#ifndef MUTATOR_DAMAGETEXT_H #define MUTATOR_DAMAGETEXT_H #ifdef MENUQC #include #endif #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION REGISTER_MUTATOR(damagetext, true); #if defined(CSQC) || defined(MENUQC) AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext, bool, false, _("Draw damage dealt where you hit the enemy")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_format, string, "-%3$$d", _("How to format the damage text. 1$ is health, 2$ is armor, 3$ is both")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_color, vector, '1 1 0', _("Damage text color")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_color_per_weapon, bool, false, _("Damage text uses weapon color")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_size, float, 8, _("Damage text font size")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_alpha_start, float, 1, _("Damage text initial alpha")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_alpha_lifetime, float, 3, _("Damage text lifetime in seconds")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_velocity, vector, '0 0 20', _("Damage text move direction")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_offset, vector, '0 -40 0', _("Damage text offset")); AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_damagetext_accumulate_range, float, 30, _("Damage text spawned within this range is accumulated")); #endif #ifdef CSQC CLASS(DamageText, Object) ATTRIB(DamageText, m_color, vector, autocvar_cl_damagetext_color) ATTRIB(DamageText, m_size, float, autocvar_cl_damagetext_size) ATTRIB(DamageText, alpha, float, autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_start) ATTRIB(DamageText, fade_rate, float, 1 / autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_lifetime) ATTRIB(DamageText, velocity, vector, autocvar_cl_damagetext_velocity) ATTRIB(DamageText, m_group, int, 0) ATTRIB(DamageText, m_damage, int, 0) ATTRIB(DamageText, m_armordamage, int, 0) ATTRIB(DamageText, m_deathtype, int, 0) ATTRIB(DamageText, time_prev, float, time) void DamageText_draw2d(DamageText this) { float dt = time - this.time_prev; this.time_prev = time; setorigin(this, this.origin + dt * this.velocity); this.alpha -= dt * this.fade_rate; if (this.alpha < 0) remove(this); vector pos = project_3d_to_2d(this.origin) + autocvar_cl_damagetext_offset; if (pos.z >= 0 && this.m_size > 0) { pos.z = 0; vector rgb = this.m_color; if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_color_per_weapon) { Weapon w = DEATH_WEAPONOF(this.m_deathtype); if (w != WEP_Null) rgb = w.wpcolor; } string s = sprintf(autocvar_cl_damagetext_format, this.m_damage, this.m_armordamage, this.m_damage + this.m_armordamage); drawcolorcodedstring2(pos, s, this.m_size * '1 1 0', rgb, this.alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } ATTRIB(DamageText, draw2d, void(DamageText), DamageText_draw2d) void DamageText_update(DamageText this, vector _origin, int _health, int _armor, int _deathtype) { this.m_damage = _health; this.m_armordamage = _armor; this.m_deathtype = _deathtype; setorigin(this, _origin); this.alpha = 1; } CONSTRUCTOR(DamageText, int _group, vector _origin, int _health, int _armor, int _deathtype) { CONSTRUCT(DamageText); this.m_group = _group; DamageText_update(this, _origin, _health, _armor, _deathtype); } ENDCLASS(DamageText) #endif REGISTER_NET_TEMP(damagetext) #ifdef SVQC AUTOCVAR(sv_damagetext, int, 2, _("<= 0: disabled, >= 1: spectators, >= 2: players, >= 3: all players")); #define SV_DAMAGETEXT_DISABLED() (autocvar_sv_damagetext <= 0 /* disabled */) #define SV_DAMAGETEXT_SPECTATORS_ONLY() (autocvar_sv_damagetext >= 1 /* spectators only */) #define SV_DAMAGETEXT_PLAYERS() (autocvar_sv_damagetext >= 2 /* players */) #define SV_DAMAGETEXT_ALL() (autocvar_sv_damagetext >= 3 /* all players */) MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(damagetext, PlayerDamaged) { if (SV_DAMAGETEXT_DISABLED()) return; const entity attacker = MUTATOR_ARGV(0, entity); const entity hit = MUTATOR_ARGV(1, entity); if (hit == attacker) return; const int health = MUTATOR_ARGV(0, int); const int armor = MUTATOR_ARGV(1, int); const int deathtype = MUTATOR_ARGV(2, int); const vector location = hit.origin; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), LAMBDA( if ( (SV_DAMAGETEXT_ALL()) || (SV_DAMAGETEXT_PLAYERS() && it == attacker) || (SV_DAMAGETEXT_SPECTATORS_ONLY() && IS_SPEC(it) && it.enemy == attacker) || (SV_DAMAGETEXT_SPECTATORS_ONLY() && IS_OBSERVER(it)) ) { msg_entity = it; WriteHeader(MSG_ONE, damagetext); WriteShort(MSG_ONE, health); WriteShort(MSG_ONE, armor); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, hit); WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, location.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, location.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, location.z); WriteInt24_t(MSG_ONE, deathtype); } )); } #endif #ifdef CSQC NET_HANDLE(damagetext, bool isNew) { int health = ReadShort(); int armor = ReadShort(); int group = ReadShort(); vector location = vec3(ReadCoord(), ReadCoord(), ReadCoord()); int deathtype = ReadInt24_t(); return = true; if (autocvar_cl_damagetext) { if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_accumulate_range) { for (entity e = findradius(location, autocvar_cl_damagetext_accumulate_range); e; e = e.chain) { if (e.instanceOfDamageText && e.m_group == group) { DamageText_update(e, location, e.m_damage + health, e.m_armordamage + armor, deathtype); return; } } } NEW(DamageText, group, location, health, armor, deathtype); } } #endif #ifdef MENUQC CLASS(XonoticDamageTextSettings, XonoticTab) #include REGISTER_SETTINGS(damagetext, NEW(XonoticDamageTextSettings)); ATTRIB(XonoticDamageTextSettings, title, string, _("Damage text")) ATTRIB(XonoticDamageTextSettings, intendedWidth, float, 0.9) ATTRIB(XonoticDamageTextSettings, rows, float, 15.5) ATTRIB(XonoticDamageTextSettings, columns, float, 5) INIT(XonoticDamageTextSettings) { this.configureDialog(this); } METHOD(XonoticDamageTextSettings, showNotify, void(entity this)) { loadAllCvars(this); } METHOD(XonoticDamageTextSettings, fill, void(entity this)) { this.gotoRC(this, 0, 1); this.setFirstColumn(this, this.currentColumn); this.TD(this, 1, 3, makeXonoticCheckBox(0, "cl_damagetext", _("Draw damage numbers"))); this.TR(this); this.TD(this, 1, 1, makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Font size:"))); this.TD(this, 1, 2, makeXonoticSlider(0, 50, 1, "cl_damagetext_size")); this.TR(this); this.TD(this, 1, 1, makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Accumulate range:"))); this.TD(this, 1, 2, makeXonoticSlider(0, 500, 1, "cl_damagetext_accumulate_range")); this.TR(this); this.TD(this, 1, 1, makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Lifetime:"))); this.TD(this, 1, 2, makeXonoticSlider(0, 10, 1, "cl_damagetext_alpha_lifetime")); this.TR(this); this.TD(this, 1, 1, makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Color:"))); this.TD(this, 2, 2, makeXonoticColorpickerString("cl_damagetext_color", "cl_damagetext_color")); } ENDCLASS(XonoticDamageTextSettings) #endif #endif