// files (-1 for URL) .float url_fh; // URLs .string url_url; .float url_wbuf; .float url_wbufpos; .float url_rbuf; .float url_rbufpos; .float url_id; .url_ready_func url_ready; .entity url_ready_pass; entity url_fromid[NUM_URL_ID]; float autocvar__urllib_nextslot; float url_URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data) { if(id < MIN_URL_ID) return 0; id -= MIN_URL_ID; if(id >= NUM_URL_ID) return 0; entity e; e = url_fromid[id]; if(!e) return 0; if(e.url_rbuf >= 0 || e.url_wbuf >= 0) { print(sprintf("WARNING: handle %d (%s) has already received data?!?\n", id + NUM_URL_ID, e.url_url)); return 0; } // whatever happens, we will remove the URL from the list of IDs url_fromid[id] = world; if(status == 0) { // WE GOT DATA! float n, i; n = tokenizebyseparator(data, "\n"); e.url_rbuf = buf_create(); if(e.url_rbuf < 0) { print("url_URI_Get_Callback: out of memory in buf_create\n"); e.url_ready(e, e.url_ready_pass, URL_READY_ERROR); strunzone(e.url_url); remove(e); return 1; } e.url_rbufpos = 0; if(e.url_rbuf < 0) { print("url_URI_Get_Callback: out of memory in buf_create\n"); e.url_ready(e, e.url_ready_pass, URL_READY_ERROR); strunzone(e.url_url); remove(e); return 1; } for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) bufstr_set(e.url_rbuf, i, argv(i)); e.url_ready(e, e.url_ready_pass, URL_READY_CANREAD); return 1; } else { // an ERROR e.url_ready(e, e.url_ready_pass, -status); strunzone(e.url_url); remove(e); return 1; } } void url_fopen(string url, float mode, url_ready_func rdy, entity pass) { entity e; float i; if(strstrofs(url, "://", 0) >= 0) { switch(mode) { case FILE_WRITE: case FILE_APPEND: // collect data to a stringbuffer for a POST request // attempts to close will result in a reading handle // create a writing end that does nothing yet e = spawn(); e.classname = "url_fopen_file"; e.url_url = strzone(url); e.url_fh = -1; e.url_wbuf = buf_create(); if(e.url_wbuf < 0) { print("url_fopen: out of memory in buf_create\n"); rdy(e, pass, URL_READY_ERROR); strunzone(e.url_url); remove(e); return; } e.url_wbufpos = 0; e.url_rbuf = -1; rdy(e, pass, URL_READY_CANWRITE); break; case FILE_READ: // read data only // get slot for HTTP request for(i = autocvar__urllib_nextslot; i < NUM_URL_ID; ++i) if(url_fromid[i] == world) break; if(i >= NUM_URL_ID) { for(i = 0; i < autocvar__urllib_nextslot; ++i) if(url_fromid[i] == world) break; if(i >= autocvar__urllib_nextslot) { print("url_fopen: too many concurrent requests\n"); rdy(world, pass, URL_READY_ERROR); return; } } // GET the data if(!crypto_uri_postbuf(url, i + MIN_URL_ID, string_null, string_null, -1, 0)) { print("url_fopen: failure in crypto_uri_postbuf\n"); rdy(world, pass, URL_READY_ERROR); return; } // Make a dummy handle object (no buffers at // all). Wait for data to come from the // server, then call the callback e = spawn(); e.classname = "url_fopen_file"; e.url_url = strzone(url); e.url_fh = -1; e.url_rbuf = -1; e.url_wbuf = -1; e.url_ready = rdy; e.url_ready_pass = pass; e.url_id = i; url_fromid[i] = e; // make sure this slot won't be reused quickly even on map change cvar_set("_urllib_nextslot", ftos(mod(i + 1, NUM_URL_ID))); break; } } else { float fh; fh = fopen(url, mode); if(fh < 0) { rdy(world, pass, URL_READY_ERROR); return; } else { e = spawn(); e.classname = "url_fopen_file"; e.url_fh = fh; if(mode == FILE_READ) rdy(e, pass, URL_READY_CANREAD); else rdy(e, pass, URL_READY_CANWRITE); } } } // close a file void url_fclose(entity e, url_ready_func rdy, entity pass) { float i; if(e.url_fh < 0) { // closing an URL! if(e.url_wbuf >= 0) { // we are closing the write end (HTTP POST request) // get slot for HTTP request for(i = autocvar__urllib_nextslot; i < NUM_URL_ID; ++i) if(url_fromid[i] == world) break; if(i >= NUM_URL_ID) { for(i = 0; i < autocvar__urllib_nextslot; ++i) if(url_fromid[i] == world) break; if(i >= autocvar__urllib_nextslot) { print("url_fclose: too many concurrent requests\n"); rdy(e, pass, URL_READY_ERROR); buf_del(e.url_wbuf); strunzone(e.url_url); remove(e); return; } } // POST the data if(!crypto_uri_postbuf(e.url_url, i + MIN_URL_ID, "text/plain", "", e.url_wbuf, 0)) { print("url_fclose: failure in crypto_uri_postbuf\n"); rdy(e, pass, URL_READY_ERROR); buf_del(e.url_wbuf); strunzone(e.url_url); remove(e); return; } // delete write end. File handle is now in unusable // state. Wait for data to come from the server, then // call the callback buf_del(e.url_wbuf); e.url_wbuf = -1; e.url_ready = rdy; e.url_ready_pass = pass; e.url_id = i; url_fromid[i] = e; // make sure this slot won't be reused quickly even on map change cvar_set("_urllib_nextslot", ftos(mod(i + 1, NUM_URL_ID))); } else { // we have READ all data, just close rdy(e, pass, URL_READY_CLOSED); buf_del(e.url_rbuf); strunzone(e.url_url); remove(e); } } else { // file fclose(e.url_fh); rdy(e, pass, URL_READY_CLOSED); // closing creates no reading handle remove(e); } } // with \n (blame FRIK_FILE) string url_fgets(entity e) { if(e.url_fh < 0) { // curl string s; s = bufstr_get(e.url_rbuf, e.url_rbufpos); e.url_rbufpos += 1; return s; } else { // file return fgets(e.url_fh); } } // without \n (blame FRIK_FILE) void url_fputs(entity e, string s) { if(e.url_fh < 0) { // curl bufstr_set(e.url_wbuf, e.url_wbufpos, s); e.url_wbufpos += 1; } else { // file fputs(e.url_fh, s); } }