScore(left.scores(ps_secondary), right.scores(ps_secondary), scores_flags(ps_secondary)); if (r >= 0) return r; FOREACH(Scores, true, { r = Scoreboard_CompareScore(left.scores(it), right.scores(it), scores_flags(it)); if (r >= 0) return r; }); if (left.sv_entnum < right.sv_entnum) return true; return false; } void Scoreboard_UpdatePlayerPos(entity player) { entity ent; for(ent = player.sort_next; ent && Scoreboard_ComparePlayerScores(player, ent); ent = player.sort_next) { SORT_SWAP(player, ent); } for(ent = player.sort_prev; ent != players && Scoreboard_ComparePlayerScores(ent, player); ent = player.sort_prev) { SORT_SWAP(ent, player); } } float Scoreboard_CompareTeamScores(entity left, entity right) { int i, r; if(left.team == NUM_SPECTATOR) return 1; if(right.team == NUM_SPECTATOR) return 0; r = Scoreboard_CompareScore(left.teamscores(ts_primary), right.teamscores(ts_primary), teamscores_flags(ts_primary)); if (r >= 0) return r; r = Scoreboard_CompareScore(left.teamscores(ts_secondary), right.teamscores(ts_secondary), teamscores_flags(ts_secondary)); if (r >= 0) return r; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) { r = Scoreboard_CompareScore(left.teamscores(i), right.teamscores(i), teamscores_flags(i)); if (r >= 0) return r; } if (left.team < right.team) return true; return false; } void Scoreboard_UpdateTeamPos(entity Team) { entity ent; for(ent = Team.sort_next; ent && Scoreboard_CompareTeamScores(Team, ent); ent = Team.sort_next) { SORT_SWAP(Team, ent); } for(ent = Team.sort_prev; ent != teams && Scoreboard_CompareTeamScores(ent, Team); ent = Team.sort_prev) { SORT_SWAP(ent, Team); } } void Cmd_Scoreboard_Help() { LOG_HELP(_("You can modify the scoreboard using the ^2scoreboard_columns_set command.")); LOG_HELP(_("Usage:")); LOG_HELP("^2scoreboard_columns_set ^3default"); LOG_HELP(_("^2scoreboard_columns_set ^3field1 field2 ...")); LOG_HELP(_("^2scoreboard_columns_set ^7without arguments reads the arguments from the cvar scoreboard_columns")); LOG_HELP(_(" ^5Note: ^7scoreboard_columns_set without arguments is executed on every map start")); LOG_HELP(_("^2scoreboard_columns_set ^3expand_default ^7loads default layout and expands it into the cvar scoreboard_columns so you can edit it")); LOG_HELP(_("You can use a ^3|^7 to start the right-aligned fields.")); LOG_HELP(_("The following field names are recognized (case insensitive):")); LOG_HELP(""); PrintScoresLabels(); LOG_HELP(""); LOG_HELP(_("Before a field you can put a + or - sign, then a comma separated list\n" "of game types, then a slash, to make the field show up only in these\n" "or in all but these game types. You can also specify 'all' as a\n" "field to show all fields available for the current game mode.")); LOG_HELP(""); LOG_HELP(_("The special game type names 'teams' and 'noteams' can be used to\n" "include/exclude ALL teams/noteams game modes.")); LOG_HELP(""); LOG_HELP(_("Example: scoreboard_columns_set name ping pl | +ctf/field3 -dm/field4")); LOG_HELP(_("will display name, ping and pl aligned to the left, and the fields\n" "right of the vertical bar aligned to the right.")); LOG_HELP(_("'field3' will only be shown in CTF, and 'field4' will be shown in all\n" "other gamemodes except DM.")); } // NOTE: adding a gametype with ? to not warn for an optional field // make sure it's excluded in a previous exclusive rule, if any // otherwise the previous exclusive rule warns anyway // e.g. -teams,rc,cts,lms/kills ?+rc/kills #define SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_COLUMNS \ "ping pl fps name |" \ " -teams,rc,cts,inv,lms/kills +ft,tdm/kills ?+rc,inv/kills" \ " -teams,lms/deaths +ft,tdm/deaths" \ " +tdm/sum" \ " -teams,lms,rc,cts,inv,ka/suicides +ft,tdm/suicides ?+rc,inv/suicides" \ " -cts,dm,tdm,ka,ft/frags" /* tdm already has this in "score" */ \ " +tdm,ft,dom,ons,as/teamkills"\ " -rc,cts,nb/dmg -rc,cts,nb/dmgtaken" \ " +ctf/pickups +ctf/fckills +ctf/returns +ctf/caps +ons/takes +ons/caps" \ " +lms/lives +lms/rank" \ " +kh/kckills +kh/losses +kh/caps" \ " ?+rc/laps ?+rc/time +rc,cts/fastest" \ " +as/objectives +nb/faults +nb/goals" \ " +ka/pickups +ka/bckills +ka/bctime +ft/revivals" \ " +dom/ticks +dom/takes" \ " -lms,rc,cts,inv,nb/score" void Cmd_Scoreboard_SetFields(int argc) { TC(int, argc); int i, slash; string str, pattern; bool have_name = false, have_primary = false, have_secondary = false, have_separator = false; int missing; if(!gametype) return; // do nothing, we don't know gametype and scores yet // sbt_fields uses strunzone on the titles! if(!sbt_field_title[0]) for(i = 0; i < MAX_SBT_FIELDS; ++i) sbt_field_title[i] = strzone("(null)"); // TODO: re enable with gametype dependant cvars? if(argc < 3) // no arguments provided argc = tokenizebyseparator(strcat("0 1 ", autocvar_scoreboard_columns), " "); if(argc < 3) argc = tokenizebyseparator(strcat("0 1 ", SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_COLUMNS), " "); if(argc == 3) { if(argv(2) == "default" || argv(2) == "expand_default") { if(argv(2) == "expand_default") cvar_set("scoreboard_columns", SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_COLUMNS); argc = tokenizebyseparator(strcat("0 1 ", SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_COLUMNS), " "); } else if(argv(2) == "all") { string s = "ping pl name |"; // scores without a label FOREACH(Scores, true, { if(it != ps_primary) if(it != ps_secondary) if(scores_label(it) != "") s = strcat(s, " ", scores_label(it)); }); if(ps_secondary != ps_primary) s = strcat(s, " ", scores_label(ps_secondary)); s = strcat(s, " ", scores_label(ps_primary)); argc = tokenizebyseparator(strcat("0 1 ", s), " "); } } sbt_num_fields = 0; hud_fontsize = HUD_GetFontsize("hud_fontsize"); for(i = 1; i < argc - 1; ++i) { str = argv(i+1); bool nocomplain = false; if(substring(str, 0, 1) == "?") { nocomplain = true; str = substring(str, 1, strlen(str) - 1); } slash = strstrofs(str, "/", 0); if(slash >= 0) { pattern = substring(str, 0, slash); str = substring(str, slash + 1, strlen(str) - (slash + 1)); if (!isGametypeInFilter(gametype, teamplay, false, pattern)) continue; } strcpy(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields], TranslateScoresLabel(str)); sbt_field_size[sbt_num_fields] = stringwidth(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields], false, hud_fontsize); str = strtolower(str); PlayerScoreField j; switch(str) { case "ping": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_PING; break; case "pl": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_PL; break; case "kd": case "kdr": case "kdratio": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_KDRATIO; break; case "sum": case "diff": case "k-d": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_SUM; break; case "name": case "nick": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_NAME; have_name = true; break; case "|": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_SEPARATOR; have_separator = true; break; case "elo": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_ELO; break; case "dmg": case "damage": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_DMG; break; case "dmgtaken": case "damagetaken": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_DMGTAKEN; break; case "fps": sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_FPS; break; default: { FOREACH(Scores, true, { if (str == strtolower(scores_label(it))) { j = it; goto found; // sorry, but otherwise fteqcc -O3 miscompiles this and warns about "unreachable code" } }); LABEL(notfound) if(str == "frags") j = SP_FRAGS; else { if(!nocomplain) LOG_INFOF("^1Error:^7 Unknown score field: '%s'", str); continue; } LABEL(found) sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = j; if(j == ps_primary) have_primary = true; if(j == ps_secondary) have_secondary = true; } } ++sbt_num_fields; if(sbt_num_fields >= MAX_SBT_FIELDS) break; } if(scores_flags(ps_primary) & SFL_ALLOW_HIDE) have_primary = true; if(scores_flags(ps_secondary) & SFL_ALLOW_HIDE) have_secondary = true; if(ps_primary == ps_secondary) have_secondary = true; missing = (!have_primary) + (!have_secondary) + (!have_separator) + (!have_name); if(sbt_num_fields + missing < MAX_SBT_FIELDS) { if(!have_name) { strunzone(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields]); for(i = sbt_num_fields; i > 0; --i) { sbt_field_title[i] = sbt_field_title[i-1]; sbt_field_size[i] = sbt_field_size[i-1]; sbt_field[i] = sbt_field[i-1]; } sbt_field_title[0] = strzone(TranslateScoresLabel("name")); sbt_field[0] = SP_NAME; ++sbt_num_fields; LOG_INFO("fixed missing field 'name'"); if(!have_separator) { strunzone(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields]); for(i = sbt_num_fields; i > 1; --i) { sbt_field_title[i] = sbt_field_title[i-1]; sbt_field_size[i] = sbt_field_size[i-1]; sbt_field[i] = sbt_field[i-1]; } sbt_field_title[1] = strzone("|"); sbt_field[1] = SP_SEPARATOR; sbt_field_size[1] = stringwidth("|", false, hud_fontsize); ++sbt_num_fields; LOG_INFO("fixed missing field '|'"); } } else if(!have_separator) { strcpy(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields], "|"); sbt_field_size[sbt_num_fields] = stringwidth("|", false, hud_fontsize); sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_SEPARATOR; ++sbt_num_fields; LOG_INFO("fixed missing field '|'"); } if(!have_secondary) { strcpy(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields], TranslateScoresLabel(scores_label(ps_secondary))); sbt_field_size[sbt_num_fields] = stringwidth(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields], false, hud_fontsize); sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = ps_secondary; ++sbt_num_fields; LOG_INFOF("fixed missing field '%s'", scores_label(ps_secondary)); } if(!have_primary) { strcpy(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields], TranslateScoresLabel(scores_label(ps_primary))); sbt_field_size[sbt_num_fields] = stringwidth(sbt_field_title[sbt_num_fields], false, hud_fontsize); sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = ps_primary; ++sbt_num_fields; LOG_INFOF("fixed missing field '%s'", scores_label(ps_primary)); } } sbt_field[sbt_num_fields] = SP_END; } // MOVEUP:: vector sbt_field_rgb; string sbt_field_icon0; string sbt_field_icon1; string sbt_field_icon2; vector sbt_field_icon0_rgb; vector sbt_field_icon1_rgb; vector sbt_field_icon2_rgb; string Scoreboard_GetName(entity pl) { if(ready_waiting && pl.ready) { sbt_field_icon0 = "gfx/scoreboard/player_ready"; } else if(!teamplay) { int f = entcs_GetClientColors(pl.sv_entnum); { sbt_field_icon0 = "gfx/scoreboard/playercolor_base"; sbt_field_icon1 = "gfx/scoreboard/playercolor_shirt"; sbt_field_icon1_rgb = colormapPaletteColor(floor(f / 16), 0); sbt_field_icon2 = "gfx/scoreboard/playercolor_pants"; sbt_field_icon2_rgb = colormapPaletteColor(f % 16, 1); } } return entcs_GetName(pl.sv_entnum); } string Scoreboard_GetField(entity pl, PlayerScoreField field) { float tmp, num, denom; int f; string str; sbt_field_rgb = '1 1 1'; sbt_field_icon0 = ""; sbt_field_icon1 = ""; sbt_field_icon2 = ""; sbt_field_icon0_rgb = '1 1 1'; sbt_field_icon1_rgb = '1 1 1'; sbt_field_icon2_rgb = '1 1 1'; switch(field) { case SP_PING: if (!pl.gotscores) return "\xE2\x96\xB6\xE2\x96\xB6\xE2\x96\xB6"; // >>> sign using U+25B6 (Black Right-Pointing Triangle) //str = getplayerkeyvalue(pl.sv_entnum, "ping"); f = pl.ping; if(f == 0) return _("N/A"); tmp = max(0, min(220, f-80)) / 220; sbt_field_rgb = '1 1 1' - '0 1 1' * tmp; return ftos(f); case SP_PL: if (!pl.gotscores) return _("N/A"); f = pl.ping_packetloss; tmp = pl.ping_movementloss; if(f == 0 && tmp == 0) return ""; str = ftos(ceil(f * 100)); if(tmp != 0) str = strcat(str, "~", ftos(ceil(tmp * 100))); tmp = bound(0, f / 0.2 + tmp / 0.04, 1); // 20% is REALLY BAD pl sbt_field_rgb = '1 0.5 0.5' - '0 0.5 0.5' * tmp; return str; case SP_NAME: return Scoreboard_GetName(pl); case SP_FRAGS: f = pl.(scores(SP_KILLS)); f -= pl.(scores(SP_SUICIDES)); return ftos(f); case SP_KDRATIO: num = pl.(scores(SP_KILLS)); denom = pl.(scores(SP_DEATHS)); if(denom == 0) { sbt_field_rgb = '0 1 0'; str = sprintf("%d", num); } else if(num <= 0) { sbt_field_rgb = '1 0 0'; str = sprintf("%.1f", num/denom); } else str = sprintf("%.1f", num/denom); return str; case SP_SUM: f = pl.(scores(SP_KILLS)); f -= pl.(scores(SP_DEATHS)); if(f > 0) { sbt_field_rgb = '0 1 0'; } else if(f == 0) { sbt_field_rgb = '1 1 1'; } else { sbt_field_rgb = '1 0 0'; } return ftos(f); case SP_ELO: { float elo = pl.(scores(SP_ELO)); switch (elo) { case -1: return "..."; case -2: return _("N/A"); default: return ftos(elo); } } case SP_FPS: { float fps = pl.(scores(SP_FPS)); if(fps == 0) { sbt_field_rgb = '1 1 1'; return ((pl.ping == 0) ? _("N/A") : "..."); // if 0 ping, either connecting or bot (either case can't show proper score) } //sbt_field_rgb = HUD_Get_Num_Color(fps, 200, true); sbt_field_rgb = '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * (bound(0, fps, 60) / 60); return ftos(fps); } case SP_DMG: case SP_DMGTAKEN: return sprintf("%.1f k", pl.(scores(field)) / 1000); default: case SP_SCORE: tmp = pl.(scores(field)); f = scores_flags(field); if(field == ps_primary) sbt_field_rgb = '1 1 0'; else if(field == ps_secondary) sbt_field_rgb = '0 1 1'; else sbt_field_rgb = '1 1 1'; return ScoreString(f, tmp); } //return "error"; } float sbt_fixcolumnwidth_len; float sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen; float sbt_fixcolumnwidth_marginlen; string Scoreboard_FixColumnWidth(int i, string str) { TC(int, i); float f; vector sz; sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen = 0; if(sbt_field_icon0 != "") { sz = draw_getimagesize(sbt_field_icon0); f = sz.x / sz.y; if(sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen < f) sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen = f; } if(sbt_field_icon1 != "") { sz = draw_getimagesize(sbt_field_icon1); f = sz.x / sz.y; if(sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen < f) sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen = f; } if(sbt_field_icon2 != "") { sz = draw_getimagesize(sbt_field_icon2); f = sz.x / sz.y; if(sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen < f) sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen = f; } if(sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen != 0) { sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen *= hud_fontsize.y / hud_fontsize.x; // fix icon aspect sbt_fixcolumnwidth_marginlen = stringwidth(" ", false, hud_fontsize); } else sbt_fixcolumnwidth_marginlen = 0; if(sbt_field[i] == SP_NAME) // name gets all remaining space { int j; float remaining_space = 0; for(j = 0; j < sbt_num_fields; ++j) if(j != i) if (sbt_field[i] != SP_SEPARATOR) remaining_space += sbt_field_size[j] + hud_fontsize.x; sbt_field_size[i] = panel_size.x - remaining_space; if (sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen != 0) remaining_space += sbt_fixcolumnwidth_marginlen + sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen * hud_fontsize.x; float namesize = panel_size.x - remaining_space; str = textShortenToWidth(str, namesize, hud_fontsize, stringwidth_colors); sbt_fixcolumnwidth_len = stringwidth(str, true, hud_fontsize); max_namesize = vid_conwidth - remaining_space; } else sbt_fixcolumnwidth_len = stringwidth(str, false, hud_fontsize); f = sbt_fixcolumnwidth_len + sbt_fixcolumnwidth_marginlen + sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen * hud_fontsize.x; if(sbt_field_size[i] < f) sbt_field_size[i] = f; return str; } void Scoreboard_initFieldSizes() { for(int i = 0; i < sbt_num_fields; ++i) { sbt_field_size[i] = stringwidth(sbt_field_title[i], false, hud_fontsize); Scoreboard_FixColumnWidth(i, ""); } } vector Scoreboard_DrawHeader(vector pos, vector rgb, bool other_players) { int i; vector column_dim = eY * panel_size.y; if(other_players) column_dim.y -= 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; vector text_offset = eY * (1.25 - 1) / 2 * hud_fontsize.y; pos.x += hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; for(i = 0; i < sbt_num_fields; ++i) { if(sbt_field[i] == SP_SEPARATOR) break; column_dim.x = sbt_field_size[i] + hud_fontsize.x; if (sbt_highlight) if (i % 2) drawfill(pos - eX * hud_fontsize.x * 0.5, column_dim, '0 0 0', sbt_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + text_offset, sbt_field_title[i], hud_fontsize, rgb * 1.5, sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.x += column_dim.x; } if(sbt_field[i] == SP_SEPARATOR) { pos.x = panel_pos.x + panel_size.x - hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; for(i = sbt_num_fields - 1; i > 0; --i) { if(sbt_field[i] == SP_SEPARATOR) break; pos.x -= sbt_field_size[i]; if (sbt_highlight) if (!(i % 2)) { column_dim.x = sbt_field_size[i] + hud_fontsize.x; drawfill(pos - eX * hud_fontsize.x * 0.5, column_dim, '0 0 0', sbt_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } text_offset.x = sbt_field_size[i] - stringwidth(sbt_field_title[i], false, hud_fontsize); drawstring(pos + text_offset, sbt_field_title[i], hud_fontsize, rgb * 1.5, sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.x -= hud_fontsize.x; } } pos.x = panel_pos.x; pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; return pos; } void Scoreboard_DrawItem(vector item_pos, vector rgb, entity pl, bool is_self, int pl_number) { TC(bool, is_self); TC(int, pl_number); string str; bool is_spec = (entcs_GetSpecState(pl.sv_entnum) == ENTCS_SPEC_PURE); vector h_pos = item_pos; vector h_size = vec2(panel_size.x, hud_fontsize.y * 1.25); // alternated rows highlighting if(is_self) drawfill(h_pos, h_size, rgb, sbt_highlight_alpha_self, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else if((sbt_highlight) && (!(pl_number % 2))) drawfill(h_pos, h_size, rgb, sbt_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); float fg_alpha = (is_self ? sbt_fg_alpha_self : sbt_fg_alpha); vector pos = item_pos; // put a "self indicator" beside the self row, unicode U+25C0 (black left-pointing triangle) if (is_self) drawstring(pos+eX*(panel_size.x+.5*hud_fontsize.x)+eY, "\xE2\x97\x80", vec2(hud_fontsize.x, hud_fontsize.y), rgb, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.x += hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; pos.y += (1.25 - 1) / 2 * hud_fontsize.y; // center text vertically vector tmp = '0 0 0'; int i; PlayerScoreField field; for(i = 0; i < sbt_num_fields; ++i) { field = sbt_field[i]; if(field == SP_SEPARATOR) break; if(is_spec && field != SP_NAME && field != SP_PING) { pos.x += sbt_field_size[i] + hud_fontsize.x; continue; } str = Scoreboard_GetField(pl, field); str = Scoreboard_FixColumnWidth(i, str); pos.x += sbt_field_size[i] + hud_fontsize.x; if(field == SP_NAME) { tmp.x = sbt_field_size[i] - hud_fontsize.x * sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen - sbt_fixcolumnwidth_marginlen + hud_fontsize.x; drawcolorcodedstring(pos - tmp, str, hud_fontsize, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { tmp.x = sbt_fixcolumnwidth_len + hud_fontsize.x; drawstring(pos - tmp, str, hud_fontsize, sbt_field_rgb, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } tmp.x = sbt_field_size[i] + hud_fontsize.x; if(sbt_field_icon0 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbt_field_icon0, vec2(hud_fontsize.x * sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen, hud_fontsize.y), sbt_field_icon1_rgb, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(sbt_field_icon1 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbt_field_icon1, vec2(hud_fontsize.x * sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen, hud_fontsize.y), sbt_field_icon1_rgb, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(sbt_field_icon2 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbt_field_icon2, vec2(hud_fontsize.x * sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen, hud_fontsize.y), sbt_field_icon2_rgb, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(sbt_field[i] == SP_SEPARATOR) { pos.x = item_pos.x + panel_size.x - hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; for(i = sbt_num_fields-1; i > 0; --i) { field = sbt_field[i]; if(field == SP_SEPARATOR) break; if(is_spec && field != SP_NAME && field != SP_PING) { pos.x -= sbt_field_size[i] + hud_fontsize.x; continue; } str = Scoreboard_GetField(pl, field); str = Scoreboard_FixColumnWidth(i, str); if(field == SP_NAME) { tmp.x = sbt_fixcolumnwidth_len; // left or right aligned? let's put it right... drawcolorcodedstring(pos - tmp, str, hud_fontsize, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { tmp.x = sbt_fixcolumnwidth_len; drawstring(pos - tmp, str, hud_fontsize, sbt_field_rgb, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } tmp.x = sbt_field_size[i]; if(sbt_field_icon0 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbt_field_icon0, vec2(hud_fontsize.x * sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen, hud_fontsize.y), sbt_field_icon1_rgb, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(sbt_field_icon1 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbt_field_icon1, vec2(hud_fontsize.x * sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen, hud_fontsize.y), sbt_field_icon1_rgb, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(sbt_field_icon2 != "") drawpic(pos - tmp, sbt_field_icon2, vec2(hud_fontsize.x * sbt_fixcolumnwidth_iconlen, hud_fontsize.y), sbt_field_icon2_rgb, fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.x -= sbt_field_size[i] + hud_fontsize.x; } } if(pl.eliminated) drawfill(h_pos, h_size, '0 0 0', 0.5 * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } vector Scoreboard_DrawOthers(vector item_pos, vector rgb, int this_team, entity ignored_pl, entity pl, int pl_number) { int i = 0; vector h_pos = item_pos; vector h_size = vec2(panel_size.x, hud_fontsize.y * 1.25); bool complete = (this_team == NUM_SPECTATOR); if(!complete) if((sbt_highlight) && (!(pl_number % 2))) drawfill(h_pos, h_size, rgb, sbt_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); vector pos = item_pos; pos.x += hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; pos.y += (1.25 - 1) / 2 * hud_fontsize.y; // center text vertically float width_limit = item_pos.x + panel_size.x - hud_fontsize.x; if(!complete) width_limit -= stringwidth("...", false, hud_fontsize); float namesize = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_namesize * hud_fontsize.x; static float max_name_width = 0; string field = ""; float fieldsize = 0; float min_fieldsize = 0; float fieldpadding = hud_fontsize.x * 0.25; if(this_team == NUM_SPECTATOR) { if(autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_spectators_showping) min_fieldsize = stringwidth("999", false, hud_fontsize); } else if(autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_others_showscore) min_fieldsize = stringwidth("99", false, hud_fontsize); for(i = 0; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.team != this_team) continue; if(pl == ignored_pl) continue; field = ""; if(this_team == NUM_SPECTATOR) { if(autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_spectators_showping) field = Scoreboard_GetField(pl, SP_PING); } else if(autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_others_showscore) field = Scoreboard_GetField(pl, SP_SCORE); string str = textShortenToWidth(entcs_GetName(pl.sv_entnum), namesize, hud_fontsize, stringwidth_colors); float column_width = stringwidth(str, true, hud_fontsize); if((this_team == NUM_SPECTATOR) && autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_spectators_aligned) { if(column_width > max_name_width) max_name_width = column_width; column_width = max_name_width; } if(field != "") { fieldsize = stringwidth(field, false, hud_fontsize); column_width += hud_fontsize.x * 0.25 + max(fieldsize, min_fieldsize) + 2 * fieldpadding; } if(pos.x + column_width > width_limit) { ++i; if(!complete) { drawstring(pos, "...", hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; } else { pos.x = item_pos.x + hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 1.25; } } vector name_pos = pos; if((this_team == NUM_SPECTATOR) && autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_spectators_aligned) name_pos.x += max(fieldsize, min_fieldsize) + 2 * fieldpadding + hud_fontsize.x * 0.25; drawcolorcodedstring(name_pos, str, hud_fontsize, sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(field != "") { h_size.x = max(fieldsize, min_fieldsize) + 2 * fieldpadding; h_size.y = hud_fontsize.y; vector field_pos = pos; if(!((this_team == NUM_SPECTATOR) && autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_spectators_aligned)) field_pos.x += column_width - h_size.x; if(sbt_highlight) drawfill(field_pos, h_size, '1 1 1', sbt_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); field_pos.x += fieldpadding + (max(fieldsize, min_fieldsize) - fieldsize) * 0.5; drawstring(field_pos, field, hud_fontsize, sbt_field_rgb, sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if(pl.eliminated) { h_size.x = column_width + hud_fontsize.x * 0.25; h_size.y = hud_fontsize.y; drawfill(pos - hud_fontsize.x * 0.25 * eX, h_size, '0 0 0', 0.5 * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } pos.x += column_width; pos.x += hud_fontsize.x; } return vec2(item_pos.x, item_pos.y + i * hud_fontsize.y * 1.25); } vector Scoreboard_MakeTable(vector pos, entity tm, vector rgb, vector bg_size) { int max_players = 999; if(autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_maxheight > 0) { float height = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_maxheight * vid_conheight; if(teamplay) { height -= (panel_bg_padding * 2 + hud_fontsize.y * 1.25) * team_count; // - padding and header height -= hud_fontsize.y * (team_count - 1); // - spacing between tables height /= team_count; } else height -= panel_bg_padding * 2; // - padding max_players = floor(height / (hud_fontsize.y * 1.25)); if(max_players <= 1) max_players = 1; if(max_players == tm.team_size) max_players = 999; } entity pl; entity me = playerslots[current_player]; panel_pos = pos; panel_size.y = 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y * (1 + bound(1, tm.team_size, max_players)); panel_size.y += panel_bg_padding * 2; HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); vector end_pos = panel_pos + eY * (panel_size.y + 0.5* hud_fontsize.y); if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") end_pos.y += panel_bg_border * 2; if(panel_bg_padding) { panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } pos = panel_pos; vector tmp = vec2(panel_size.x, 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y); // rounded header if (sbt_bg_alpha) drawpic(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_tableheader", tmp, rgb + '0.5 0.5 0.5', sbt_bg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; // table background tmp.y = panel_size.y - 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; if (sbt_bg_alpha) drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb, sbt_bg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // print header row and highlight columns pos = Scoreboard_DrawHeader(panel_pos, rgb, (max_players < tm.team_size)); // fill the table and draw the rows bool is_self = false; bool self_shown = false; int i = 0; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.team != tm.team) continue; if(i == max_players - 2 && pl != me) { if(!self_shown && me.team == tm.team) { Scoreboard_DrawItem(pos, rgb, me, true, i); self_shown = true; pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; ++i; } } if(i >= max_players - 1) { pos = Scoreboard_DrawOthers(pos, rgb, tm.team, (self_shown ? me : NULL), pl, i); break; } is_self = (pl.sv_entnum == current_player); Scoreboard_DrawItem(pos, rgb, pl, is_self, i); if(is_self) self_shown = true; pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; ++i; } panel_size.x += panel_bg_padding * 2; // restore initial width return end_pos; } bool Scoreboard_WouldDraw() { if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DrawScoreboard)) return false; else if (QuickMenu_IsOpened()) return false; else if (HUD_Radar_Clickable()) return false; else if (scoreboard_showscores) return true; else if (intermission == 1) return true; else if (intermission == 2) return false; else if (spectatee_status != -1 && STAT(HEALTH) <= 0 && autocvar_cl_deathscoreboard && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DrawDeathScoreboard) && (!HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() || !active_minigame)) { return true; } else if (scoreboard_showscores_force) return true; return false; } float average_accuracy; vector Scoreboard_AccuracyStats_Draw(vector pos, vector rgb, vector bg_size) { if (frametime) { if (scoreboard_fade_alpha == 1) scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha = min(1, scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha + frametime * 10); else scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha = 1; // sync fading with the scoreboard } vector initial_pos = pos; WepSet weapons_stat = WepSet_GetFromStat(); WepSet weapons_inmap = WepSet_GetFromStat_InMap(); int disownedcnt = 0; int nHidden = 0; FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { int weapon_stats = weapon_accuracy[i - WEP_FIRST]; WepSet set = it.m_wepset; if(it.spawnflags & WEP_TYPE_OTHER) { ++nHidden; continue; } if (weapon_stats < 0 && !((weapons_stat & set) || (weapons_inmap & set))) { if (it.spawnflags & (WEP_FLAG_HIDDEN | WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED | WEP_FLAG_SPECIALATTACK)) ++nHidden; else ++disownedcnt; } }); int weapon_cnt = (REGISTRY_COUNT(Weapons) - 1) - disownedcnt - nHidden; if (weapon_cnt <= 0) return pos; int rows = 1; if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows && weapon_cnt >= floor((REGISTRY_COUNT(Weapons) - nHidden - 1) * 0.5)) rows = 2; int columnns = ceil(weapon_cnt / rows); float weapon_height = 29; float height = hud_fontsize.y + weapon_height; drawstring(pos + eX * panel_bg_padding, sprintf(_("Accuracy stats (average %d%%)"), average_accuracy), hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha * scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") pos.y += panel_bg_border; panel_pos = pos; panel_size.y = height * rows; panel_size.y += panel_bg_padding * 2; float panel_bg_alpha_save = panel_bg_alpha; panel_bg_alpha *= scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha; HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); panel_bg_alpha = panel_bg_alpha_save; vector end_pos = panel_pos + eY * (panel_size.y + hud_fontsize.y); if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") end_pos.y += panel_bg_border * 2; if(panel_bg_padding) { panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } pos = panel_pos; vector tmp = panel_size; float weapon_width = tmp.x / columnns / rows; if (sbt_bg_alpha) drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb, sbt_bg_alpha * scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(sbt_highlight) { // column highlighting for (int i = 0; i < columnns; ++i) if ((i % 2) == 0) drawfill(pos + eX * weapon_width * rows * i, vec2(weapon_width * rows, height * rows), '0 0 0', sbt_highlight_alpha * scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // row highlighting for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) drawfill(pos + eY * (weapon_height + height * i), vec2(tmp.x, hud_fontsize.y), rgb, sbt_highlight_alpha * scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } average_accuracy = 0; int weapons_with_stats = 0; if (rows == 2) pos.x += weapon_width / 2; if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors) rgb = '1 1 1'; else Accuracy_LoadColors(); float oldposx = pos.x; vector tmpos = pos; int column = 0; FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { int weapon_stats = weapon_accuracy[i - WEP_FIRST]; WepSet set = it.m_wepset; if (weapon_stats < 0 && !((weapons_stat & set) || (weapons_inmap & set))) continue; if (it.spawnflags & WEP_TYPE_OTHER) continue; float weapon_alpha; if (weapon_stats >= 0) weapon_alpha = sbt_fg_alpha; else weapon_alpha = 0.2 * sbt_fg_alpha; // weapon icon drawpic_aspect_skin(tmpos, it.model2, vec2(weapon_width, weapon_height), '1 1 1', weapon_alpha * scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // the accuracy if (weapon_stats >= 0) { weapons_with_stats += 1; average_accuracy += weapon_stats; // store sum of all accuracies in average_accuracy string s; s = sprintf("%d%%", weapon_stats * 100); float padding; padding = (weapon_width - stringwidth(s, false, hud_fontsize)) / 2; // center the accuracy value if(!autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors) rgb = Accuracy_GetColor(weapon_stats); drawstring(tmpos + vec2(padding, weapon_height), s, hud_fontsize, rgb, sbt_fg_alpha * scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } tmpos.x += weapon_width * rows; pos.x += weapon_width * rows; if (rows == 2 && column == columnns - 1) { tmpos.x = oldposx; tmpos.y += height; pos.y += height; } ++column; }); if (weapons_with_stats) average_accuracy = floor((average_accuracy * 100 / weapons_with_stats) + 0.5); panel_size.x += panel_bg_padding * 2; // restore initial width if (scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha == 1) return end_pos; return initial_pos + (end_pos - initial_pos) * scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha; } .bool uninteresting; STATIC_INIT(default_order_items_label) { IL_EACH(default_order_items, true, { switch(it.netname) { case "bullets": case "cells": case "plasma": case "rockets": case "shells": case "vaporizer_cells": case "fuel": case "armor_small": case "armor_medium": case "health_small": case "health_medium": it.uninteresting = true; } }); } vector Scoreboard_ItemStats_Draw(vector pos, vector rgb, vector bg_size) { float scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha_save = scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha; // debug scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha = 1; // debug: make Item Stats always visible float initial_posx = pos.x; int disowned_cnt = 0; int uninteresting_cnt = 0; IL_EACH(default_order_items, true, { int q = g_inventory.inv_items[it.m_id]; //q = 1; // debug: display all items if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_itemstats_filter && it.uninteresting) ++uninteresting_cnt; else if (!q) ++disowned_cnt; }); int items_cnt = REGISTRY_COUNT(Items) - uninteresting_cnt; int n = items_cnt - disowned_cnt; if (n <= 0) return pos; int rows = (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_itemstats_doublerows && n >= floor(REGISTRY_COUNT(Items) / 2)) ? 2 : 1; int columnns = max(6, ceil(n / rows)); float height = 40; float fontsize = height * 1/3; float item_height = height * 2/3; drawstring(pos, _("Item stats"), hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") pos.y += panel_bg_border; panel_pos = pos; panel_size.y = height * rows; panel_size.y += panel_bg_padding * 2; float panel_bg_alpha_save = panel_bg_alpha; panel_bg_alpha *= scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha; HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); panel_bg_alpha = panel_bg_alpha_save; vector end_pos = panel_pos + eY * (panel_size.y + hud_fontsize.y); if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") end_pos.y += panel_bg_border * 2; if(panel_bg_padding) { panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } pos = panel_pos; vector tmp = panel_size; float item_width = tmp.x / columnns / rows; if (sbt_bg_alpha) drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb, sbt_bg_alpha * scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(sbt_highlight) { // column highlighting for (int i = 0; i < columnns; ++i) if ((i % 2) == 0) drawfill(pos + '1 0 0' * item_width * rows * i, '0 1 0' * height * rows + '1 0 0' * item_width * rows, '0 0 0', panel_bg_alpha * 0.2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // row highlighting for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) drawfill(pos + '0 1 0' * item_height + '0 1 0' * height * i, '1 0 0' * panel_size.x + '0 1 0' * fontsize, '1 1 1', sbt_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } if (rows == 2) pos.x += item_width / 2; float oldposx = pos.x; vector tmpos = pos; int column = 0; IL_EACH(default_order_items, !(autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_itemstats_filter && it.uninteresting), { int n = g_inventory.inv_items[it.m_id]; //n = 1 + floor(i * 3 + 4.8) % 7; // debug: display a value for each item if (n <= 0) continue; drawpic_aspect_skin(tmpos, it.m_icon, '1 0 0' * item_width + '0 1 0' * item_height, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); string s = ftos(n); float padding = (item_width - stringwidth(s, false, '1 0 0' * fontsize)) / 2; // center drawstring(tmpos + '1 0 0' * padding + '0 1 0' * item_height, s, '1 1 0' * fontsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); tmpos.x += item_width * rows; pos.x += item_width * rows; if (rows == 2 && column == columnns - 1) { tmpos.x = oldposx; tmpos.y += height; pos.y += height; } ++column; }); pos.y += height; pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; pos.x = initial_posx; panel_size.x += panel_bg_padding * 2; // restore initial width scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha = scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha_save; // debug return pos; } vector MapStats_DrawKeyValue(vector pos, string key, string value) { float px = pos.x; pos.x += hud_fontsize.x * 0.25; drawstring(pos, key, hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.x = panel_pos.x + panel_size.x - stringwidth(value, false, hud_fontsize) - hud_fontsize.x * 0.25; drawstring(pos, value, hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.x = px; pos.y += hud_fontsize.y; return pos; } vector Scoreboard_MapStats_Draw(vector pos, vector rgb, vector bg_size) { float stat_secrets_found, stat_secrets_total; float stat_monsters_killed, stat_monsters_total; float rows = 0; string val; // get monster stats stat_monsters_killed = STAT(MONSTERS_KILLED); stat_monsters_total = STAT(MONSTERS_TOTAL); // get secrets stats stat_secrets_found = STAT(SECRETS_FOUND); stat_secrets_total = STAT(SECRETS_TOTAL); // get number of rows if(stat_secrets_total) rows += 1; if(stat_monsters_total) rows += 1; // if no rows, return if (!rows) return pos; // draw table header drawstring(pos + eX * panel_bg_padding, _("Map stats:"), hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") pos.y += panel_bg_border; panel_pos = pos; panel_size.y = hud_fontsize.y * rows; panel_size.y += panel_bg_padding * 2; HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); vector end_pos = panel_pos + eY * (panel_size.y + hud_fontsize.y); if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") end_pos.y += panel_bg_border * 2; if(panel_bg_padding) { panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } pos = panel_pos; vector tmp = panel_size; if (sbt_bg_alpha) drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, tmp, rgb, sbt_bg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // draw monsters if(stat_monsters_total) { val = sprintf("%d/%d", stat_monsters_killed, stat_monsters_total); pos = MapStats_DrawKeyValue(pos, _("Monsters killed:"), val); } // draw secrets if(stat_secrets_total) { val = sprintf("%d/%d", stat_secrets_found, stat_secrets_total); pos = MapStats_DrawKeyValue(pos, _("Secrets found:"), val); } panel_size.x += panel_bg_padding * 2; // restore initial width return end_pos; } vector Scoreboard_Rankings_Draw(vector pos, string ranktitle, entity pl, vector rgb, vector bg_size) { int i; RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT = 0; for (i=RANKINGS_CNT-1; i>=0; --i) if (grecordtime[i]) ++RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT; if (RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT == 0) return pos; vector hl_rgb = rgb + '0.5 0.5 0.5'; pos.y += hud_fontsize.y; drawstring(pos + eX * panel_bg_padding, ranktitle, hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") pos.y += panel_bg_border; panel_pos = pos; float namesize = 0; for(i = 0; i < RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT; ++i) { float f = stringwidth(ColorTranslateRGB(grecordholder[i]), true, hud_fontsize); if(f > namesize) namesize = f; } bool cut = false; if(namesize > autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_namesize * hud_fontsize.x) { namesize = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_namesize * hud_fontsize.x; cut = true; } float ranksize = 3 * hud_fontsize.x; float timesize = 5 * hud_fontsize.x; vector columnsize = vec2(ranksize + timesize + namesize + hud_fontsize.x, 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y); int columns = max(1, floor((panel_size.x - 2 * panel_bg_padding) / columnsize.x)); columns = min(columns, RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT); // expand name column to fill the entire row float available_space = (panel_size.x - 2 * panel_bg_padding - columnsize.x * columns) / columns; namesize += available_space; columnsize.x += available_space; panel_size.y = ceil(RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT / columns) * 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; panel_size.y += panel_bg_padding * 2; HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); vector end_pos = panel_pos + eY * (panel_size.y + hud_fontsize.y); if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") end_pos.y += panel_bg_border * 2; if(panel_bg_padding) { panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } pos = panel_pos; if (sbt_bg_alpha) drawpic_tiled(pos, "gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg", bg_size, panel_size, rgb, sbt_bg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); vector text_ofs = vec2(0.5 * hud_fontsize.x, (1.25 - 1) / 2 * hud_fontsize.y); // center text vertically string str = ""; int column = 0, j = 0; string zoned_name_self = strzone(strdecolorize(entcs_GetName(player_localnum))); for(i = 0; i < RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT; ++i) { float t; t = grecordtime[i]; if (t == 0) continue; if(strdecolorize(grecordholder[i]) == zoned_name_self) drawfill(pos, columnsize, hl_rgb, sbt_highlight_alpha_self, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else if(!((j + column) & 1) && sbt_highlight) drawfill(pos, columnsize, hl_rgb, sbt_highlight_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); str = count_ordinal(i+1); drawstring(pos + text_ofs, str, hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(pos + text_ofs + eX * ranksize, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t), hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); str = ColorTranslateRGB(grecordholder[i]); if(cut) str = textShortenToWidth(str, namesize, hud_fontsize, stringwidth_colors); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + text_ofs + eX * (ranksize + timesize), str, hud_fontsize, sbt_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; j++; if(j >= ceil(RANKINGS_RECEIVED_CNT / columns)) { column++; j = 0; pos.x += panel_size.x / columns; pos.y = panel_pos.y; } } strfree(zoned_name_self); panel_size.x += panel_bg_padding * 2; // restore initial width return end_pos; } float scoreboard_time; bool have_weapon_stats; bool Scoreboard_AccuracyStats_WouldDraw(float ypos) { if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DrawScoreboardAccuracy)) return false; if (!autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy || warmup_stage || ypos > 0.91 * vid_conheight) return false; if (time < scoreboard_time + autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_showdelay && ypos > autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_showdelay_minpos * vid_conheight && !intermission) { return false; } if (!have_weapon_stats) { FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { int weapon_stats = weapon_accuracy[i - WEP_FIRST]; if (weapon_stats >= 0) { have_weapon_stats = true; break; } }); if (!have_weapon_stats) return false; } return true; } void Scoreboard_Draw() { if(!autocvar__hud_configure) { if(!hud_draw_maximized) return; // frametime checks allow to toggle the scoreboard even when the game is paused if(scoreboard_active) { if (scoreboard_fade_alpha < 1) scoreboard_time = time; if(hud_configure_menu_open == 1) scoreboard_fade_alpha = 1; float scoreboard_fadeinspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeinspeed; if (scoreboard_fadeinspeed && frametime) scoreboard_fade_alpha = min(1, scoreboard_fade_alpha + frametime * scoreboard_fadeinspeed); else scoreboard_fade_alpha = 1; if(hud_fontsize_str != autocvar_hud_fontsize) { hud_fontsize = HUD_GetFontsize("hud_fontsize"); Scoreboard_initFieldSizes(); strcpy(hud_fontsize_str, autocvar_hud_fontsize); } } else { float scoreboard_fadeoutspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeoutspeed; if (scoreboard_fadeoutspeed && frametime) scoreboard_fade_alpha = max(0, scoreboard_fade_alpha - frametime * scoreboard_fadeoutspeed); else scoreboard_fade_alpha = 0; } if (!scoreboard_fade_alpha) { scoreboard_acc_fade_alpha = 0; return; } } else scoreboard_fade_alpha = 0; if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_dynamichud) HUD_Scale_Enable(); else HUD_Scale_Disable(); if(scoreboard_fade_alpha <= 0) return; panel_fade_alpha *= scoreboard_fade_alpha; HUD_Panel_LoadCvars(); sbt_bg_alpha = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_alpha * panel_fg_alpha; sbt_highlight = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight; sbt_highlight_alpha = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha * panel_fg_alpha; sbt_highlight_alpha_self = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_self * panel_fg_alpha; sbt_fg_alpha = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha * panel_fg_alpha; sbt_fg_alpha_self = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha_self * panel_fg_alpha; // don't overlap with con_notify if(!autocvar__hud_configure) panel_pos.y = max((autocvar_con_notify * autocvar_con_notifysize), panel_pos.y); float excess = max(0, max_namesize - autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_namesize * hud_fontsize.x); float fixed_scoreboard_width = bound(vid_conwidth * autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_minwidth, vid_conwidth - excess, vid_conwidth * 0.93); panel_pos.x = 0.5 * (vid_conwidth - fixed_scoreboard_width); panel_size.x = fixed_scoreboard_width; Scoreboard_UpdatePlayerTeams(); vector pos = panel_pos; entity pl, tm; string str; vector str_pos; vector sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize; // Begin of Game Info Section sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize = hud_fontsize * 2.5; sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize = hud_fontsize * 1.3; // Game Info: Game Type str = MapInfo_Type_ToText(gametype); draw_beginBoldFont(); drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '0.5 0 0' * (panel_size.x - stringwidth(str, true, sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize)), str, sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); draw_endBoldFont(); // Game Info: Game Detail float tl = STAT(TIMELIMIT); float fl = STAT(FRAGLIMIT); float ll = STAT(LEADLIMIT); float ll_and_fl = STAT(LEADLIMIT_AND_FRAGLIMIT); str = ""; if(tl > 0) str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^3%1.0f minutes"), tl)); if(!gametype.m_hidelimits) { if(fl > 0) { if(tl > 0) str = strcat(str, "^7 / "); // delimiter if(teamplay) { str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^5%s %s"), ScoreString(teamscores_flags(ts_primary), fl), (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) : (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "fastest") ? "" : TranslateScoresLabel(teamscores_label(ts_primary)))); } else { str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^5%s %s"), ScoreString(scores_flags(ps_primary), fl), (scores_label(ps_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) : (scores_label(ps_primary) == "fastest") ? "" : TranslateScoresLabel(scores_label(ps_primary)))); } } if(ll > 0) { if(tl > 0 || fl > 0) { // delimiter if (ll_and_fl && fl > 0) str = strcat(str, "^7 & "); else str = strcat(str, "^7 / "); } if(teamplay) { str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^2+%s %s"), ScoreString(teamscores_flags(ts_primary), ll), (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) : (teamscores_label(ts_primary) == "fastest") ? "" : TranslateScoresLabel(teamscores_label(ts_primary)))); } else { str = strcat(str, sprintf(_("^2+%s %s"), ScoreString(scores_flags(ps_primary), ll), (scores_label(ps_primary) == "score") ? CTX(_("SCO^points")) : (scores_label(ps_primary) == "fastest") ? "" : TranslateScoresLabel(scores_label(ps_primary)))); } } } pos.y += sb_gameinfo_type_fontsize.y; drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '1 0 0' * (panel_size.x - stringwidth(str, true, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize)), str, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // align right // map name str = sprintf(_("^7Map: ^2%s"), shortmapname); drawcolorcodedstring(pos, str, sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // align left // End of Game Info Section pos.y += sb_gameinfo_detail_fontsize.y + hud_fontsize.y * 0.3; // space between Game Info Section and score table if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") pos.y += panel_bg_border; // Draw the scoreboard float scale = autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_scale; if(scale <= 0) scale = 0.25; vector bg_size = draw_getimagesize("gfx/scoreboard/scoreboard_bg") * scale; if(teamplay) { vector panel_bg_color_save = panel_bg_color; vector team_score_baseoffset; vector team_size_baseoffset; if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_team_size_position != 1) // team size not on left { // put team score to the left of scoreboard (and team size to the right) team_score_baseoffset = eY * hud_fontsize.y - eX * hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; team_size_baseoffset = eY * hud_fontsize.y + eX * hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") { team_score_baseoffset.x -= panel_bg_border; team_size_baseoffset.x += panel_bg_border; } } else { // put team score to the right of scoreboard (and team size to the left) team_score_baseoffset = eY * hud_fontsize.y + eX * hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; team_size_baseoffset = eY * hud_fontsize.y - eX * hud_fontsize.x * 0.5; if(panel.current_panel_bg != "0") { team_score_baseoffset.x += panel_bg_border; team_size_baseoffset.x -= panel_bg_border; } } int team_size_total = 0; if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_team_size_position != 0) // team size not off { // calculate team size total (sum of all team sizes) for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) if(tm.team != NUM_SPECTATOR) team_size_total += tm.team_size; } for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) { if(tm.team == NUM_SPECTATOR) continue; if(!tm.team) continue; draw_beginBoldFont(); vector rgb = Team_ColorRGB(tm.team); str = ftos(tm.(teamscores(ts_primary))); if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_team_size_position != 1) // team size not on left { // team score on the left (default) str_pos = pos + team_score_baseoffset - eX * stringwidth(str, false, hud_fontsize * 1.5); } else { // team score on the right str_pos = pos + team_score_baseoffset + eX * (panel_size.x + hud_fontsize.x * 1.5); } drawstring(str_pos, str, hud_fontsize * 1.5, rgb, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // team size (if set to show on the side) if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_team_size_position != 0) // team size not off { // calculate the starting position for the whole team size info string str = sprintf("%d/%d", tm.team_size, team_size_total); if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_team_size_position == 1) { // team size on the left str_pos = pos + team_size_baseoffset - eX * stringwidth(str, false, hud_fontsize * 1.5); } else { // team size on the right str_pos = pos + team_size_baseoffset + eX * (panel_size.x + hud_fontsize.x * 1.5); } str = sprintf("%d", tm.team_size); drawstring(str_pos, str, hud_fontsize * 1.5, rgb, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); str_pos += eX * stringwidth(str, true, hud_fontsize * 1.5) + eY * hud_fontsize.y * .5; str = sprintf("/%d", team_size_total); drawstring(str_pos, str, hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // secondary score, e.g. keyhunt if(ts_primary != ts_secondary) { str = ftos(tm.(teamscores(ts_secondary))); if (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_team_size_position != 1) // team size not on left { // left str_pos = pos + team_score_baseoffset - vec2(stringwidth(str, false, hud_fontsize), hud_fontsize.y * -1.5); } else { // right str_pos = pos + team_score_baseoffset + vec2(panel_size.x + hud_fontsize.x * 1.5, hud_fontsize.y * 1.5); } drawstring(str_pos, str, hud_fontsize, rgb, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } draw_endBoldFont(); if(autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team > 0) panel_bg_color = rgb * autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team; else if(panel_bg_color_team > 0) panel_bg_color = rgb * panel_bg_color_team; else panel_bg_color = rgb; pos = Scoreboard_MakeTable(pos, tm, panel_bg_color, bg_size); } panel_bg_color = panel_bg_color_save; } else { for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) if(tm.team != NUM_SPECTATOR) break; // display it anyway pos = Scoreboard_MakeTable(pos, tm, panel_bg_color, bg_size); } if (Scoreboard_AccuracyStats_WouldDraw(pos.y)) pos = Scoreboard_AccuracyStats_Draw(pos, panel_bg_color, bg_size); pos = Scoreboard_ItemStats_Draw(pos, panel_bg_color, bg_size); if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ShowRankings)) { string ranktitle = M_ARGV(0, string); if(race_speedaward) { drawcolorcodedstring(pos, sprintf(_("Speed award: %d%s ^7(%s^7)"), race_speedaward, race_speedaward_unit, ColorTranslateRGB(race_speedaward_holder)), hud_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; } if(race_speedaward_alltimebest) { drawcolorcodedstring(pos, sprintf(_("All-time fastest: %d%s ^7(%s^7)"), race_speedaward_alltimebest, race_speedaward_alltimebest_unit, ColorTranslateRGB(race_speedaward_alltimebest_holder)), hud_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; } pos = Scoreboard_Rankings_Draw(pos, ranktitle, playerslots[player_localnum], panel_bg_color, bg_size); } pos = Scoreboard_MapStats_Draw(pos, panel_bg_color, bg_size); // List spectators for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) { if(pl.team == NUM_SPECTATOR) { for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) if(tm.team == NUM_SPECTATOR) break; str = sprintf("%s (%d)", _("Spectators"), tm.team_size); draw_beginBoldFont(); drawstring(pos, str, hud_fontsize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); draw_endBoldFont(); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; pos = Scoreboard_DrawOthers(pos, '0 0 0', pl.team, NULL, pl, 0); pos.y += 1.25 * hud_fontsize.y; break; } } // print information about respawn status float respawn_time = STAT(RESPAWN_TIME); if(!intermission) if(respawn_time) { if(respawn_time < 0) { // a negative number means we are awaiting respawn, time value is still the same respawn_time *= -1; // remove mark now that we checked it if(respawn_time < time) // it happens for a few frames when server is respawning the player str = ""; // draw an empty string to not change suddenly scoreboard_bottom else str = sprintf(_("^1Respawning in ^3%s^1..."), (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals ? count_seconds_decs(respawn_time - time, autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals) : count_seconds(ceil(respawn_time - time)) ) ); } else if(time < respawn_time) { str = sprintf(_("You are dead, wait ^3%s^7 before respawning"), (autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals ? count_seconds_decs(respawn_time - time, autocvar_hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals) : count_seconds(ceil(respawn_time - time)) ) ); } else if(time >= respawn_time) str = sprintf(_("You are dead, press ^2%s^7 to respawn"), getcommandkey("jump", "+jump")); pos.y += 1.2 * hud_fontsize.y; drawcolorcodedstring(pos + '0.5 0 0' * (panel_size.x - stringwidth(str, true, hud_fontsize)), str, hud_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } scoreboard_bottom = pos.y + 2 * hud_fontsize.y; }