#pragma once #ifdef SVQC entity warpzone_first; .entity warpzone_next; void WarpZone_StartFrame(); float WarpZone_Projectile_Touch(entity this, entity toucher); // THESE must be defined by calling QC code: void WarpZone_PostTeleportPlayer_Callback(entity pl); bool WarpZone_Projectile_Touch_ImpactFilter_Callback(entity this, entity toucher); // server must also define a float called ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE for the initial byte of WarpZone entities //const float ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE; //const float ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_CAMERA; void WarpZone_PlayerPhysics_FixVAngle(entity this); void WarpZone_PostInitialize_Callback(); #endif