#include "server.qh" #include "common.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef WARPZONELIB_KEEPDEBUG #define WARPZONELIB_REMOVEHACK #endif // for think function .vector warpzone_save_origin; .vector warpzone_save_angles; .vector warpzone_save_eorigin; .vector warpzone_save_eangles; // for all entities .vector warpzone_oldorigin, warpzone_oldvelocity, warpzone_oldangles; .float warpzone_teleport_time; .float warpzone_teleport_finishtime; .entity warpzone_teleport_zone; #ifdef SVQC #define WarpZone_StoreProjectileData(e_) MACRO_BEGIN { \ entity e = e_; \ e.warpzone_oldorigin = e.origin; \ e.warpzone_oldvelocity = e.velocity; \ e.warpzone_oldangles = e.angles; \ } MACRO_END #elif defined(CSQC) #define WarpZone_StoreProjectileData(e_) MACRO_BEGIN { \ entity e = e_; \ e.warpzone_oldorigin = e.move_origin; \ e.warpzone_oldvelocity = e.move_velocity; \ e.warpzone_oldangles = e.move_angles; \ } MACRO_END #endif void WarpZone_TeleportPlayer(entity teleporter, entity player, vector to, vector to_angles, vector to_velocity) { #ifdef SVQC setorigin (player, to); // NOTE: this also aborts the move, when this is called by touch player.oldorigin = to; // for DP's unsticking player.angles = to_angles; player.fixangle = true; player.velocity = to_velocity; #elif defined(CSQC) player.move_origin = to; player.move_angles = to_angles; player.move_velocity = to_velocity; #endif BITXOR_ASSIGN(player.effects, EF_TELEPORT_BIT); if(IS_PLAYER(player)) #ifdef SVQC BITCLR_ASSIGN(player.flags, FL_ONGROUND); #elif defined(CSQC) BITCLR_ASSIGN(player.move_flags, FL_ONGROUND); #endif WarpZone_PostTeleportPlayer_Callback(player); } #ifdef SVQC bool WarpZone_Teleported_Send(entity this, entity to, int sf) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_TELEPORTED); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.angles.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.angles.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.angles.z); return true; } #endif float WarpZone_Teleport(entity wz, entity player, float f0, float f1) { vector o0, a0, v0, o1, a1, v1, o10; #ifdef SVQC o0 = player.origin + player.view_ofs; v0 = player.velocity; a0 = player.angles; #elif defined(CSQC) o0 = player.move_origin + player.view_ofs; v0 = player.move_velocity; a0 = player.move_angles; #endif o10 = o1 = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(wz, o0); v1 = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(wz, v0); if (!IS_NOT_A_CLIENT(player)) a1 = WarpZone_TransformVAngles(wz, PHYS_INPUT_ANGLES(player)); else a1 = WarpZone_TransformAngles(wz, a0); if(f0 != 0 || f1 != 0) { // retry last move but behind the warpzone! // we must first go back as far as we can, then forward again, to not cause double touch events! tracebox(o1 - player.view_ofs + v1 * frametime * f1, player.mins, player.maxs, o1 - player.view_ofs + v1 * frametime * f0, MOVE_WORLDONLY, player); { entity own; own = player.owner; player.owner = world; tracebox(trace_endpos, player.mins, player.maxs, o1 - player.view_ofs + v1 * frametime * f1, MOVE_NORMAL, player); // this should get us through the warpzone player.owner = own; } o1 = trace_endpos + player.view_ofs; float d, dv, md; md = max(vlen(player.mins), vlen(player.maxs)); d = WarpZone_TargetPlaneDist(wz, o1); dv = WarpZone_TargetPlaneDist(wz, v1); if(d < 0) o1 = o1 - v1 * (d / dv); } // put him out of solid tracebox(o1 - player.view_ofs, player.mins, player.maxs, o1 - player.view_ofs, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, player); if(trace_startsolid) { setorigin(player, o1 - player.view_ofs); if(WarpZoneLib_MoveOutOfSolid(player)) { o1 = player.origin + player.view_ofs; setorigin(player, o0 - player.view_ofs); } else { LOG_INFO("would have to put player in solid, won't do that\n"); setorigin(player, o0 - player.view_ofs); return 0; } } // do the teleport WarpZone_RefSys_Add(player, wz); WarpZone_TeleportPlayer(wz, player, o1 - player.view_ofs, a1, v1); WarpZone_StoreProjectileData(player); player.warpzone_teleport_time = time; player.warpzone_teleport_finishtime = time; player.warpzone_teleport_zone = wz; #ifdef SVQC // prevent further teleports back float dt = (o1 - o10) * v1 * (1 / (v1 * v1)); if(dt < PHYS_INPUT_FRAMETIME) player.warpzone_teleport_finishtime += PHYS_INPUT_FRAMETIME - dt; #endif #ifndef WARPZONE_USE_FIXANGLE #ifdef SVQC if(IS_VEHICLE(player) && player.owner) player = player.owner; // hax if(IS_PLAYER(player)) { // instead of fixangle, send the transform to the client for smoother operation player.fixangle = false; entity ts = new(warpzone_teleported); setmodel(ts, MDL_Null); ts.SendEntity = SendEntity_self; ts.SendEntity3 = WarpZone_Teleported_Send; ts.SendFlags = 0xFFFFFF; ts.drawonlytoclient = player; setthink(ts, SUB_Remove); ts.nextthink = time + 1; ts.owner = player; ts.enemy = wz; ts.effects = EF_NODEPTHTEST; ts.angles = wz.warpzone_transform; } #elif defined(CSQC) setproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES, WarpZone_TransformVAngles(wz, getpropertyvec(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES))); //if(checkextension("DP_CSQC_ROTATEMOVES")) //CL_RotateMoves(wz.warpzone_transform); #endif #endif return 1; } void WarpZone_Touch (entity this) { if(other.classname == "trigger_warpzone") return; if(time <= other.warpzone_teleport_finishtime) // already teleported this frame return; // FIXME needs a better check to know what is safe to teleport and what not #ifdef SVQC if(other.movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || other.movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW || other.tag_entity) #elif defined(CSQC) if(other.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || other.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW || other.tag_networkentity) #endif return; if(WarpZoneLib_ExactTrigger_Touch(self, other)) return; #ifdef SVQC if(WarpZone_PlaneDist(this, other.origin + other.view_ofs) >= 0) // wrong side of the trigger_warpzone (don't teleport yet) #elif defined(CSQC) if(WarpZone_PlaneDist(this, other.move_origin + other.view_ofs) >= 0) // wrong side of the trigger_warpzone (don't teleport yet) #endif return; float f; // number of frames we need to go back: // dist = 16*sqrt(2) qu // dist ~ 24 qu // 24 qu = v*t // 24 qu = v*frametime*n // n = 24 qu/(v*frametime) // for clients go only one frame though, may be too irritating otherwise // but max 0.25 sec = 0.25/frametime frames // 24/(0.25/frametime) // 96*frametime float d; d = 24 + max(vlen(other.mins), vlen(other.maxs)); if(IS_NOT_A_CLIENT(other)) #ifdef SVQC f = -d / bound(frametime * d * 1, frametime * vlen(other.velocity), d); #elif defined(CSQC) f = -d / bound(frametime * d * 1, frametime * vlen(other.move_velocity), d); #endif else f = -1; if(WarpZone_Teleport(this, other, f, 0)) { #ifdef SVQC string save1, save2; save1 = this.target; this.target = string_null; save2 = this.target3; this.target3 = string_null; SUB_UseTargets(this, other, other); // use other too? if (!this.target) this.target = save1; if (!this.target3) this.target3 = save2; save1 = this.target; this.target = string_null; save2 = this.target2; this.target2 = string_null; SUB_UseTargets(this.enemy, other, other); // use other too? if (!this.target) this.target = save1; if (!this.target2) this.target2 = save2; #endif } else { LOG_TRACE("WARPZONE FAIL AHAHAHAHAH))\n"); } } #ifdef SVQC bool WarpZone_Send(entity this, entity to, int sendflags) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE); // we must send this flag for clientside to match properly too int f = 0; if(this.warpzone_isboxy) BITSET_ASSIGN(f, 1); if(this.warpzone_fadestart) BITSET_ASSIGN(f, 2); if(this.origin != '0 0 0') BITSET_ASSIGN(f, 4); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, f); // we need THESE to render the warpzone (and cull properly)... if(f & 4) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin.z); } WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.modelindex); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.mins.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.mins.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.mins.z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.maxs.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.maxs.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.maxs.z); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, bound(1, this.scale * 16, 255)); // we need THESE to calculate the proper transform WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_origin.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_origin.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_origin.z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_angles.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_angles.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_angles.z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_targetorigin.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_targetorigin.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_targetorigin.z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_targetangles.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_targetangles.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_targetangles.z); if(f & 2) { WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_fadestart); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_fadeend); } return true; } bool WarpZone_Camera_Send(entity this, entity to, int sendflags) { int f = 0; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_CAMERA); if(this.warpzone_fadestart) BITSET_ASSIGN(f, 2); if(this.origin != '0 0 0') BITSET_ASSIGN(f, 4); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, f); // we need THESE to render the warpzone (and cull properly)... if(f & 4) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin.z); } WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.modelindex); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.mins.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.mins.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.mins.z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.maxs.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.maxs.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.maxs.z); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, bound(1, this.scale * 16, 255)); // we need THESE to calculate the proper transform WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.origin.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.origin.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.origin.z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.angles.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.angles.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.angles.z); if(f & 2) { WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_fadestart); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.warpzone_fadeend); } return true; } #ifdef WARPZONELIB_KEEPDEBUG float WarpZone_CheckProjectileImpact(entity player) { vector o0, v0; .vector orgvec, velvec; #ifdef SVQC orgvec = origin; velvec = velocity; #elif defined(CSQC) orgvec = move_origin; velvec = move_velocity; #endif o0 = player.orgvec + player.view_ofs; v0 = player.velvec; // if we teleported shortly before, abort if(time <= player.warpzone_teleport_finishtime + 0.1) return 0; // if player hit a warpzone, abort entity wz; wz = WarpZone_Find(o0 + player.mins, o0 + player.maxs); if(!wz) return 0; #ifdef WARPZONELIB_REMOVEHACK LOG_INFO("impactfilter found something - and it no longer gets handled correctly - please tell divVerent whether anything behaves broken now\n"); #else LOG_INFO("impactfilter found something - and it even gets handled correctly - please tell divVerent that this code apparently gets triggered again\n"); #endif LOG_INFO("Entity type: ", player.classname, "\n"); LOG_INFO("Origin: ", vtos(player.orgvec), "\n"); LOG_INFO("Velocity: ", vtos(player.velvec), "\n"); #ifdef WARPZONELIB_REMOVEHACK return 0; #else // retry previous move #ifdef SVQC setorigin(player, player.warpzone_oldorigin); #elif defined(CSQC) player.move_origin = player.warpzone_oldorigin; #endif player.velvec = player.warpzone_oldvelocity; if(WarpZone_Teleport(wz, player, 0, 1)) { string save1, save2; save1 = wz.target; wz.target = string_null; save2 = wz.target3; wz.target3 = string_null; SUB_UseTargets(wz, player, player); if (!wz.target) wz.target = save1; if (!wz.target3) wz.target3 = save2; save1 = wz.enemy.target; wz.enemy.target = string_null; save2 = wz.enemy.target2; wz.enemy.target2 = string_null; SUB_UseTargets(wz.enemy, player, player); if (!wz.enemy.target) wz.enemy.target = save1; if (!wz.enemy.target2) wz.enemy.target2 = save2; } else { setorigin(player, o0 - player.view_ofs); player.velvec = v0; } return +1; #endif } #endif #endif float WarpZone_Projectile_Touch(entity this) { if(other.classname == "trigger_warpzone") return true; // no further impacts if we teleported this frame! // this is because even if we did teleport, the engine still may raise // touch events for the previous location // engine now aborts moves on teleport, so this SHOULD not happen any more // but if this is called from TouchAreaGrid of the projectile moving, // then this won't do if(time == this.warpzone_teleport_time) return true; #ifdef SVQC #ifdef WARPZONELIB_KEEPDEBUG // this SEEMS to not happen at the moment, but if it did, it would be more reliable { float save_dpstartcontents; float save_dphitcontents; float save_dphitq3surfaceflags; string save_dphittexturename; float save_allsolid; float save_startsolid; float save_fraction; vector save_endpos; vector save_plane_normal; float save_plane_dist; entity save_ent; float save_inopen; float save_inwater; save_dpstartcontents = trace_dpstartcontents; save_dphitcontents = trace_dphitcontents; save_dphitq3surfaceflags = trace_dphitq3surfaceflags; save_dphittexturename = trace_dphittexturename; save_allsolid = trace_allsolid; save_startsolid = trace_startsolid; save_fraction = trace_fraction; save_endpos = trace_endpos; save_plane_normal = trace_plane_normal; save_plane_dist = trace_plane_dist; save_ent = trace_ent; save_inopen = trace_inopen; save_inwater = trace_inwater; float f = WarpZone_CheckProjectileImpact(this); if (f) return (f > 0); trace_dpstartcontents = save_dpstartcontents; trace_dphitcontents = save_dphitcontents; trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = save_dphitq3surfaceflags; trace_dphittexturename = save_dphittexturename; trace_allsolid = save_allsolid; trace_startsolid = save_startsolid; trace_fraction = save_fraction; trace_endpos = save_endpos; trace_plane_normal = save_plane_normal; trace_plane_dist = save_plane_dist; trace_ent = save_ent; trace_inopen = save_inopen; trace_inwater = save_inwater; } #endif if(WarpZone_Projectile_Touch_ImpactFilter_Callback(this, other)) return true; #endif return false; } #ifdef SVQC void WarpZone_InitStep_FindOriginTarget(entity this) { if(this.killtarget != "") { this.aiment = find(world, targetname, this.killtarget); if(this.aiment == world) { error("Warp zone with nonexisting killtarget"); return; } this.killtarget = string_null; } } void WarpZonePosition_InitStep_FindTarget(entity this) { if(this.target == "") { error("Warp zone position with no target"); return; } this.enemy = find(world, targetname, this.target); if(this.enemy == world) { error("Warp zone position with nonexisting target"); return; } if(this.enemy.aiment) { // already is positioned error("Warp zone position targeting already oriented warpzone"); return; } this.enemy.aiment = this; } void WarpZoneCamera_Think(entity this) { if(this.warpzone_save_origin != this.origin || this.warpzone_save_angles != this.angles || this.warpzone_save_eorigin != this.enemy.origin || this.warpzone_save_eangles != this.enemy.angles) { WarpZone_Camera_SetUp(this, this.enemy.origin, this.enemy.angles); this.warpzone_save_origin = this.origin; this.warpzone_save_angles = this.angles; this.warpzone_save_eorigin = this.enemy.origin; this.warpzone_save_eangles = this.enemy.angles; } this.nextthink = time; } void WarpZoneCamera_InitStep_FindTarget(entity this) { entity e; float i; if(this.target == "") { error("Camera with no target"); return; } this.enemy = world; for(e = world, i = 0; (e = find(e, targetname, this.target)); ) if(random() * ++i < 1) this.enemy = e; if(this.enemy == world) { error("Camera with nonexisting target"); return; } warpzone_cameras_exist = 1; WarpZone_Camera_SetUp(this, this.enemy.origin, this.enemy.angles); this.SendFlags = 0xFFFFFF; if(this.spawnflags & 1) { setthink(this, WarpZoneCamera_Think); this.nextthink = time; } else this.nextthink = 0; } void WarpZone_InitStep_UpdateTransform(entity this) { vector org, ang, norm, point; float area; vector tri, a, b, c, n; float i_s, i_t, n_t; string tex; org = this.origin; if(org == '0 0 0') org = 0.5 * (this.mins + this.maxs); norm = point = '0 0 0'; area = 0; for(i_s = 0; ; ++i_s) { tex = getsurfacetexture(this, i_s); if (!tex) break; // this is beyond the last one if(tex == "textures/common/trigger" || tex == "trigger") continue; n_t = getsurfacenumtriangles(this, i_s); for(i_t = 0; i_t < n_t; ++i_t) { tri = getsurfacetriangle(this, i_s, i_t); a = getsurfacepoint(this, i_s, tri.x); b = getsurfacepoint(this, i_s, tri.y); c = getsurfacepoint(this, i_s, tri.z); n = cross(c - a, b - a); area = area + vlen(n); norm = norm + n; point = point + vlen(n) * (a + b + c); } } if(area > 0) { norm = norm * (1 / area); point = point * (1 / (3 * area)); if(vdist(norm, <, 0.99)) { LOG_INFO("trigger_warpzone near ", vtos(this.aiment.origin), " is nonplanar. BEWARE.\n"); area = 0; // no autofixing in this case } norm = normalize(norm); } ang = '0 0 0'; if(this.aiment) { org = this.aiment.origin; ang = this.aiment.angles; if(area > 0) { org = org - ((org - point) * norm) * norm; // project to plane makevectors(ang); if(norm * v_forward < 0) { LOG_INFO("Position target of trigger_warpzone near ", vtos(this.aiment.origin), " points into trigger_warpzone. BEWARE.\n"); norm = -1 * norm; } ang = vectoangles2(norm, v_up); // keep rotation, but turn exactly against plane ang.x = -ang.x; if(norm * v_forward < 0.99) LOG_INFO("trigger_warpzone near ", vtos(this.aiment.origin), " has been turned to match plane orientation (", vtos(this.aiment.angles), " -> ", vtos(ang), "\n"); if(vdist(org - this.aiment.origin, >, 0.5)) LOG_INFO("trigger_warpzone near ", vtos(this.aiment.origin), " has been moved to match the plane (", vtos(this.aiment.origin), " -> ", vtos(org), ").\n"); } } else if(area > 0) { org = point; ang = vectoangles(norm); ang.x = -ang.x; } else error("cannot infer origin/angles for this warpzone, please use a killtarget or a trigger_warpzone_position"); this.warpzone_origin = org; this.warpzone_angles = ang; } void WarpZone_InitStep_ClearTarget(entity this) { if(this.enemy) this.enemy.enemy = world; this.enemy = world; } entity warpzone_first; .entity warpzone_next; void WarpZone_InitStep_FindTarget(entity this) { float i; entity e, e2; if(this.enemy) return; // this way only one of the two ents needs to target if(this.target != "") { this.enemy = this; // so the if(!e.enemy) check also skips this, saves one IF e2 = world; for(e = world, i = 0; (e = find(e, targetname, this.target)); ) if(!e.enemy) if(e.classname == this.classname) // possibly non-warpzones may use the same targetname! if(random() * ++i < 1) e2 = e; if(!e2) { this.enemy = world; error("Warpzone with non-existing target"); return; } this.enemy = e2; e2.enemy = this; } } void WarpZone_Think(entity this); void WarpZone_InitStep_FinalizeTransform(entity this) { if(!this.enemy || this.enemy.enemy != this) { error("Invalid warp zone detected. Killed."); return; } warpzone_warpzones_exist = 1; WarpZone_SetUp(this, this.warpzone_origin, this.warpzone_angles, this.enemy.warpzone_origin, this.enemy.warpzone_angles); settouch(this, WarpZone_Touch); this.SendFlags = 0xFFFFFF; if(this.spawnflags & 1) { setthink(this, WarpZone_Think); this.nextthink = time; } else this.nextthink = 0; } float warpzone_initialized; //entity warpzone_first; entity warpzone_position_first; entity warpzone_camera_first; .entity warpzone_next; spawnfunc(misc_warpzone_position) { // "target", "angles", "origin" this.warpzone_next = warpzone_position_first; warpzone_position_first = this; } spawnfunc(trigger_warpzone_position) { spawnfunc_misc_warpzone_position(this); } spawnfunc(trigger_warpzone) { // warp zone entities must have: // "killtarget" pointing to a target_position with a direction arrow // that points AWAY from the warp zone, and that is inside // the warp zone trigger // "target" pointing to an identical warp zone at another place in // the map, with another killtarget to designate its // orientation if(!this.scale) this.scale = this.modelscale; if(!this.scale) this.scale = 1; string m; m = this.model; WarpZoneLib_ExactTrigger_Init(this); if(m != "") { precache_model(m); _setmodel(this, m); // no precision needed } setorigin(this, this.origin); if(this.scale) setsize(this, this.mins * this.scale, this.maxs * this.scale); else setsize(this, this.mins, this.maxs); this.SendEntity = SendEntity_self; this.SendEntity3 = WarpZone_Send; this.SendFlags = 0xFFFFFF; BITSET_ASSIGN(this.effects, EF_NODEPTHTEST); this.warpzone_next = warpzone_first; warpzone_first = this; } spawnfunc(func_camera) { if(!this.scale) this.scale = this.modelscale; if(!this.scale) this.scale = 1; if(this.model != "") { precache_model(this.model); _setmodel(this, this.model); // no precision needed } setorigin(this, this.origin); if(this.scale) setsize(this, this.mins * this.scale, this.maxs * this.scale); else setsize(this, this.mins, this.maxs); if(!this.solid) this.solid = SOLID_BSP; else if(this.solid < 0) this.solid = SOLID_NOT; this.SendEntity = SendEntity_self; this.SendEntity3 = WarpZone_Camera_Send; this.SendFlags = 0xFFFFFF; this.warpzone_next = warpzone_camera_first; warpzone_camera_first = this; } void WarpZones_Reconnect() { for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) WarpZone_InitStep_ClearTarget(e); for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) WarpZone_InitStep_FindTarget(e); for(entity e = warpzone_camera_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) WarpZoneCamera_InitStep_FindTarget(e); for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) WarpZone_InitStep_FinalizeTransform(e); } void WarpZone_Think(entity this) { if(this.warpzone_save_origin != this.origin || this.warpzone_save_angles != this.angles || this.warpzone_save_eorigin != this.enemy.origin || this.warpzone_save_eangles != this.enemy.angles) { WarpZone_InitStep_UpdateTransform(this); WarpZone_InitStep_UpdateTransform(this.enemy); WarpZone_InitStep_FinalizeTransform(this); WarpZone_InitStep_FinalizeTransform(this.enemy); this.warpzone_save_origin = this.origin; this.warpzone_save_angles = this.angles; this.warpzone_save_eorigin = this.enemy.origin; this.warpzone_save_eangles = this.enemy.angles; } this.nextthink = time; } void WarpZone_StartFrame() { if (!warpzone_initialized) { warpzone_initialized = true; for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) WarpZone_InitStep_FindOriginTarget(e); for(entity e = warpzone_position_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) WarpZonePosition_InitStep_FindTarget(e); for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) WarpZone_InitStep_UpdateTransform(e); WarpZones_Reconnect(); WarpZone_PostInitialize_Callback(); } entity oldother = other; FOREACH_ENTITY(!is_pure(it), { if(warpzone_warpzones_exist) WarpZone_StoreProjectileData(it); if(IS_OBSERVER(it) || it.solid == SOLID_NOT) if(IS_CLIENT(it)) // we don't care about it being a bot { other = it; // player // warpzones if (warpzone_warpzones_exist) { entity e = WarpZone_Find(it.origin + it.mins, it.origin + it.maxs); if (e) if (!WarpZoneLib_ExactTrigger_Touch(e, other)) if (WarpZone_PlaneDist(e, it.origin + it.view_ofs) <= 0) WarpZone_Teleport(e, it, -1, 0); // NOT triggering targets by this! } // teleporters if(other.teleportable) { entity ent = Teleport_Find(it.origin + it.mins, it.origin + it.maxs); if (ent) if (!WarpZoneLib_ExactTrigger_Touch(ent, other)) Simple_TeleportPlayer(ent, other); // NOT triggering targets by this! } } }); other = oldother; } .float warpzone_reconnecting; bool visible_to_some_client(entity ent) { FOREACH_ENTITY(!IS_NOT_A_CLIENT(it), LAMBDA( if (IS_PLAYER(it) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && checkpvs(it.origin + it.view_ofs, ent)) return true; )); return false; } void trigger_warpzone_reconnect_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { // NOTE: this matches for target, not targetname, but of course // targetname must be set too on the other entities for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) e.warpzone_reconnecting = ((this.target == "" || e.target == this.target) && !((this.spawnflags & 1) && (visible_to_some_client(e) || visible_to_some_client(e.enemy)))); for(entity e = warpzone_camera_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) e.warpzone_reconnecting = ((this.target == "" || e.target == this.target) && !((this.spawnflags & 1) && visible_to_some_client(e))); for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) if(e.warpzone_reconnecting) WarpZone_InitStep_ClearTarget(e); for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) if(e.warpzone_reconnecting) WarpZone_InitStep_FindTarget(e); for(entity e = warpzone_camera_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) if(e.warpzone_reconnecting) WarpZoneCamera_InitStep_FindTarget(e); for(entity e = warpzone_first; e; e = e.warpzone_next) if(e.warpzone_reconnecting || e.enemy.warpzone_reconnecting) WarpZone_InitStep_FinalizeTransform(e); } spawnfunc(trigger_warpzone_reconnect) { this.use = trigger_warpzone_reconnect_use; } spawnfunc(target_warpzone_reconnect) { spawnfunc_trigger_warpzone_reconnect(this); // both names make sense here :( } void WarpZone_PlayerPhysics_FixVAngle(entity this) { #ifndef WARPZONE_DONT_FIX_VANGLE if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) if(this.v_angle.z <= 360) // if not already adjusted if(time - this.ping * 0.001 < this.warpzone_teleport_time) { this.v_angle = WarpZone_TransformVAngles(this.warpzone_teleport_zone, this.v_angle); this.v_angle_z += 720; // mark as adjusted } #endif } #endif