#include "resources.qh" /// \file /// \brief Source file that contains implementation of the resource system. /// \copyright GNU GPLv2 or any later version. float GetResourceAmount(entity e, int resource_type) { .float resource_field = GetResourceField(resource_type); return e.(resource_field); } bool SetResourceAmountExplicit(entity e, int resource_type, float amount) { .float resource_field = GetResourceField(resource_type); if (e.(resource_field) != amount) { e.(resource_field) = amount; return true; } return false; } void SetResourceAmount(entity e, int resource_type, float amount) { SetResourceAmountExplicit(e, resource_type, amount); } void TakeResource(entity receiver, int resource_type, float amount) { if (amount == 0) { return; } SetResourceAmount(receiver, resource_type, GetResourceAmount(receiver, resource_type) - amount); } void TakeResourceWithLimit(entity receiver, int resource_type, float amount, float limit) { if (amount == 0) { return; } float current_amount = GetResourceAmount(receiver, resource_type); if (current_amount - amount < limit) { amount = limit + current_amount; } TakeResource(receiver, resource_type, amount); } int GetResourceType(.float resource_field) { switch (resource_field) { case health: { return RESOURCE_HEALTH; } case armorvalue: { return RESOURCE_ARMOR; } case ammo_shells: { return RESOURCE_SHELLS; } case ammo_nails: { return RESOURCE_BULLETS; } case ammo_rockets: { return RESOURCE_ROCKETS; } case ammo_cells: { return RESOURCE_CELLS; } case ammo_plasma: { return RESOURCE_PLASMA; } case ammo_fuel: { return RESOURCE_FUEL; } } error("GetResourceType: Invalid field."); return 0; } .float GetResourceField(int resource_type) { switch (resource_type) { case RESOURCE_HEALTH: { return health; } case RESOURCE_ARMOR: { return armorvalue; } case RESOURCE_SHELLS: { return ammo_shells; } case RESOURCE_BULLETS: { return ammo_nails; } case RESOURCE_ROCKETS: { return ammo_rockets; } case RESOURCE_CELLS: { return ammo_cells; } case RESOURCE_PLASMA: { return ammo_plasma; } case RESOURCE_FUEL: { return ammo_fuel; } } error("GetResourceField: Invalid resource type."); return health; }