#include "config.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include #include #endif // ========================== // Balance Config Generator // ========================== void W_Config_Queue(string setting) { if (WEP_CONFIG_COUNT <= MAX_CONFIG_SETTINGS - 1) config_queue[WEP_CONFIG_COUNT++] = setting; } void W_Config_Queue_Swap(int root, int child, entity pass) { string oldroot = config_queue[root]; config_queue[root] = config_queue[child]; config_queue[child] = oldroot; } float W_Config_Queue_Compare(int root, int child, entity pass) { return strcmp(config_queue[root], config_queue[child]); } void Dump_Weapon_Settings() { int totalweapons = 0, totalsettings = 0; int wepcount = 1; #define WEP_CONFIG_WRITETOFILE(str) write_String_To_File(wep_config_file, str, wep_config_alsoprint) FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { if(it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_SPECIALATTACK) continue; // never include the attacks // step 1: clear the queue WEP_CONFIG_COUNT = 0; for (int x = 0; x < MAX_CONFIG_SETTINGS; ++x) config_queue[x] = string_null; // step 2: build new queue it.wr_config(it); if (WEP_CONFIG_COUNT > MAX_CONFIG_SETTINGS - 1) { LOG_INFOF("\n^1Dumping aborted^7: hit MAX_CONFIG_SETTINGS (%d) limit\n\n", MAX_CONFIG_SETTINGS); break; } // step 3: sort queue heapsort(WEP_CONFIG_COUNT, W_Config_Queue_Swap, W_Config_Queue_Compare, NULL); // step 4: write queue WEP_CONFIG_WRITETOFILE(sprintf( "// {{{ #%d: %s%s\n", wepcount, it.m_name, ((it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED) ? " (MUTATOR WEAPON)" : "") )); for (int x = 0; x < WEP_CONFIG_COUNT; ++x) WEP_CONFIG_WRITETOFILE(config_queue[x]); WEP_CONFIG_WRITETOFILE("// }}}\n"); // step 5: debug info LOG_INFOF("#%d: %s: %d settings...", i, it.m_name, WEP_CONFIG_COUNT); totalweapons += 1; totalsettings += WEP_CONFIG_COUNT; wepcount += 1; }); #undef WEP_CONFIG_WRITETOFILE // extra information if (WEP_CONFIG_COUNT <= MAX_CONFIG_SETTINGS - 1) LOG_INFOF("Totals: %d weapons, %d settings", totalweapons, totalsettings); // clear queue now that we're finished WEP_CONFIG_COUNT = 0; for (int x = 0; x < MAX_CONFIG_SETTINGS; ++x) config_queue[x] = string_null; }