#pragma once // Transition from global 'self' to local 'this' // Step 1: auto oldself #if 1 #define SELFPARAM() noref const entity this = self #endif // Step 2: const self #if 1 #define self (0, self) [[alias("self")]] entity __self; #define setself(s) (__self = s) #define WITHSELF(value, block) WITH(entity, __self, value, (0, block)) #endif // Step 3: propagate SELFPARAM() #if 1 #undef self #define self (this, self) #endif // Step 4: kill unstructured setself #if 0 #undef setself #endif // Step 5: this should work #if 0 #define self (0, this) #endif // Step 6: Remove SELFPARAM in favor of a parameter .void(entity this) selftouch; void touch_self() { SELFPARAM(); this.selftouch(this); } #define settouch(e, f) (e.touch = touch_self, e.selftouch = f) .void(entity this) selfuse; void use_self() { SELFPARAM(); this.selfuse(this); } #define setuse(e, f) (e.use = use_self, e.selfuse = f) .void(entity this) selfthink; void think_self() { SELFPARAM(); this.selfthink(this); } #define setthink(e, f) (e.think = think_self, e.selfthink = f)