#include "vehicles.qh" #ifdef GAMEQC float vehicle_altitude(entity this, float amax) { tracebox(this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin - ('0 0 1' * amax), MOVE_WORLDONLY, this); return vlen(this.origin - trace_endpos); } vector vehicles_force_fromtag_hover(entity this, string tag_name, float spring_length, float max_power) { force_fromtag_origin = gettaginfo(this, gettagindex(this, tag_name)); v_forward = normalize(v_forward) * -1; traceline(force_fromtag_origin, force_fromtag_origin - (v_forward * spring_length), MOVE_NORMAL, this); force_fromtag_power = (1 - trace_fraction) * max_power; force_fromtag_normpower = force_fromtag_power / max_power; return v_forward * force_fromtag_power; } vector vehicles_force_fromtag_maglev(entity this, string tag_name, float spring_length, float max_power) { force_fromtag_origin = gettaginfo(this, gettagindex(this, tag_name)); v_forward = normalize(v_forward) * -1; traceline(force_fromtag_origin, force_fromtag_origin - (v_forward * spring_length), MOVE_NORMAL, this); // TODO - this may NOT be compatible with wall/celing movement, unhardcode 0.25 (engine count multiplier) if(trace_fraction == 1.0) { force_fromtag_normpower = -0.25; return '0 0 -200'; } force_fromtag_power = ((1 - trace_fraction) - trace_fraction) * max_power; force_fromtag_normpower = force_fromtag_power / max_power; return v_forward * force_fromtag_power; } #endif