#include "net.qh" #ifdef GAMEQC #include "nades.qh" #ifdef CSQC .float ltime; void orb_draw(entity this) { float dt = time - this.move_time; this.move_time = time; if(dt <= 0) return; this.alpha = (this.ltime - time) / this.orb_lifetime; this.scale = min((1 - this.alpha)*this.orb_lifetime*4,1)*this.orb_radius; this.angles = this.angles + dt * this.avelocity; } void orb_setup(entity e) { setmodel(e, MDL_NADE_ORB); e.skin = 1; setorigin(e, e.origin); float model_radius = e.maxs.x; vector size = '1 1 1' * e.orb_radius / 2; setsize(e,-size,size); e.orb_radius = e.orb_radius/model_radius*0.6; e.draw = orb_draw; IL_PUSH(g_drawables, e); SetResourceAmountExplicit(e, RESOURCE_HEALTH, 255); set_movetype(e, MOVETYPE_NONE); e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; e.scale = 0.01; e.avelocity = '7 0 11'; e.renderflags |= RF_ADDITIVE; } #endif REGISTER_NET_LINKED(Nade_Orb) #ifdef CSQC NET_HANDLE(Nade_Orb, bool isNew) { Net_Accept(Nade_Orb); int sf = ReadByte(); if (sf & 1) { this.origin = ReadVector(); setorigin(this, this.origin); this.colormod = ReadVector(); this.orb_lifetime = ReadByte(); this.orb_radius = ReadShort(); this.ltime = time + ReadByte()/10.0; // this.ltime = time + this.orb_lifetime; orb_setup(this); } return true; } #endif #ifdef SVQC bool orb_send(entity this, entity to, int sf) { int channel = MSG_ENTITY; WriteHeader(channel, Nade_Orb); WriteByte(channel, sf); if (sf & 1) { WriteVector(channel, this.origin); WriteVector(channel, this.colormod); WriteByte(channel, this.orb_lifetime); //WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.ltime - time + 1); WriteShort(channel, this.orb_radius); // round time delta to a 1/10th of a second WriteByte(channel, (this.ltime - time)*10.0+0.5); } return true; } #endif #endif