#ifndef CVAR_H #define CVAR_H #include "nil.qh" #include "static.qh" void RegisterCvars(void(string name, string def, string desc, bool archive, string file) f) { } /** escape the string to make it safe for consoles */ string MakeConsoleSafe(string input) { input = strreplace("\n", "", input); input = strreplace("\\", "\\\\", input); input = strreplace("$", "$$", input); input = strreplace("\"", "\\\"", input); return input; } void RegisterCvars_Set(string name, string def, string desc, bool archive, string file) { string val = string_null; if (cvar_type(name) & CVAR_TYPEFLAG_EXISTS) { val = cvar_string(name); // Need to unset first to change the default localcmd(sprintf("\nunset %s\n", name)); } localcmd(sprintf("\n%s %s \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", (archive ? "seta" : "set"), name, MakeConsoleSafe(def), MakeConsoleSafe(desc))); if (val) { localcmd(sprintf("\n%s \"%s\"\n", name, MakeConsoleSafe(val))); } } #ifndef SVQC STATIC_INIT_LATE(Cvars) { RegisterCvars(RegisterCvars_Set); } #endif const noref bool default_bool = false; const noref int default_int = 0; const noref float default_float = 0; const noref string default_string = ""; const noref vector default_vector = '0 0 0'; #define repr_cvar_bool(x) ((x) ? "1" : "0") #define repr_cvar_int(x) (ftos(x)) #define repr_cvar_float(x) (ftos(x)) #define repr_cvar_string(x) (x) #define repr_cvar_vector(x) (sprintf("%v", x)) #define __AUTOCVAR(file, archive, var, type, desc, default) \ [[accumulate]] void RegisterCvars(void(string, string, string, bool, string) f) { f(#var, repr_cvar_##type(default), desc, archive, file); } \ type autocvar_##var = default #define AUTOCVAR_5(file, archive, var, type, desc) \ __AUTOCVAR(file, archive, var, type, desc, default_##type) #define AUTOCVAR_6(file, archive, var, type, default, desc) \ __AUTOCVAR(file, archive, var, type, desc, default) #define _AUTOCVAR(...) EVAL(OVERLOAD(AUTOCVAR, __FILE__, __VA_ARGS__)) #define AUTOCVAR_SAVE(...) _AUTOCVAR(true, __VA_ARGS__) #define AUTOCVAR(...) _AUTOCVAR(false, __VA_ARGS__) #endif